Sunday, January 16, 2022

National School Board Association ‘At Risk Of Total Collapse’ Following Letter Comparing Parents To ‘Domestic Terrorists’

 The Daily Wire

"The National School Boards Association (NSBA) continues to struggle following its controversial letter to the Biden administration urging the Department of Justice to target parents who speak out at school board meetings.

"According to The Washington Post, the organization is “at risk of total collapse” following the ongoing controversy.

“Nineteen mostly GOP-led states have withdrawn from the association or promised to when this year’s membership expires, and six members of what was a 19-person board have left. Several states are discussing forming an alternative association for school boards. A new executive director of the National School Boards Association (NSBA) is working to save the organization, lobbying individual states to reconsider, but so far he has not persuaded any of them to change their minds,” the outlet reported.

"John Heim, the new executive director, told the Post that he hopes “they’ll give us a chance” and that his goal is to “rebuild trust” in the organization.

"The news comes after it was reported that Education Secretary Miguel Cardona “solicited” the NSBA’s letter comparing parents protesting COVID-19 policies and the teaching of Critical Race Theory to domestic terrorism, The Daily Wire reported. The letter suggested that “as these acts of malice, violence, and threats against public school officials have increased, the classification of these heinous actions could be the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes.”

" 'The DOJ used the letter to direct the FBI to assist local law enforcement and use federal laws like the Patriot Act to crack down on parent protests. Newly released emails show that Cardona reached out to the NSBA to write the letter." . . .

Has Secretary Cardona Declared an Unwinnable War on American Parents? - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics   "Education secretary Miguel Cardona seems to be competing with Attorney General Merrick Garland in having school board critics bullied as “domestic terrorists.” . . .

Noem releases ad touting transgender athlete ban in girls' sports

 The Hill  "South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R) released an ad on Wednesday promoting a transgender athlete ban on girls’ sports as the bill makes it way through the state legislature.

" 'In South Dakota, only girls play girls' sports. Why? Because of Governor Kristi Noem’s leadership,” the ad says, which does not use the word “trans” or “transgender.”

“ 'Noem has been protecting girls’ sports for years and never backed down,” the ad continues.

"The ad said that the legislation would give the state “the strongest law in the nation” for protecting girls’ sports.

" 'Noem's steady, conservative leadership doesn't win headlines, it wins results,” the ad says.

"Noem tweeted the ad out on Wednesday, saying in an associated post that it would be airing that night on prime-time news programs across the U.S. 

"On Friday, the GOP-backed Senate State Affairs committee passed Noem’s legislation, which would prohibit female school sports teams from allowing transgender women and girls to play on those teams, The Associated Press reported." . . . 

Saturday, January 15, 2022

ABC News and Amy Robach RESPOND to Project Veritas BOMBSHELL

ABC News and Amy Robach RESPOND to Project Veritas BOMBSHELL #EpsteinCoverup Story | Project Veritas


   Jeffrey Epstein’s flight logs indicate that Bill Clinton was a frequent flyer on his private jet, with the Ex-President recording 26 separate trips on the plane.

"In 2019, ABC News anchor Amy Robach admitted that the Epstein story was covered up by her network in part because of Epstein’s connection to the Clinton family.  “I’ve had this story for three years…ABC would not put it on the air. It was unbelievable…We had Clinton, We had everything…”  She said in a Project Veritas expose.

"She says there is Clinton dirt involved (see our previous report on Bill Clinton below) that she had but was told to spike the story:". . .

. . ."In August 2019, Investigative reporter Conchita Sarnoff blew the lid off of the case of Bill Clinton, who falsely stated he only flew on Epstein’s plane a few times." . .  .

Many of the names listed are not assumed to be more than routine friends and their for other purposes. Did they all know of the young girl's purpose? More will come out soon, we feel. TD

The subpoena demands the names and details of anyone who worked for the pilots, interacted with Epstein and passengers who travelled with him.

Still wondering: Why Are Concrete Walls Being Constructed Around The White House?

 Jan 14, 2022   Why Are Concrete Walls Being Constructed Around The White House? (

"Several videos have surfaced on Twitter that show white concrete barriers being placed around the White House’s front lawn.  The video shows a digger lifting up white concrete barriers known as K-Rails. Construction workers would then place long pieces of white plywood on top of the K-Rails.
"In times past, K-Rails would be resurrected when foreign officials are in town, but according to Biden’s schedule, there aren’t any planned meetings with any foreign officials. Andrew Leyden, a YouTuber who has become quite notable for filming the DC area, also filmed the ongoing construction.
"Leyden uploaded a video called “New White House construction underway as diggers arrive and Marine One takes Biden out of town” to his YouTube channel. In the video, Leyden explained how someone who was involved with the construction process told him the K-Rails (Jersey barriers) were being used to shield an ongoing water fountain project. . . .

The Perv Network

 The Perv Network -

"What in the Sam Hill is going on at CNN? That place is a regular perv network. Is it something in the water?

"First Chris Cuomo gets fired over sexual harassment allegations. Then his producer gets arrested for paying women to let him sexually abuse their little girls. And last night another CNN employee got exposed as a perv in a Project Veritas video.

"Let me tell you, I watched the Project Veritas video and my skin crawled.

"With everything that’s going on at CNN, I’m almost at the point of believing the “pedophiles rule the world” conspiracy theory.

"No. I won’t embed the Project Veritas video. Sorry. It’s sick and perverse. If you really want to see it, here’s a LINK to the video on Twitter. But don’t be surprised if Twitter removes it to protect the pervs at CNN.

"Does being a Leftist turn you into a perv? Or do pervs just naturally gravitate toward Leftists?

"It’s the chicken and the egg quandary."

"It might be the latter. Look at Antifa. Those guys have a ton of pedophiles and sexually-confused misfits in their ranks, and I think they probably started out that way.

"Now I understand why Chris Cuomo defended Antifa." . . .More

Democrats say ID should be needed to walk the streets, but not to vote -

Requiring an ID to vote for president is racist, but requiring one to walk around your neighborhood is good policy?  Mind-boggling.  Does anyone really believe that Democrats think minorities are incapable of procuring an ID so they can vote but have no trouble doing so to leave their homes?

  American Thinker   "Beginning today, adult citizens wishing to walk the streets of Washington, D.C. will need to wear a mask and carry proof of vaccination with them.  And possess a photo ID.  This is per Mayor Muriel Bowser's orders.

"So here we have a Democrat demanding that everyone wishing to take a stroll or walk his dog must have proper identification on him.  Yet Democrats in the nation's capital are frantically pushing a bill that would mandate that no state, city, or precinct require an ID of
those voting in presidential elections.". . . 

. . .Things you can't bring to the polls when voting: firearms or other weapons, any items bearing political messages, and any form of ID.

But don't hide that ID too well.  You might just need it on the way home from voting.

Who kills the police?

Moreover, it is not white supremacists calling for killing cops.  "Off the pigs" goes back to the Black Panther days of the 1960s.  In 2015, protesters in St. Paul, Minnesota were holding a Black Lives Matter banner and chanting, "Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon."

 American Thinker  "Put "race of people shooting police" into Google and your will get page after page of the opposite results: the race or ethnicity of people shot by police.

"This is obviously no accident.  The media narrative is that police shoot people, mostly minorities, without justification.

"The question of who shoots the police is one that the larger society is generally afraid to ask.  To ask that question might shed a different light on whom the police shoot because it would put the question into a larger context about criminality.

"For the defund the police crowd and the progressive minions of distributive and restorative justice, it would undermine an empowering narrative that has enabled them to shackle the police while letting criminals run free without bail and being rewarded with pleas to lower offenses.

"For as long as the police and the "system" can be viewed as victimizing minorities, these minorities can be viewed as victims and not criminals.

"The data on who kills police are tracked by the FBI in its Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted program (LEOK).  Year-to-year aggregations appear difficult to obtain, and the data I found are from 1980 to 2013, as compiled from LEOK by the Washington Post.

"During this period, there were 2,269 officers killed in what is described as felonious incidents, which are deaths in the line of duty occurring from criminal acts.  There were 2,896 offenders.  Of the people who killed police, 52% were white, and 41% were black." . . .

Why the Left’s War on Fun Is Actually a War on God

You can’t attain utopia if people are having fun.

Celebrities Playing Poker (

American Greatness    "Why aren’t liberals fun anymore?

"That was the question asked in a 2018 op-ed in The Hill by Stephen Moore. Moore observed that liberals, who were once the fun ones in American culture, have become punitive, tight-assed, dour. 

" 'What a difference a generation makes,” Moore wrote. “It used to be conservatives who were the stuffy ones. Liberals were the fun ones to be around. Now the ones who are so uptight are the liberals like actor Jeff Bridges, who once was funny but now is so embarrassed by modern day America that he seems to want to be anywhere on this planet, except here.”

"Moore doesn’t really pinpoint when the Left lost its sense of humor, but the anger can be found in James Piereson’s groundbreaking book Camelot and the Cultural Revolution: How the Assassination of John F. Kennedy Shattered American LiberalismIf you want to know why liberals are wailing, weeping, getting the vapors, and rioting in the streets, Piereson explains it.

"As Piereson notes, modern liberalism, unlike classical liberalism, feeds on the desire to punish others. This phenomenon, which Piereson calls “punitive liberalism,” goes back to the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963. Piereson argues that prior to Kennedy’s death, liberalism was pro-American, anti-communist, pro-labor, and for incremental change to address social ills such as racism. The Catholic, anti-communist, tax-cutting Kennedy exemplified these beliefs. This is why Kennedy was disliked by the far Left (and would be a conservative if he were alive today).

"When Kennedy was shot and killed by the communist Lee Harvey Oswald, liberals went into shock. They then found themselves at a loss to explain the horror. It simply couldn’t be possible that the conservatives were right, that Kennedy had been a martyr not to the civil rights movement, but to the Cold War, and that blood was on the hands of the communists. That was just too much reality to handle." . . .

One comment to this post counseled:

The modern left hasn't engaged in or appreciated humor for a long time. I remember when they tried to come up with a radio network to counter Rush Limbaugh and it was a disaster. Just as one example, they don't get irony, which is a huge component of the human experience. They cannot even identify how hilarious Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are. They are both self parodies and the left cannot even see it. Biden trying to frolic on the beach with a mask on. Harris woodenly trying to explain that inflation can be defeated with lower prices. Biden, a doddering racist, trying to be hip in Atlanta with HBU students lined up behind him. The list is endless. Conservatives get that the human condition is at its core both comic and tragic, and we live our lives in full. We don't take ourselves too seriously--but we do take our reverence for God very seriously. The left hates all of this and wants to take it away so we'll also be miserable.

Friday, January 14, 2022

Bernie’s Takeover Is Coming Soon

. . . The thing to understand about Democrat politics is twofold. First, Democrat politics is urban politics. And second, Democrat politics is machine politics. Nobody wins elections in that party by offering up cool ideas or governing successfully. They gave up on all that years ago. . .

The American Spectator

The Democrats are rapidly running out of ways to keep the Hard Left at

. . ."The war within the Democrat Party isn’t quite over yet, but we can see the end from here. The signs are already up. Fox News’ Adam Sabes took us on a tour of them in his piece…

Donkey Hotey

. . ."According to a Politico report, several Democratic strategists think that a progressive will attempt to enter the 2024 primary race as a challenger to President Biden.

“Will there be a progressive challenger? Yes,” Jeff Weaver, a former presidential campaign manager for Sen. Bernie Sanders said.

Some believe that Nina Turner or former 2020 presidential candidate Marianne Williamson might challenge President Biden.

In describing President Biden, another progressive strategist said that he’s “deeply unpopular” and “old as s—.”

“He’s deeply unpopular. He’s old as s—. He’s largely been ineffective, unless we’re counting judges or whatever the hell inside-baseball scorecard we’re using. And I think he’ll probably get demolished in the midterms,” Corbin Trent, former communications director for Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., and co-founder of No Excuses PAC said.

Progressive activists are also beginning to blame the president for his inaction on issues such as climate change.

Between Dec. 25 and Jan. 1, a group called “Occupy Biden” formed a camp near President Biden’s residence in Delaware, demanding that he declare a “climate emergency.” A spokesperson for the group criticized President Biden for not doing enough when it comes to climate change.

“We do understand that an administration that at least believes and asserts that climate crisis is real is an asset. But in a time of emergency we must act to do everything possible to avert catastrophe,” Karen Igou, a spokesperson for Occupy Biden told Fox News on Saturday.. . ." 

A presidential speech that rivals Biden’s for worst in modern history |


Power Line   "Yesterday, in a post about Joe Biden’s historically bad speech in Georgia, I invited history-minded readers to tell me about a president’s speech worse than Biden’s. Professor Andrew Busch has cited one for me.

Andrew Busch is Crown Professor of Government and George R. Roberts Fellow at Claremont McKenna College. He reached back to 1948 to find a case of a president rivaling Biden for vitriol and demagoguery.

"Andy writes:

Without in any way demeaning Biden’s accomplishment, I would suggest one possible competitor.

Toward the end of his 1948 come-from-behind campaign, Harry Truman delivered a speech in Chicago on October 25 which rivalled Biden’s in its scale of sheer demagoguery. “In our time,” Truman said, “we have seen the tragedy of the Italian and German peoples, who lost their freedom to men who made promises of unity and efficiency and sincerity…and it could happen here.”

Truman suggested that Republican nominee Thomas Dewey was only a “front man” for a clique of fascistic businessmen such as those who propelled Mussolini and Hitler into power. Sounding amazingly like Joe Biden, Truman declared that “Republican leaders, of course, give lip service to the principles of democracy. But the Republicans preach one thing and practice another. The actions of the Republican 80th Congress opened the gate to forces that would destroy our democracy…This is not just a battle between two parties. It is a fight for the very soul of the American Government.” For the whole text, see [here].

"Truman’s Chicago speech is an example of Harry “giving em hell.” Truman liked to say he didn’t give Republicans hell, he just told the truth and they think it’s hell.

"But in Chicago at least, the hell Truman gave was slander of the most egregious kind." .  . .

Worst presidential speech in modern history? | Power Line (   "Has any president in the last 50 years delivered a worse speech than Joe Biden did yesterday in Georgia? The only one that comes immediately to my mind is Jimmy Carter’s “malaise” address of 1979. But impolitic as it was, at least that speech contained a kernel of truth.

I invite the distinguished presidential scholars among our readers and my co-bloggers to point to a speech worse than Biden’s.

"How bad was the speech? So bad that even ankle-biting partisan Dick Durbin found it objectionable. Putting it as politely and as compatibly with his rank partisanship as reasonably possible, Durbin agreed that Biden “went a little too far in his rhetoric.”

"I want to make two observations about Biden’s speech. First, it was boycotted by Georgia’s leading “voting-rights” activists. Leaders of a coalition of voting rights groups declined to attend.

"Even Stacey Abrams was a no-show. She cited “scheduling issues,” a laughably implausible excuse for not attending a presidential speech in her backyard." . . .

Mr. Biden has a diploma from the Joy Reid School of Public Speaking.

Jeffrey Epstein brought EIGHT young women with him on his trips to see Bill Clinton at the White House: Displayed photos of himself posing at the Briefing Room podium at his Palm Beach mansion

 Daily Mail Online  

 "Jeffrey Epstein paid more than a dozen visits to the Clinton White House throughout the former president's first few years in office - even bringing along with him multiple women, including four known to be his girlfriends, can reveal. 

"Unearthed visitor logs last month confirmed the late pedophile had visited the Executive Mansion at least 17 times during Bill Clinton's first term, beginning shortly after his inauguration in 1993.    

"Additional records exclusively obtained by now reveal that Epstein was not always alone during his trips to the White House, where he was joined by eight different women between 1993 and 1995. 

"Never-before-seen footage also shows the disgraced financier - who on three occasions visited the president's house twice in one day - kept framed pictures of himself at the podium of the White House Briefing Room at his Palm Beach mansion. 

"The nature of Epstein's accompanied visits is not disclosed in the visitor logs, however, they show one of them coincided with a dinner in the Blue Room attended by dozens of well-heeled guests. " . . . 

When do we change from Pinocchios to Bidens?


Silvio Canto, Jr.   

"We've grown accustomed to Glenn Kessler's Pinocchios — those articles that check the accuracy of a statement.  Kessler is back with another "fact check," and President Biden's nose keeps getting bigger:

"I did not walk in the shoes of generations of students who walked these grounds. But I walked other grounds. Because I'm so damn old, I was there as well. You think I'm kidding, man. It seems like yesterday the first time I got arrested." (President Biden, in remarks in Atlanta on voting rights, Jan. 11)

It was just a throwaway line, made to laughter, [sic] in an important presidential speech. But here's the president, saying he once had been arrested, during a section that recalled some of the heroes of the civil rights movement. He even suggested he had been arrested more than once, as he recalled it was the "first time" he had been arrested.

It's certainly not the first time he's said he's been arrested. Previously, he has said he was arrested trying to see Nelson Mandela in South Africa (Four Pinocchios false) and for trying to enter an all-female dorm room at Ohio University (Partly False, according to USA Today). He has also suggested he was arrested for wandering onto the Senate floor as a "star-struck kid," but most times he has indicated he was just given a warning.

"Under normal circumstances, this quote from a presidential speech would make people laugh at another old man making fun of his age.  Unfortunately, President Biden has a habit of doing this when he goes off-script.  He makes up stories to impress the audience, and then he gets a Pinocchio from the media.

"Once upon a time, no one cared about a senator from Delaware doing this.  Most of us reacted by saying it was up to the people of Delaware to deal with their senator.  He was forced to drop his 1988 campaign over plagiarism.  His other presidential campaigns never got very far.

"It's different because he is now the president.  His words are heard by more people and therefore monitored with more frequency.

"Maybe Kessler should change the rating from Pinocchios to Bidens.  It sure looks like President Biden's imagination goes beyond Geppetto's beloved puppet's lies.  I don't recall Pinocchio ever saying he was arrested in a civil rights march."

Fox News

Washington Post awards Biden 'Four Pinocchios' for false claim he was 'arrested' during civil rights protest | Fox News    'The primary source for this story is Biden — and we’ve learned over the years that he is not always a reliable source'
. . ."Biden was forced to admit in 2020 he had concocted a tale of once getting arrested while trying to see Nelson Mandela in South Africa." . . .