Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Joe Biden's Georgia speech backfired more than he ever could have imagined

 NY Post   " 
It is startling when two speeches within 24 hours, neither much heralded in advance — the second wouldn’t even have been given without the first — leave you knowing you have witnessed a seminal moment in the history of an administration, but it happened this week. 

"The president’s Tuesday speech in Atlanta, on voting rights, was a disaster for him. By the end of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s answering speech on Wednesday you knew some new break point had occurred, that President Biden might have thought he was just crooning to part of his base but the repercussions were greater than that; he was breaking in some new way with others — and didn’t know it. It is poor political practice when you fail to guess the effects of your actions. He meant to mollify an important constituency but instead he filled his opponents with honest indignation and, I suspect, encouraged in that fractured group some new unity. 

"The speech itself was aggressive, intemperate, not only offensive but meant to offend. It seemed prepared by people who think there is only the Democratic Party in America, that’s it, everyone else is an outsider who can be disparaged. " . . .

"Most wince-inducing: “Will you stand against election subversion? Yes or no? . . . Do you want to be on the side of Dr. King or George Wallace? Do you want to be on the side of John Lewis or Bull Connor? Do you want to be on the side of Abraham Lincoln or Jefferson Davis?” 

" If a speech can be full of itself this speech was.
" From the floor of the Senate the next day came McConnell’s rebuke. It was stinging, indignant to the point of seething. He didn’t attempt to scale any rhetorical heights. The plainness of his language was ferocious. Biden’s speech was “profoundly unpresidential,” “deliberately divisive” and “designed to pull our country further apart.” “I have known, liked and personally respected Joe Biden for many years. I did not recognize the man at the podium yesterday.” Biden had entered office calling on Americans to stop the shouting and lower the temperature. “Yesterday, he called millions of Americans his domestic ‘enemies.’ ” That, a week after he “gave a January 6th lecture about not stoking political violence.”

CNN Skewers Biden’s Voter Suppression Lies. Yes, CNN.

 Legal Insurrection

“New York is one of the most reliably Democratic states in the United States and New York requires people to request absentee ballots, just like the new Georgia law does.”

"Very few people were impressed with Biden’s divisive speech about the Democrat “voting reform” bill in Georgia this week. It was full of insults that weren’t even historically accurate.

"In an amazing development, CNN’s Erin Burnett called out Biden on the air.

"Transcript via CNN:

BURNETT: On the side of right or the side of racism, that’s what’s being presented. Even the second ranking Democrat in the Senate, Dick Durbin, said Biden ‘went a little too far in his rhetoric’ in that particular comment. And a right versus wrong simplistic view here is a problem. First of all, because more people voted than ever before in the last election.

So to just broadly talk about voter suppression may miss that very crucial point. And take vote by mail as one example. Here’s what Biden said this week criticizing Georgia’s new law.. . .

Mass Formation Psychosis. The Madness of Crowds. And The End Of Progressive America.

 Legal Insurrection   "Until a few days ago, I had never heard the term “Mass Formation Psychosis.” There’s a phenomenon when something gets hot that all sorts of experts announce themselves on Twitter, when their expertise is about 24 hours old and an inch deep." . . .

Left unabated, a society under the spell of mass formation will support a totalitarian governance structure capable of otherwise unthinkable atrocities in order to maintain compliance. A note: mass formation is different from group think. There are easy ways to fix group think by just bringing in dissenting voices and making sure you give them platforms.  It isn’t so easy with mass formation.  Even when the narrative falls apart, cracks in the strategy clearly aren’t solving the issue, the hypnotized crowd can’t break free of the narrative.  This is what appears to be happening now with COVID-19.  The solution for those in control of the narrative is to produce bigger and bigger lies to prop up the solution.  Those being controlled by mass formation no longer are able to use reason to break free of the group narrative.

 Read this full article here: Mass Formation Psychosis. The Madness of Crowds. And The End Of Progressive America. (legalinsurrection.com)

A reader forwarded this video, which has over 4 million views on YouTube, from August 2021:

More thoughts from the comments to this post:
CommoChief | January 9, 2022 at 11:36 am Given that we have a segment of the population who are slavishly devoted to the idea that 1. Covid is the plague and Fauchi is the savior 2. Jan 6 was an insurrection

The Cult of Covid

 "The danger of the COVID cult is that it is not small nor is it outside the mainstream. The COVID cult has become the mainstream and normal people have become the fringe, fighting for a return to sanity."
COVID has become a worldwide cult - American Thinker   "Merriam-Webster defines a cult as “a small religious group that is not part of a larger and more accepted religion and that has beliefs regarded by many people as extreme or dangerous;” and “a small group of very devoted supporters or fans.” The keyword in these definitions is “small.”

"Most human beings may have their quirks and their follies, but they are not so open-minded that their brains fall out. Normal people simply do not want to follow individuals, no matter how charismatic, who promise miracles in return for all of their money and earthly possessions, nor do they want to have their lives completely controlled. Or at least, that once was true.

"It would seem that this is no longer the case. Millions of people around the world appear to have joined a cult based on COVID. They are wearing masks to show their obedience, although masks may not be effective and have been shown to cause emotional and mental problems.

"They are rushing to be vaccinated, although vaccines could be driving COVID mutations. The father of mRNA vaccines, Dr. Robert Malone, has been warning against universal vaccination.

"People have been told to be terrified of the latest COVID variant, Omicron, and they are duly shaking in their shoes. But Omicron generally is so mild many don’t realize they have caught it and there have been very few deaths.

"The cult mentality was on full display when the newly elected governor of Virginia, Glenn Youngkin, issued an executive order allowing parents to opt out of school mask mandates. Youngkin did not forbid anyone to mask their child. He merely ordered that no one can be forced to mask their child.

Monday, January 17, 2022

Democrats, do you all look at the synagogue hostage crisis this way?

Do you vote for Democrats who think like this? What would Joe Biden think of you?

On MSNBC, Michigan’s Democrat AG floats WHITE SUPREMACY as culprit in Texas synagogue TERROR | News Thud

Soros-connected "Michigan’s Democrat Attorney General Dana Nessel was on MSNBC on Saturday while hostages were still being held at the Congregation Beth Israel synagogue in Colleyville, Texas and, despite the information already known about the attacker and his motivations, suggested that nevertheless maybe domestic extremist white supremacists were behind it.

"It was the Free Beacon who first pointed out this wild and wrong speculation by the Democrat. Nessel is on TV a lot. Like a LOT. She’s basically a regular on both CNN and MSNBC on a variety of topics that have nothing to do with her job, which is supposed to be serving the people of her state.

"Yesterday was no exception, as she pontificated about something she knew nothing about, and got away with the only kind of speculation allowed in unfolding situations. Even AFTER the fact, the AP and Biden and CNN don’t want to even speculate if the British extremist Muslim terrorist who wanted another terrorist know for her vicious hatred of Jews freed from prison might have been motivated by anti-Semitic extremist Muslim terror.

"But blaming “white supremacy” in the United States? Well in the media that’s what they say about any Republican of any kind, so THAT is perfectly allowed. And that’s what Nessel did." . . .

Keep in mind, the man’s demands were heard right at the beginning. He was being broadcast live on Facebook on the synagogue’s page, where they carry their services each week. It was clear what he was after. MSNBC was already reporting that he’d asked to speak to “his sister,” though they were conveniently leaving out that he was claiming his sister was Aafia Siddiqui, aka Lady al Qaeda. This was all known, and MSNBC claimed they weren’t reporting it because they didn’t want to INFLAME the situation. But Nessel blaming white supremacy? TOTALLY. FINE.

Biden’s America: Grocery Stores across US Laid Bare Like the Soviet Union in 1981 |

 Neon Nettle

"The alarming shortages of basic foodstuffs are now becoming more evident in the United States as the supply chain crisis reaches new levels.

"Amid the millions of absences from work and winter storms, essential functions such as shipping, unloading, and stocking have now been disrupted.

"One expert predicted that 3 percent of the national workforce would be absent from work.

"The knock-on effect is becoming more severe across industries." . . .

Tulsi Gabbard Accuses Joe Biden of Smearing Working Americans

Neon Nettle 

'Biden promised to unite us, but he is doing all he can do divide us'

 "Former Democrat presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard said Joe Biden’s vile characterization of Americans who disagree with his agenda is worse than Hillary Clinton’s infamous “basket of deplorables” slur.

"Though Clinton’s insult was disgusting and probably cost her the election, Biden stooped to a new low by suggesting that dissidents are terrorists and racists.

"Biden promised to unite Americans not so long ago, but since he took office, he has been doing the exact opposite, Gabbard said.

"“Hillary’s calling tens of millions of Americans deplorable was divisive & disgusting," Gabbard said.

""But Biden has gone further, calling those who disagree with his actions & policies domestic enemies, traitors, and racists,” Gabbard added." . . . 

Biden, Days After He Delivered Divisive Rant In Georgia: “I Ran For President To Unite The Country” | Weasel Zippers

CNN; the most ***** name in news


Judge hands down big win to General Flynn, will allow his family to sue CNN for defamation - Stormfront   "CNN may have the opportunity to write another check for doing its job poorly, this time to relatives of former Trump national security advisor Michael Flynn for labeling them followers of the QAnon conspiracy theory.
"You’ll recall CNN reportedly wrote a very large check to former Covington High School student Nicholas Sandmann last year after falsely claiming he had confronted and sought to belittle a Native American gentleman during a protest in Washington, D.C. It was actually that man who had approached and stood toe-to-toe with the teenager.
"Sandmann was wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat, and the establishment media read into the encounter what it wanted to see. But when video of the incident started circulating, CNN, The Washington Post and other left-wing outlets had to backtrack." . . .
Of course, CNN “news” coverage seems to go off the rails when it deals with any subject or person even remotely tied to former President Donald Trump.

THIS...is CNN.

Remembering Dr. King


AfterMath - Home (terrellaftermath.com)

Silvio Canto, Jr.  . . ."The other big problem is that the civil rights leadership is no longer about correcting past mistakes, but rather about exploiting grievances or calling everybody a racist.  In other words, these so-called civil rights leaders of today, such as the Rev. Al Sharpton, keep themselves relevant by banging the drums of racism.  Even President Biden couldn't control himself last week in Atlanta, comparing his opponents to George Wallace, Bull Connor, and Jefferson Davis.

"Meanwhile, the black Democrats running most of our inner cities are not addressing the needs of their citizens, from crime to lousy public schools.  Again, just look around and see Baltimore, Chicago, and others every weekend, and so on.

"What would Dr. King say today?  We will never know, but it's hard to think that he'd be happy with what we are watching.  I think that he would tell the Democrats to go back and listen to what he said in the "I have a dream" speech."

I hope never to equate Maxine Waters with Dr. King I hate to think how much damage Doctor King's reputation has suffered from the likes of Waters, Sharpton, Obama's Rev. Wright, Soros's elected officials, and all others the woke media has exalted above much deserving honor. TD  Think of the agony this must have brought to Dr. King.

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Joe Biden: a legend in his own mind

 Joe Biden owes half of America an apology for calling them racists - American Thinker   "Speaking in Atlanta last week, President Joe Biden made a startling declaration: those who disagree with him about how best to ensure the integrity of the American electoral process, he told Americans, are modern-day Confederates, racist traitors who are supporters of slave-holding rebel president Jefferson Davis.

"If I could, I would tell President Biden about the history of my family — a family of Americans who disagree with him, and whom he now condemns as racist traitors.

"My father served in the United States Army from 1942 to 1945.  A grandchild of immigrants, and the only child of an aged widow, he answered the call gladly when his nation needed him.  Raised in extreme poverty, he saw Army life as a step up — he actually thought Army food seemed decent, and there was usually plenty of it — and he was happy to do what his nation asked, willingly risking his life to fight Hitler's racist legions and to stop the spread of the racist ideology of Nazism." . . .

Granted, President Trump said many harmful things, and he made statements that many of us believe did damage to our national political culture.  But Donald Trump never uttered any statement that was more deeply false, more harmfully divisive, and in many senses more profoundly evil than Biden's invitation to regard all of those Americans who disagree with him as violent, racist traitors to our nation.. . . 

 Payback: Joe Biden learns the hard way about the wisdom of declaring his fellow Democrats racists - American Thinker

What made it payback is that Joe's been incompetent in office since virtually the first day of his presidency. This letter outlining Biden's incompetence on COVID tests is just one little festering thing in his presidency. Biden's also been flamingly incompetent on the open border, the recrudescence of inflation, the Afghanistan pullout, the supply chain breakdown, and his many foreign policy failures on Iran, China, and Russia.  Nobody wrote a letter blasting Biden for those monster blunders. But now that Biden's taken to insulting his party's allies, and inadvertently suggesting that his party is full of racists, (which if he believed it, he should resign over) now the criticisms are coming. 

Springsteen Gives In To The Man

 The American Conservative

By selling his song collection for half a billion dollars, has the Boss thrown everything else away?

"Forget Omicron—Bruce Springsteen made an already-tumultuous year much worse.

"In mid-December, anonymous sources leaked that Springsteen had sold his entire song catalogue to Sony Music Entertainment for $500 million, the biggest deal of its kind in music history. It dwarfs the reported $300 million Universal paid for Bob Dylan’s song-writing catalogue in December 2020.

"The sale gives Sony ownership of 300 songs spanning 20 studio albums and 23 live recordings, including the intellectual property rights. Beyond reporting those basic details, most media seem to be burying their heads in the sand about the deeper implications of our beloved Boss—a man who made his career singing in defense of the working-class American—finally giving in to The Man." . . . 

[Dominic] Green recorded rock star Alice Cooper’s observation that asking a rock star about politics is like asking the garbage man about nuclear physics. That hasn’t stopped Springsteen from taking part in Renegades, a recent podcast featuring him and President Obama. Writer and musician Kit Wilson noted the fly in the ointment of the original idea: having “two attractive, highly successful, almost maddeningly cool men” talking “about being outsiders, all the while trading chummy stories about exclusive parties at the White House and backslapping each other.” . . .

Bruce on Broadway - and out of touch - The Spectator World  . . ."While Springsteen contended with the contradictions of success, America’s white working and middle classes tumbled into unemployment and opioid addiction. Springsteen, once the laureate of the thwarted desires and escapist leisure of ‘the working life’, has struggled to narrate its decline. Instead, as album titles like Tom Joad’s Dream suggest, he has retreated into FDR-era fantasy, mixing sub-Steinbeck acoustic plaints about the lot of undocumented fruit pickers with bombastic rockers like ‘We Take Care Of Our Own’, a queasily populist mix of bitterness and patriotism.

" ‘There’s nothing ideological about it,’ Springsteen says of his acoustic run. But the origins of Springsteen on Broadway could not be more partisan. In the last days of the Obama presidency, when nearly 70% of Americans thought the country was ‘heading in the wrong direction’, Springsteen gave a private show to some two hundred Obama staffers in the Rose Room of the White House. Springsteen enjoyed that evening so much that he decided to share it with the rest the country. He’s like a bandleader wanting to record his orchestra because they went down so well on the Titanic.

"Alice Cooper has said that asking a rock star about politics is like ‘asking the garbage man’ about ‘nuclear physics’. Still, as Springsteen limbered up for the Great White Way, he offered belated thoughts about the decline of American communities. ‘The consequences of de-industrialization in the Seventies and Eighties,’ he told the Times, ‘were never really addressed by either Republicans or Democrats.’

"Not that this stopped Bruce from endorsing Bill Clinton, the architect of the Great Offshoring. Or Al Gore and John Kerry, who promised to continue it, while placing further environmental restrictions on American industry. In 2012, Bruce even campaigned with Barack Obama, whose Trans-Pacific Partnership would have offshored the last jobs in working-class America.

"Springsteen is no ordinary talent, and no ordinary person, even if he insists on dressing down and speaking dumb. The Democratic Party is no longer the party of the ordinary man and woman, either." . . .

Compare Biden’s Rhetoric to Churchill’s -

Churchill’s political power was built on his love of his country and its cause, so that even his political opponents had to be respected and honored.

 The American Spectator   " Today’s leaders present words their consultants have assured them are focus-group tested.

"I was still in grade school when I first heard Winston Churchill’s voice. A family friend had a record called I Can Hear It Now that was put together by Edward R. Murrow, that great voice of radio news during World War II.

"Murrow had put together a series of sound clips from the ’30s and ’40s, covering the period from FDR’s accession to the White House until the Japanese surrender on the deck of the battleship Missouri at the end of the war. For someone with an endless appetite for the history of the world wars, this was a feast.

"Murrow had been in London during the German Blitz, and he had brought home the drama by holding the microphone open to hear the wailing of the air-raid sirens, the clatter of the feet of Londoners running to shelter, and the sounds of the explosions of the anti-aircraft guns and the bombs. With great emotion, Murrow introduced clips of Churchill’s most powerful speeches by saying, “The time had come to mobilize the English language and send it into battle, a spearhead of hope for Britain and the world.”

" Then came that great voice, saying words that were so deeply lived and felt that they inspired a nearly beaten Britain, all alone against the Nazi storm surge, to hold on and endure. That voice also displayed to a transfixed world a determination to fight for freedom at all costs.

"Ever since, I have measured the voices of political leaders against that voice." . . .