Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Fox & Friends Handles Biden's Peter Doocy Insult With Grace

Mediaite  "Fox & Friends had the perfect opportunity to lace into one of their favorite targets, President Joe Biden, for his apparent double standard on how to treat people respectfully following a hot mic incident in which he was heard insulting Fox’s Peter Doocy as a “stupid son of a bitch.”

"But instead, the co-hosts of the top-rated morning show — who are back on the curvy couch and no longer in remote studios due to Covid — approached the Biden insult to co-host Steve Doocy’s son with remarkable grace and understanding.  Video here: Fox & Friends Handles Biden's Peter Doocy Insult With Grace (mediaite.com)

"Reporters had assembled Monday for a Biden photo op with some cabinet members. As the press event ended and reporters were exiting, Doocy asked Biden, “Do you think inflation is a political liability in the midterms?”

“ 'No, it’s a great asset,” Biden sarcastically said. “More inflation. What a stupid son of a bitch,” apparently unaware that his microphone was still on.

"Peter Doocy appeared multiple times on Fox News following the accidental insult. He handled it with his own grace and self-mockery, even laughing at Jesse Watters’ agreement with Biden’s assessment of Peter Doocyas a stupid son of a bitch. He then appeared on Hannity and revealed that Biden called him to clear the air and told  him that it was “nothing personal.”

"Perhaps following Peter’s cue, the Fox & Friends set showed remarkable grace by not lacing into Biden. Instead, it appeared far more understanding than some of their more politically strident viewers may have expected.

"Yes, they pointed out some inconsistencies in rhetoric, and Ainsley Earhardt noted that it’s not the insult that matters as much but rather his dodging his questions." . . .

By crudely insulting a Fox reporter, Biden again showed his coarse nastiness

Doocy's question was a serious query and not something silly as CNN's Jim Acosta habitually asked. TD

By crudely insulting a Fox reporter, Biden again showed his coarse nastiness
However, when Biden sat before a microphone and called Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy a "stupid son of a b----" last night, that was no joke.  That was just Biden.  And his insult was accompanied by the useful admission that Biden knows exactly how badly his economy will hurt Democrats.

. . ."Peter Doocy, therefore, shouted out a question that went to the heart of the meeting,  which was economic problems: "Will you take questions on inflation, then?  Do you think inflation is a political liability ahead of the midterms?"

"Biden, who must have known that his mic was on because he'd spoken seconds before, immediately stated in a sarcastic tone that inflation is a huge problem for him: "No, it's a great asset.  More inflation."  That was the honest statement of a man who knows he's got an immovable wall at his back and, coming towards him, teeth bared, the monstrous dog of a broken economy.

"And then Biden, the faux jovial politician, let his inner Biden out, adding with his mouth right in front of the mic, "What a stupid son of a b----.' " 

. . .“I don’t think any president should be calling any journalist a dumb son of a bitch, and to be fair to Peter Doocy, the question was fairly anodyne,” Tapper told late-night host Jimmy Kimmel, who was reveling in the insult and laughed about it during the opening monologue on his long-running ABC program.

"Kimmel was surprised and said as much: “Fox News says that you’re on Team Biden and you are a mouthpiece for the Democrats, and yet here you are defending Peter Doocy, who, as far as I have been able to tell, is indeed a dumb son of a bitch.' ”. . .

Liberal Media Tries to Explain Why Biden Snapped at Doocy...and It's Malarkey (townhall.com)  

Biden Phones Doocy After Calling Him a 'Stupid Son of a B*tch.' Here's What He Said. (townhall.com)

J Luv (@i_am_jluv) / Twitter

Biden’s decision to insult the press as opposed to answering their questions came after the president held his second-ever news conference for American reporters while in office. During the two-hour briefing, Biden attacked RealClearPolitics’ White House Reporter Philip Wegmann for a question on the president’s divisive comparisons of those opposed to the Democrats’ colossal elections package as complicit with Jim Crow-era segregation.

CNN: Fox News 'Invented' Stories That Biden Is a 'Senile President'

 Neon Nettle  "Far-left "news" network CNN has claimed during a panel discussion that Fox News has "invented" stories about Joe Biden being a "senile president."Joining anchor Brian Stelter on his Sunday morning media show, Reliable Sources,” CNN commentator and Washington Post syndicated columnist Catherine Rampell claimed Fox is making up reports about Democrats “out of whole cloth.”

"Rampell claims that Fox is also inventing stories about Biden and Democrats “brainwashing kids” with Critical Race Theory (CRT). 

"She alleged, without evidence, that such stories are targeted to a specific audience and designed to trigger outrage over issues that are not “actually mortal threats.”

"Stelter began the segment with a scrolling list of Fox News chyrons.

"He said that viewers might get the impression that America had “gone to hell,” and that the quality of life for most people was unbearable if they were simply to watch the coverage on that Fox News.". . .

Bruce Springsteen is Democratic Party royalty. Is he also a symbol of its decline?

If the Democrats lose the midterm elections, it will largely be because the people who most resemble Bruce Springsteen’s characters no longer believe the same things he does. 

Los Angeles Times . . ."After Vote for Change, Springsteen not only declared his support for Obama during the 2008 race but he also performed at campaign appearances and, later, at Obama’s inauguration. Since then, he’s become Democratic Party royalty. In 2016, he played at an election eve rally for Hilary Clinton in Philadelphia and also endorsed her, while calling her opponent Trump a “flagrant toxic narcissist.” And in the 2020 election, he narrated a TV ad for Joe Biden, allowed his music to be used by the candidate’s campaign and performed at

Biden and Kamala Harris’ inauguration event.". . .

 . . ."When Springsteen played a McGovern benefit, the Democrats were reliably supported by white working class voters, and the Republicans were the party of big business and the affluent. In the last 30 years, there’s been a significant inversion of class affiliation, culminating in Trump’s election; in 2016, white voters without college degrees favored Trump 64% to 28% over Clinton, and 65% voted for him in 2020, when they comprised 42% of the total electorate. The characters in Springsteen songs — the disillusioned Vietnam vet, the guy who makes his money racing in the streets — they’re likely Trump supporters now. If the Democrats lose the House in the midterm elections next year, it will largely be because the people who most resemble his characters no longer believe the same things he does.

"Some people inherit their politics as a kind of birthright and join the same party as their parents. But there are families, like the Springsteens, for whom politics feel irrelevant. It’s one thing to embrace liberalism after growing up around liberals, and another to work your way toward it despite never having met a liberal as you were growing up. In “Renegades,” Springsteen outlines the slow but authentic path he took, starting in a small town where patriotism was synonymous with saluting the flag, and moving toward an understanding that patriotism isn’t about the flag, but about the ideals that flag represents."

Monday, January 24, 2022

Teammate of Transgender Swimmer Lia Thomas Now Speaking Out and [Thomas is] Not Happy

Brandon Morse at RedState (Not a joke.)  "Despite the media’s celebration of Thomas’s victories, his record-breaking isn’t impressing many others. It’s especially not going well with members of his own team who have spoken out in the past about the unfair nature of Thomas’s victories.

"They confessed that they feel pressured to applaud Thomas.

“ 'When the whole team is together, we have to be like, ‘Oh my gosh, go Lia, that’s great, you’re amazing.’ It’s very fake,” said one swimmer.

. . ."Looking at the stats, it’s clear that Thomas isn’t very good when competing against his own gender, consistently falling behind men’s records by decent lengths. However, as a “woman,” Thomas is taking the natural strength and power of the male form and utilizing it to dominate women’s competitions as everyone is forced to cheer for him.". . .  More here...

Don Surber: Highlights of the News

Don Surber

"Bidenzuela, where the shelves are as empty as Joe Biden's head. (After his press conference, I no longer think his dementia is an act.)"

One sample of the highlights is Item ITEM 4: 

"The Grand Fork Herald reported, "The University of North Dakota stops work on proposed gender inclusion policy."

The story said, "In a message released on the morning of Friday, Jan. 21, UND President Andrew Armacost announced the decision to cease work on the policy. Armacost wrote that uncertainties exist about the consequences of not following the draft policy’s guidance on using preferred pronouns on campus for students, faculty and staff. Under that proposed policy, intentionally misgendering a person could be seen as an act of discrimination."

"The story also said, "When the policy first was proposed, Christopher Dodson, the Catholic Conference’s executive director, wrote that some universities are enacting policies that are hostile to the Catholic religion, and thereby impose 'flawed ideologies on students but also restrict their rights to free speech and religion.' Dodson specifically referenced UND in the letter.

" 'In a Friday morning message, Dodson commended the move to stop work on the policy. Dodson wondered if the policy could have led to students of different birth genders being housed together."

"It's not inclusion when you keep out Catholics or any other group. It is exclusion. And I beg the LGBTQ+ community to understand that the Left is not trying to help you. They are trying to punish religion in general and Catholics in particular."

Biden’s Disorganized Dictatorship


Another base of support for the communists, if you read the People’s World,  lies in various unions, including those running the public schools, as the paper highlights  National Education Association President Becky Pringle as a leading “progressive.”

"There’s nothing socialists and communists hate more than a disorganized dictatorship, unable to consolidate power. As a result, the plan for Biden’s $3 trillion “human infrastructure” plan, described by socialist scholar Paul LeBlanc as “Socialist Convergence” for America through the Green New Deal, remains in limbo. The “progressives” are angry.

"This rage represents an opportunity to save America from the abyss.

"Looking at foreign affairs, the Biden effect is working to the advantage of our enemies.

"America-friendly countries in Europe and Asia, such as Ukraine and Taiwan, are in grave danger. China Joe’s foreign policy, an extension of that practiced by Barack Hussein Obama, is designed to make it risky to seek the kind of freedom and independence we once had in America. Israel is even in danger of a nuclear attack by the Russian-armed religious fanatics in Iran, who are now targeting former Trump officials for death in retaliation for the killing of Iranian terrorist commander Soleimani.". . .

Come on, man



American Thinker   . . ."He has talked to the public as he plagiarized the speeches of Robert Kennedy and Neil Kinnock.  He has talked to the public and called them liars and "dog-faced pony soldiers."

"When not insulting voters, double-crossing Clarence Thomas, or sniffing hair during his sordid career, he has regaled the public with tales of slaying Corn Pop with only the handcuffs he took from South African constables while leading a brigade of the French Foreign Legion into Saratoga during the Spanish-American War, stopping along the way for Slurpees dispensed by a clean and articulate Indian immigrant.

"Perhaps what the geniuses who lead the president around should consider in order to at least attempt to connect with the massive number of fellow citizens he has alienated, insulted, and harmed would be for him to listen to the public.

"How compelling and appropriate it would be were the president travel to various cities and towns to listen to groups of citizens who:

  • Have seen with their own eyes that grocery store shelves are not "89 percent full"?
  • Have lost their job because of his insane and unconstitutional vaccine mandates?
  • Have lost their loved ones because of his insane and unconstitutional vaccine mandates?
  • Have had their loved ones maimed because of his insane and unconstitutional vaccine mandates?
  • Have lost their loved ones because of the intolerable increase in crime in cities?
  • Have lost their job because of the Keystone Pipeline closure?
  • Have seen and been impacted by the bifurcation of our laws and our society?

"And on, and on, and on"...   Keep reading

Must-see TV: Mark Levin interview with Peter Schweizer exposes $31 million in CCP money to the Biden family and much more - American Thinker  "Sunday's edition of Life, Liberty, and Levin, the one-hour long-form interview show hosted by Mark Levin on Fox News, is essential viewing.  If you don't have just over a half-hour to watch the almost-complete show (embedded below), I strongly recommend that you spend a mere 3 minutes and 20
seconds watching a summary off his research findings on the Biden family's gigantic payday "for no discernible work" from corporate entities controlled by members of the CCP elite.". . .
Schweizer's new book, to be released Tuesday (order here), Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win, is the basis for all of his statements, and based on his track record of impeccable research, I have no doubt that his statements all can be backed up.

 Joe Biden Completes His Historic Failure | RealClearPolitics  . . ."Republicans have argued that the Biden administration needs to act assertively to try and repair its image following the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan.

“ 'I think there has been a drop in international approval for how he’s doing,” Schake told Fox News Digital. “The humiliating spectacle of the U.S. abandoning Afghanistan, especially when the Biden administration wasn’t open to concerns from allies either about the policy or about its execution – really rattled allies.'”   . . .

Sunday, January 23, 2022

The Murdering Of Free Speech In America

  Issues & Insights  "In Cato’s 15th letter, the writers who compiled the series of essays under a pen name inspired by the Roman senator who stood against the tyranny of Julius Caesar argued that “freedom of speech is the great bulwark of liberty; they prosper and die together.” Today, we are watching that death play out before us.

"President Joe Biden, whose growing unpopularity is well-deserved, continued to carry on last week what has become a Democratic tradition: He asked the private sector to become partners in censorship with the federal government.

“ 'I make a special appeal to social media companies and media outlets, please deal with disinformation and misinformation that’s on your shows,” he said during a virtual meeting from the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. “It has to stop.”

"Of course, Big Tech and the legacy media have been happy to oblige.

“​​When the leader of the majority party in Washington, D.C., issues a demand, the largest corporations listen,” journalist Glenn Greenwald tweeted in response to Biden’s “will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?” proposition.

“ 'Again: so much of the censorship from Google and other tech monopolies is done not on their own accord but under pressure and threats from Democratic Party leaders.”

"Nearly a year ago, Greenwald wrote in his Substack newsletter that “​​in their zeal for control over online speech, House Democrats are getting closer and closer to the constitutional line, if they have not already crossed it.” . . .

"The Dumbest Biden"; . . ." ultimately the dumbest people around are those who voted for Joe."


The Biden myth – this idea that Joe is some average guy who found himself in politics, but never lost his “middle-class Joe” roots is a joke. Joe was never middle class. His family was wealthy until his father squandered the money. It seems no one with the name Biden was particularly bright.

. . ."But since they, Joe has been in “public service,” which is code for government jobs. That gave him power and a level of job security most people never experience. If the people of Delaware were dumb enough to elect him, he was set. 

Joe’s story isn’t compelling or even interesting, so he lies about it. It’s a sign of wild insecurity that he lies about his life the way he does – from academic achievements, which he claims but did not have, to the tragic death of his first wife and daughter, which he blamed for years on a drunk driver but simply is not true. Again, there is something deeply wrong with a man who would not only exploit the death of family members, but would also lie in the process.". . .

. . ." Jill’s first husband is still alive, and in a story that would be front page news were her name Melania Trump, tells how she started having an affair with Joe while they were still married. Since she’s a Biden, the media has little interest.". . .

. . ."When you have a hooker and stripper-banging, crack-smoking son in the family and there’s still a question over which member is the dumbest, you’ve stumbled onto a very “special” group of people. The Biden name is associated with a lot of arrests and abuses, so there isn’t really a winner in the bunch. Yet somehow, miraculously, they’ve managed to become fabulously wealthy with no discernable skills among them, except a willingness to exploit Joe’s position of public trust." 

Tom Hanks admires Joe Biden

On Biden's Build Back Bitter Bluster   . . ."Beyond this, it should be added that Reagan, and most other presidents, were. usually disciplined enough never to let the media visibly get under his skin. Clinton had a few lapses in this department, but Biden makes Clinton look like a model of chastity by comparison.

"More evidence that he isn’t up to the rigors of the office."...See for yourself:  President Reagan handled his age issue perfectly...   Great humor and Mondale's reaction was classy

Russia-Ukraine tensions need a unified NATO response. But Biden shook the alliance.

NBC News

The president's words will embolden Vladimir Putin to be even more aggressive and accelerate his asymmetric attacks on other neighboring nations.

"Russian President Vladimir Putin won a major victory this past week, and it didn’t require him to move a single soldier or weapon into Ukraine. During a news conference at the White House Wednesday, President Joe Biden made several considerable concessions. These rhetorical retreats would not only damage and further destabilize the government in Kyiv. They also reverberated in capitals across eastern and central Europe, leaving leaders there feeling even more vulnerable to Moscow’s meddling.

What should Biden have said? He needed to channel Winston Churchill: Describe in stark terms the gravity of our present predicament.

"In diplomacy, the messaging really matters. Having served in numerous embassies overseas, I’ve seen how the right message can help secure peace. But the wrong message can lead to conflict. What Biden said about a potential Russian invasion and NATO’s response falls squarely into the latter category. His words will embolden Putin to be even more aggressive and accelerate his asymmetric attacks on other neighboring nations.

"The president recklessly remarked that the price for Russia invading Ukraine “depends on what it does. It’s one thing if it’s a minor incursion and then we end up having a fight about what to do and not do” — the “we” apparently referring to NATO.". . .

Everywhere one looks, Biden has made the world a more dangerous place: China threatens Taiwan, saying Afghanistan withdrawal proves US ‘won’t help’ if war breaks out    Always relevant: Do we need show business celebrities picking our national leaders?

Senator John Kennedy: Americans Are Tired of Democrats Calling Them Racists (VIDEO)

 The Gateway Pundit   "Republican Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana is a gem who has a way with words and a great sense of humor.

"During a recent appearance on FOX News, he called out Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and various other Democrats for constantly accusing other Americans of racism.

"He said that the American people are tired of it, and is he ever right." . . .

. . ."The American people are getting pretty tired of being called a racist or a traitor or Nazi because they don’t agree with the president’s woke neo-socialist agenda. And that is why his poll numbers are on a journey to the center of the Earth, and he needs to stop it."