Thursday, January 27, 2022

Tom Hanks’ latest project could be called “Saving President Biden.”


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Tom Hanks boosts Pres. Biden's first year in office - New York Daily News  . . ."Biden’s message to the nation generated plenty of buzz on the internet, in no small part because it somewhat mirrored a scene from the 2007 animated movie “The Simpsons,” featuring Hanks doing a public relations spot for the U.S. government.
"  'Hello. I’m Tom Hanks. The U.S. government has lost its credibility, so it’s borrowing some of mine,” a cartoon Hanks says, trying to explain that a newly created giant crater is actually a new Grand Canyon. “This is Tom Hanks saying, if you’re going to pick a government to trust, why not this one?”
"The Biden administration passed an historic trillion dollar infrastructure deal in late 2021 that’s expected to send billions of dollars to New York to strengthen roads and tunnels.
"Hanks last appeared on Biden’s behalf a year ago when he hosted a star-studded “Celebrating America” extravaganza, marking the inauguration of the newly elected president. That included performances by Bruce Springsteen, Jon Bon Jovi and the Foo Fighters." . . .

Where We Are: School District Addresses Whether It's Installed Litter Boxes for Furry-Identifying Students


"Did a Michigan school district recently place kitty litter boxes in restrooms for those expressing their fecally feline identity?

"Per the New York Post, such a stinky question was recently posed online.

"And Midland Public Schools had to clear the air.

"The saga began last month with parent Lisa Hansen. At a December school board meeting, she claimed a Midland student had informed her that — in “at least one of [the] schools in…town, in one of the unisex bathrooms” — there had been placed “a litter box for the kids that identify as cats.”

"In footage posted online, she told the board she was “really disturbed.”

“I’m all for creativity and imagination, but when someone lives in a fantasy world and expects other people to go along with it, I have a problem with that.”

"Her horror refers to a sexual identity known as “furry.”

"From the National Institutes of Health’s National Library of Medicine: . ."

Buyer’s remorse versus the State of California

 I’d love to ask Boris Johnson in England why he just did an about-face. I’m guessing he looked at the readily available information, then decided to end all mandates for his country because they were counterproductive. Isn’t it time we did the same? Oh, wait…. We have a government that wants to perpetuate the delusion at all costs, including destroying our children’s lives.  TP

  Terry Paulding  "A new bill has been proposed in California’s legislature. State senator Richard Pan (D-Sacramento) wants to require COVID “vaccination” for all the state’s schoolchildren, K-12 ostensibly to make schools “safe.” Meanwhile, there’s reality, which dictates that buyer’s remorse is hitting the populace in heavily vaccinated countries. But still, the press ignores it all.

"In Israel, with a 95% vaccination rate, there are currently nearly 450,000 active cases. There are fewer than 10,000,000 Israeli citizens, so around one in 20 Israelis currently have COVID. Denmark is similar—highly vaccinated, with an infection rate higher than ever before. Higher, even, than before there were vaccines.

"Even as California doubles down on stupid, the case rate there is falling as Omicron runs thorough and the death rate, already low from the variant, is down even more. My county, Alameda, sits at -2 deaths for the last two weeks. I guess that means they decided two people didn’t actually die of the virus. Since January 11, nine people have died of COVID, and 11 have been eliminated from the death toll. In the last week, one person died in a county of just under 1.7 million residents. Yet we’re moving towards more restrictions.

"With the disclaimer that I am not really comfortable with statistics and math, I dig into the numbers. I looked up “all-cause mortality” for California and found a curious thing." . . .

Justice Kamala Harris Will Never Happen

I do fear for our formerly great nation with this Democrat Party in charge. TD

Settle down, everyone. Washington’s cackling mediocrity won’t be tapped for the Supreme Court vacancy.  

 National Review  "Close Twitter, turn off your TV, and suppress the palace whispering for a moment so that you might better understand a truth that obtains now, and for all time beyond: Vice President Kamala Harris is not going to be nominated for the United States Supreme Court. The idea is a joke, a reverie, a distraction. Harris has none of the qualifications for the job; she has none of the support she’d need to get there; and, as even her most ardent fans must by now intuit, her elevation would be a disaster for her own side. That President Biden has attached himself to such an anvil may be plausibly regarded as a misfortune. To attach himself twice would look like carelessness.

"As for the agreement of the Senate? Fuggedaboutit. The case in favor is that the Democrats — even Biden himself — are desperate to get rid of her. But the Supreme Court is for life, not for Christmas. At this rate, Democrats will be rid of Kamala Harris in just under three excruciating years. If, by contrast, she were to be parachuted onto the Supreme Court, she would blot their escutcheon for life. If you want a picture of a future in which Harris is wearing a black robe, imagine a cackling mediocrity dissenting fruitlessly from the bench — forever.

"Besides, there is such a thing as going too far with a ruse. The Democrats have become pretty darned unsubtle about their desire to treat the Court as a super-legislature, but adding the sitting vice president to its ranks would make their game clear to even the dullest of political observers. It is one thing to find the right to abortion in the emanations and penumbras of an 18th-century script, but it is quite another to find the unabridged text of Build Back Better. Imagine, if you will, an opinion that begins, “It is time for us to do what we have been doing, and that time is every day,” and you’ll have the full measure of the futility that Harris would bring to bear. And for what? If the Democrats wanted a garrulous platitude machine who was willing to toe the line, they would have urged Justice Breyer to stay.". . .

Justice Breyer's Retirement May Not Be All Bad News for Conservatives | National Review

The New York Times reports that Justice Breyer intends to retire from the Supreme Court at the end of this term. If President Biden can pick a nominee who is palatable to the 50 senators who caucus with his party, he will be able to replace Breyer fairly quickly. Despite the fact that this will mean swapping Breyer for a younger non-originalist justice (not great, Bob!), I can think of at least four reasons that this is better news for conservatives than it might at first seem.

 The Shortlist for SCOTUS and How the GOP Could Block the Nominee – RedState

. . ."This may reveal some of that backbiting effort on the left to try to push Breyer out the door so they could get a younger appointee from Biden, something Breyer probably doesn’t appreciate. But the left wants him out the door before the possible change in Congress when Republicans could potentially take over the Senate and then pose a greater problem to a nominee. If they’re able to put through someone now, they likely would have Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) and they might get the Republican squishes like Sen. Mitt Romney (RINO-UT) and Sen. Lisa Murkowski (RINO-AK)" . . .

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

‘Stupid Son of a B*tch’ and the Drama of the Failed Insult; Biden drops a “Doocy.”

The American Spectator  "I have a confession. I am a big fan of the noble art of insult. It makes our democracy that much healthier. The insult, more than impertinence, has great defining power. There are guys that you cannot describe in a reliable way, if not with a good insult. An idiot is not the same as an imbecile, nor a donkey is a rat, nor a fool as a son-of-a-hyena. There are many degrees of stupidity and evil. Bin Laden is not comparable to the inventor of the start-stop system in my car, but only by a bit.

"My go-to theologians do not agree with me on this, but I maintain that the insult is a commendable work of charity. To the extent that you define a dangerous fellow accurately, you forewarn those who will interact with him of what awaits them. Saying that a thief is “not an entirely honorable person” leaves the thief unpunished and his victims helpless. Gee, I suspect I won’t get the Best Catholic Journalist award this year either.

"Insulting is good for your health. It improves your complexion, aids digestion, and improves your eyesight; there comes a time when you can see an asshole coming from a hundred miles away. But insulting also improves circulation. When you’re in front of an idiot in action and you don’t externalize it in some way, the “idiot” stays inside you, nests, and could give rise to a bloodstream full of stupid cells. It’s my own theory, but I am convinced that if I attribute it to some Himalayan shaman it will seem more plausible to you.

"And more than about being rude it is all about being precise. Spanish from Spain — forgive me — is perhaps the richest language in terms of the nuances of its insults. At last we are world champions in something! On my desk sits a thick volume entitled El gran libro de los insultos (“The Great Book of Insults”), with thousands of offensive slurs for all kinds of people and situations. It’s 1,152 pages full of centuries’ worth of abuse and outbursts. Heaven, for any columnist. Most of them are of local usage, only comprehensible in certain regions, but if you study their history you discover an exciting world chockablock full of rich nuances. Some of the insults in this dictionary are breathtakingly beautiful; unfortunately, most are impossible to translate into English, because most of them are barely understandable in Spanish." . . .

DeSantis Shocker: It's Not OK to Hate Whites

. . ."Last week, a Muslim terrorist, Malik Faisal Akram, seized a Texas synagogue and held four hostages for 10 hours. The media universally identified Akram as: “British man.” He didn’t even call himself “British”! A week later, the Anti-Defamation League’s Jonathan Greenblatt went on MSNBC and tried to suggest “Republicans” were responsible for the attack. The truth might make Muslims uncomfortable. "A virus that originated in China cannot be called anything with “China” in the name. That might make Asians uncomfortable."


 Ann Coulter  "Gov. Ron DeSantis is pushing a bill through the Florida legislature to put a stop to the modern pedagogy of making little girls cry because they're white. The bill, called "Stop the Wrongs to Our Kids and Employees Act (WOKE)," prohibits classroom instruction that contradicts these concepts:

"No race is inherently superior to another race";

 "An individual, by virtue of his or her race or sex, does not bear responsibility for actions committed in the past by other members of the same race or sex"; 

"An individual should not be made to feel discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress on account of his or her race." 

The left has been having a sneer-fest over the proposed law, howling that it protects "white people" from feeling "uncomfortable." SNOWFLAKES! E.g.:

. . ."Last week, a Muslim terrorist, Malik Faisal Akram, seized a Texas synagogue and held four hostages for 10 hours. The media universally identified Akram as: “British man.” He didn’t even call himself “British”! A week later, the Anti-Defamation League’s Jonathan Greenblatt went on MSNBC and tried to suggest “Republicans” were responsible for the attack. The truth might make Muslims uncomfortable. 

"A virus that originated in China cannot be called anything with “China” in the name. That might make Asians uncomfortable."

Ann Coulter: This Thanksgiving, Joy-Ann Reid Has Much To Be Thankful For

       Nov 2021: "Consider:

While having zero American slave ancestry, you have managed to elbow aside actual descendants of American slaves (DOAS), gobbling up the benefits earned by their ancestors’ suffering, and intended for them. That was a good deal for you!

When Biden moves his mouth, who's voice comes out?


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From a full year ago!
Biden may not be Bernie Sanders with a grin, but his is likely to be the presidency, and any illusions of “unity” or a return to regular order in Congress should be discarded after his outright rejection of a good-faith effort at bipartisanship.

Patrick J. Buchanan: Is Biden Right? Does the Left Own the Future? - The New American

. . ."Biden appears to be a failing president who believes in the inevitable victory of the ideology toward which he himself has been moving over his half-century career since arriving in Washington as a 30-year-old centrist Democrat. Unfortunately, he may not be wrong."

Biden is a proxy for Bernie Sanders and the left: Katie Pavlich - YouTube   "Fox News contributor Katie Pavlich slams Biden and Democrats for mishandling the biggest issues facing Americans on 'Sunday Night in America.' "

Commentary: By the numbers, President Biden is a failing president ( . ."As of now, Biden is a drag on the Democratic Party at the national level, and very probably in the off-year election in November.\

"What began his slide in public approval in August was a foreign policy debacle, the perception of a bungled withdrawal from Afghanistan.

"And how Biden handles the Ukraine crisis ginned up by Russian President Vladimir Putin may come to be seen as a reflection of his mastery of foreign policy or his ineptitude.

"Ukraine could be determinant in history's judgment of Biden's presidency."

Emulating Islam: The Left’s War on the Christian Cross

  Accordingly, and as I know from talking to such people, they are often shocked beyond belief to discover that the Western nations they fled to -- and which they mistakenly assumed were Christian nations -- share in Islam’s well-documented aversion for the Christian cross.
Men's Dog Tag Necklaces on

Raymond Ibrahim; American Thinker  . . ."The worst incident occurred in November 2016, when a manager actually called her away during surgery to berate her about her cross: “I said ‘I cannot leave the patient,’ but the manager insisted.  I was so embarrassed. Theatre [operation room] is a pressured environment, and I was astonished that senior staff were prepared to potentially endanger a patient’s life in order to intimidate me to remove it [her cross].”                    

"In the end, because “she refused to take it off, Mary was moved to clerical duties and became subject to what she describes as a sustained campaign of bullying that left her unable to work.”  She took her case to court and only recently, according to a January 8 report, won.  Ruling in her favor, the judge found that management had forced Mary to work in a “humiliating, hostile and threatening environment” and that when Mary complained, their response had only been “offensive and intimidating.” 

"And all because she wore a small cross necklace.  As Andrea Williams, who represented Mary in her lawsuit, explained:

From the beginning this case has been about one or two members of staff being offended by the cross -- the worldwide, recognized and cherished symbol of the Christian faith. It is upsetting that an experienced nurse, during a pandemic, has been forced to choose between her faith and the profession she loves. Why do some NHS [National Health Service] employers feel that the cross is less worthy of protection or display than other religious attire?. . .

. . ."Islam, beginning with its prophet, who “had such a repugnance to the form of the cross that he broke everything brought into his house with its figure upon it,” has been responsible for destroying countless crosses, past and present.  Islam, however, is at least honest and open about its hatred.  As for the so-called “left,” perhaps it is high time to take the sage advice first uttered by the one behind the cross: “You will know them by their fruits.” 

In "Saving Private Ryan", Pvt Mellish knew well the significance of his dog tags.

CA Teachers Accused of Manipulating 11-Year-Old Girl Into Believing She Was Transgender


"Two teachers in California are being accused of coaching and manipulating a middle school child into believing she was a boy, changing her pronouns, and her name, while hiding these changes from her mother.

"The child’s mother, Jessica Konen, is now suing her child’s school district under the allegations that two teachers and the school’s principal attempted to pressure her 11-year-old daughter into thinking she wanted to transition into a boy and change her pronouns, all while keeping it a secret from her mom.

"In late December, the two teachers,  Lori Caldeira and Kelly Baraki initially attracted negative media attention after admitting to stalking their middle schoolers’ online activity to select and coerce students into joining their LGBTQ club called ‘You Be You’.

"The teachers explicitly admitted to their disgusting recruitment approach at an LGBTQ conference last October.

" 'When we were doing our virtual learning — we totally stalked what they were doing on Google when they weren’t doing schoolwork,” Caldeira. “One of them was Googling ‘Trans Day of Visibility.’ And we’re like, ‘Check.’ We’re going to invite that kid when we get back on campus.'”. . .

Elderly man with PTSD from SF Chinatown baseball bat attack sues DA Chesa Boudin for mishandling his case

 An elderly Asian American man who fell victim to a brutal attack in broad daylight in San Francisco two years ago is launching a federal lawsuit against the city’s District Attorney’s Office for allegedly mishandling his case and mistreating him in the process.


. . ."Lê quickly reported his experience to San Francisco police, which led to the Tanners’ arrest later on the same day. The father, Tanner Sr., was taken into custody for battery, felony elder abuse and felony terroristic threats. The San Francisco District Attorney’s Office, however, refused to prosecute either the father or son with hate crime enhancements and agreed to a lenient plea deal with Tanner Sr., who pled guilty to a misdemeanor battery charge for no jail time and only a year of probation — all without Lê’s knowledge."

Twitter video here. After the act, the man ran away, indicating he knew what he did was wrong.  
. . ."On Monday, Oakland police confirmed that the suspect has been arrested.
"He has not been identified yet, but authorities have previously described him as a Black man, approximately 35 years old and around 6 feet tall with a slim build.
"The suspect is now facing charges of assault and cruelty to an elder or dependent adult, according to CBS SF Bay Area."

This question must be asked: Which is the racist here?
The black man who assaulted these Asians?
Or those Asians who now live in fear of blacks on their streets?

My church has numerous blacks whose fellowship I cherish and look forward to. One must feel sadness for the social price they must pay through the fault of those who assault people for no reason but their color.
Americans have spent decades healing and erasing traces of the old Jim Crow culture only to have criminals like these take us all back to the beginning. TD

Wokeism even affects CANDY


"Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, Greg Gutfeld and Jesse Watters are having a field day poking fun at the new look of M&Ms animated characters, calling it “deeply unappealing and totally androgynous.”

"Mars Inc., the manufacturers of M&Ms, announced that its candy characters would be updated to be more inclusive and reflect its “global commitment to creating a world where everyone feels they belong and society is inclusive.” These changes include swapping the green M&M’s go-go boots for more sensible sneakers and lowering the brown M&M’s stilettos to block heels.

"In addition, as part of M&M’s goal to prioritize “personalities, rather than their gender,” the orange M&M has been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder.

" 'Carlson, who led the charge Friday night, wasn’t having any of it.". . .

M&Ms get woke - Accuracy in Media (   . . ."The most popular Halloween candy in America is getting a “progressive redesign”. Classic M&M characters portrayed on TV are softening traditional gender norms in favor of chocolates with a better personality according to Mars-Wrigley.

"Wardrobe changes include exchanging the Green M&Ms go-go boots for “cool, laid-back sneakers to reflect her effortless confidence.”, and shortening the Brown M&Ms stiletto. Changing these aspects of the animated candy pieces will supposedly make them “better represented to reflect confidence and empowerment, as a strong female, and known for much more than her boots.” as reported by CBS News.". . .

The Real Reason Why There Isn't a Purple M&M (

M&Ms Introduce First Trans Character Who Identifies As A Skittle:

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Unusually Cruel: How the J6 Political Prisoners are Treated Inside the DC Jail
. . . For example, cells in the January 6 wing of the CTF were extremely small, composed of a single toilet, sink, and a small bed cot. The walls of the rooms had residue of human feces, bodily fluids, blood, dirt, and mold. The community showers were recently scrubbed of black mold—some of which remained. The interior walls of the common area were also freshly painted. According to the inmates, the U.S. Marshals had recently visited the area just days before, which caused a flurry of activity by guards to clean up the January 6 area while the U.S. Marshals were inspecting another area." . . .

The Columbia Bugle 🇺🇸 on Twitter: ".@julie_kelly2's Full Opening Remarks About The Horrible Treatment Of January 6th Protestors At The House Judiciary Committee Hearing "It appears however that the DC Jail for January 6th protestors is more of a political prison for Americans who protested Joe Biden's election."

                                                                        Toon added by TD