Sunday, February 6, 2022

Biden’s Ukraine Scramble

 Conrad Black

Joe Biden appears to be attempting to scramble through the present crisis without giving away too much or being humiliated once again, but better options are available.

"Perversely, most of the aggressive left-wing media want to escalate the feud with Russian President Vladimir Putin to the point of driving Russia into the arms of China. This is the only way Russia (whose GDP is smaller than Canada’s) could seriously damage the West. 

"At the same time, some conservative commentators, including some of the stars at Fox News, are unreasonably accusing those who favor resisting Russian aggression in Ukraine of being warmongers and trying to propel America into endless, useless war. Again. 

"There is a legitimate American and Western interest in not allowing Russia to trample an independent nation of 40 million underfoot in the middle of Europe to the embarrassment of the Western alliance, and it is not a difficult scenario to avoid.

"For once, I’m prepared and happy to come partially to Joe Biden’s defense. The greatest problem with what he said about Ukraine at his press conference last week is not his customary ambiguity about the assertion of a legitimate national interest, or that the Western alliance (partly because of his own weakness) is divided on this question. Rather, the problem is very complicated. Biden grasps this, but he is famously bad at responding to such questions, even with rehearsal. Of course he is correct that there is a distinction between a wholesale invasion of a country and a frontier violation with very limited objectives.". . . 

Saturday, February 5, 2022

CNN: The Future of Fake News

 American Greatness (

CNN left its roots, stopped being the news agency with the international reach it set out to be, and morphed into an increasingly maniacal, 24/7 left-wing diatribe.  

"CNN is dying. Its president, Jeff Zucker, was just fired. (Or, rather, he “resigned.”) The network’s viewership is plummeting, and fewer than 500,000 people on average tuned in last month. Advertisers don’t send their dollars there much anymore, and the “stars” the network once had either have been removed for cause or caught up in sex or other scandals. 

 "Chris “Fredo” Cuomo threatened to burn the place down after getting fired last year. Why does the parent company—AT&T, a telephone megacompany—put up with it? CNN is a drag on the parent company’s earnings, a thorn in its side, and a hit on its reputation. Wouldn’t a rational actor cancel the network altogether or sell it off and be done with it? With $150 billion in debt, no wonder AT&T decided to sell the ailing network to the Discovery Network. AT&T will no doubt benefit from getting out of politics. 

What I Saw Behind the Scenes at CNN 

"It wasn’t always this way. Atlanta was a Southern town, but it was becoming something very different and more impressive by 1992. It was getting cosmopolitan and downright worldly. Atlanta had won the 1996 Summer Olympics (secured by Mayor Andrew Young at—you guessed it—Davos). Segregation was over and grits were becoming hard to find.

"One company had come to personify the newfound swagger and embodied the spirit of the “New South.” That company had started as a small-fry radio station with a big signal and had grown into the powerhouse, most-watched-network on cable television. Its format was unheard of at the time: all news, all the time.

"After the Gulf War, an entrepreneurial Ted Turner, CNN’s founder and CEO, bragged he had won. CNN represented raw media power never before seen.

China’s Shameful Olympics

 Tom Cotton: Beijing Olympics: U.S. Athletes at Risk in China | National Review

These Games never should have been in Beijing. But the Biden administration failed to keep them out. Now American athletes are at risk.

. . ."When it became clear that the government could not protect the safety and privacy of our athletes, thanks to the Biden administration’s inaction and incompetence, the president should have announced a total and complete boycott of the games. He should then have rallied the rest of the world to follow America’s lead, as it so often has. Instead, Joe Biden folded.

"In yet another example of weakness and ineptitude, President Biden has kowtowed to China and placed our athletes in danger. For the next two weeks, their safety, security, and privacy will be in the bloodstained hands of the CCP.". . .

Pelosi Tells Olympic Athletes Not To Speak Ill Of China While There… | Weasel Zippers

 Nolte: Record Low Ratings for NBC's Opening Coverage of Genocide Games (

ESPN Star J.A. Adande Claims Americans Shouldn’t Criticize China’s Human Rights Record | The Daily Caller  . . ."What the hell is wrong with this dude? I’m the most pro-America person you’ll ever meet, and I can also admit that America is not perfect.No country on this planet is perfect, but America is hands down the closest thing we have to perfection on Earth."

CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Chinese Security Goon Drags Dutch Reporter Away during Olympics Live Shot • Warner Todd Huston • (  "Shocking video from Friday shows a Dutch reporter being bodily dragged away by a Chinese security officer outside an Olympic arena during a live broadcast of the Beijing Olympics.

"The incident is shocking proof of just how much China opposes free speech and freedom of the press.

"The reporter, Sjoerd den Daas, of the Netherlands Public Broadcasting outlet NOS Nieuws, is seen in the clip being shoved and herded away from his camera by a Chinese security agent in a black jacket and red armband.". . .

Has the US Government Declared War on Its Citizens?

If we were being honest with ourselves, surely we would ask whether the government of the United States has quietly declared war on the people of the United States.  Or is that question no longer permitted in this new era of government-sanctioned censorship? 

Political Cartoons (

American Thinker  . . ." Nations of people without any sense of shared history or purpose do not remain nations for long.  Tearing down statues destroys collective memory of the past.  Reimagining America's founding as some evil paradise for slaveholders, instead of the triumph for human liberty that it was, cheapens all the struggles Americans have endured together for freedom.  Fixating on skin color serves no purpose other than to salt the land with hatred and division.  Choosing to vilify local law enforcement as "white supremacists" while celebrating citywide arson and mayhem in the name of "racial justice" only assures that "justice for all" disappears for good.  Why is the secretary of education committed to pushing Critical Race Theory on public school students while accusing concerned parents of being "domestic terrorists"?  Why do the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Bureau of Investigation push "white supremacy" as the most lethal domestic terrorism threat a half-century after Jim Crow?  Why does the White House routinely demonize its Republican opponents as being malicious racists not at all different from George Wallace or Bull Connor (both Democrats)?

"Disparaging local policing as institutionalized racism has had the predictable effect of increasing crime across the country.  Falsely accusing white Americans of being irredeemably racist has had the predictable effect of dividing the country along racial lines.  Rewriting Americans' history so that the country's steady pursuit of human freedom is intentionally stricken from the record has had the predictable effect of convincing too many Americans that nothing about their nation's past is worth preserving.  Why would a rational government seek to divide Americans by race unless its mission is to destroy national unity for good?". . .

30 Black Americans to Celebrate During Black History Month

 Not on this list: Maxine Waters, Al Sharpton, Barack Obama, and most of those in Congress.

30 Black Historical Figures to Celebrate During Black History Month (  

"Every Black History Month, pioneers in African American history are often mentioned like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Muhammad Ali, Harriet Tubman. They are revered and in the spotlight because they are on stamps, calendars, and even quoted in political speeches. But what about the other unsung Black history heroes that have opened doors, fought for freedoms, and even invented techniques used in healthcare today? 

" All of the pioneers should be celebrated and mentioned, so we’re shining a light on 30 Black Americans that have flown under the radar and deserve to be celebrated for their bravery, accomplishments, and contributions to the civil rights movement, the arts, politics, technology, and much more. 

"Heroes like Ella Baker, Claudette Colvin, Gordon Parks, and Bayard Rustin are celebrated in this list as they’ve made way for many of today’s innovators to shine in the present. " . . .

. . ."Ethel Waters

Waters first entered the entertainment business in the 1920s as a blues singer, before making history. Waters was the first to integrate Broadway appearing in Irving Berlin’s As Thousands Cheer and eventually became the highest-paid performer on Broadway.  In addition to becoming the first African American to star in her own television variety show in 1939, The Ethel Waters Show. She was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for the film Pinky in 1950. Also in 1950, Waters was the first Black actress to star in a television series, Beulah, which aired on ABC. In 1962, she became the first African American woman to be nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Single Performance by a Leading Lady for the show Route 66

China Thumbs Its Nose at the West With Sick Move During Opening Ceremony of the Olympics


"China’s government is showing how it feels about international condemnation of its human rights abuses.

During the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics in Beijing, China made a particularly brazen decision to choose an Uyghur athlete to deliver the ceremonial flame, which NBC News notes “often carries symbolic weight based in part on who is selected for the task.”

“This was a riposte to President Joe Biden for skipping these Olympics,” Andy Browne, editorial director of the Bloomberg New Economy Forum said during NBC’s broadcast, adding that it was “a message to the West: China won’t be lectured to on human rights, or on any other issue.”

NBC’s Savannah Guthrie noted, “This moment is quite provocative, it’s a statement from the Chinese president, Xi Jinping, to choose an athlete from the Uyghur minority, it is an in your face response to those Western nations including the U.S., who have called this Chinese treatment of that group genocide…there will be much discussion about this.”

CNN’s Jake Tapper weighed in on China’s move on Twitter, “Hard to imagine a more cynical move. The Chinese government is literally committing genocide simultaneously against the Uyghurs.”

This One Player Just REDEEMED the Entire Kneeling NFL

 The Black Sphere

It’s often been said, “You’re never too important to be kind to people.”

"Recently, Philadelphia Eagles player Anthony Harris exemplified the saying when he showed himself to be a “salt of the earth” kind of man. Harris did more than just be a good American, he went out of his way to be “a light that helps others see,” for an eleven-year old girl who had recently endured tragedy. Harris just wanted to be a good human, and he epitomized an Unhyphenated American.
The news is often full of “bad news,” in general. When it comes to “news” about professional athletes, if it’s not news about their positive exploits on the field, the “news” loves to talk about their negative exploits off the field. Maybe it’s because of the sport’s violent nature, but the NFL, and it’s 1,696 athletes carried on active rosters, often act as fodder for the media feeding on whatever negative exploits they can drum up. But what about all of the good works many of them do? Where do those stories end up? We’ll get there, but first let’s answer another question.
"What does it mean to be “Unhyphenated”?
"It means to really focus on being simply human, first and foremost. What does it mean to be an “American”? Well America is more than just a geographic location, and it’s far more than just its laws. America is an idea. America is set of overarching norms, mores, values, and traditions, held by a group of people. In short, America is a culture based on beliefs in “E Pluribus Unum” (out of many, one), “Liberty”, and “In God We Trust.”. . .

Just a couple of examples of stupid leftism

But here’s the deal: You cannot simultaneously hate Christianity, fossil fuel, and slavery, because it is the first two that ended Western slavery and keep it ended.

Bookworm Room

It’s time (again) to call out the kerfuffle over a man joining a women’s swim team and the usual leftist ignorance about what ended slavery.

"When I prepare my illustrated edition, I usually have a category of memes that I save on my computer as “stupid leftists.” Sometimes, though, I don’t have a visual meme, so I’m just going to have to use my words. There are two things currently irking me about stupid things leftists do.

"One. Women on the Penn swimming team are beginning to speak out more often about the travesty of Will Thomas being on their swim team.

"They speak about the fact that Thomas is biologically intact and, clearly, gets aroused in the locker room. They speak out about his arrogance for he’s comparing himself to Jackie Robinson. They speak out about his dismal record when he swam on the men’s swimming team. They speak out about the fact that he almost certainly conspired with a woman who claims to be a man to throw a race to short-circuit claims that men will always win. (By the way, that woman also claims she hasn’t taken testosterone but I wonder if anybody has tested her.) And they speak out about the fact that, with Will on the team, and more men like Will Thomas coming down the pike, they will be denied victories, scholarships, endorsements, and all the other perks of a lifetime of hard work.

"All of their claims are correct. But you know what? I don’t have a single iota of sympathy for them. Why? Because they call Will Thomas (a sleazy, perverted, dishonest biological man) “Lia,” and refer to him as “she” or “her.” In other words, they’re supporting the con. As long as they’re supporting the con, they deserve the “con”-sequences and are getting them good and hard.

"Ladies (real ladies), the truth will set you free. You need to say that Will Thomas is a man. Until then, stop whining.

"Two. Leftists are very clear: They hate Christianity and fossil fuel. They also purport to hate slavery, although that’s not quite true. What they hate is slavery as practiced in America in the years leading up to the 13th Amendment.

"I happen to think that all slavery is morally wrong. I also understand that American slavery was an existential flaw in a nation built upon the premise that all men are created equal and are endowed by their creator with inalienable rights, one of which is liberty. I abhor all forms of slavery, however, and wherever practiced.". . .

Friday, February 4, 2022

Jim Jordan: Biden's Support of Illegal Border Crossers Could Lead to Impeachment; Destruction of Cities

Neon Nettle

. . ."Speaking during a Wednesday interview on the Breitbart News Daily podcast, Jordan said Biden's “intentional” facilitation of illegal immigration across the southern border may lead to impeachment if Republicans take back control of Congress after the midterms.

"Jordan remarked, “When you intentionally allow 1.9 million people in one year’s time to come across your border, there’s no other way you can interpret this other than it’s deliberate.

"It’s intentional.”

El Salvador President Asks If the United States Is ‘Being Destroyed from Within’ | Neon Nettle   President Bukele tweeted: 

“Is there a deliberate plan to destroy the United States from within?”

“Why are the authorities and some of the media not even commenting on this things?”

''Why are they letting their beautiful cities rot?''

 . . ."His remarks are reminiscent of observations made by other international observers who look upon America’s embrace of woke platitudes amid the country’s crumbling infrastructure and rule of law.". . .

Jesse Watters: Why is Biden betraying us? - Choice Clips (

It's OK, Whoopi; Don Lemon forgives you


Don Lemon Calls For Goldberg To Be Forgiven, Forgets Canceled Actress Gina Carano (   . . ."Comedians like Dave Chappelle and Joe Rogan have both been targets of cancel culture as they speak out on the absurdity of the movement. And although CNN once supported the culture, it appears they are now turning away as “The View” co-host, Whoopi Goldberg, was suspended for claiming the Holocaust wasn’t about race.". . . 

While Lemon might be calling for forgiveness, he was rather silent when Disney decided to fire actress Gina Carano for making a Holocaust comparison herself. Ian Miles Cheong wrote on Twitter, “Gina Carano was fired by Disney, which owns ABC over an Instagram post comparing inhumane restrictions and dehumanization to the Nazis’ treatment of Jews. Whoopi Goldberg got a two week vacation from ABC for minimizing the Holocaust as ‘y’all whites against whites.’” 

Newly Declassified Emails Show Trump Impeachment Witnesses Knew About Biden Family Corruption


Trending Politics  "Newly declassified emails obtained released by the U.S. State Department suggest deep-seated corruption in the Biden family. Despite the impeachment of a sitting president, Donald Trump, for seeking answers on the appearance of impropriety involving Hunter Biden’s business dealings in Ukraine, the emails now reveal that those shady dealings indeed “undercut” U.S. foreign policy.

"Former U.S. embassy official George Kent, one of the star witnesses in the Trump impeachment trial, was the author of an email dated November 22, 2016. The emails were obtained by Just the News under Freedom of Information Act request.

“'The real issue to my mind was that someone in Washington needed to engage VP Biden quietly and say that his son Hunter’s presence on the Burisma board undercut the anti-corruption message the VP and we were advancing in Ukraine,” Kent bluntly wrote.

“ 'Kent’s email described an intense pressure campaign by advocates for Burisma — including a former U.S. ambassador — to rehabilitate the Ukrainian company’s corrupt reputation and to get Ukraine prosecutors to drop their criminal investigations of the company,” Just the News reported.

“ 'Kent even relayed to higher-ups that he had confirmed with Ukrainian prosecutors that Burisma officials had paid a $7 million ‘bribe’ to make one of the cases against the company disappear. The bribe was allegedly paid at a time when Hunter Biden was serving on the Burisma board, a job that landed his firm more than $3 million from the Ukrainian energy company.”

“ 'Kent explained to the officials in Washington that Burisma’s long reputation for alleged corruption and anecdotes like the bribe were one of the main reasons Hunter Biden’s affiliation with the company proved harmful to U.S. efforts to fight Ukrainian corruption,” the report continued.". . .

With Whoopi Suspended, Let's Revisit 'The View's' Clarence Thomas Segment...Because They Went Full Racist


"Whoopi Goldberg has been suspended. She made awful remarks about the Holocaust. She said it wasn't about race. It was. She apologized but still got benched for two weeks by the higher-ups at ABC News. She's not happy about it. She might quit. She might not—who knows? The interesting part about this whole saga that goes beyond the idiocy of this whole fiasco is that "The View" really got into the race wars in a segment about the Supreme Court. 
"Oh yes, last week, "The View" went on an all-out assault on the Supreme Court using air quotes when speaking about Justice Amy Coney Barrett being a woman. They, of course, accused Justice Clarence Thomas of being a race traitor. The Newsbusters crew was there with the clip and summary:" 
Video at the link

"The vile nastiness of The View coven was really pulsing ... as the panel used Justice Stephen Breyer’s retirement announcement to lash out at Justices Clarence Thomas and Amy Coney Barrett. Together, they accused Thomas of being a race traitor and wasn’t the correct kind of black man to replace Justice Thurgood Marshall. With Coney Barrett, they used air quotes when noting she’s “a woman” and suggested she’s a traitor to women.

"The bigotry was suffused throughout the entire segment. It first reared its ugly head when co-host Sunny Hostin suggested Thomas didn’t care about other black people.". . .