Friday, February 11, 2022

What To Do With the Left After Their Coming Spanking

 Being a pessimist, I worry about claiming triumph before the contest. If the thing comes out close, the left will declare victory and even a mandate. And don't count out those Democrat voters newly arrived from south of the border. TD

Conrad Black

The day is now not far off when wokeness, American self-hate, foreign appeasement, and the indulgence of criminal and corrupt organizations like Black Lives Matter will end.

 "Even as the giant Potemkin village of Democratic Trump-hating self-righteousness crumbles week by week, the last gasp is audible: the grotesquely overstaffed January 6 committee investigating the events at the Capitol on that day last year is full of belligerent former prosecutors who, in interviews with the New York Times and others, acknowledge that they are pursuing their task as if they were after prominent alleged gangsters. The Congress has no power to indict and all it can do is claim to unearth facts that would justify an indictment from  Attorney General Merrick Garland. Garland claims to believe that parents concerned about critical race theory and other subjects taught to their children are a principal threat to public order in the United States. Though he is in lock-step with the far-Left policy agenda of the administration, even he might not be prepared to indict a former president on such a weak set of facts as this case presents.

"The FBI director, Christopher Wray, reported shortly after January 6, 2021 that there was no evidence connecting those who had trespassed and vandalized the Capitol with the Trump campaign. They’ve detained hundreds of alleged Capitol trespassers without trial for many months, presumably subjecting them to the customary American prosecutor’s interrogations designed to extort useful evidence with threats of indictments or release and immunity from perjury charges, (with reckless disregard for accuracy). 

"The entire impetus to attack Trump is inspired by the desperate partisanship of a failed Democratic administration and Congress awaiting a severe electoral rebuke in November, and facing an array of apparently well-founded investigations themselves. The Trump-haters have been trying desperately to create the necessary ambiance of righteous unction; reputable commentators like George Will and Peggy Noonan refer to the incident at the Capitol as “1/6” to confer upon it the infamy of 9/11 and to confirm the George Will view that he and his staff were in physical danger on that particular January 6, even though they were miles away from the Capitol. The even more lapidary Thomas Friedman at the New York Times is of the opinion that January 6, 2021 ranks with Pearl Harbor and 9/11, as well, of course, as the imaginary Russian influence on the 2016 presidential election that he endlessly touted.". . . 

The “defund the police” movement and the election of pro-crime district attorneys in major cities are now fixed around the neck of the Democratic Party like a mighty, rancid albatross.

The breakdown of law and order, the press, and American political culture

What Does the Corporate Media Mean When They Say ‘There’s No Evidence of Voter Fraud?’ › American Greatness ( ’ By David Keltz — February 10, 2022 When one candidate “wins” three swing states by fewer than 50,000 votes, with serious problems verifying hundreds of thousands of those votes, that is not evidence of a free and fair election.". . .
Unless we figure out what exactly happened, why it happened and how to fix it going forward, then the American people will never have confidence in our elections again. News Forum


Serial NYC purse snatcher has 59 busts — and still avoids jail (   "The system is working — in this alleged crook’s favor. "A robbery suspect with 59 busts under her belt has been through a revolving door of arrests — and avoided jail again this week for yet another mugging, cops say.". . . 

The Disaster at Our Southern Border

When I say that the Biden administration methodically undid every meaningful border security policy that it inherited, what specifically do I mean?

Imprimis (  "In just a few short months, the Biden administration has created a disaster on the southern border of the United States. It did so by methodically—and by all indications intentionally—undoing every meaningful border security measure that had been in place. As a result, we have had five straight months of over 170,000 illegal immigrants apprehended at the border. The number in June was the highest in over 20 years. And Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has been effectively shut down.

"Our national discussion of border security is generally misleading, and it is designed to be misleading by those who favor open borders. They frame the issue as if the American people face a binary choice: either let all immigrants in because they are “looking for a better life” or close our borders completely and inhumanely. But this is a false choice. The unspoken alternative is to enforce the law, taking in immigrants who enter the U.S. legally while securing our borders against those who attempt to enter illegally—particularly those meaning to do us harm.

"Illegal immigration is, of course, nothing new. It has been a problem in our country for many decades. What is relatively new is the total lack of concern we see in the Biden administration, especially in terms of the national security aspect of border control.

"Unbelievable as it may seem to us today, it was only 15 years ago—with the 9/11 terrorist attacks still fresh in our minds—when Congress came together in a bipartisan effort to pass the Secure Fence Act of 2006. The Secure Fence Act directed the Department of Homeland Security to take appropriate actions to achieve “operational control” over U.S. land and maritime borders to “prevent unlawful entry.” It defined operational control as the prevention of all unlawful entries into the U.S., including terrorists, instruments of terrorism, narcotics, and other contraband. And it specifically set the goal of “provid[ing] at least two layers of reinforced fencing, installation of additional physical barriers, roads, lighting, cameras, and sensors.” It added thousands of Border Patrol personnel, mandated the acquisition of new technologies, and resulted in the construction of more than 650 miles of physical barrier along the southern border of the U.S. between 2006 and 2011. ". . .

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Genocide Barbie: US-Born Freeskier Who Won Gold for China, Calls Herself an ‘Ally’ of BLM, Remains Silent on China’s Genocide


"After shunning her native country and choosing to compete for China, many have questioned US-born Olympic freeskier Eileen Gu’s true allegiances. However, there is one group that Gu proudly associates with, Black Lives Matter.

"In March of last year, the California native gave an interview to the South China Morning Post, in which she called herself an “ally” of Black Lives Matter. In the article, Gu lamented the rash of anti-Asian hate crimes occurring across the country. Gu said that she and her grandmother had fallen victim to such an attack.

“ 'I remember at the beginning of the pandemic, I was with my grandma in a Walgreens in San Francisco and this haphazard, haggard man runs in screaming profanities about Asian people and how they were bringing the virus in and how it was super dangerous. I don’t think I’ve ever felt fear like that in my entire life.

“ 'This was in San Francisco – supposed to be the liberal bubble within California, which is the most liberal state, in the most liberal country in the world. This was supposed to be the safest place and I felt physically in danger. I grabbed my grandma and we ran out. I was so scared. That moment was definitely a reset because I realized how close to home it hit.". . .

. . ."Ahead of the start of the Beijing Olympics last week, other American skiers expressed discontent with Gu’s decision to compete for China.

"It is not my place to judge, but Eileen is from California, not from China, and her decision [to ski for China] seems opportunistic,” Jen Hudak, a former Winter X Games gold medalist for the USA women’s team, told the New York Post. “I can’t speak to what Eileen’s Chinese heritage means to her and she has every right to do what she believes is best for her career.”

"Hudak added that Gu “became the athlete she is because she grew up in the United States, where she had access to premier training grounds and coaching that, as a female, she might not have had in China.”

“I think she would be a different skier if she grew up in China,” she continued. “This makes me sad. It would be nice to see the medals going to America.”

And then there was this ex-American:

Chinese Mercilessly Heckle Figure Skater Who Defected from U.S. After Olympic Fall (  "Chinese social media users, who typically echo the sentiments of the Communist Party lest they be censored, have mercilessly heckled 19-year-old figure skater Zhu Yi – born in America but competing for China – after she fell on the ice on Sunday and finished in last place at the Beijing Winter Olympics.". . .

#WalkAway campaign founder: 'Feds tried to destroy me over Jan. 6'

Straka says he was then placed in a concrete cell with a metal door that didn't open for two days. A tiny vertical sliver passed for a window to the outdoors, and a flap in the door allowed food to pass through.

"On Jan. 6, 2021, social media influencer Brandon Straka ran a thriving nonprofit organization with a massive following, had a game plan for red-pilling Democratic minorities, and was personally invited by President Donald Trump to attend a rally.

"It all came crashing down when Straka was seen standing on the East Lawn of the Capitol filming people, out of view from the violence and chaos seen around the world. Straka unwittingly became one of the event's most famous defendants when he was arrested two weeks later by a SWAT team that he says treated him as a terrorist.

"He is now confined to his home, claims he has been placed on a terror watchlist, and is on federal probation for the next three years. Straka says the experience has left him shaken.

"'The unchecked power of the federal government to come after American citizens who support a man the government establishment hates is terrifying," Straka told the Washington Examiner. "They have unlimited power and resources to destroy people who reject their politics.' "

Jim Acosta Accidentally Admits CNN 'Sucks' in Pathetic Comeback Attempt

 Jim Acosta Accidentally Admits CNN 'Sucks' in Pathetic Comeback Attempt (  

                         "When life gives you Lemons, change the channel."

"CNN’s Jim Acosta is supposed to be a professional journalist, and that’s what makes his botched comeback — where he accidentally agreed with his critics — so gloriously satisfying.

"Now, don’t get tripped up on the word “professional” because you’ve watched him heckle and hector White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany with stupid questions one too many times.

"Acosta may be in the habit of engaging in self-aggrandizing confrontations rather than actual journalism, but he is the network’s chief White House correspondent and should have known better.

"In a live report from the President Donald Trump’s campaign rally in Sanford, Florida, on Monday, a masked Acosta was prattling on about how dire the president’s re-election prospects are, even while a massive crowd was gathered behind him in anticipation of Trump’s arrival.". . .

If You Freely Elect a Soros DA, Don’t Cry Later to Us When Your Loved One Gets Killed

That’s when the murders come. Some 10,000 Black Americans were murdered in 2020. Since Black Lives Matter does not care, and since the woke professors and universities who wear Black Lives Matter on their sleeves don’t care, and since the Democrats and the Evil George Soroses don’t care, and since Caryn Johnson (Whoopi Goldberg) does not seem to care — I guess it falls on me to care. Ten thousand dead Black Americans in a year, lives cut short and murdered in Soros D.A. cities, often killed by bullets randomly flying through their bedroom windows, often fired by other African Americans.

  The American Spectator

                       Your palms had a hand in the shedding of that blood.

"They tell of an illegal poker game in late 1920s New York. (Think: Nathan Detroit and Guys and Dolls.) The cops raid the joint in the cellar and they find three people at the card table — yes, a priest, a pastor, and a rabbi. (The bar was closed.) Cash is spread all over the table. The cops ask the priest: “Well?”

"He responds: “I know what this looks like, officers. But this is money our church gathered tonight at Bingo, and I am asking my colleagues for their ideas on how to disburse it to the needy. There is no poker game going on here.”

"The cops turn to the pastor: “Well?”

"He replies: “I brought the cash we collected at services when we passed around the hats on Sunday. Together with Father O’Callaghan, we were talking about maybe starting up a soup kitchen. But there is no poker game going on here.”

"The cops turn to the rabbi: “We suppose you also are going to deny you are sitting here playing poker?”

"The rabbi answers: “With who?”

"That’s what it feels like every time the news reports another murder tragedy in a city that has turned law enforcement over to a Soros-funded district attorney. With Evil George Soros spending tens of millions to elect radical-extreme DAs across America, cities like Philadelphia, New York, Los Angeles, St. Louis, San Francisco, Chicago, Baltimore, and other metropolitan areas now are experiencing the worst violent crime waves in two decadesAnd yet, arrests have plummeted. The Soros DAs advocate defunding police, cutting back on hiring, and restricting cops’ freedom to police. They order officers not to charge felons with felonies but with misdemeanors, and then the DAs bargain down the misdemeanors to “disorderly conduct.” They give strict orders not to add “resisting arrest” charges. They refuse to ask for bail, or they ask for such low bail that bail becomes meaningless, as arrested violent animals get released the same day. They will not prosecute property crimes.

"Really, one does not require a degree in criminology to know what is next. If you won’t charge me with a crime for stealing goods from trains, I will steal goods from trains unless my parents reared me with a conscience to know right from wrong and with the awareness that G-d always is watching and He eventually will punish. Otherwise, I will shoplift, break store windows overnight, and rob with impunity.". . .

I know I didn’t. I know that not a single person I know did. It seems on the day after another such murder that no one voted for the Evil George Soros DAThose district attorneys just somehow get elected with zero votes alongside their progressive Democrat mayor.

 Godfather of Color Revolutions: Is George Soros the Most Dangerous Man Alive? ( 

Ever wonder why urban terrorists can burn down cities with no consequences but the McCloskeys are prosecuted for defending their home against the same? The answer is George Soros, his money, and his influence. 

 Fox News caves to pressure, pulls George Soros cartoon ( . . ."Nothing has been more effective when it comes to shutting down critics of Soros and his ongoing efforts to reimagine the legal system than accusing them of antisemitism, a powerful tool that is routinely wielded to batter them into silence. And nobody wields a bigger club than the Anti-Defamation League which seemed to easily bully Fox News into compliance.". . .

Why wouldn't the U.S. military be furious with Biden's Afghanistan disaster?

 In the Civil War we would have called Biden's actions a skedaddle; today we know it as a "bug-out".  

Why wouldn't the U.S. military be furious with Biden's Afghanistan disaster? - American Thinker   . . ."What we saw in Afghanistan was a Biden administration completely unprepared for a withdrawal of this magnitude.  They rushed for the gates and created a mess.

First, there was no urgency to get out.  Our troops were not attacked.  On the contrary, our troops were engaged in targeted missions or supporting the Afghan Army.  What was the rush?

"Second, who came up with the idea of leaving military equipment behind?  We just gave the bad guys a massive gift of firepower that will probably end up in the hands of terrorists.   

"Third, what about the air bases?  Whose airplanes will now use them?  I guarantee that it won't be NATO aircraft.

"Fourth, the Biden administration continues to lie about the deal that President Trump made with the Afghan government.   It was a conditional deal.  No way this messy withdrawal happens with Trump in the White House.

"The military should be upset with how things turned out.  Our military fought bravely only to see another politician pull the rug from under their feet as we saw in Vietnam in 1975."

Biden Surrenders to Taliban . . ."The State Department claims to have reached an agreement with the Taliban on allowing more rescues to happen. However, it would be senseless to trust the word of a terrorist organization. The Biden administration now has to live with 13 Marine deaths, numerous casualties, a failed 20-year war, and their own lack of empathy."

Surrendering Afghanistan to the Taliban: Who Is Managing Biden? : Gatestone Institute 

 . . ."WWII was predicated on an unconditional "war guarantee" by France and Britain to defend Poland, should any country attack Poland.... At the end of WWII, who got Poland as a war prize? Stalin. Thanks, FDR. Twenty years of combat following the Taliban/al Qaeda attacks of 9/11, and to whom does Biden surrender Afghanistan? The Taliban. Thanks, Joe." . . . 

. . ."The most disturbing part is that apparently SOMEONE in the US government -- or someone whose hands are on the levers of the organs of the state -- wants it exactly this way. It is not random, an accident, or a mistake. "They" want a return to the "managed decline" that served as the hallmark of the Obama administration's eight-year-long "fundamental transformation" of America. Given President Biden's apparent decline in mental acuity, we are compelled to conclude that whoever is REALLY in power in the United States is not Biden. This is a planned, coherent (NOT BIDEN) strategy. Biden is weak.

Video buzz: Canadian police arrest elderly ‘freedom supporter’ for honking his horn, not showing ID

 Video buzz: Canadian police arrest elderly 'freedom supporter' for honking his horn, not showing ID (  "With tensions flaring north of the border as Canadians protest their government’s oppressive COVID measures, a video of Ottawa police arresting an elderly man whom they pulled over for honking his horn has gone viral.

"The capital city of Ottawa has been beset by truckers who are protesting Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s vaccine mandate with big rigs filling the streets and tooting their horns, putting citizens and members of parliament on edge over the cacophony and prompting an Ontario Superior Court judge to grant a 10-day injunction against the honking of horns as the regime pushes back against the “Freedom Convoy” that has inspired similar protests in other countries.". . . Video

Despite the no honking injunction, the truckers have yet to disperse and on Sunday, Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson declared a state of emergency over the protests which have clearly gotten the attention of a government that has used COVID as an excuse to flex its authoritarian muscles in the harshest manner outside of Australia.

He that tooteth not his own horn, his horn don't get tooted.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Wokeness Is Destroying Sports

 The Political Insider  . . ."When ESPN burst on the scene in 1979 it was a revelation. Suddenly a network that spend 24 hours a day, 7 days a week showing sports, talking sports, and covering sports.

"I was a massive consumer of ESPN.

"This morning I watched about 30 minutes of ESPN for the first time in years. It was a mistake. In the same way that MTV stopped being about music, ESPN has stopped being about sports.

"I am a rabid sports fan. I play hockey and love hockey, I love the NFL, I love college football, and even though my Pittsburgh Pirates are perennially terrible – I still love baseball. My brother and I can and will spend hours on the phone bemoaning the state of the Steelers and playing armchair General Manager.

"Almost all day in my house, sports radio is on in whatever room in the house that I am in. My basement is filled with sports memorabilia and my closets are loaded with sports jerseys, sweatshirts, and t-shirts.

"Some of the most amazing and ridiculous fights in my family growing up were over sports – my mom once locked herself in her car and refused to come out until we agreed to stop fighting over sports.

"When ESPN burst on the scene in 1979 it was a revelation. Suddenly a network that spend 24 hours a day, 7 days a week showing sports, talking sports, and covering sports.

"I was a massive consumer of ESPN.

"This morning I watched about 30 minutes of ESPN for the first time in years. It was a mistake. In the same way that MTV stopped being about music, ESPN has stopped being about sports.". . .gn

Biden’s First Year In Office Saw 73 Police Officers Killed – Most Deaths Since 1995

 Biden’s First Year In Office Saw 73 Police Officers Killed – Most Deaths Since 1995 (

"More cops were killed in the line of duty during President Biden’s first year of office than any other year since 1995 — and a law-enforcement group says the driving force is the growing anti-cop sentiment, according to a new report.

"Seventy-three officers were intentionally killed in the line of duty in 2021 — a nearly 59 percent increase over 2020, when 46 cops were murdered, Fox News reported Sunday, citing the FBI’s database on officers killed in action.

“ 'We believe it’s a combination … of the George Floyd protests — riots, if you will; a general feeling of a preference for less law enforcement; and less prosecution and less policing,” Jason Johnson, president of the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund​ ​and a 20-year police veteran​, told Fox News.​

“ 'Law enforcement officers have essentially been marginalized and demoralized and cast aside and encouraged now to enforce the law. And so we’ve seen massive jumps in the homicide rate in cities across America​,” he said. 

"Johnson noted that “it’s natural” that rising homicide rates in the US have “also resulted in many more officers being assaulted because … a lot of leaders in these cities and leaders in Congress and leaders in the White House have really voiced a lack of respect for law enforcement officers.”

Click here to read the full article at the NY POST

Lockdowns Lose the Olympics

 Ann Coulter

"The Science" permits no debate! (Though I suppose we're lucky Collins merely called the renowned epidemiologists "fringe," and not "white supremacists.")

"Vincent Zhou, the world-class figure skater forced to pull out of the Olympics because of COVID, can thank Anthony Fauci and our COVID-crazed media for his withdrawal.

"In an agonizing Instagram post, Zhou expressed shock at the positive test, saying:

 "It seems pretty unreal that of all the people, it would happen to myself. ... "I have been doing everything in my power to stay free of COVID since the start of the pandemic. I've taken all the precautions I can. I've isolated myself so much that the loneliness I felt in the last month or two has been crushing at times."

" His story is heart-wrenching not only because of his compelled withdrawal from the individual competition -- and the loneliness he endured -- but because our "public health authorities" lied to Zhou, leading him to do exactly the opposite of what he should have been doing to build up his immune system before the Winter Games. 

"Maybe nothing could have protected him -- he was, of course, fully vaccinated -- but the safest course would have been to expose himself to everything in 2021, not be the Boy in the Bubble. If only he'd gotten omicron back in December, like everybody else, his immune system wouldn't have been a sitting duck for the tiniest whiff of COVID once he got to Beijing.

" As Dylan H. Morris, a postdoctoral RNA virus researcher at UCLA, put it: "If you want to stay out of the hospital, giving your immune system a preview of the virus is valuable, even if that preview isn't perfectly accurate."

" A few months into the pandemic, two basic models emerged for responding to COVID:". . .