Thursday, February 24, 2022

A Look Inside Hitler's 1936 Nazi Olympics Through Amazing Photographs (

Jesse Owens salutes - and does not burn - his nation's flag. One of the four Olympic gold medals won by track
and field star Jesse Owens at the 1936 Berlin Games. There's a lesson here if we can see it. Owens poses with German medalist 
Luz Long  "Hitler used the Olympics as the perfect opportunity to demonstrate the prowess of the Third Reich and these Olympics were the first ever to be televised, with radio broadcasts reaching 41 different countries around the world. Hitler’s Nazi regime built a brand new, state-of-the-art 100,000-seat track and field stadium, six gymnasiums, and many other smaller arenas.

"Originally, Hitler wanted to bar Jews and blacks from competing in the games, but after some backlash and threats of boycott, international Jews were allowed to compete. German Jews remained banned and many nations, including the U.S., did not allow their Jewish athletes to compete as to not offend the Nazi regime.

"In an attempt to help ˜clean up the city,’ the German Ministry of the Interior authorized the Berlin Chief of Police to arrest all Romani Gypsies and put them in the Berlin-Marzahn concentration camp. The Nazis arrested over 600 people and imprisoned them. Those deemed fit were forced to work. The rest were killed.

"During the opening ceremony, there was a moment in which the Olympic Committee released 25,000 pigeons, who flew overhead, circling the stadium. Following the release of the birds, there was a symbolic cannon shot which, quite literally, scared the excrement out of the pigeons. It rained down all over the stadium. As remembered by U.S. distance runner Louis Zamperini, “you could hear the pitter-patter on our straw hats, but we felt sorry for the women, for they got it in their hair, but I mean there was a mass of droppings, and I say it was so funny”. . .  More...

German SS troops relaxing at the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin.
 How many of these guys will be alive in the next decade?

1936 Olympic Hitler High Resolution Stock Photography and Images - Alamy
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Wednesday, February 23, 2022

President Biden Just Told a Monster Whopper That Both Sides Missed

RealClearMarkets  "Last week President Biden asserted in rather eye-opening fashion that he "grew up in a family where the price at the pump was felt in the kitchen.” Except that President Biden didn’t grow up in a family burdened by gasoline price spikes, and not just because he’s long overstated the humble circumstances he emerged from.

"Biden didn’t endure food shortages related to pricey gasoline simply because he was born in 1942. When Biden was growing up, the price of gasoline was flat. And it was cheap. Please see the charts at the bottom of this piece if you doubt me.

"While gasoline is abnormally expensive now, these spikes never happened during Biden’s childhood, and as the charts make clear, they weren’t a factor for the President until he was in his early thirties, at which point he was on the verge of winning a seat in the U.S. Senate. What Biden claims about his childhood is false. Simple as that.

"Too bad no one’s called him on it. And not just because politicians should have their fibs exposed. Pundits should hold Biden accountable for uttering a blatant falsehood simply because doing so would be a “teachable moment” extraordinaire.". . .

Bidenwhoppers of the past and present: 

U.S. Version Of Freedom Convoy Takes Off For D.C..

 People's Convoy sets off from California to DC as cavalcade raises more than $464,000 | Daily Mail Online  "Scores of truckers began their 11-day trek from California to the Beltway, a major highway encircling Washington DC, on Wednesday in an effort to protest COVID-19 vaccine and mandates after the cavalcade raised more than $464,000 in donations.

"The People's Convoy - comprised of more than two dozen 18-wheeler trucks, along with about 50 pickups and recreational vehicles - has called on the federal government to end the National Emergency enacted at the start of the pandemic, arguing the threat posed by the coronavirus has now receded. 

"President Joe Biden extended the emergency - which was set to expire next week - last Friday. He did so after arguing that 'the COVID-19 pandemic continues to cause significant risk to the public health and safety of the nation'. 

"Inspired by Canada's Freedom Convoy - which included weeks of demonstrations and blockades that shut down border crossings into the US - the People's Convoy argues the 'government has forgotten its place' and seeks to advocate for all Americans impacted by unconstitutional restrictions. Around 25 separate convoys are expected to join the group in DC. ". . .

Stop Talking About Ukraine, Republicans!

 Ann Coulter

What Republicans should be doing: talking about the issues Democrats are trying to avoid. What Republicans are doing: talking about Ukraine.

"Amid the media's 24/7 UKRAINE UPDATES, perhaps some enterprising journalist could write an article explaining how our esteem for that country's borders benefits a single American -- other than President Joe Biden.

"Our own border has become a transmission belt for the third world, bringing in rapists, murderers, future welfare recipients and left-wing activists. The Democratic Party's brilliant policy of defunding the police and emptying the prisons has, oddly enough, led to a breathtaking surge in violent crime. Our schools have been taken over by lunatics who teach white kids that they are evil -- and probably transsexual. Inflation has hit a 40-year high.". . .

. . ."In 2020, Democratic data scientist David Shor advised his party: "Talk about the issues [voters] are with us on, and try really hard not to talk about the issues where we disagree. Which, in practice, means not talking about immigration." (Emphasis mine.) After the election, he said that the main way the media's COVID hysteria hurt Donald Trump was by preventing anyone from "talking about Hunter Biden or immigration.' ". . .

AP Reporter Takes Biden Administration's Talking Points on Ukraine Right to the Woodshed (

Honk Honk Memes See Resurgence On 4chan Due To Canadian Freedom Convoy And Its Loud Honking Trucks

A poorly educated, silly population continues to be fertile soil for flim-flams such as 4chan's trolling scams.

Know Your Meme  Hat tip to Revolver . . . "However, the biggest reaction in memes came from comments on Reddit, where multiple Ottawa residents expressed anger over the loud honking coming through their hometowns. Trolls on 4chan quickly took to dunking on them.".. .

Ya'ara Saks, Canadian lawmaker, says 'honk honk' is code for 'heil Hitler' - Washington Times  "A Canadian lawmaker thinks “honk honk” is secret code for “heil Hitler.”

"MP Ya’ara Saks made the claim in Parliament to attack as white supremacists the trucker convoys who had paralyzed the nation’s capital and border crossings for much of the month.

"The Freedom Convoy adopted “honk honk” as an unofficial slogan, playing off the sound made by car and truck horns, which the drivers would often sound off during the demonstrations.  But Ms. Saks sees “honk honk” differently, Fox News reported.

"“How much vitriol do we have to see of ‘honk honk’ – which is an acronym for ‘heil Hitler’ – do we need to see on social media?” Ms. Saks demanded to know from her podium in the House of Commons on Monday.

"Ms. Saks is a member of the ruling Liberal Party of Justin Trudeau, who has frequently accused the truckers — many of them non-White — of racism and White supremacy.

"After being ridiculed on social media for attributing horn sounds to Nazism, Ms. Saks refused to back down later.". . .

'OK' hand sign added to list of hate symbols | JOE is the voice of Irish people at home and abroad

I see people are STILL falling for the 4chan ploy to make willfully ignorant and easily manipulated leftists believe the OK sign means white power. The stupidity is truly mind boggling. : Libertarian (

Trevor Thomas   "Of all the ridiculous, baseless charges of racism taken seriously by people who ought to know better, the claim that cadets used a racist hand gesture at the Army-Navy Game last weekend is among the worst, because it slimes the best among us, who are part of the least racist institution in the United States (and the world)." . . .

. . . "If you need proof that modern liberalism corrupts virtually everything it touches, consider the silly game described above and the Army-Navy football game played over this past weekend. As reported by even USA Today, cadets who were merely playing this silly game are being accused of making the “White Power hand symbol during a pregame broadcast of the Army-Navy game.' ”. . .

No, Laura Ingraham did not give a Nazi salute at the GOP convention  (Comment from a site disdainful toward Ingraham)   
Here’s a video of her entrance to the stage and then her final wave. Note her stiff-armed wave as she walks onto the stage at the beginning, and then her final salutations (including the “Nazi salute”) at 2:48. She’s just an awkward waver, for crying out loud!

The High Price of Biden’s Weakness on Russia and Ukraine

The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

 Divided, infantilized, hijacked by the woke Left, and led by the zombie in the White House, we can’t handle Russia.

"I failed in my predictions again. I said there would be no more wars because the Twitter, kittens, and antidepressants generation is not ready to see real-life tomahawks exploding and corpses flying out of windows. They would be all over the various social networks reporting messages for promoting violence, which, I suppose, would make us journalists have to report on the conflict using allegorical emojis — maybe a bomb icon, a family icon, a cross, and a wink with tongue out. But unless Putin is throwing a surprise birthday party for Zelensky, it doesn’t look like his armed forces are entering Ukraine on a peacekeeping mission.

"Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have together achieved a historic milestone: in order to threaten Putin, they revealed the details of their top-secret plans, so that they are no longer secret plans, and therefore Putin does not feel threatened. I haven’t seen anyone execute such a foolproof and brilliant plan since the last time I tried to change a light bulb with a hammer.

"Of course, it is not just about Ukraine, although the Ukrainian part of the issue might just be enough for the West not to show the usual indifference and inaction. Ukraine matters for us for just about everything. You may think that this is not the best reason, but neither is it negligible: Ukrainian women are beautiful. Personally, I would do anything to see them smile. That includes bombing the Kremlin, of course. They are perhaps the most beautiful women on the planet, even if behind their angelic appearance, they hide a secret: if they ever slap you with an open hand, you will land in Moscow’s Red Square. But even if flirting with Ukrainian women isn’t reason enough to go to war, consider this one: they are in the right, and they have the right, no matter how much the Kremlin’s (sometimes literal) intoxication machinery points the other way.". . .

It is depressing to see how the little czar of Moscow humiliates the entire free world and no one seems to care.

Joe Biden's Past Rhetoric on Putin Is an Absolute Joke Today

Political Cartoons (

Joe Biden's Past Rhetoric on Putin Is an Absolute Joke Today – PJ Media    "Putin has been threatening war for some time, and Joe Biden has seemingly let him, undeterred. Oh, there have been some verbal warnings, but this is Joe Biden we’re talking about here. Nothing he’s said or done to dissuade Putin has been effective.

"Of course, Joe Biden may simply be letting Putin do whatever he wants. After all, he canceled the Keystone XL pipeline before waiving sanctions on the Nord Stream 2–Russia’s natural gas pipeline. Russia seems to be able to do whatever it wants with Joe Biden in the White House.

"Yet, Joe Biden once claimed that he would stand up to Putin.

“ 'Vladimir Putin doesn’t want me to be President,” Biden tweeted in February 2020. “He doesn’t want me to be our nominee. If you’re wondering why — it’s because I’m the only person in this field who’s ever gone toe-to-toe with him.'”. . .

Putin is Playing Biden like a Fiddle

 The U.S has become an embarrassment before the world, with her silly leadership and the silly voters who put them into power. TD

AfterMath - Home (

Putin is Playing Biden like a Fiddle - American Thinker
    Biden and his handlers brazenly and stupidly threw away the U.S.’s greatest leverage in stopping Putin: American energy independence, our ability to furnish much of Western Europe’s energy needs (Germany’s in particular), and Biden’s reckless approval of Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which solidifies Germany’s dependence on Russia. 

 Ukrainian official: Biden's answer gives Putin ‘green light’ to invade - YouTube    From the comments to this video: Lol, isn't that the democrat's  policy? You can steal $900 worth of stuff and walk, you can take a reasonable chunk of Ukraine and walk. Put in could take all of Europe and Biden wouldn't do...

How CNN Betrayed Its Audience

 The Atlantic

If CNN wants to live up to its billing as “the most trusted name in news,” the network has some cleanup to do after this disaster.

"Nearly two years ago, in spring 2020, CNN found itself with a blockbuster. The network put anchor Chris Cuomo on air interviewing his brother, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, about his state’s response to COVID-19. The string of segments made Andrew Cuomo a liberal hero, feted as the anti–Donald Trump, and the fraternal jibes between the men made for entertaining viewing.

"The term blockbuster is borrowed from a massive bomb–and this one has gone off with devastating results. Andrew Cuomo was forced to step down this past August. Chris Cuomo was fired in December. CNN’s worldwide president, Jeff Zucker, has resigned. The circumstances of his departure are still unclear: He acknowledged failing to disclose a relationship with a subordinate, though the liaison seems to have been an open secret, and some CNN staffers question the official narrative. Zucker’s romantic partner, Allison Gollust, CNN’s executive vice president and chief marketing officer, has also resigned. Amid the murk, new details about the Cuomo mess have slowly emerged.  

"Even at the time of the Cuomo COVID interviews, it was clear that CNN was making a journalistic error by choosing ratings over responsible journalism. The decision to have Cuomo the anchor interview Cuomo the governor was always a blatant conflict of interest—charming, but a betrayal of the mission of accountability. New reporting suggests the rot was even deeper: Zucker and Gollust, who had served as Andrew Cuomo’s communications director in 2012 and 2013, were reportedly in regular contact with the governor, pressing him to speak to CNN and discussing interview topics with him ahead of time. In other words, CNN wasn’t just passively accepting the Cuomo Brothers Show in a cynical ploy for ratings. Its top executives were instigating the whole fiasco.". . .

The Atlantic then proceeds to discuss the corruption they see in Fox News, referring to a number of CNN reporters as "CNN’s excellent journalists".

The Man Who Could Save CNN › American Greatness (  . . ."Well, obviously. But if the great white business shark Malone wants to step up and really fix what’s ailing CNN, here’s what he might do: 

1) Dump CNN’s entire anchor staff, their producers, and any editorial staffer hired by Jeff “Mother” Zucker. No exceptions.

2) As a stopgap, replace domestic broadcasts with CNN International, with its familiar “classic CNN” news package style. Over time, work in more unaccented reporters and anchors.

3) Promote Senior Vice President Jack Womack to be HMFIC (head man forcefully in charge) of CNN. 

4) Give Womack his marching orders and get the hell out of the way.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Media Needs to Stop Enabling Hillary's Continued Descent Into Crippling Delusion

PJ Media

"Hillary Clinton is not a mentally well woman. It doesn’t matter which side of the political aisle you’re on, that’s not breaking news. Give any Democrat enough truth serum and he or she will admit that Mrs. C. has all the screws loose.

"The mainstream media hacks know this too but they’re all too set in their ways to acknowledge it and stop enabling her.

"Granny Maojackets knows that she can crawl out of her box of breakfast Franzia at any time and excuse any aberrant and/or criminal behavior of hers by mumbling something about Trump and no one in the media will question her.

"Matt wrote last week about Hillary’s defense of her latest stink:

According to a motion filed Friday by Special Counsel John Durham, lawyers for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign allegedly paid a technology company to “infiltrate” servers that belonged to Trump Tower and, later, the Trump White House “for the purpose of gathering derogatory information about Donald Trump.”

“Trump & Fox are desperately spinning up a fake scandal to distract from his real ones. So it’s a day that ends in Y,” Hillary tweeted on Wednesday. “The more his misdeeds are exposed, the more they lie.” Hillary included a link to an article from popular culture and fashion magazine Vanity Fair, which she claims debunks the allegations because that’s the best she could come up with after five days.

"Apparently, Hillary is unaware that John Durham doesn’t work for Fox News. Or Donald Trump.". . .

The Two Tweets from Harris and Biden About Russia That DID NOT Age Well (

 Townhall  "Russia invaded Ukraine yesterday. Russian troops entered the eastern part of the country, where the two would-be Russian separatist republics were recognized as independent states by Moscow. Biden did nothing. Oh no, wait—that’s not fair. He sanctioned them, which I’m sure sent chill down Putin’s spine. Moscow knows it can inch closer and closer on this issue because Joe can’t do anything. He won’t do anything. He’s part of the old Obama era, who were kicked around all over the world because everyone knew their hand. Joe is even worse. Yet, he was Mr. ‘Tommy Toughnuts’ when it came to Russia during the 2020 election.

 “Vladimir Putin doesn’t want me to be President. He doesn’t want me to be our nominee. If you’re wondering why — it’s because I’m the only person in this field who’s ever gone toe-to-toe with him,” Biden said in a tweet back in February of 2020.". . .

Liberals Overdose on Cope After Biden's Pathetic Weakness Is Laid Bare – RedState  "As RedState has reported, Russia has officially thumbed its nose at Joe Biden and invaded Ukraine. That happened after Vladimir Putin formerly recognized regions of Eastern Ukraine as autonomous, setting up the pretext to move in troops across the border as a peacekeeping force.

"The administration has responded by quibbling about the definition of “invasion,” and signing a toothless executive order to sanction financial dealings in the Donbas and other regions now officially occupied by Russia. Whether tougher measures are coming is still an open question.

"Regardless, what we do know is that Biden, for his proclamations of Putin being afraid of him, has been thoroughly embarrassed, having a Russian invasion of Europe take place on his watch. How has the left decided to cope with that?". . .

These reactions are comical and clearly coordinated in some way. The Washington Post has no less than three op-eds out this morning trying to spin Biden’s abject failure as some kind of victory, including one by the gaslighter du jour, Jennifer Rubin. No doubt, shadow president Ronald Klain will be hitting the retweet button soon enough.

Don Surber: Putin rolls into Ukraine. NYT praises Biden for avoiding war

 Don Surber: Putin rolls into Ukraine. NYT praises Biden for avoiding war  "Russia biting off two more counties from Ukraine sucks, but what are you going to do? We have a doofus commander-in-chief.

"Obama gave up Crimea and his flunky is giving up Luhansk and Donetsk, which have been controlled by Russia since 2014. That was in Obama's second term. You know, the one he said he would be more flexible in.

"This is another humiliation for America under a Democrat president. Not as bad as Afghanistan but a humiliation never the less. Sending Kamala to Munich was embarrassing. She sounded high. ("I mean, listen, guys, we’re talking about the potential for war in Europe. I mean, let’s really take a moment to understand the significance of what we’re talking about.")". . .

. . ."The loss of a couple more cities to Russia is just a down payment on the price America and the free world will pay for Biden's sudden surrender of Afghanistan.

"If you own property in Taiwan, you may want to sell.

"Knowing Biden is in trouble, the New York Times tried to spin this new defeat as a peace in our time.

"NYT reported, "Wooing Allies, Publicizing Putin’s Plans: Inside Biden’s Race to Prevent War.' ". . .

Biden's Actions Making Putin Very Rich - President Trump Chimes In (  . . ."President Trump chimed in on Biden’s disaster in a statement noting the following.

If properly handled, there was absolutely no reason that the situation currently happening in Ukraine should have happened at all. I know Vladimir Putin very well, and he would have never done during the Trump Administration what he is doing now, no way! Russia has become very very rich during the Biden Administration, with oil prices doubling and soon to be tripling and quadrupling. The weak sanctions are insignificant relative to taking over a country and a massive piece of strategically located land. Now it has begun, oil prices are going higher and higher, and Putin is not only getting what he always wanted, but getting, because of the oil and gas surge, richer and richer. The U.S. was energy independent under the Trump Administration, an independence that we had never obtained before, and oil prices would have remained low. Now, what a mess our Country is in!

 Liberals Overdose on Cope After Biden's Pathetic Weakness Is Laid Bare – RedState

In the end, what we are witnessing is Democrats doing their best to cope with the fact that they were simply wrong. They truly thought that a senile old man could be put into the White House, and that it wouldn’t lead to horrible consequences. In their world, “mean tweets” and arguments over gender pronouns were the most important issues of our time. Well, how’s that working out?