Friday, February 25, 2022

Taiwan Enjoys Free Sneak Peek At What Will Happen To Them In Just A Few Weeks |

 The Babylon Bee (satire)

"Citizens of Taiwan reported today they were grateful to receive a free preview of the kind of thing that was going to happen to them in just a few short weeks thanks to America's weakness on the world stage under President Biden.

People across the country tuned in for the exciting, free sneak preview of what China was going to do to them any day now, now that President Xi is sure that Biden has no backbone whatsoever.

"Welp—I guess we'd better prepare," local man Huang Zhìháo said as he watched the Russian invasion of Ukraine on TV this morning. "This is gonna be bad."

" 'At least we got this nice little teaser trailer though," he added. "A lot of countries don't get the privilege of seeing their future like this."

"According to sources, the Taiwanese were hopeful that Biden's declarations that "America is back" and that he would go toe-to-toe with the world's toughest leaders meant that Xi Jinping would be held back for another four years. But as soon as he botched the withdrawal from Afghanistan, they began to have their doubts. Finally, once they saw him take a long nap while Putin invaded Russia, they realized they were "completely and totally screwed."

"At publishing time, sources had confirmed that President Xi was also watching the footage with a sly smile on his face."     But wait! There's more!...

Biden Warns Russia That If They Don't Stop He Will Deploy Deadly Trans Admiral | The Babylon Bee   

Sources say Ukrainian citizens will certainly sleep better tonight knowing the power of diversity is on their side. 

Black Americans are rapidly abandoning Biden

In a bid to appease Blacks, abhorrent practices such as segregation have been reinstated in some educational institutions.  This will further aggravate the resentment and prejudice among young minds. To sum it up: Biden's incompetence and inaction have hurt Blacks on every front. 

Tony Branco

Rajan Laad   "A new study from Pew Research Center shows that about a year into his presidency, Joe Biden's overall job approval rating among all Americans has sharply fallen.

"Around two thirds of Black Protestants (65%), who are regarded among as key Democrat constituents, approve of the job that Biden is doing, a drastic decline from 92% in March 2021.

"Politicians often blame poor poll numbers on biased pollsters, so let's look at other surveys.

"Navigator Research, a Democrat-oriented group, discovered that Biden's favorability among Blacks fell from 86 to 76 percent.

"The Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies poll found that 65 percent of Blacks rated the economy as just fair or poor, while 61 percent said their personal economic situations were also just fair or poor.  About 50 percent of Blacks surveyed said they think things in the U.S. have gone seriously off track. 

"According to a poll by HIT Strategies, just 48 percent of Blacks in November 2021 thought Biden was addressing their needs, compared to 66 percent of respondents in June.

"A recent NBC News poll showed that approval ratings of Biden among Blacks slid from 81 percent to 64 percent.". . . 

Our enemies are deadly serious; much of our population is just deadly silly


Ukraine: The left spews an amazing banquet of stupidities - American Thinker . . ."John Kerry was Exhibit A, having made headlines with his obsessive focus on global warming even as apartment blocs were being blown out in Kharkiv, improvised militia men were kissing their wives and children goodbye at train stations, Ukrainians were running to the subways for protection against raining missiles and bombs, and long lines of cars streamed from huge cities, heading for any bordering country that would take them.

"For Kerry, though, global warming still comes first:


. . . "These clowns had better hope they never run into Putin, who is operating on an entirely different track from the one they occupy.  They'd get mowed down and run over.  Putin has nothing but contempt for their decadent preoccupations and knows how to shock and awe them into gibbering idiocy."

Thursday, February 24, 2022

If a Kid is Mature Enough to Choose a Gender, They can vote

 PJ Media

"Transgender activists have gone to war over five-year-old children having the right to make momentous, irreversible choices that will affect how they see themselves and how others see them for the next 75 or 80 years.

"The activists want to be able to lobby babies to change their gender.

"On most other planets and in many universes, this would be grounds for commitment. In America, in the 21st century, it’s celebrated.

"Monumental decisions on gender choice should not be in the hands of children who are, by definition, confused about their gender. Nor should it be in the hands of parents who — conscientious as they may think they are — subtly influence their children to believe they have the ability to choose their own gender. And given that many doctors are on a gender-bending crusade rather than being concerned with a child’s health and best interest, input from a doctor should always be suspect.". . .

Rittenhouse to Sue Whoopi Goldberg, Other 'Celebrities, Politicians and Athletes'

 Neon Nettle

Teen announces lawsuit against those who called him 'murderer' and 'white supremacist'

"Kyle Rittenhouse has put Whoopi Goldberg and several other leftist "celebrities, politicians, and athletes" on notice by announcing his plans to sue them for labeling him a "murderer."

""During an appearance on Fox News's "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on Monday, Rittenhouse announced he is launching a new initiative to combat powerful news organizations for the "lies" they spew.

""Last November, the 18-year-old was found not guilty following the deadly shooting during the 2020 Kenosha riots after a jury determined he acted in self-defense while being attacked by a violent mob of rioters.

""However, Goldberg and several prominent left-wing figures publically smeared Rittenhouse as a "murderer" and a "white supremacist" before during, and even after his trial.

" 'Rittenhouse told Carlson that he wants to hold major media and entertainment figures "accountable," noting that he has talk show host Goldberg in his sights.

""We are looking at quite a few politicians, celebrities, athletes, Whoopi Goldberg is on the list," Rittenhouse said." . . . 

Far-Left Young Turks Host Admits Anti-Kyle Rittenhouse Narrative Was False | Neon Nettle   "In a shock admission, Kasparian had revealed that she "was wrong" about key facts of the Rittenhouse case.
"Kasparian said she thought Rittenhouse first chased after Joseph Rosenbaum, sparking the incident that ended with the teen fatally shooting Rosenbaum.
"However, Rosenbaum was the aggressor who chased after Rittenhouse.
"Furthermore, a gun was fired from a third party just seconds before Rittenhouse fatally shot Rosenbaum." . . .

Progressivism and the History of Communist Thought

 Our 1776 Moment: Either a Liberal or Progressive America › American Greatness)   

. . ."The ideology of progressivism is now predominant in contemporary American left-wing politics. A symptom of our “1776 Moment” is that the Democrats, once stalwart liberals, have become progressives, which means, in fact, they have become socialists. Progressivism’s origins are found in the thought of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Marx and Engels argued that as technology changed so too did the economic means of production. The means of production creates specific economic classes. In each epoch—slavery, feudalism, and capitalism—the classes were perpetually and dialectically opposed to one another. 

"Under capitalism, the bourgeoisie, or the middle class, owned the means of production and exploited the proletariat, the working class, by extracting surplus value from their labor. For Marx and Engels, the capitalists would always strive to maximize surplus value, which causes accumulation of capital and ever-greater exploitation of the working class, until ultimately the working class overthrows the capitalists. This would then result in the common ownership of the means of production, and thus class would disappear, resulting in communism, the abolition of private property, and the end of alienation. Under communism, the state would no longer be necessary and would wither away. 

"Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin argued that imperialism allowed the capitalists to extract surplus value from colonial peoples. This transfer of exploitation permitted modest improvements in the conditions of the working class in the developed states like Great Britain, France, Germany, and the United States, forestalling alienation and thus delaying the communist revolution. The responsibility of the international communist movement was to increase revolutionary consciousness among the working class and provoke revolution by seizing control of the state—that is revolution from above via the Communist Party versus a revolution from below driven by the working class as Marx and Engels envisioned. In order for the dictatorship of the proletariat to come to power, there must be a hard core of professional revolutionaries—a revolutionary elite—to advance communism through a centralized, organized, stable, and disciplined cadre, controlled by one man, or at most a small number of men, while providing leadership, instruction, and tutelage for the workers.". . . 

Memory of 1938 hangs heavy in Munich as Ukrainian president calls for action

Commander-in-Chief: Currently, we do not have one. Biden is incapable of filling Washington's shoes. We debate principles of going to war but have not yet mastered how to end one. 

 The Guardian 

‘Has the world forgotten its mistakes of the 20th century?’ asks Volodymyr Zelenskiy as invasion looms 

. . .“'What do appeasement attempts lead to? How did the question ‘Why die for Danzig ?’ [a French anti-war slogan coined in 1939] turn into the need to die for Dunkirk and dozens of other cities in Europe and the world, at the cost of tens of millions of lives?”

"He then twisted the knife by saying there was no threat of war in Europe – the war was already under way: “How did it happen that there is a war ongoing and people are dying in Europe in the 21st century? Why does it last longer than World War II? How did we get to the biggest security crisis since the cold war?”

"Zelenskiy had answers that the doting western security establishment might not have applauded so vociferously if they listened harder to his withering attack on their collective failure. He blamed “selfishness, self-confidence, irresponsibility of countries at the global level. As a result, some commit crimes, and others stay indifferent. Indifference that results in complicity. This is your contribution to the security of Europe and the world.”

"He said: “Ukraine has been Europe’s shield for eight years. For eight years, it has been holding back one of the largest armies in the world.” Yet the door to the EU and Nato had not been opened. The promises to protect Ukraine’s sovereignty enshrined in the Budapest memorandum in 1994 seemed worthless.". . .

Haile Selassie, "Appeal to the League of Nations as Mussolini invaded Ethiopia," June 1936 (  . . .Faced by numerous violations by the Italian Government of all international treaties that prohibit resort to arms, and the use of barbarous methods of warfare, it is my painful duty to note that the initiative has today been taken with a view to raising sanctions. Does this initiative not mean in practice the abandonment of Ethiopia to the aggressor? On the very eve of the day when I was about to attempt a supreme effort in the defense of my people before this Assembly does not this initiative deprive Ethiopia of one of her last chances to succeed in obtaining the support and guarantee of States Members? Is that the guidance the League of Nations and each of the States Members are entitled to expect from the great Powers when they assert their right and their duty to guide the action of the League? Placed by the aggressor face to face with the accomplished fact, are States going to set up the terrible [precedent] of bowing before force?"...

September 27, 1938 - "Because Of A Quarrel In A Faraway Country, Between People Of Whom We Know Nothing" - Neville Chamberlain - Past Daily: News, History, Music And An Enormous Sound Archive.    

In 1938, during the Munich (Czech) Crisis, then British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain expressed his distaste for making war preparations over "a quarrel in a faraway land between people of which we know nothing."
Chamberlain gives his logic for leaving Czechoslovakia to the mercy of Hitler. Recorded speech, September 27, 1938

"On learning that Chamberlain had sold out Czechoslovakia—leaving it defenseless against the German dictatorship—Winston Churchill warned: "You were given the choice between war and dishonour. You chose dishonour and you will have war.' "  Newsweek

The West needs to understand his imperialist aims. Putin's gives chilling warning to the West in early morning TV broadcast; meanwhile here in the states...

Daily Mail Online  "Russian President Vladimir Putin declared war on Ukraine and gave a chilling warning to its allies in the West in an early Thursday morning address in Moscow.

"Explosions were heard in Kiev, the Ukrainian capital, as Putin announced that Russia was launching a military attack on Ukraine.

" 'To anyone who would consider interfering from the outside - if you do, you will face consequences greater than any you have faced in history,’ he said on a television broadcast around 6am Moscow time.". . .

. . ." 'If indeed an operation is being prepared, I have only one thing to say from the bottom of my heart,' said Guterres. 

" 'President Putin, stop your troops from attacking Ukraine. Give peace a chance. Too many people have already died.' 

"Putin ignored the plea, going on TV to describe the invasion as a ‘special military occupation’ and said he wants to 'demilitarize' and 'de-Nazify', not occupy, the country.

"He told Ukrainian service members to 'lay down their arms and go home,’ saying Russia could not exist with a 'constant threat emanating from the territory of Ukraine' and clashes between Russian and Ukrainian solders was 'inevitable.’ ". . .

Putin's gives chilling warning to the West in early morning TV broadcast | Daily Mail Online  Video

What time is Joe Biden press conference on Russia war in Ukraine? (

Bombs rain down on Kiev, America gets ready for Putin's wrath, and Hunter Biden enjoys his money - American Thinker  . . ."The West is talking about the whole thing as if it's an attack on NATO, but acting like this is only Ukraine's problem, not their own.  Putin has made threatening noises to Poland and the Baltics.  Finland has signaled that it now wants to apply for NATO membership.  It doesn't seem as though it's all going to end with Kiev.  And Putin was very, very specific about what would happen to the West if it tried to stop Russia from taking Ukraine: "Whoever tries to interfere with us, and even more so, to create threats for our country, for our people, should know that Russia's response will be immediate and will lead you to such consequences that you have never experienced in your history."  There may be more to this than just Ukraine.  High oil prices for America and electrical power grid attacks may be in the works for us.  And it may well be that Putin is talking nukes.

"What was at the root of Germany's opposition to NATO membership for Ukraine?

"That Ukraine was just too corrupt to be allowed into the alliance.". . .

 . .".So Hunter Biden's need to take baksheesh undercut U.S. security interests, left Ukraine a corruption-soaked mess unfit for NATO membership, and opened the gates wide for Russia to move in on Ukraine.  Ukraine was too corrupt to be a member of NATO, yet Western interests were knee-deep in perpetrating that corruption and reaping big dollars for themselves.". . .  (Emphasis mine, TD)

The Dangerous Reason Behind Putin’s Aggression Against Ukraine - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics  "Among collectivist narratives, none is more powerful than nationalism, and among imperial claims, none is more devastating to peaceful coexistence than the idea that a neighboring country belongs to an imperialist predator, based on a foundational myth. Until the West understands this, Russian President Vladimir Putin and whatever nationalist succeeds him will be a danger both to regional stability and to world peace.". . . 

Have the Biden family given us "peace in our time"?

 Will international disrespect for American influence lead to disrespect for the American dollar?

It's no surprise that Putin invaded during Obama's and Biden's presidencies instead of Trump's - American Thinker   "Russian President Vladimir Putin remembers how cooperative Obama and Biden were during their eight years in office, no matter what he did.

"In 2009, Obama backed out of a promise to put up missile shields in Poland and the Czech Republic, which certainly appeased Putin.  It showed NATO members that the U.S could not be trusted to keep its word.". . .

Obama tells Russia's Medvedev more flexibility after election | Reuters

WAR—With a Weakling in the Oval Office, Putin Does What He Wants
American liberals will no doubt say that the blithering idiot in the Oval Office had nothing to to with Putin’s flex. I think we all know, however, that Uncle Vlad probably wouldn’t be so bold if the United States of America had a functional president. As we discussed yesterday, when the resident of the White House is a weak leftist, the bad people in the world tend to have a field day.

 Russia Ukraine crisis: Does the Nazi invasion of Poland is indeed similar? | Marca

In a public address, Putin called Ukraine "a colony" that is oppressing Russian speakers. Putin questioned the legitimacy of his leader -who was elected democratically-.  In 1939, Hitler claimed the Sudetenland territory at the Munich Conference. Western leaders, including Neville Chamberlain, agreed to annex the territories in exchange for peace. Germany celebrated the resolution by sending the troops into the territory as a parade.


. . ."Of course, Biden's threat that there would be "severe sanctions" if Russia invaded Ukraine probably has no effect on Putin. When the latter seized Crimea, the Obama-Biden administration threatened severe sanctions and nothing seemed to hurt Russia much. More recently, at a time when Biden's war on American energy has raised the price of oil and forced the president to beg Russia and Saudi Arabia to increase production to lower the price, Putin must be reveling in the absurd distance between Biden's words and Biden's actions.". . .

We won't soon forget Trudeau's affair with totalitarianism


We won't soon forget Trudeau's affair with totalitarianism - American Thinker  . . .  "How did Canada get here?  This was not a national emergency.  It was restricted to some cities and should have been handled as a local or provincial matter. 

"P.M. Trudeau and his colleagues in the Parliament sounded like a bunch of Democrats drunk on the January 6 story.  They spoke of Nazi and Confederate flags, but no one saw them.  P.M. Trudeau panicked and ran for the emergency powers, sort of like the Democrats in the U.S. issuing subpoenas.

"It was a bad day for Canada, and a decision that P.M. Trudeau will regret."

Trudeau’s Canadian Fascism Is a Bigger Threat to America Than Putin (

But we cannot live under tyranny here. Canada is right next door, and this is a dress rehearsal for the kind of tyranny our own garbage ruling class would love to inflict here. Sadly, the majority of Canadians and their disgusting MPs seem to support treating the Anglo-Saxon legacy of human rights and democracy like Eric Swalwell treats his boxers after a chili cook-off. They have proven themselves unfit to be a free people and are happy to slide into serfdom. 

 Canada's Leftists May Come to Regret What They've Done – PJ Media . . ."Trudeau claims that he needs emergency powers to seize the bank accounts of his opponents and hound them in other extraconstitutional ways because even though the Freedom Convoy has dispersed, it could gather again any time, you see. Another threat to “our democracy,” as Leftists in both Canada and the United States refer to their hegemony, is just around the corner. NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh claimed Monday that the Freedom Convoy “came here to overthrow a democratically elected government. It is a movement funded by foreign influence, and it is fed on disinformation. Its goal is to disrupt our democracy.”

"If that reminds you of the Democrats’ rhetoric about their fictional Jan. 6 “insurrection,” that’s because Canada’s Liberals and the Democrats in the States are working from the same playbook: demonize their opposition as insurrectionists and restrict their activities accordingly.".  . .

Justin Trudeau Eulogized Fidel Castro (    . . .“ 'It is with deep sorrow that I learned today of the death of Cuba’s longest serving President. Fidel Castro was a larger than life leader who served his people for almost half a century. A legendary revolutionary and orator, Mr. Castro made significant improvements to the education and healthcare of his island nation," said Justin Trudeau in 2016. “I know my father was very proud to call him a friend and I had the opportunity to meet Fidel when my father passed away. It was also a real honour to meet his three sons and his brother President Raúl Castro during my recent visit to Cuba. On behalf of all Canadians, Sophie and I offer our deepest condolences to the family, friends and many, many supporters of Mr. Castro. We join the people of Cuba today in mourning the loss of this remarkable leader.”". . .

Tony Branco

Jen Psaki will make the world clear to us all now

 Buckle down, Jen Psaki, buckle down.

Cartoons - American Thinker

Psaki Says Biden’s Sanctions Strategy Against Russia Has “Worked” Despite Putin Invading Ukraine | Weasel Zippers   Video

This Explains a Lot About Jen Psaki – PJ Media  

. . ."After leaving the Obama administration in 2011, Jen Psaki went to work in the private sector but was inspired to get back into politics the following year. Thanks to that watershed moment in her life, she is now the mouthpiece of the Biden administration.  And what was it that sent her back into politics? Binge-watching the old NBC political drama The West Wing.

The Geek in Pictures: Biden Excuses Edition

Consider the source of these statistics and then check other sources as well. 

Power Line  "The Biden Administration is citing the Ukraine crisis as an excuse for inflation, supply-chain issues, and everything else you can attach to it. So let’s do some reality checks. These first three from @TheRightWingM on Twitter:. . .