Saturday, June 11, 2022

There was only one real surprise in the January 6 TV show trial

 It certainly didn't surprise me to see the same video clip that had been played at President Trump's second impeachment trial.  That was the one showing Trump urging demonstrators to march to the Capitol, but conveniently edited to omit his telling them to "peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

American Thinker

. . ."I wasn't surprised by the complete lack of subtlety in the way the cynical purpose behind this theatrical production was revealed.  Rather than even purporting to "let the people watch and draw their own conclusions," the folks putting on this duplicitous production repeatedly uttered statements that would have raised objections in an actual trial because they assumed facts not in evidence and certainly not yet proven.  Objections would have also been raised for leading witnesses.

"There was also the fact that there was no opposing counsel.  Certain questions of witnesses were conspicuous because of what the interlocutors never asked.  I kept waiting, futilely, for a witness to be asked, "And what manner of weapons did you observe these 'insurrectionists' carrying or employing?"

"(Despite the repeated characterization of that day's events as "deadly," only one person was unquestionably killed, and that was Ashli Babbitt, a veteran of 14 years in the Air Force, shot by a Capitol policeman.  Neither her name nor her death was mentioned in the hearing.)

"I wasn't surprised at Democrats' unity in perpetuating their narrative about the events of January 6 — namely, that the evil Donald Trump orchestrated "an attempted violent overthrow of our government."  Nor was I surprised that ostensible Republicans and supposed erstwhile Trump loyalists had been trotted out in an attempt to lend a non-partisan artifice to the proceedings, with Liz Cheney (whose name almost rhymes with "chicanery") at the forefront.". . .

Stu Tarlowe has, since 2010, contributed well over 150 pieces to American Thinker.  For some 15 years, he was the personal editor for the late Barry Farber, who is in Stu's personal pantheon of heroes and role models (along with Jean Shepherd, Long John Nebel, Aristide Bruant, Col. Jeff Cooper, Rabbi Meir Kahane and G. Gordon Liddy). . . 

Friday, June 10, 2022

Poll: Most Believe Biden Admin Allowing Gas Prices to Rise to Get Americans off Fossil Fuels

 Poll: Most Believe Biden Admin Allowing Gas Prices to Rise to Get Americans off Fossil Fuels (

Biden’s America resembling Soviet era hellhole  . . .For the past 40 years historians’ lists of America’s most disastrous presidents have consistently  ranked John Tyler, James Buchanan , Andrew Johnson, and Jimmy Carter as four of the most incompetent. Two (Buchanan and Carter) were elected and served just one term while the other two were vice presidents who entered the Oval Office following the deaths of a president: Johnson was Lincoln’s VP and Tyler served under William Henry Harrison.

"Based on just 18 months in the Oval office, Joe Biden is racing to the top of the worst,

heading any historian’s list of America’s most ineffectual, unqualified, and inept presidents. Our country has never been faced with such a blundering, tone-deaf, and probably mentally unbalanced individual in the White House. Sadly, there’s not a Harry Truman or Teddy Roosevelt waiting to succeed him. The woman waiting in the wings should Biden be removed from office is even less qualified.

"Some in the mainstream media and a few social media platforms have finally begun to acknowledge that he’s a colossal disaster, a fact that was obvious during his 40 years in the Senate and as Obama’s VP. Yet they supported him despite a record of failure, an allergy to eloquence, his obvious mental confusion, lying and other character flaws that render him unfit to even operate a front yard lemonade stand. Worse, his mental acuity has only gotten worse, and his low intelligence appears to have hit rock bottom.

"We are stuck with this mess for another thirty-two months. The only consolation is that no future president or administration will ever want to emulate or continue his disastrous programs or be compared to this bungling incompetent.". . .

AOC Brags About Stopping Bill To Protect Supreme Court Justices And Their Families…

 Weasel Zippers

America: Land Of Broken Windows

 Rod Dreher

. . ."Earlier this week, voters in San Francisco recalled (with a 60 percent majority) that city’s loony-left DA, Chesa Boudin, under whose reign crime, especially violent crime, has gotten out of control. It’s interesting to see how the voting went by demographic. From New York magazine:

Still, his rejection reflected visible grassroots anger at both these conditions and his policies, particularly Boudin’s unwillingness to bring heavier charges against shoplifters and other kinds of petty thieves that had come to define, in the popular imagination, 2020s San Francisco. Wealthy, older voters were eager to dump Boudin, as were middle-class non-white voters, particularly Asian Americans. Victimized by a surge in hate crimes, Asian voters felt Boudin had not responded properly to their plight. In 2021, Boudin drew sharp criticism for failing to describe the murder of Vicha Ratanapakdee, an 84-year-old Thai man, as a racially motivated crime. While denouncing the crime, Boudin said the defendant was “in some sort of a temper tantrum” and said there was no evidence to charge him with a hate crime. His office would later charge him with murder and elder abuse, but it wasn’t enough to assuage anger in the community. Like with the school-board recall, the organizing work of Asian Americans paid off. The Asian vote, in particular, is a warning for Democrats; they are not a demographic the left can take for granted or assume will easily fall into their coalition in the future. No Republican was on the ballot Tuesday, but right-leaning candidates who speak the language of law and order will be able to campaign for their support and win.

"Good. But I live in a city where the district attorney is no liberal at all, and where you don’t see the kind of open thievery that has become a staple of social media. Still, the city is more violent than it has been in a long time, with violent crime moving into areas that once were peaceful. And if you don’t see shoplifters brazenly filling sacks in stores, you still see consumer items that you used to be able to buy easily now behind locked cases. Somebody is doing the stealing.

"Meanwhile, how is life in Hungary, which our media and our foreign-policy elites have assured us is an authoritarian hellhole? Let’s see:. . ."


How GOP Legislatures Can Copy Johnny Depp and Defang the Lying Press Tomorrow With One Simple Trick


Want to strike a blow against cancel culture and the power of the media? Then don’t simply complain, do something: Make it legally risky to throw around the allegations that are a canceller’s bread and butter. Expand defamation law, and make clear that bogus accusations of being a “racist” or “white nationalist” are factual smears and defamatory per se.

 Axios   "Over the course of a six-week trial, Depp pulled off a stunning reversal of public opinion. Just four years ago, Depp was a villain in the public’s eyes, after Heard made sensational abuse allegations (ghostwritten by lawyers with the ACLU) in the pages of the Washington Post. But Depp conclusively showed that he, not Heard, was the victim of long-running domestic abuse. And while members of the media class shrieked in horror, the vast majority of onlookers were happy to see Depp emerge victorious, extracting about $10 million in damages from Heard.

"Captain Jack Sparrow’s big win is proof that America’s courts remain a venue where Americans can defend their reputations and win justice for themselves, without playing by the ever-changing rules of a sinister and malicious media. And Depp’s win also demonstrates the viability of defamation law, specifically, as a way to vindicate one’s reputation against media smears. Defamation laws don’t just exist for deep-pocketed celebrities. They provide a path for all American patriots to win important victories, and at this very moment patriotic legislatures can help more plaintiffs achieve them.". . .

. . .Traditionally, four types of false allegations have been considered severe enough that they constitute defamation per se:

Claiming a person was involved in criminal activity

Claiming that a person was unethical or incompetent in their professional conduct

Claiming a person has some kind of contagious or loathsome disease.

Claiming a woman is unchaste or has otherwise engaged in sexual misconduct (Yes, in an age of slut pride parades, questioning woman’s chastity is defamatory per se. Historically, this tort was only available for women, though many jurisdictions now allow it for men also)

"It’s time for this list to expand. Today, there is no false accusation thrown around more freely, and with greater harm, than the claim that a person is a “racist,” “white nationalist,” or “white supremacist.” It’s time that our courts adapted accordingly. America’s courts should adopt the standard that falsely accusing someone of being a racist, or of being a white nationalist, is per se defamation.". . .

Justice Department Colludes with Congress to Bolster the ‘Insurrection’ Narrative; But of course facts don’t matter* in Collaboration Theater. .

This Democrat Party is no longer the "loyal opposition"; they are to be feared. TD

Tucker Carlson: "If at any time in your life you've ever made fun of totalitarian regimes that broadcast lies into the homes of the population that they can't turn off, take a look at that. That's happening right now."

 But of course facts don’t matter in Collaboration Theater. The same powerful, unaccountable interests that concocted Russiagate, rigged the 2020 election, and conspired to produce the events of January 6 depend only on the bloodlust of the Democratic Party base and the insatiable vengeance of party leaders such as Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and Liz Cheney to promote their lies. And now they get to do it in primetime.

   Julie Kelly  "This week produced yet another example of the shameless collaboration between the U.S. Department of Justice, the Democratic Party, and the national news media to destroy Donald Trump and everyone around him. The ink was barely dry on the not guilty verdict for Michael Sussmann, just one of many figures who acted as a pass-through between Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and the FBI to manufacture the Russia collusion hoax, before the same players were up to their old tricks.

"Members of the January 6 select committee blanketed the Sunday news programs last weekend promising bombshell revelations would shake the nation during a primetime hearing Thursday night. Representative Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) told CBS News’ Robert Costa the committee would present findings to show an “extremely broad . . . extremely well-organized” conspiracy to overthrow the government that day. What the committee uncovered related to the alleged conspiracy, Cheney warned, is “really chilling.’

"Roughly 24 hours after Cheney’s interview aired, Matthew Graves, the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia handling the January 6 criminal prosecution, announced seditious conspiracy charges against five members of the Proud Boys, the so-called militia group involved in the Capitol protest. The new indictment, handed down by a D.C. grand jury 13 months after its initial indictments in the case, made instant headlines.

"But the 32-page indictment contained no new information aside from a few irrelevant details; much of it rehashed previous filings in the case. Nonetheless, Graves claimed the men conspired to “oppose the lawful transfer of presidential power by force, by opposing the authority of the Government of the United States and by preventing, hindering, or delaying by force the execution of the laws governing the transfer of powerful,” referring to the 12th Amendment to the Constitution.

"No American has ever been convicted of “seditious conspiracy.” The last time the government attempted to prosecute a seditious conspiracy case 10 years ago, the presiding judge tossed it out of court. Graves has so far charged 17 Americans with the rare offense comparable to treason and threatening life sentences for those who refuse to accept plea deals.". . .

 Will Cheney pay a price for this?   . . ."When Hageman first got in the race, she led by 8 points. Now she's ahead by 28 points, after the ad buy touted Trump’s endorsement of Hageman and framed Cheney as a tool of Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, according to Fabrizio's polls of the race taken six months apart.". . .

Why Did Tucker Carlson Refuse to Air the J6 'Show Trial' Hearing? He Explains.

Alinsky Strategy: Isolate Trump

*January 6 Show Trial: Liz Cheney Omits Exculpatory Phrase While Quoting Trump — ‘Go Home with Love and Peace’  . . ."Cheney said in her opening statement:

Donald Trump tweeted, but he did not condemn the attack. Instead, he justified it. ‘These are the things and events that happen,’ he said, ‘when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously and viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly and unfairly treated for so long.’

"Cheney stopped reading Trump’s tweet there and said, “As you will see in the hearings to come, President Trump believed his supporters at the Capitol, and I quote, ‘were doing what they should be doing.”

"Cheney left out the last part of Trump’s tweet, which said, “Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!”. . .

Comment to the above:

Similarly, leftist media CNN / NPR / MSNBC advance these purposeful misrepresentations. This morning, taxpayer enriched chief queer at NPR falsely claimed that "many people were killed on Jan 6". Only one person was killed. By a government employee. Three others died from heart attack, stroke and drug overdose, as has been reported by NYT.


Methodist Church’s First Drag Queen Pastor: ‘God Is Nothing’; Beware "PRIDE"

Methodist Church’s First Drag Queen Pastor: ‘God Is Nothing’

In a new poem, a gender-bending minister for the nation’s third-largest denomination says that queerness is divine

"Last year, the United Methodist Church accepted Isaac Simmons, who regularly preaches dressed as a drag queen under the name Ms. Penny Cost, as a candidate for ordination. Since that time, Simmons, who serves as an associate pastor at Hope United Methodist Church in Bloomington, Illinois, has challenged basic theological concepts, projecting a worldview where divinity rests not in God but in queerness. 

"In a church preparing to split over LGBTQ issues, the drag queen pastor, who embraces queer theology while barely attempting to plaster on the basic tenets of Christian theology, has become a lightning rod. Conservatives argue that Simmons’ role as a celebrated figure among progressive Methodists proves the church has become so radically liberal as to forswear Christ. Progressives promote Simmons and invite him to preach in drag as a way to challenge the conservative position on sexuality that the denomination officially still takes. 

"The United Methodist Church was ready to split in 2020, but that has been postponed until 2024 because its quadrennial general conference was canceled due to COVID-19. The liberal wing will retain the denomination’s name and permit same-sex marriage while the conservatives will join a new denomination where same-sex marriage is forbidden.

"Simmons has published a new video of himself performing slam poetry in what may be his most provocative repudiation of traditional Christianity and embrace of queer spirituality.

“ 'God is nothing,” the self-described “dragavangelist” repeats throughout the poem, adding, “the Bible is nothing” and “religion is nothing.” In the end, he concludes God and the Bible are nothing “unless we wield it into something.' ”. . .

The Federalist: The New Gay Left, And How ‘Pride’ Became An Angry, Vicious Movement

"If local parents don’t let boys play on little girls’ sports teams, the federal government will remove its support from their extracurricular activities, including after-school sports and other programs kids use to stay healthy, active, and engaged.

"If local parents don’t let boys into little girls’ bathrooms, locker rooms, and showers, then the feds will make sure the poorest children in their community don’t get the school-provided lunches American taxpayers pay for. As many as 30 million kids use these programs, meaning millions could go hungry.". . .

Satanic Temple Pulls Out of ‘Kid Friendly’ LGBQT Pride Event in Idaho After Backlash

Full display of the above announcement available at the post link. TD

Debra Heine is a conservative Catholic mom of six and longtime political pundit. She has written for several conservative news websites over the years, including Breitbart and PJ Media.

Why Do Democrats Hate Our Children?

 Deborah C. Tyler

"One of the most difficult psychological transitions is facing hatred of self or loved ones by significant people in our lives. The challenge of admitting when we are hated makes it difficult to take steps to protect the vulnerable from that hatred. The normal mind projects onto others the degree of acceptance and respect that it naturally grants to others. The healthy mind must learn through unhappy experience when mutual acceptance and respect are absent. Therefore, it has been hard to admit that over time Democrats have succumbed to beliefs and policies based on hatred of us and our children.

"Why do Democrats advance policies that inflict death and psychological debasement on American children? Democrats hate America's children -- yours, not theirs -- because evil hates innocence, because they follow a climate cult that promotes human sacrifice, because they fear the children who come through us will be resistant to political subjugation. We must face the purpose of Democrat hate, and grasp its spiritual causation, if we are to introduce vital remedies to protect our children.

"Nancy Pelosi venerates the murder of viable babies as, “Sacred ground to me.” How can we deny that Democrats passion for perinatal infanticide amounts to hatred

"Biden's FDA shuttered a vital baby formula plant in February with no plan to reopen. Even the Democrat propaganda machine found no evidence the plant needed to be shut down. Nevertheless, Democrats are stockpiling formula for their favorite children -- post-American replacement babies -- while blocking production for yours.". . .

Pelosi's "sacred ground": Pictures: Abortion at 21 Weeks: Pictures - ClinicQuotes

Sick parents conspire with a Dallas gay bar to sexualize children

Male transvestites danced provocatively in front of children of all ages, while parents and guardians cheered the perverts on, handing their little ones dollar bills to tip the “performers”. At one point, the degenerates in drag brought children onto the stage, coaching them to mimic the  hyper-sexualized and homosecual strut of a man in drag. Of course, this event was met with shock and revulsion. Texas state legislator, Bryan Slaton, referred to parents who expose their children to this sort of sexual deviancy as “perverted adults” and “obsessed with sexualizing young children.” He pledged to introduce legislation to safeguard children from the societal acceptance of debauchery, even when their parents abdicate that sacred responsibility.

What Is The Clinton Body Count — And Why Is It Trending On Twitter? |

 What Is The Clinton Body Count — And Why Is It Trending On Twitter? | YourTango

"#ClintonBodycCount is trending on Twitter in the wake of billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's alleged suicide attempt. This event has revived a decades-old conspiracy theory that is baseless but credits Bill and Hillary Clinton with a number of suspicious deaths. The Epstein news awakened conspriracy theorists and pundits on the far right who took to Twitter to attempt to link Epstein's jail cell injuries to the Clintons. More than 70,000 tweets with the hashtag #ClintonBodyCount surfaced by Thursday afternoon. But what is the Clinton Body Count — and why is it trending on Twitter?". . .

California's Homelessness Magnates

 Ann Coulter

Tom Wolf, a formerly homeless drug addict, said that, thanks to all of San Francisco's giveaways, he was able to spend his entire general assistance payment on heroin. Which San Francisco also helps out with, giving away 6 million free needles to drug addicts every year. That's more than New York City dispenses -- with a population 10 times larger.

"Well, that didn't last long. Chesa Boudin, the "progressive" district attorney of San Francisco, was recalled in a landslide election on Tuesday. Evidently, even that city's progressive voters finally got tired of replacing their car windshields. (On the upside, once out of office, Boudin can keep prosecuting as many criminals as he did while in office.) 

"Quiz for Republicans: 

"In a shocking upset, the most liberal city in the nation just voted to recall a pro-criminal D.A. Q: Should you be dedicating your time to: --

 Ukraine -- 

Tax cuts -- 

Abortion --

 Crime [Sen. Lindsey Graham frantically waving his hand: UKRAINE!]

" Crime is primarily a state and local issue, but there are some things the federal government can do. How about auditing the "homelessness" industry for fraud, graft and corruption? (And the drug rehab industry, while you're at it.) In the last decade, homeless "advocacy" seems to have displaced Hollywood as the most well-compensated and glamorous industry in California. 

"Michael Shellenberger's 2021 book, "San Fransicko: Why Progressives Ruin Cities" details how progressives are foisting drug-addicted mental patients on an unsuspecting public. The problem is less the homeless -- the drug-addicted mental patients you will always have with you -- and more the well-healed liberals getting rich off the homelessness racket. 

>He begins by quoting all manner of homeless "advocates" -- i.e., people who make money off of homelessness -- such as Dr. Margot Kushel of the University of California-San Francisco (UCSF), who insists that homelessness has NOTHING to do with drugs or mental illness. "We've always known," Kushel said, "that most homelessness is a result, pure and simple, of poverty." 

"A lot of valuable information comes from sentences that begin with "we've always known."

"Convinced of the truth of this preposterous maxim, San Francisco has been doling out billions of dollars to solve homelessness, by providing the homeless -- or as we are now commanded to call them, "our unhoused neighbors" -- with shelter, food and massive cash payments.

"Also free needles! Because homelessness is just a matter of being poor, as "we've always known.' ". . .

Former Obama Official Rips Biden For “Reckless” Gaffes…


Biden On Jimmy Kimmel Is An Absolute Mess…

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Report: Dr Seuss Inspired Mug Draws Backlash From Liberals

They're Calling The Mug "Racist" Just Like The Books.. Can You Believe It!  
They have taken it way too far this time with their cancel culture! Read more


DHG) — The liberals are back at it again... it seems like cancelling Dr. Seuss was not enough!

"An innocent patriotic brand selling hilarious "I Do Not Like You Sleepy Joe" Mugs on their website has enraged Liberals and boy are they angry.

"They've gone to social media to rant about how owners of said mug are "losers" and how it is just like the "racist" Dr. Seuss books. Simply hilarious!" . . .