Saturday, July 2, 2022

Opinion: Michelle Obama Is Running for President in 2024

The trickiest part of Michelle's convention speech was to neutralize her self-inflicted image as "an angry Black woman who didn't love her country."  This took some finessing. 

 Joel Gilbert   "It was the gasp heard round the world. "They could run Michelle Obama, and if they do ..." said Monica Crowley before the CPAC 2022 audience reeled audibly in shocked recognition, cutting her off in mid-sentence.  Crowley had seen an early screener of my upcoming film and book of the same name, Michelle Obama 2024: Her Real Life Story and Plan for Power, which will be released on July 11.  Crowley was not trying to make waves at CPAC.  She was trying to send a warning.

"The CPAC crowd, and conservatives in general, have failed to realize that the ever present Michelle Obama was a potential Democrat presidential candidate.  This is largely because Michelle Obama launched a cover story for her intense political activity back in 2008 that goes like this: "Michelle hates politics."  The media have faithfully sustained the ruse — when they discuss likely Democrat contenders in 2024, they typically leave Michelle off the list.

"The Obamas needed this cover story to undo the damage that the increasingly shrill Michelle was doing to her husband's campaign in 2008.  In February of that year, when she told a crowd in Madison, Wisconsin, "For the first time in my adult lifetime I'm really proud of my country," Barack's advisers knew they had to reel her in.  In the days following, the angry Chicago culture warrior mellowed into the amiable "Mom in Chief.". . .

. . ."However, the truth can stop her.  As Michelle Obama 2024: Her Real Life Story and Plan for Power becomes viewed and read around the country, Michelle will have to answer for selling out and exploiting the Black community she is now pretending to care about.  That's a sales job not even the media can help Michelle overcome."

The losers throw spitballs, even on the Supreme Court

Now is the time to stop this vitriol before it’s too late, before it impacts the way the Justices conduct business.  It’s long past time to stop it in the Senate and the House and at the White House.   It should never have shown up in any Supreme Court opinion.  Let’s hope we don’t see it again.

 Marc Hecht   "The advanced state of ad hominem political attacks in the United States has spread to the Supreme Court’s own justices – at least from the outnumbered liberals there.  The three dissenters from last Friday’s abortion case did more than offer their legal reasons for differing with the majority.  They directly attacked the honesty and integrity of their fellow justices on the other side of the issue.

"Perhaps they consciously decided to follow the noxious lead of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (DNY), who threatened two of the justices on March 2nd  this now-famous comment:

I want to tell you, Gorsuch; I want to tell you, Kavanaugh: You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won't know what hit if you go forward with these awful decisions.

"Schumer yelled that threat into a bullhorn on the steps of the Court itself.

The country has grown accustomed to this kind of bullying and hyperbolic rhetoric from Schumer.  But even more disturbing, at least to me, are the multiple personal attacks from Breyer, Sotomayor and Kagan in their dissent in the abortion case.  I don't think anything like what they wrote has ever appeared before in a Supreme Court decision.

"Below are four such attacks from the dissent that I copied, along with citations to where they appear [emphasis added by me]:. . .

. . ."Surprisingly, I didn't find any personal attacks directed at Justice Thomas in the dissent. It’s hard to know why.  One possibility is that Breyer, Sotomayor and Kagan decided that Thomas was "hands-off" in terms of personal invective because Thomas is Black, opening them to the charge of racism.". . .

Is Schumer Culpable for the Death Threat Against Kavanaugh? – PJ Media

Friday, July 1, 2022

Remember when it wasn't OK to criticize Supreme Court rulings (when Trump did it)?

 Thomas Lifson  "Possibly the dumbest reaction to the Supreme Court's ruling in West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency came from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, although Justice Kagan, who has at least 50 I.Q. points on AOC, gave her some competition.

Just because her side didn't get its way, she wants to destroy the Supreme Court, and possibly the entire Judicial Branch.

 " 'Reform" in this context means packing the Court by expanding its membership with new appointees who are radical leftists.  That would be reversed by the next Republican president and Senate combination, which would, in turn, lead to an endless cycle of court expansion until its membership started to rival that of Congress.  The Court would be destroyed — which would amount to "doing away" with it, only without the necessary constitutional amendment necessary to formally abolish the Court.

"For a bit of nostalgia (hat tip: Mike Nadler), consider the reactions to the bien pensants when President Trump criticized court rulings.". . .

Thursday, June 30, 2022

The New York Times Wonders ‘Why is Hillary Clinton So Hated?’


2016: Why Hillary Clinton Is So Disliked - The American Conservative
Brooks supposes that Clinton is not liked because she is perceived to be consumed by her public career. That may be part of it, but I suspect the bigger problem for her as a political figure is that she has been on the national stage so long that most of us are just sick of seeing and hearing her. Familiarity breeds contempt, and Americans are very familiar with Clinton. As Brooks points out, she has been in “public service” for decades, but then most Americans nowadays don’t consider that to be admirable or praiseworthy. When they consider what Clinton has achieved during that time, they are probably even less impressed.

Hillary Clinton Is 'One of the Most Disliked Politicians in America,' Declares Former Bernie Sanders Spokesman (

Sanders stunned the Democratic establishment in 2016 with his spirited challenge to Clinton, and his campaign helped lay the groundwork for the leftward lurch that has dominated Democratic politics in the era of President Trump.


Did Joe Biden’s cash help Hunter pay prostitutes?

 The American Spectator  

Biden could be held criminally liable in at least two of the states where it is alleged he solicited prostitutes. Under Massachusetts state law, it is illegal to engage in sexual conduct for a fee. The offense carries a maximum sentence of two and a half years imprisonment or a maximum fine of $5,000. In New York, Biden could be charged with criminal solicitation in the fifth degree. 

 "Professional problem child and part-time Ukrainian natural gas businessman Hunter Biden spent thousands to hire escorts while simultaneously receiving large sums of President Joe Biden’s money, according to Andrew Kerr and Jerry Dunleavy of the Washington Examiner. The junior Biden received a total of $100,000 from his father between December 2018 and January 2019, according to records found on his laptop. Hunter spent $30,000 between November and March of those same years on visits from Russian escort agency UberGFE. The younger Biden told his father that the money was to help pay alimony, his daughter’s tuition and rent, and for his stay at a drug rehabilitation facility.

"In particular, Joe Biden sent his son $5,000 on January 18, 2019, the same day Hunter requested an escort for an additional eight hours and required more money to cover the costs. Joe Biden’s aide, Richard Ruffner, told Hunter Biden that $5,000 was the most that could be sent on account of weekly Cash App limitations. Hunter Biden later sent a video to a member of the escort agency of a pay dispute between him and the escort that featured Biden repeatedly declaring that the escort had not been harmed.

"According to a report from Republican Sens. Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson, “Hunter Biden ‘sent thousands of dollars’ to people either involved in ‘transactions consistent with possible human trafficking.’” Some of Hunter Biden’s transactions “are linked to ‘what appears to be an Eastern European prostitution or human trafficking ring,’” the report said. ". . .

ABC, NBC News: U.S. Secret Service to dispute Cassidy Hutchinson Jan. 6 account, sources say Trump did not attack agent or reach for wheel

ADN América   "Sources to major mainstream news outlets such as ABC and NBC News are suggesting that the U.S. Secret Service is prepared to dispute West Wing staffer Cassidy Hutchinson’s Tuesday testimony that former President Donald Trump assaulted an agent while reaching for the steering wheel in a limousine after his Jan. 6 rally.

The reports surfaced quickly after Cassidy’s testimony and after the U.S. Secret Service released a statement saying that its agents will testify before the Jan 6. House Select Committee.

"Hutchinson, an aide to former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows testified before the committee on Tuesday that while working on Jan. 6 she was told by others that Trump allegedly assaulted Special Agent Bobby Engel in the presidential limousine and tried to commandeer the car by reaching for the steering wheel after Engel refused to drive him to the U.S. Capitol, which later folded into an explosive riot.

"The incident allegedly occurred during the White House motorcade’s trip back to the White House. Trump had just told his base at a Washington Mall rally he would be joining them at the Capitol where Congress was in session to certify Democrat Joe Biden’s electoral victory as president. Trump had told his audience they were going to “peacefully and patriotically” march to the U.S. Capitol and “cheer” for U.S. Senators.".  . .

CBS News Congressional Correspondent Scott MacFarlane tweeted that the U.S. Secret Service said in a statement it will respond to Hutchinson’s allegation, and specifically the incident with Trump trying to grab the steering wheel.

We must fear for this nation passed on to us by our Founders; Tucker Carlson exposes the totalitarian Biden regime

In addition to high inflation, surging gas prices, and the open border this authoritarian power grab should be a leading campaign issue. Tucker meticulously detailing the political opponents that the Biden administration unfairly and systematically targeted is an eminent journalistic effort. 

 Rajan Laad   "Since its inauguration, the Biden administration has displayed its absolute contempt for freedom and democracy.

"Some examples:

"The January 6 probe's sole function is to prevent President Trump from running in 2024. Parents who opposed the teaching of Critical Race Theory to young children were branded as domestic terrorists.  The Disinformation Governance Board's function is to intimidate citizens from freely expressing themselves. Biden recently called Trump supporters "the most extreme political organization that's existed in recent American history."  

"The Democrat government-ordered vaccine and mask mandates encroached upon freedom of choice and lockdowns that restricted the movement of citizens.  

"But beyond these overarching anti-Democratic acts, the Biden administration has also baselessly targeted specific political opponents.

"Tucker Carlson reminded his viewers of political opponents who have been targeted since Biden’s inauguration in his monologue yesterday.". . .

"The following is the gist of what Carlson referred to:

"On Jan. 27, 2021, days after Biden's inauguration, the Justice Department arrested Douglass Mackey, known online as Ricky Vaughn for creating Internet memes that made fun of Hillary Clinton. 

"On Feb. 3, 2021, the FBI raided the homes of Russell Taylor and Alan Hostetter for organized a lawful political rally on January 6 for which they had a permit.

"On April 28, 2021, the FBI seized the cell phones and computers belonging to Trump’s former lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, despite not charging him. This was a violation of client-attorney privilege 

"On June 24, 2021, the FBI raided the home of a Giuliani associate, George Dixon who was working on a documentary about Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and their shady business dealings in Ukraine. 

"On Jan. 19, 2021, Infowars's Owen Shroyer was arrested and charged because he told the crowd on January 6, "Today we march for the Capitol because on this historic January 6, 2021, we have to let our congressmen and women know, and we have to let Mike Pence know, that they stole the election." 

"On Nov. 6, 2021, the FBI raided the homes of journalists who work for Project Veritas and the organization's founder, James O'Keefe. They reported on a diary written by Joe Biden's daughter, Ashley, in which she revealed, that Biden behaved inappropriately with her which made her a sex addict later in life.

"On Nov. 15, 2021, the Justice Department arrested one of the most prominent critics of Biden and former Trump advisor Steve Bannon for refusing to cooperate with the January 6 probe.

"On Nov. 16, 2021, the FBI raided the home of Sherrona Bishop, a former campaign manager for Congresswoman Lauren Boebert of Colorado. The FBI confiscated Bishop's cell phone but never charged her with a crime.". . . 

Tucker puts together the long list of political arrests in Biden’s America

Democrats, though, are enamored of the police state. Obama spied on both the Senate and on journalists. Then, probably heartened by the minimal pushback, he authorized spying on a presidential candidate—and got away with it.

Abort the Mission! Abort!

This is the terrifying future that led thousands of abortion hobbyists to rush into the streets last week and scream at us about their uteruses. All because up to 100,000 ladies won't be able to get drive-thru abortions if they have unprotected sex with men they don't want to have children with, and they didn't notice that they live in Louisiana.

Ann Coulter  "I gather from the recent hysteria that the Supreme Court has just ordered all 72 million American women of childbearing age to get pregnant and carry the baby to term.
This is big news, if true. I'm not at all surprised that every female journalist, activist and politician is threatening to burn down the Supreme Court over its decision last Friday in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization.
"On the other hand, even accepting the abortion cult's belief that members of the weaker sex are incapable of either keeping their knees together or mastering birth control, I still only count about 100,000 women who won't have easy access to abortions without Roe v. Wade.
. . ."In one breath, abortion enthusiasts tell us women of color will be hit hardest by the court ruling allowing states to ban abortion. That's true in a sense: According to the latest figures from the CDC, in 2019, 33% percent of women seeking abortions were white, 38% black and 21% Hispanic. Per capita, that's more black and Latino babies being aborted than white babies.
"But then in the next breath, they say opposition to abortion is rooted in white supremacy! Yes, that's a big rallying cry at the white supremacist rallies: DON'T KILL BLACK BABIES!". . .

Daddy, what's a harridan? 

"Flash to thousands of screeching harridans, whose only risk of pregnancy would be if a zoologist inseminated them in a lab, holding signs that say, "GET OUT OF MY UTERUS!" '

A New Generation Discovers Thomas Sowell


Because he is both black and conservative and has spent a career testing and disproving the axiomatic claims made by welfare-state advocates and the conjectural arguments of so-called leaders of racial minorities, Thomas Sowell is, to borrow a phrase from J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter novels, "He Who Must Not Be Named."  His work is dangerous enough to the Marxian march through U.S. institutions that it is better not to expose students to that work.

 A New Generation Discovers Thomas Sowell

. . ."Foremost among the lessons the new students of Sowell will learn is the thesis Sowell lays out in his book A Conflict of Visions — that, broadly speaking, modern Westerners tend to argue past one another on our views about the perfectibility of man.  Sowell distinguishes between what he calls the constrained and unconstrained vision, or the tragic view of man and the utopian view of man.

"The constrained vision, he will learn, is rooted in the Judeo-Christian belief in the inherent fallibility of man.  That is, despite all his best efforts to attain the true, the good, and the beautiful, either individually or collectively, man is often his own foil.  In this view, history and tradition serve to make men and women suspicious of the motives and schemes of their fellows.  Knowing that others can be knaves as well as knights, sinners as well as saints, each of us looks to his own self-interest over the interests of others.  There being no solution to this standoff, we are all necessarily forced to make compromises to ensure that the greater self-interest of each is preserved in some sort of civil society.

"Of the unconstrained vision, the new students of Sowell will learn that it is not man who is inherently fallible, but rather society itself, and it is an abstraction called society that corrupts.  As Jean-Jacques Rousseau argues in his famous dictum, "Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains."  Stated differently, man is good, and he is made not good, or merely mediocre, only by the limitations placed on him by large, impersonal institutions or the forces of history and tradition.  Remove these stultifying constraints, and anything is possible for man to achieve; he is better still.  Social problems no longer constitute challenges to be adjudicated in a system of law and order, of checks and balances.". . .

‘Collateral Damage’ In Dems’ Insane War On Energy

 Things have reached a fever pitch of late, with Democrats’ extremist anti-free-market green wing suggesting, as gasoline prices roar past $5 a gallon and cities across the nation face blackouts, we would all be better off if we just nationalized our oil and gas industryFor the record, no we wouldn’t.

Americans Are ‘Collateral Damage’ In Dems’ Insane War On Energy  "Maybe the Jan. 6 hearings are, as some assert, really about distracting Americans from the Democrats’ shocking policy failures. How else can one explain the refusal of President Joe Biden and the Democratic Congress to address our ongoing energy crisis?

"And, no, it’s no exaggeration to call this a crisis. With consumer prices rising at a four-decade-high of 8.6% in the most recent year-over-year comparison, Americans are watching their standard of living fall fast.

"A just-released national survey has found that 83% of U.S. households are cutting their personal spending and travel due to soaring inflation. These cutbacks are being driven almost entirely by energy costs, which have spiked nearly 35% in the past year.". . .

Biden Won’t Be Bragging About This Year’s July Fourth Cookout Prices Which Rose 17 Percent  

Now Americans are largely free from the pandemic regime’s clutches but don’t necessarily have the financial freedom to host an expensive cookout. After all, how can a family that is already living paycheck to paycheck keep up with the $4.87 per gallon national gas price average and inflation that is rising at its fastest pace in the last four decades? In just one run to the grocery store for essential items, Americans are paying 11.9 percent more than they did in May of last year.

Biden’s History of Getting Away With Racist Remarks


"Joe Biden has a decades-long habit of making overtly racist remarks, taking discriminatory positions and cavorting with known racists—things that would get anyone to his political right tossed out of polite society. But being on the left must make it okay.

"Just a few days ago, while lamenting the difficulty in convincing many Latinos and blacks to take the COVID vaccine, he committed a series of racially charged blunders that barely registered in the corporate media’s consciousness.

"Biden white-splained that Latinos in America resist vaccinations because “they’re worried that they’ll be vaccinated and deported.”

This statement makes the insane assumption that all Latinos present in this country are illegal aliens subject to expulsion. It never occurred to Biden that more than 60 million Latinos are actually American citizens, according to recent census figures.

"While insulting such a sizable segment of our population, Biden actually went further. He referred to this group of people as “Latinx,” which is a term invented by woke academics who objected to gender-specific words in the Spanish language.". . .

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Justice Breyer Retiring Thursday And it’s official

Kemberlee Kaye

"Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer has announced that he will step down from the high court effective Thursday at noon.

"Breyer, who notified President Biden in January of his intent to retire at the end of the current term, updated the president in a letter Wednesday, after the Supreme Court made it known that it will issue its final opinions of the term Thursday morning.". . .

. . ."Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson will replace Breyer on the bench. Lord help us."