Saturday, July 9, 2022


The Gateway Pundit

. . ."Fill-in anchor Boris Sanchez was all smiles as they discussed the new episodes of the show, which is seemingly meant to mock conservative beliefs.

"In the clip they aired, they showed a group of women saying that they do not think Critical Race Theory should be taught in schools, then some “gotcha” questions to try and make them look bad.

" 'You know, sometimes you laugh to keep from crying. And I think that’s why I became a comedian in general,” Bell said.

"Bell has also worn shirts on air with messages like “trans people belong.' ”

Two more reasons to be mad as hell at Joe Biden

 Ed Brodow    "Recently, I detailed five reasons to impeach Joe Biden. Here are two more.

1. Biden is selling our petroleum reserves to China.

"Biden is selling off 180 million barrels (one third of the total) from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.  The stated goal: softening the pain on American citizens from higher gas prices.  Releasing the oil should have reduced the price at the pump.  Why isn't that happening?  Because the oil being released is going to Europe, India, and China.

" 'The Biden administration is selling off our emergency oil reserves to China," said Tucker Carlson on Fox's Tucker Carlson Tonight.  "An impeachable offense.  Selling off our most valuable asset to a government whose goal is to crush us."  The irony, Carlson points out, is that there is no reason to sell the reserves "when we can produce the energy here.". . .

2. Biden is forcing Critical Race Theory on state education systems.

"Biden has sent a bill to Congress — the "Civics Secures Democracy Act" (CSDA) — that will allow the Biden administration to force Critical Race Theory (CRT) on every public school in the country. "Over a six-year period," said Stanley Kurtz, senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, in National Review, "this $6 billion pot of competitive grant money will create a de facto national curriculum — just like Common Core.  States desperate to tap into the federal gravy train will have to tailor their civics and history grant proposals to the Biden administration's liking.  And abundant evidence shows that Biden's Education Department is pushing CRT."

"Federal law prohibits the imposition of a curriculum on the states.  How is Biden getting around the law?  "The strings that Biden's bureaucrats will attach to these massive federal grants will suffice to lure states into adopting CRT," said Kurtz.". . .

 If he succeeds, Biden will take America down a new path of racial division and political Stalinism.

Dems governors: Biden's in over his head, out of ideas, and out of time

"Who says America can’t find its way to a national consensus? Republicans have considered Joe Biden intellectually bankrupt for decadesAccording to the latest complaints making their way to Politico, Democrat governors have just figured that out — and now worry that the clock’s about to run out on Biden and their midterm hopes:". . .

Not that they have much choice in the matter. They’re only complaining to the media because Biden’s incompetence has grown so obvious to voters that it’s impossible to defend. The only strategy left to Democrats in and out of the Beltway is to distance themselves from the stench of the candidate they foisted on Americans in the first place. Good luck with that.

Exclusive–Top Oversight Republican in Congress Demands Testimony, Documents from Biden Officials on Oil Reserve Sale to Hunter-Linked Chinese Firm


"House Oversight and Reform Ranking Member James Comer (R-KY) told Breitbart News in an exclusive statement that when Republicans take control of the House, they plan on investigating reports that President Joe Biden sold nearly one million barrels from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) to a Chinese state-owned gas company that has financial ties to a private equity firm cofounded by Hunter Biden.  

"The Washington Free Beacon’s Collin Anderson released a bombshell report that Biden’s Department of Energy sold one million barrels to Unipec, the trading arm of Sinopec. Sinopec is wholly owned and operated by the Chinese Communist Party.

"According to the report, Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, reportedly has financial ties to the CPP-owned Sinopec. A private equity firm Hunter cofounded reportedly purchased a roughly $2 billion stake in Sinopec Marketing in 2015.

"The Free Beacon noted:

Biden is connected to Sinopec through BHR Partners, a private equity firm he cofounded in 2013. BHR bought a $1.7 billion stake in Sinopec Marketing in 2015. Biden at one point owned a 10 percent stake in BHR Partners through his wholly owned firm, Skaneateles, LLC.. . .

Inside The Biden Family


Power Line   "The New York Post’s Maureen Callahan takes a look inside President Biden’s immediate family in the column “Bidens are as dysfunctional as the Kennedys — and protected by the press.” Today Callahan’s column can be supplemented with Emily Crane’s New York Post story “Hunter Biden reportedly called Jill an ‘entitled c–t’ in texts.”

"For her column Callahan draws mostly on Ashley Biden’s diary. With a little help from the Biden Department of Justice the FBI is out to make someone — i.e., James O’Keefe — pay for the disclosure of Ashley Biden’s diary.

"Callahan does a good job compiling the evidence from a variety of sources, including Hunter Biden’s public ruminations as well as Hunter Biden’s laptop from hell. With a little help from the national security establishment, Joe Biden condemned the laptop as Russian disinformation and now refuses further comment.

"The contents of the laptop reveal the modus operandi of the corrupt Biden family business. The contents of the diary reveal the modus operandi of the family. Neither bears much scrutiny without profound disquiet and therefore neither has received much scrutiny from the mainstream media — another point made by Callahan. She frames a question near the top of her column:. . ."

'F**k my stepmother for being a selfish, silly entitled ****.' Unearthed texts reveal Hunter cruelly insulted Jill Biden behind her back - even after she sent him loving messages and offered him a house - when he was pushed to return to rehab

Hunter Biden blamed First Lady Jill Biden for forcing him to go back to rehab – calling her a 'selfish silly entitled c***', 'a moron', 'stupid', and 'vain' – after she offered him a house and sent him loving messages. The biting insults were made behind his stepmother's back in text messages on a newly uncovered backup of Hunter's cell phone stored on his abandoned laptop. The vicious verbal attack, appears to be over Hunter's family asking him to go back to rehab in winter of 2018.

Details of Federal Investigation Into Hunter Biden Show a Family on the Brink  "Hunter Biden’s laptop has been a goldmine for exposing the depravity of the Biden family. Seemingly weekly, some new, more disturbing revelation is revealed. Recently, the president’s son was implicated in a Russian human trafficking ring, with money from Joe Biden himself being used to pay the prostitutes.

"Naturally, because the Bidens play for the “right” team, though, the mainstream media still largely won’t touch the story. That’s given the White House the excuse to simply say they won’t comment on anything from the laptop, an answer that would never have satisfied to press if this involved anyone within a mile of Donald Trump.

"But while partisan journalists continue to run interference for the president and his family, a DOJ investigation into Hunter Biden is apparently heating up and is much farther reaching than originally reported.". . .

Two huge events shake America's top allies, and Sleepy Joe botches the responses to both

 Monica Showalter

El American:  
BREAKING UPDATE: Despite BOTH Donald Trump and former Vice President Mike Pence issuing statements on Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe Assassination, neither Joe Biden or Kamala Harris have provided any statement in any form.

. . ." Update: Joe has finally come out with a canned statement, using the occasion of Abe's death, to shill against gun violence, as if Japan were just an oversized Chicago. Once again, highly inappropriate -- Japan has gun control and it's not a matter of "too many guns" on the streets of Nara. It's a freak who makes his own gun, which renders the gun control argument irrelevant and certainly is insulting to the occasion in Japan. Twitchy has the scoop on the statement here.

"Meanwhile, over in Great Britain, a prime minister was thrown out after less than three years in office, over a series of petty scandals.  Yes, he seems to have brought this on himself through his reckless behavior, but it's still a sad story.  Britain, after all, is America's top ally, and Prime Minister Boris Johnson worked closely and cordially with senile old Joe through his short tenure in office.  He was the first to recognize Joe's presidency and congratulate the old dotard back before the ballots were even counted.

"Joe's response, according to the New York Post, was this:". . .

Democrats gleeful at the harassment of Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh

And right now, that's important. Threats, harassment and apparently killing seem to be the only game in town for Democrats. They can't sell the public on their ideas, so their rage is getting lethal.  Monica Showalter

 Monica Showalter  "Democrats are starting to sound just a little demonic in their fanaticism for abortion, and it's obvious in their cavalier attitude towards the safety of the Supreme Court justices.

"Here's the White House setting the tone:

 "But this latest refusal to condemn harassment in public places of a sitting Supreme Court justice was frankly shocking, given that just a month earlier, Kavanaugh had been the target of an actual assassination attempt, and had been subject to an unprecedented leak of private Supreme Court deliberations. He also was the target of leftist doxxers who spearheaded unprecedented -- and illegal -- protests at his private home. That, and the leak, have gone unpunished, and while the assassination attempt could easily be dismissed or given a slap on the wrist by a wokester prosecutor given the tone set. ". . .

Justice Brett Kavanaugh already was the target of an attempted assassination. But the hounding and targeting of him continue.

While the court had no official comment on Kavanaugh’s behalf and a person familiar with the situation said he did not hear or see the protesters and ate a full meal but left before dessert, Morton’s was outraged about the incident. A rep for the chain steakhouse sent Lippman this statement:

“Honorable Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh and all of our other patrons at the restaurant were unduly harassed by unruly protestors while eating dinner at our Morton’s restaurant. Politics, regardless of your side or views, should not trample the freedom at play of the right to congregate and eat dinner. There is a time and place for everything. Disturbing the dinner of all of our customers was an act of selfishness and void of decency.”. . .

 Jean-Pierre: ‘For sure’ White House approves protest of Kavanaugh steak dinner   . . .“The president has been very clear that we condemn any intimidation of judges,” Jean-Pierre responded.

"Later, Doocy asked: “If these protesters can go to a justice’s house and they can go to a restaurant, where is it that you don’t think it’s appropriate for a group of protesters to go?”

“ 'You asked me about intimidation,” Jean-Pierre answered. “We condemn intimidation. We condemn any violence … Peaceful protest — people should be allowed to be — to be able to do that.”

“ 'In a restaurant?” Doocy retorted.". . .

 Leftist SCOTUS Stalker Group ‘ShutDownDC’ Offers Bounties For Conservative Justice Sightings

A notable shift in Acela Media coverage of Pres. Biden signals something significant

Fourth Watch    "Besides the Afghanistan withdrawal and brief moments of COVID absurdity, the Biden administration has largely gotten the kid glove treatment from the broader Acela Media. It's not surprising - after the Trump hangover, and an administration stocked with buddies of the press, it takes a lot to get critical coverage of this White House. But something significant seems to have happened, in the post-Roe landscape - and whether it's a warning shot of the beginning of a sea change will be an important angle to watch. The eye-opener for me was Wednesday's massive piece from CNN's Edward-Isaac Dovere, which tracks how Democrats are wondering "whether Biden White House is capable of urgency moment demands."     Viewpoint | . .

Friday, July 8, 2022

UPDATED, 7/9: Even CNN Is Now Admitting That Liz Cheney Is In Trouble In Wyoming

 Even CNN Is Now Admitting That Liz Cheney Is In Trouble In Wyoming (

Liz Cheney’s day of political reckoning is coming.

"Wyoming Republicans have had it with her and her opponent is polling extremely well.

"Cheney has gained popularity with members of the liberal media for her participation in the sham January 6th hearings, but now even her new friends at CNN are admitting she has a problem in Wyoming.". . .

"While Cheney “has become an unexpected hero for Democrats” and the media, CNN’s Harry Enten analyzed, CNN readers “shouldn’t mistake adoring press coverage and bipartisan bona fides for popularity in the place where popularity matters most for Cheney: Wyoming.”

"Citing polling that shows Cheney the least popular member of Congress in 2021, Enten acknowledged only 17 percent of Republicans nationwide approved of Cheney’s alliance with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) January 6 committee. Sixty-one percent disapproved. More specifically, the article also noted Cheney’s opponent, Trump-endorsed Harriet Hageman, is leading Cheney “by a significant margin” of 28 to 30 points in Wyoming.

“Now, we should treat this data with caution since the people releasing it likely have their own motives, such as rooting for Cheney to lose. Still, the congresswoman trailing makes a lot of sense given what the nonpartisan polling in Wyoming has indicated,” the article stated.

"Enten also highlighted Cheney’s campaign strategy of asking Democrats to vote for her, though few think the strategy will be successful, even though she opposed Donald Trump and his policies at nearly every turn..

"This video of Cheney’s challenger Harriet Hageman shows what Cheney is up against.

CNN: Don’t be fooled by ‘adoring press coverage’, Liz Cheney ‘in a lot of trouble’ where it matters most

THIS is how you know Joe Biden has the media in his back pocket…

Joe Biden Sold Reserve Oil To Chinese Gas Giant Tied To Hunter Biden (    . . ."Sinopec is also tied to Hunter Biden, whose private equity firm, BHR Partners, bought a $1.7 billion stake in the company seven years ago.

"Hunter Biden’s lawyer told the New York Times in November that the president’s son, “no longer holds any interest, directly or indirectly, in either BHR or Skaneateles.”

"According to the Washington Examiner, however, Hunter Biden remained listed as a part-owner of the firm as late as March.". . .

IT GETS WORSE: Biden Reportedly Sold Oil Reserves To China Outfit That Has Hunter Biden Connection (

 News Thud

"I know you already know that Joe Biden has the garbage media in his back pocket from the simple way they refuse to scandalize him for anything.

"But this video clip from today is how you know Joe Biden knows that he’s got the garbage media in his back pocket.

 . . ."He’s got Hunter there shaking everyone’s hands as if there isn’t a bombshell voicemail that exposes how Joe Biden LIED about his son’s business dealings.

"Because Joe knows that the garbage media won’t dare approach his son and ask him about any of this. Not that Joe would make his son available for such questioning, but that he would have the audacity to bring his son there as if nothing was wrong.

"Not to mention all the sex with prostitutes and crack pipe smoking Hunter recorded on video and left on his infamous laptop that everyone knows about.

"Will the press even ask the White House press secretary about this, especially after she refuses to answer questions about the voicemail? Maybe one or two will from Fox News and other conservative outlets, but the rest of the media will just ignore it because they are in Joe’s back pocket.". . .

Karine Jean-Pierre Said ‘It’s Not Happening’ When Asked About Hunter – You’ve Got to See It!

Hey, Hey! Ho, Ho! Here's a Big Reason Why Portland's Antifa Seems to Have a Never-Ending Supply of Rioters

 PJ Media  "Ever wonder why there seems to be a limitless supply of Antifa terrorists in Portland, Ore., year after year, riot after riot, conflagration after conflagration? Why there’s no shortage of purple-haired screamers willing to toss Molotov cocktails, tag buildings with old-timey revolutionary slogans, set GOP headquarters on fire, firebomb pregnancy clinics, punch people they don’t like, loot stores, and point lasers into the eyes of police officers? Wonder no more. The Antifa summer camp for kids is back this summer for the first time since their fellow travelers in communist China unleashed the COVID-19 virus on the world.

"Once again, Portland Leftists will support another new crop of screamers, taggers, rioters, looters, and IWW dead-enders at the Antifa training camp for kids called the Budding Roses Summer Camp.". . .

. . ."The fourth through eighth-graders who are invited to the camp are given handbooks of chants to scream at protests, encouraged to start their own protests, shown art techniques on how to tag buildings, and told where all the top riot spots are in the city.

"Black Lives Matter bromides and “black resistance” techniques are taught in a handy coloring book. “Undoing the harm of colonization… by giving back to the earth that gives to you,” is naturally taught by virtue of encouraging … gardening?  “With our seed balls, we are going to feed the bees that pollinate our food.” How is gardening an act of anti-colonization? No idea, but you’re a racist if you don’t get it.

"And for satan’s sake don’t grow that garden in the wrong spot! The kids receive an “indigenous map” showing where the white people shouldn’t be. Kids are told to learn their “land acknowledgment” first before they do anything else.". . .

Why Did Disney 'Go Woke' and Start Hating America?

 Neon Nettle

"When you think of Disney today, it's hard not to be reminded of the corporation's far-left propaganda that attacks the very fabric of the American way of life.
"Yet their attacks are limited to only targeting American families.
"The company recently announced that it would expand Disney+ streaming service operations to several Middle Eastern and African countries that criminalize homosexuality.  
"Leftists across the country reacted with abject horror after progressive juggernaut Disney made a move that conflicted so directly with its radical agenda in America.". . .

In 1943 Disney promoted all things American   Even taxes.

A Picture Of Shinzo Abe Standing With Donald Trump Against The Globalists, Puts What Happened Today In Context

USA Supreme

. . ."Donald Trump called the shooting of former Japan prime minister Shinzo Abe “devastating news” after the politicians formed a friendship during his presidency.

“ 'He was a true friend of mine and, much more importantly, America. This is a tremendous blow to the wonderful people of Japan, who loved and admired him so much.”

"Abe was the longest-serving PM in Japan having served between 2006 and 2007 and again between 2012 and 2020, which is when he and Trump struck up a friendship.
Friendship of Donald Trump and Shinzo Abe

"After Trump won the 2016 US presidential election, the pair met on numerous occasions. During Trump’s term, Abe held multiple high-profile summits with Trump and hosted him in Japan twice in 2019 alone. In total, they met 20 times during Trump’s presidency.

"Ayumi Teraoka, a doctoral candidate for security studies at Princeton University, told CSIS: “No foreign leader has closer ties with president Donald Trump than prime minister Shinzo Abe.”

"Abe was the first foreign minister to meet with Trump. The pair met in Trump Tower, New York, for a meeting that lasted 90 minutes, according to the BBC. They had their first official meeting at the White House in February 2017, when Trump confirmed his commitment to “defending Japan”.

"In 2020, Reuters reported that during a telephone conversation between the leaders, Trump called Abe the “greatest prime minister in Japan’s history”.

"The history of friendship between the two goes back much further than that.". . .