Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Report: Secret Service Didn't Plan To Send Snipers To Trump Rally

 Shawn Fleetwood (thefederalist.com)  "The Secret Service reportedly did not partake in a security briefing given to local law enforcement the morning of Trump’s July 13 rally."

"Local law enforcement also reportedly told Johnson’s office that Secret Service initially planned not to send their own snipers to the July 13 rally. While agency officials reversed course and deployed two sniper teams to the rally, it remains unknown why or when they changed their decision." 

"Secret Service failed to undertake critical security measures and deprived Donald Trump of ample protection ahead of the attempted assassination against the former president, new information disclosed by congressional members shows.

"According to preliminary findings published Sunday by the office of Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., the Secret Service declined to participate in a security briefing provided to local sniper and SWAT teams the morning of Trump’s July 13 rally in Butler County, Pennsylvania. Led by the local emergency services division, the briefing reportedly “provided local law enforcement with images of the security perimeter at the rally — which did not include the American Glass Research (AGR) building where the shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, was located — the location of law enforcement agents, and a breakdown of security sectors on the farm show grounds.”

“ 'It is unclear why Secret Service did not participate in this security briefing and the extent to which Butler [Emergency Services] ESU coordinated with Secret Service in creating and implementing the security plan for the rally,” the report reads.

"The report says the briefing addressed the potential for drone use, “according to
information obtained by Senator Johnson’s staff.” Local officials told The Wall Street Journal days ago that Crooks “was able to fly a drone and get aerial footage of the western Pennsylvania fairgrounds shortly before the former president was set to speak there.” It remains unclear “whether any action was taken regarding Crooks’ drone and the exact time when Crooks’ drone was discovered,” according to Johnson’s office." . . .

Will Biden’s resignation be this year’s October surprise?


Will Biden’s resignation be this year’s October surprise?   
But if he quits, he can rewrite his legacy as a selfless party soldier who, after fifty years of “public service,” made possible the historic moment of putting the “First Woman of Color” into the Oval Office — and if she wins, it will be he who enabled the Democrats to defeat “Orange Hitler” and save democracy itself from “fascism.”

Should Republican politicians support ousting Biden from the presidency?

Maybe calling for Biden’s removal is a feint to score points now.  But then that would put pressure on other Republicans planning to vote against later.  I just hope the Republicans are thinking this through.
Believe Nothing About Biden’s ‘Resignation’ - The American Spectator  "
And don’t give any credit until Joe Biden tells us in person or resigns the presidency and admits he’s unfit for the job."
"The internet and the legacy media are replete with tributes to Joe Biden by partisan Democrat politicos and influencers, for doing the "right thing" or the "patriotic thing" . . .
The rest of this article is behind a pay wall.

Dave Portnoy: Democrats ‘Hijacked Democracy’ By Forcing Biden Out and Installing Kamala  (Language) 
 Harris is the “right person at the right time” and well-positioned to “push back” against Donald Trump, according to Reid Hoffman, the tech billionaire who co-founded LinkedIn. Alexander Soros, son of financier and philanthropist George Soros, described her as the “best and most qualified candidate we have”…

. . .“ 'It’s not that they go and say ‘hey, all these videos that the American people see of Joe Biden literally having a dementia moment and being out of it — deep fakes, not real.’ And then they just reverse course and literally force him to resign by threats. Who knows what they said to him behind doors or what package they came up with. Pelosi, Obama, Clooney — all pushing this old man down a flight of stairs. Forget all that, they did it, fine. They hijacked Democracy. No other way to say it,” Portnoy ranted…

“ "The Democrats and the left — the way they shit on our face and tell us it’s 80 and sunny is so infuriating. Just admit you hijacked Democracy. Just admit, you don’t care if f--king Mussolini or a head of lettuce is running against Trump. You hate him so much you’re willing to trample on Democracy, steal the vote from the American public." . . .

The Biden 10-step plan for global chaos

 Victor Davis Hanson  "What happened to Turkey? Why is it threatening fellow NATO member Greece? Is it still a NATO ally, a mere neutral or a de facto enemy?

" 'Why are there suddenly nonstop Chinese threats toward Taiwan?

"Why did Saudi Arabia conclude a new pact with Iran, its former archenemy?

" 'Why was Egypt secretly planning to send rockets to Russia to be used in Ukraine, according to leaked Pentagon papers?

"Since when did the Russians talk nonstop about the potential use of a tactical nuclear weapon?

" 'Why is Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador bragging that millions of Mexicans have entered the United States, most of them illegally? And why is he interfering in U.S. elections by urging his expatriates to vote for Democrats?

" 'Why and how, in just two years, have confused and often incoherent President Joe Biden and his team created such global chaos?

" 'Let us answer by listing 10 ways by which America lost all deterrence:

"1) Biden abruptly pulled all U.S. troops from Afghanistan. He left behind to the Taliban hundreds of Americans and thousands of pro-American Afghans. Biden abandoned billions of dollars in U.S. equipment, the largest air base in central Asia — recently retrofitted at a cost of $300 million — and a $1 billion embassy. Our government called such a debacle a success. The world disagreed and saw only humiliation.

"2) The Biden administration allowed a Chinese high-altitude spy balloon to traverse the continental United States, spying on key American military installations. The Chinese were defiant when caught and offered no apologies. In response, the Pentagon and the administration simply lied about the extent that China had surveilled top secret sites.

"3) In March 2021, at an Anchorage, Alaska mini-summit, Chinese diplomats unleashed a relentless barrage at their stunned and mostly silent American counterparts. They lectured the timid Biden administration diplomats about American toxicity and hypocrisy. And they have defiantly refused to explain why and how their virology lab birthed the COVID-19 virus that has killed tens of millions worldwide.

"4) In June 2021, in response to Russian cyberattacks against the United States, Biden meekly asked Russian President Vladimir Putin to at least make off-limits certain critical American infrastructure.

5) When asked what he would do if Russia invaded Ukraine, Biden replied that the reaction would depend on whether the Russians conducted a “minor incursion.”

"6) Between 2021 and 2022, Biden serially insulted and bragged that he would not meet Muhammad bin Salman, the de facto ruler of Saudi Arabia, and one of our oldest and most valuable allies in the Middle East.

"7) For much of 2021, the Biden administration made it known that it was eager and ready to offer concessions to re-enter the dangerous Iran nuclear deal — at a time when Iran has joined China and Russia in a new geostrategic partnership.

"8) Almost immediately upon inauguration, the administration moved the United States away from Israel, restored financial aid to radical Palestinians and both publicly and privately alienated the current Netanyahu government.

"9) In serial fashion, Biden stopped all construction on the border wall and opened the border. During the 2019 Democratic presidential primary, Biden made it known that illegal aliens were welcome to enter the United States — some 6 million to 7 million did. He reinstated “catch and release.” And he did nothing about the Mexican cartel importation of fentanyl that has recently killed more than 100,000 Americans per year.

"10) In the past two years, the Pentagon has embarked on a woke agenda. The Army is short by 15,000 in its annual recruitment quota. The defense budget has not kept up with inflation. One of the greatest intelligence leaks in U.S. history just occurred from the Pentagon.

"The Pentagon refused to admit culpability and misled the country about Afghanistan and the Chinese spy balloon flight. The current chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff called his Chinese communist counterpart and head of the People’s Liberation Army to advise him that the U.S. military would warn the Chinese if it determined an order from its commander in chief, former President Donald Trump, was inappropriate.

"This list of these self-inflicted disasters could be easily expanded." . . .

In Hiding Biden’s Decline, Democrats Showed They Are A Party Of Liars

 Issues & Insights

"None of this was done for the benefit of the country but to keep alive the Democrats’ hopes of holding on to the White House. They feared that Vice President Kamala Harris is so unelectable that their best chance to keep their claws in power was to lie about Biden’s condition." . . .

"When the Watergate scandal was roiling a half-century ago, we were told the cover-up was worse than the crime. There was no crime – that we currently know of – in keeping President Joe Biden’s cognitive infirmity hidden from the public. But the cover-up shows that the Democratic Party is made up of liars who have the chutzpah, though maybe not quite the skill, of Soviet propagandists.

"Up until the June 27 debate with Donald Trump, the Democrats and their media division kept assuring us that Biden was fine. While his inner circle insisted that he was fit right up to the point that he dropped out of the race Sunday, others in his party and much of the press began to turn on him before the debate was over. At the same time, they tried to convince the country that they didn’t know that Biden’s condition had deteriorated so severely.

"But they knew.

"White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was maybe the worst offender. Last fall, she said she “would put the president’s stamina, the president’s wisdom, ability to get this done on behalf of the American people, against anyone” – “anyone, on any day of the week.”

"A fews months earlier, she said it was “hard for us to keep up with this president.” Then a couple of weeks ago, she admitted to “giving false information about” a neurologist seeing Biden at the White House.

"In February, former House speaker and always-party-over-country Democrat Rep. Nancy Pelosi swore that Biden was “very sharp” and “always on the ball.” At roughly the same time, Sen. Charles Schumer of New York, the Senate majority leader, said Biden’s “mental acuity is great, it’s fine, it’s as good as it’s been over the years.” And all those instances of Biden’s feebleness of mind everyone else had been seeing for years? Just “right-wing propaganda,” he said.

"And then were was Barack Obama himself, excusing Biden’s blundering debate performance as merely a bad night, which just happens from time to time. In his effort to hide the truth, Biden co-campaign chair Mitch Landrieu said he thought Biden “really kind of rose to the occasion” as the debate progressed.

"The media were also in on it. MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough – who often appears to be insane himself so maybe we can somewhat excuse his implausible claim – assured viewers in March that “this version of Biden, intellectually, analytically, is the best Biden ever. Not a close second.” . . .

Gettysburg PR | Bob Newhart

Off The Record (1992) - YouTube

"In this classic bit from his special, ‘Off The Record’, Bob imagines what it would be like to be Abe Lincoln’s publicist. The bit was originally performed in 1960 on Bob’s album, ‘The Button-Down Mind of Bob Newhart’." "Button-down"?

"The one part he took out is the section about changing Four Score and Seven to Eighty Seven and tells Abe that it's meant to be a 'grabber' and follows it up by saying "It's kind of like Marc Anthony saying, "Friends, Romans, Countrymen, I got somethin' I want to tell ya." The section got great laughs on the original album, wish he had kept it in."

Monday, July 22, 2024

‘Ridiculous and absurd’: Douglas Murray slams David Lammy’s ‘stupid’ old Trump remarks

YouTube Looks like the Brits have the same issues selecting good people for critical jobs as Americans. TD

"Author Douglas Murray has slammed UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy over his previous remarks about former US president Donald Trump.

“He also showed in recent years he doesn’t only lack knowledge, he lacks wisdom and judgement,” he told Sky News host Danica De Giorgio. “ 'Because anyone wise and judicious would not, in any circumstances, be sending out stupid, abusive tweets about the president, the leader of Britain’s most important ally, the closest ally the United States. “Would not send out abusive tweets making completely ridiculous and absurd and insulting claims about him.”

  • Comments to this video: "So the UK basically has a Foreign Secretary that will not be welcome in America if Trump wins office. And Starmer thinks it's a good idea to elevate him to that position."
  • "Were I Trump, I would refuse to meet with him and get low-level staff to handle the meetings or agree to meet Lammy's underlings. It would make Lammy's role untenable."
  • "The USA people were saying sending someone of Lammy´s low intellect and even lower understanding of American political policies was a total insult. Comments about him slumping in his seat like a sulky teenager and fighting to keep his eyes open during speeches put him on the same level as Biden!"
  • I remember when Lammy was on the TV saying you never see a Policeman round here and behind him is a Policeman. There is no way this Maccy D fries flipper is going to be meeting Trump if he becomes president, so that really helps the UK - US relationship.
"On Thursday, he refused to say whether he was wrong to call Mr Trump a “neo-Nazi-sympathising sociopath” while a backbench MP in 2018, telling BBC Breakfast that “lots of people had things to say” about Trump."

Now on to Lammy's tweets....

The Testosterone Ticket

Don Surber (substack.com)

"Biden’s departure from the election gives Democrats a choice between making Kamala look presidential or giving up completely as they try to salvage the Senate and House races. In 1972, they chose the latter and did pretty well. Sure, Nixon carried 49 states, but they kept Congress — and the deep state disposed of Nixon two years later.

"But Democrats no longer are known as the intelligent party. Power has corrupted their brains. So who knows what they will do — fish with Kamala or cut bait and work on expanding their Senate majority?

"Republicans have finally figured out that voters are not impressed by their white bread politeness. If Americans wanted a ceaseless stream of apologies, we would move to Canada. "The RNC convention in Milwaukee was unapologetically American.

"Jake Tapper: “What theme are we seeing at the convention tonight?”

"Chris Wallace: “Is that a trick question? Testosterone.”


"Agreed. After 4 years of this slop brought in by an impotent old president shouting at clouds and his witless vice president talking like a kindergartener explaining the world to a 3-year-old, the American people need men running the White House again.

"The pushback against the Secret Service for allowing the assassin to get two shots at President Trump is that their crew included Melissa McCarthy who was too short to protect him, too tubby to keep up and too untrained to re-holster her gun even after they got to the hospital.

"I am not against women as Secret Service agents. She put her life on the line to protect him but she should have had a different duty that day — like climbing the roof.

"Trump learned. Miranda Devine tweeted as Trump boarded Trump Force One on Saturday, “All-male security crew, big boy steps, sure-footed climb, no stumbles.”

"Let’s cut to the chase. Rupert Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal said in an editorial on Friday that President Trump projects strength.

"That is what we need. As Tucker Carlson said of Trump rising from the stage after being shot: “A leader’s courage gives courage to his people." ” . . .

Bill Maher Trashes MSNBC For HYPOCRISY After PA Rally Attack on Trump

  NERK NEWS  "Bill Maher calls out MSNBC for hypocrisy after PA rally attack on Trump in this fiery segment. Watch as he lays out the truth about media bias."

Well, remember how MSNBC covers news:

Here Are Three Red Flags Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle Dropped During Her Grilling by Congress

  Matt Vespa (townhall.com)

"Rep. Raskin asks why Donald Trump was able to go on stage if would-be assassin was identified in advance as "suspicious." She distinguishes between a "suspicious" person and a "threat." Says detail would not have brought Donald Trump out to stage if would-be assassin had been ID'd as a threat." Benjamin Weingarten

"I’ll make this quick because Spencer already covered most of this trainwreck hearing by Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle, who surprisingly showed up for what she could only imagine would be a charbroiling before House Oversight. As of writing this post, Congress is still shredding Ms. Cheatle on both sides of the aisle, perhaps for different reasons—Democrats reiterated their gun control antics—but even they were getting frustrated with her refusal to answer simple questions about the security failures that were revealed in the aftermath of the failed assassination attempt against Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13. 

"This hearing is an absolute catastrophe for the Secret Service, who limped into this room with damaged credibility, and Ms. Cheatle opted to make it worse by stonewalling. The woman is offering zero answers to basic questions whose answers we already know—it’s been reported in the media. The answer for why the rooftop remained unprotected and unguarded remains lost in the Bermuda Triangle, but three things were disturbing regarding this hearing: Cheatle wouldn’t definitively say that the would-be assassin, Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, was the lone gunman. She wouldn’t disclose how many spent shell casings were found on the roof. And Ms. Cheatle said no one at the agency had been disciplined for this staggering security failure:" . . .

FALLON: "Have you visited the site?"
CHEATLE: "No, I have not."
FALLON: "NINE days and you have not visited the site?!" pic.twitter.com/ZBFBpn8FED

— Townhall.com (@townhallcom) July 22, 2024
Secret Service Director Cheatle Is Getting Destroyed During Oversight Hearing – PJ Media  . . ."The Secret Service has a zero-fail mission, but it failed on July 13 and in the days leading up to the rally," Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) said in his opening statement. "The Secret Service has thousands of employees and a significant budget, but it has now become the face of incompetence."

"Cheatle is still refusing to resign despite admitting in her opening remarks that the Secret Service failed to protect Donald Trump." . . .

. . ."Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) brutally called her out for her failure to provide answers to basic questions about what happened and why.

"You didn't get briefed on how many times you turned down the Trump detail when they asked for additional help?" he asked. "You didn't get briefed on that before you came to this hearing knowing you were going to be asked that question!?" . . .

"GO BACK TO GUARDING DORITOS"   "Rep. Pat Fallon debunks Dir. Cheatle’s “sloped roof” excuse for not securing the rooftop where Trump's would-be assassin shot from."

Civil war within the Democratic Party – the Clintons versus the Obamas?



‘It’s Lunacy’: Donald Trump Jr Rips Joy Reid For Comparing Trump’s Assassination Attempt To Biden Getting COVID


During a segment on Wednesday evening, Reid questioned to a panel if Biden surviving his COVID-19 after testing positive would be comparable to Trump surviving his assassination attempt. 

"Donald Trump Jr. ripped Joy Reid Thursday for comparing President Joe Biden’s fight against COVID to former President Donald Trump surviving an assassination attempt.

"Trump Jr. appeared on Fox News’ “The Ingraham Angle” to discuss his reactions to the Democrat Party’s pushback while attending the final day of the Republican National Convention (RNC) in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. During his interview discussing the failed assassination attempt against his father on Saturday in Pennsylvania, Fox host Laura Ingraham called out the left being “unhinged” over Trump’s defiance to being shot at.

"Ingraham highlighted to Trump Jr. how some, like CNN’s Medical Analyst Jonathan Reiner, have recently demanded answers to Trump’s health.

“ 'Joe Biden has been a vegetable for about 3 and a half years, and no one has ever questioned anything. Trump gets shot in the face, stand up, defiant — is here for the last few days talking to people. That’s how insane they are, Laura,” Trump Jr. said.

“ 'I saw, I think it was Joy Reid or one of these people saying, ‘Well you know, Joe Biden, he just got COVID. If he survives Covid, that’s basically the same as getting shot in the face. Like, I swear I feel like I’m being punk’d. I’m the star ‘The Truman Show,’” Trump Jr. continued. “Okay, Laura blink three times if everyone is in on it. Because like they can’t be serious. I had others say, ‘Well, you know, he was only shot in the ear.’ I’m like what are you talking [about]? You want him – he needs to be shot more? It’s lunacy. It’s lunacy. It’s Trump derangement syndrome.” . . .

Joy Reid Wants Proof Of Bullet; Joe Rogan CALLS OUT BS Trump Assassination Narrative How does it feel to realize you are thinking like Joy Reid, Joe?

Trump Shooting Reveals a Stupidity Epidemic - The American Spectator  "In the last few hours, up to four people of sound mind have asked me if I thought that the attempt to kill Trump could have been a self-assassination attempt. We're talking about adult people, educate..."   Behind a pay wall, regrettably.

Secret Service director Kimberly Cheatle is blasted for 'stupidity' and 'BS excuse'


Secret Service director Kimberly Cheatle is blasted for 'stupidity' and 'BS excuse' that snipers were not on the roof used by gunman Thomas Crooks because it was 'too sloped' | Daily Mail Online   "The Secret Service's director Kimberly Cheatle has been slammed for her 'stupidity' and 'BS excuse' that snipers were not present on the roof used by would-be assassin Thomas Crooks because it was 'too sloped'.

"Speaking to ABC News on Tuesday, Cheatle claimed that agents were not positioned on top of the sloped building, deeming it too dangerous - despite images from the scene showing Secret Service snipers set up on a sloped roof behind where Trump was delivering his speech. 

"Former Army Ranger Sean Powell was among those who registered his outrage with Cheatle's 'BS excuse' a rage filled tweet. 

"'Holy s***. A sloped roof? That is a total BS excuse,' he wrote.

"'Our snipers used to set in on mountain tops in Afghanistan. On the down slopes if need be. The stupidity of this statement explains so much of why s*** hit the fan that day. Absolute incompetence,' he added. 

"Following Cheatle's bizarre comments, a former US senator from South Carolina, Jim DeMint also weighed in saying: 'This sad excuse about defies believability.' " . . .

Insider reveals how Secret Service 'really screwed up' BEFORE Trump assassination bid and role women DEI hires played to put lives at risk | Daily Mail Online   . . ."He spoke of a roughly 5ft 5in female agent correctly 'using her body to protect' Trump from any further gunfire — but was just too short to be able to stop bullets hitting someone as tall as the former president.

" 'It looked more like that he was protecting her than she was protecting him,' said Gray.

"He also referred to widely-shared footage of a female agent as she struggled to holster her weapon after Trump had been bundled into a black vehicle.

" 'It certainly was something that raised my eyebrows,' said Gray, now an academic at the University of New Haven.

" 'I am a former firearms instructor … and that shows to me that person lacked the skills to be out there at that time.'

"The Secret Service team, which included male and female agents, also took far too long to get Trump off the stage and away from any potential second shooter, he said." . . .

First, Americans who support Hamas, now these people:

"You Failed Cheatle in Assassinating Trump! You Failed!" - Secret Service Director Heckled as She Enters US Capitol to Testify (VIDEO)  . . .Joseph Phillip Daniel was waiting for Cheatle as she pulled up to the US Capitol.

"Joseph Phillip Daniel was waiting for Cheatle as she pulled up to the US Capitol.

"Phillip Daniel screamed out, “You failed Cheatle in assassinating Trump! You failed! Satan isn’t all powerful. You’re on the wrong side and reap what you sow. God is good. God is in control, Cheatle!”

"Cheatle then proceeded to the Congressional hearing where she refused to answer any important questions.

"This was a disgrace."