Sunday, October 6, 2024


IDF chief: Commemoration is day of ‘deep soul-searching’ as Israel continues fight ‘for our right to be a free people in our land’; Herzog: We aim for ‘space for national mourning’

"I’ve heard psychologists speak of the need for “closure” in the aftermath of tragedies. Personally, I don’t think such a thing as closure can exist for the family or friends of those taken on Oct. 7th. I pray that the God of Israel will grant His peace, a peace that passes all understanding, to those left behind. I know they will never forget their loved ones and neither should anyone with a heart and a conscience." Comment to this article.

ISRAEL AT WAR - DAY 367   "Israel on Sunday evening prepared to mark the first anniversary of the worst terror attack in its history, as the wounds of the October 7 massacre still feel raw, many of the bereaved continue to seek answers about their loved ones, the plight of the hostages looms over commemorations and fighting still rages on several fronts.

"President Isaac Herzog vowed to “make space for national mourning,” as military chief Herzi Halevi promised to undergo a deep soul-searching, while the IDF released never-before-seen footage from the October 7 onslaught, as many questions still remain about the chaos and turmoil of that day.

“ 'A year has passed since life came to a halt, the skies darkened, and all of us witnessed the monstrous cruelty of the enemy that sought to bring destruction upon the Jewish people, the State of Israel, and Israeli society,” said Herzog in a statement on Sunday.

“ 'We are all still in pain, and we seek to make space for national mourning, for the tears over the terrible disaster that struck us,” he said, announcing a three-day tour of the Gaza border communities devastated by the attack. “I pledge — we will rebuild and restore everything anew, and that rebuilding will not be complete until the hostages return home.”

"Halevi, meanwhile, said the first anniversary of the massacre “is not only a day of remembrance but also a day calling for a deep soul-searching. To recognize failures and learn from them, while examining the challenges, those that have been and those that are yet to come.” . . .

Horrors at Netiv Ha’asara

"Channel 12 news on Sunday aired more extensive and unedited footage of the horrors carried out in the home of Gil Taasa, a firefighter who lived in the border community of Netiv Ha’asara.

"The video shows Gil and two of his sons running for the backyard bomb shelter amid the early morning rocket sirens. Later, terrorists are seen bursting into the backyard and throwing a grenade inside the shelter. Gil jumps on the grenade and is killed, saving the lives of his children, Koren and Shay, who were wounded. The terrorists force the kids back into the apartment, where one of them rummages through their fridge, ignoring the pleas of the bleeding children, as he casually sips from their bottle of Coca-Cola.

After the terrorists left the apartment, the two boys ran to the nearby home of their mother, Sabine — who was separated from Gil, and was living in an attached apartment. They were ultimately rescued alive. The Taasas’ older son, Or, was slain separately that day, at the Zikim Beach, where he was out fishing with friends" . . ..

New York’s Unequal Rights Amendment

Linda R. Killian

The underhanded purpose of Prop. 1 is to memorialize a laundry list of left-wing policies that had zero chance of passing through normal legislative order and public comment.  

"In November, voters in New York will be asked to approve Prop. 1, an Equal Rights Amendment to the state’s constitution that progressive Democrat politicians claim will provide ironclad protections for abortion rights, reproductive freedom, and equal rights for everyone.  It is a lie and a deceitful trap.

"If approved, Prop. 1 will add nothing to the state’s existing statutory rights to abortion on demand, a right that was enacted more than half a century ago in 1970.  Prop. 1, or, more formally, an Amendment to Protect against Unequal Treatment, creates over a dozen new special categories of protected individuals, beyond the traditional legal categories of race, color, creed, religion, and sex.  Prop. 1 would codify new constitutional protections for age, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy outcomes, national origin, and autonomy.  There is no mention of abortion.  Other special protected categories such as LGBTQ and disabilities have long enjoyed constitutional protection in New York.  There are no new “rights” for women.

"The title of the constitutional proposal betrays its real intent: the unequal treatment of individuals." . . .

Kamala's Tone-Deaf Tweet About Lebanon Sparks Outrage. Will She Delete It?

 Matt Margolis

“To show this level of cavalier indifference just literally takes my breath away,”  former Clinton advisor Doug Schoen said of the Biden-Harris administration's response to Hurricane Helene."

"As we've reported here at PJ Media, the response to the hurricane, one of the deadliest in U.S. history, has been nothing short of disastrous. Tens of thousands of Americans remain without power, clean water, or basic resources, and many are bracing for weeks of hardship as the federal government drags its feet, potentially suppressing the vote in Republican-leaning counties.

"The Biden-Harris administration has been trying to create the appearance of engagement, and yet, even those efforts have fallen flat. Last week, Kamala Harris’s announcement of $750 checks for those who have lost everything—a disgusting insult to the intelligence and dignity of the American people. This pathetic gesture was bad enough, but on Saturday evening, Kamala added even more insult to injury.

"In a tweet from her official VP account, Kamala Harris felt it was appropriate to boast about a new humanitarian aid package... for Lebanon. While Americans ravaged by Hurricane Helene are left to fend for themselves due to insufficient federal aid. The Biden-Harris administration, never shy with throwing money around to other countries, announced a $157 million aid package for humanitarian relief.

"The people of Lebanon are facing an increasingly dire humanitarian situation," Kamala tweeted. "I am concerned about the security and well-being of civilians suffering in Lebanon and will continue working to help meet the needs of all civilians there."

"She continued, "To that end, the United States will provide nearly $157 million in additional assistance to the people of Lebanon for essential needs such as food, shelter, water, protection, and sanitation to help those who have been displaced by the recent conflict. This additional support brings total U.S. assistance to Lebanon over the last year to over $385 million.' " . . .

Hillary Demands ‘Total Control’ of Social Media Via Censorship

PJ Media  

"Hillary Clinton never fails to remind non-lobotomized Americans what a massive bullet we dodged in 2016.

"It’s by no means outside of the realm of possibility that, had she succeeded in assuming power, we would all be rotting in some government work camp for Deplorables at this very moment.

"It was just a couple of weeks ago that Hillary Clinton appeared on MSNBC to promote “criminal penalties” meted out to Americans for “misinformation” on the web — as defined by herself, of course, and some Bill Gates-funded “fact check” racket.

"She was back at it this past Friday, this time with CNN eunuch Michael Smerconish, advocating for the repeal of Section 230 of the 1996 Telecommunications Act so as to achieve “total control” of the dissemination of information.

"Via Mediate (emphasis added):

The former secretary of state joined CNN’s Michael Smerconish on Friday to promote her new book Something Lost, Something Gained, and Smerconish at one point honed in on chapters where Clinton discussed social media and its negative effects on people, especially youths.

Clinton argued it’s clearer than ever that social media content ups anxiety and depression in kids and people are “addicted” to it.

Clinton called for Congress to step in and the repeal of Section 230, 1 1996 telecommunications law that provides limited immunity for legal liability for internet platforms.

"The full quote: . . ."

We need national action and sadly, our Congress has been dysfunctional when it comes to addressing these threats to our children. So you’re absolutely right. This should be at the top of every legislative, political agenda. There should be a lot of things done. We should be, in my view, repealing something called section 230, which gave platforms on the internet immunity because they were thought to be just pass-throughs, that they shouldn’t be judged for the content that is posted. But we now know that that was an overly simple view, that if the platforms, whether it’s Facebook or Twitter or X or Instagram or TikTok, whatever they are, if they don’t moderate and monitor the content we lose total control and it’s not just the social and psychological effects it’s real harm, it’s child porn and threats of violence, things that are terribly dangerous. . . .

Related: Hillary Clinton Demands ‘Criminal Penalties’ for Americans to Deter ‘Misinformation’

UPDATE- A love song to Hillary: How Can I Miss You When You Won't Go Away?

Victor Davis Hanson: How to Blow Up the Middle East War in 5 Easy Steps

 Daily Signal

In part, Biden-Harris was caving to increased antisemitism at home and the rise of powerful, pro-Palestinian groups on U.S. campuses and in critical swing Electoral College states.

"When Joe Biden became president, the Middle East was calm. Now it is in the midst of a multifront war.

"So quiet was the inheritance from the prior Trump administration that nearly three years later, on Sept. 29, 2023—and just eight days before the Oct. 7 Hamas massacre of Israelis—Biden’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, could still brag that “the Middle East region is quieter today than it has been in two decades.”
"So, what exactly happened to the inherited calm that led to the current nonstop chaos of the present?
"In a word, theocratic Iran—the nexus of almost all current Middle East terrorism and conflict—was unleashed by Team Biden after having been neutered by the Trump administration.
"The Biden-Harris administration adopted a five-step revisionist protocol that appeased and encouraged Iran and its terrorist surrogates Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis.
"The result was a near guarantee that something akin to the Oct. 7 massacres would inevitably follow—along with a subsequent year of violence that has now engulfed the Middle East.
"First, on the 2020 campaign trail, Biden damned longtime American ally Saudi Arabia as a “pariah.”
"He overturned the policies of both the previous Obama and Trump administrations by siding with the Iranian-supplied terrorist Houthis in their war on Saudi Arabia.
"Biden accused the kingdom of war crimes, warning it would “be held accountable” for its actions in Yemen. Biden-Harris took the murderous Houthis off the U.S. terrorist list.
"Almost immediately followed continuous Houthi attacks on international shipping, Israel, and U.S. warships—rendering the Red Sea, the entryway to the Suez Canal, de facto closed to international maritime transit." . . .

John Kerry Thinks Free Speech Is “Dangerous” And “Outdated”


"John Kerry isn’t the only one bashing the First Amendment. An anti-free speech movement is rapidly growing in the country led by law professors and supported by politicians, reported the New York Post." 

"John Kerry called the First Amendment “dangerous” and “outdated” while speaking at the World Economic Forum on Sept 24.

"During his WEF speech, Kerry said that free speech is a “major block” and suggested that The United States of America should have a “truth arbiter,” reported the New York Post. 

He said, “You know, there’s a lot of discussion now about how you curb those entities in order to guarantee that you’re going to have some accountability on facts, etc. But look, if people only go to one source, and the source they go to is sick, and, you know, has an agenda, and they’re putting out disinformation, our First Amendment stands as a major block to be able to just, you know, hammer it out of existence. So what we need is to win the ground, win the right to govern, by hopefully winning enough votes that you’re free to be able to implement change.”

"Kerry blamed social media as the main source for his anti-free speech view.". . .

John Kerry Laments That First Amendment Is ‘Major Block’ to Stifling Speech Video

In this episode of The Spectator P.M. Podcast, hosts Ellie Gardey Holmes and Lyrah Margo discuss the importance of the First Amendment and how free speech is a right that cannot be taken away from Americans. They also discuss how Kerry’s comments are part of the Left’s continued efforts to suppress conservative media outlets, such as The American Spectator.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Elon Musk and private people have to do what the Biden Administration will not do nor permit

The Government's Failure to Help After Helene Goes Far Beyond What the Media Is Willing to Tell You  . . ."The reason the media doesn't want to cover this is obvious. This is one of the biggest government scandals in modern history, and one that makes the Biden-Harris administration look horrific. This is right before people go to the polls to vote, no less. 

"The vast majority of the news and updates we're getting come from people on the ground who are having to deal with the effort to help these people directly. For instance, this woman who is running supplies described how four FEMA agents got off a private jet, and she soon learned that no others would be coming because most FEMA agents are tied up at the border. 

"She described how the army has taken over body recovery and that she overheard them saying that whatever number of dead there are, "go ahead and add a couple of zeroes.' ". . .

The Democrats' War on Western North Carolina

 . . ."With a national election just weeks away, the Biden-Harris failure to quickly to save lives in the state's most significant Republican stronghold, could deliver a political advantage to swing the state to Kamala. At the same time, billions flow to illegal aliens and Ukraine, while Americans suffer. Is this a coincidence, or calculated inaction for political gain?

The Democrats neither act, nor fail to act, without a determined political calculus. This time, Americans are paying the price of that political calculus with their lives.

 Hurricane Helene Victims Lash Out at Biden, Harris: ‘Disgraceful’

“It’s disgraceful,” he continued. “I mean, they keep saying ‘We the people.’ No, there is no ‘We the people.’ It is them versus us. Like, they’re not for us. It’s all about them — they tell us what we need instead of listening to us.”



Bruce Springsteen...Your Music Sucks, and So Do Your Political Opinions

Sadly I love so much of his music, except the songs that trash the United States of America, such as, to name just two, "Death To My Hometown", and "Mrs. McGrath":

 I'd rather have my son as he used to be/ [Than] the King of America and his whole Navy"

" In November 2020, Springsteen was arrested for drunk driving, but that didn’t stop “Jeep” from featuring Springsteen in a Super Bowl Ad that was a stick in the eye to everyone who didn’t vote for Biden. Biden would bring a divided America together...or something."  

. . ."Bruce Springsteen said he would move to Australia if Trump won in 2020. He didn’t move because Biden won. In November 2020, Springsteen was arrested for drunk driving, but that didn’t stop “Jeep” from featuring Springsteen in a Super Bowl Ad that was a stick in the eye to everyone who didn’t vote for Biden. Biden would bring a divided America together...or something.  

"Biden, of course, did not unite – he divided us. Even more than his boss, Obama, he was the vindictive old man screaming, “Get off my lawn!” When Biden wasn’t screaming, he was doing his creepy whisper, claiming that half of America was a danger to democracy. Celebrities came out to support a clearly addled old man claiming that Biden would save “democracy” — if Trump wins again, the nation is doomed. Then, the addled old man showed America that he was an addled old man. The Shady Hills Retirement resident loaned out to the DNC showed us that he was incapable of filling out his Bingo card, so the Democrats inserted Kamala Harris into the slot. Harris had so little support four years ago that she dropped out before the California primary. She got precisely zero votes in the Democrat primaries, yet she is the nominee that Springsteen is, again, telling us will save America from the threat of Trump."....  

URGENT: The left is going to war on the First Amendment

 Alex Berenson 

"In the last 48 hours, two extraordinary videos have arrived on X. The first features John Kerry, the Democratic candidate for President in 2004. The second is of Bill Gates, the world’s fifth-richest man and, with George Soros, its top left-leaning charity funder. Kerry’s video runs a mere two minutes. Gates’s lasts barely 30 seconds. And both should terrify anyone who believes in free speech. Both reveal that the top of the American left now explicitly rejects the First Amendment."

. . .Yes, Kerry openly called the First Amendment a “block” to his desire to regulate social media outlets that allow dissenting points of view.

Meanwhile, in his video, which came from a CNBC interview, Gates offered an even more specific example of speech that needed to be curtailed - vaccine skepticism:

We should have free speech, but if you're inciting violence, if you're causing people not to take vaccines, you know, where are those boundaries, that even the US, ahh, should have rules...

" Gates then went on to suggest that artificial intelligence could be used to censor dissenting speech instantly, since allowing it for even a day would be too long.

The left’s antipathy to the First Amendment began in 2016, when Donald Trump overcame the hostility of the entire establishment and a massive fundraising disadvantage to beat Hillary Clinton.

"It worsened in 2020 and 2021, when aggressive media and government coordination around Covid fearmongering and mRNA promotion could not completely suppress dissent on social media. That pushback led to open (and secret) pressure on the platforms to censor.

Now, the fact Donald Trump has much more than a puncher’s chance of returning to the White House in November appears to be driving the left insane. Thus the increasing calls for still more aggressive government-led censorship efforts." . . .

Wait! I thought Democrats loathed the Cheneys!


And this is bad? Trump RIPS Liz Cheney for campaigning for Kamala Harris: ‘They hurt each other’   Video

Change? How's this for change? The neighborhood our sons grew up in is lined with cars, tents in the backyards, and porta potties in driveways since Biden opened the border. Yet half the people in America want this man and his yokefellows to continue ruling our nation, along with celebrities in gated homes who should know better. TD

Huh? Kamala campaigns with the hated Liz Cheney…   

. . ."Cheney’s willingness to work with Harris, whom Cheney previously described as a “radical liberal,” does not come as a surprise. Cheney endorsed Harris in September because of the “danger” that Trump allegedly poses. “I have thought deeply about this, and because of the danger that Donald Trump poses, not only am I not voting for Donald Trump, but I will be voting for Kamala Harris,” she claimed: . . ."

David Axelrod Says the Quiet Part Out Loud as Biden Blocks Ongoing Rescue Efforts, Claims Hurricane Helene Victims in North Carolina Are Mainly Trump Voters Who Will Find it Hard to Vote

 Cristina Laila; The Gateway Pundit  

"Joe Biden says all the people in North Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia and South Carolina are getting everything they need and are “very happy.' ” Clay Travis

"Obama-Harris whisperer David Axelrod, host of the “Axe Files” podcast, said the quiet part out loud as the Biden Regime blocks ongoing rescue operations in North Carolina.

"Axelrod said Hurricane Helene victims in North Carolina are mainly Trump voters who will find it hard to vote in the 2024 election.

"David Axelrod said affected Democrats from Asheville are “upscale liberal voters, and they’re probably going to figure out a way to vote. I’m not sure a bunch of these folks who had their homes and lives destroyed elsewhere, in western North Carolina, in the mountains, there are going to be as easy to wrangle for the Trump campaign.”. . .

. . ."Over 200 Americans are dead after Hurricane Helene and the thousands of victims impacted have been disgracefully left behind. The Biden administration has blocked ongoing rescue operations and North Carolina is living in the dark ages because Joe Biden and Kamala Harris hate Elon Musk. FEMA is now out of money, because Joe Biden and Kamala spent over a billion dollars of FEMA cash on migrants. Illegals got luxury hotel rooms, but Kamala’s just tossing Helene victims $750 and heading back on the campaign trail. This must not meet her standard for giving extra resources- she only wants to do that based on equity,” Jesse Watters said." . . .

No help here:  Obama Will ‘Blitz’ Battleground States For Kamala In Final Weeks Of Campaign   

"Nearly a dozen people reportedly told the AP that Obama had a role in urging Biden to withdraw from the race after his disastrous debate performance against Trump on June 27".

Friday, October 4, 2024

Bruce Springsteen Endorses Kamala Harris, Slams President Trump as “the Most Dangerous Candidate for President in My Lifetime”

MSNBC and the ladies of "The View" will love this even more that the bullet that grazed Trump's ear. TD

 Kristinn Taylor; the Gateway Pundit  

Springsteen, who has largely held on to his liberal fan base, is on a month-long break in his current world tour with shows set for Canada in late October and November, leaving him available to play Kamala Harris rallies the next few weeks to help her draw crowds like he did for Barack Obama.

A look back at Springsteen's judgment and wisdom in selecting those who run America: 

"75-year-old rocker Bruce Springsteen endorsed Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in a nearly three minute long video posted to social media Thursday evening. The endorsement, which comes as no surprise as “the Boss” has endorsed every Democrat presidential nominee for decades, follows pop star Taylor Swift’s endorsement of Harris last month. Springsteen called Trump “the most dangerous candidate for president in my lifetime.”

"Swift’s endorsement had little positive to a small net negative impact on the race according to polls. Springsteen’s longtime association with the Democrats, including his friendship with Barack Obama, will likely mean his endorsement will have little impact on the race except to remind conservatives who were once fans of Springsteen why they no longer go to his shows or buy his music, even if they don’t turn the dial when Dancing in the Dark or Born to Run comes on the radio." . . .

Perhaps Bruce should stop watching MSNBC: