Sunday, August 22, 2010

A President Who Wants To Be Anywhere But Here

American Thinker "With all the focus on Obama's stepfather having been a Muslim and his relatives in Africa, people may have missed the significance of his mother's family Unitarianism. As someone who strayed into Unitarianism back when I was young and thought I knew all the answers to the world's problems, I have been wondering about this. Being raised by Unitarians may have affected Obama's outlook on life far more than people realize. Unitarians tend to see themselves as spiritual travelers, that the personal journey is more important than adherence to any creed. In practice nowadays that often means that those attracted to the denomination contain a high proportion of the the perpetually unhappy..."

Henican on Fox News Watch: Pundits shouldn't be as ignorant as people out in the audience

Newsbusters "Talk about your teachable moments, the Ground Zero mosque controversy has taught us in just what contempt some in the liberal media hold their fellow Americans."

Obama now blames poor job numbers on congressional inaction. Wait! His party runs Congress

LA Times Blog "According to the president, he's been "adamant" with Congress for months now about a new jobs bill to help small businesses. Obama says this really good bill is stalled in the Senate, where so much administration legislation has been crammed through so effectively by Majority Leader Harry Reid.
Reid's been so good at it, in fact, that he's now running for his political life in a reelection campaign back in Nevada where unemployment is 14.3% and Obama's legislation is not so popular.
"Reid's up against a conservative Republican. So, that means Harry Reid must be a Democrat, just like Obama, and just like 59% of the Senate's votes."

Saturday, August 21, 2010

New Jennifer Aniston movie celebrates 'fatherlessness'

American Thinker "The Switch:"  ""Aniston herself is guilty of trivializing men's role in children' lives when she says that women "don't have to settle with a man just to have a child."
"Notice the belittling words "settle" and "just." The very term "choice mothers" frames artificial insemination as a matter of women's reproductive rights; only the woman's decision-making carries moral weight, fathers be damned. Similarly, advocates often cite the benefits of freedom from "donor interference" that comes with single motherhood."

NY Times derogates Netanyahu, covers up Abbas's rejectionism

American Thinker "There has been no building of Jewish settlements under Netanyahu and his predecessor, Ehud Olmert. Not a single new settlement has sprung up. Cooper and Landler fail to point out that under both Netanyahu and Olmert, the only building has been WITHIN existing settlements. That's an important distinction that somehow escapes these two Times reporters. Just as they also fail to recognize an Israeli ban under both Olmert and Netanyahu on expanding the boundaries of existing settlements and setting aside any public or other lands for any additonal settlements or for expansion of existing ones."

On a related note: Clarice Feldman : "... the number of Jews who identify as Republican or as independents who lean Republican has increased by more than half since the year he was elected. At 33 percent it now stands at the highest level since the data have been kept. In 2008, the ratio of Democratic Jews to Republican Jews was far more than three to one. Now it's less than two to one."

White House Knew Drill Ban Would Kill 23,000 Jobs

Sweetness and Light "No, were are supposed to believe that the BP leak was the worst environment disaster in the history of mankind. And the moratorium isn’t going to hurt anyone. This is your federal government at work."

Obama's Spiritual Advisor: Jim Wallis - Communist-Sympathizer

Infidel Bloggers Alliance "First, Jim Wallis has had relationships with the communist Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador ...
"Second, his “Witness for Peace” was an attempt to defend the Nicaraguan [Communist] Sandinistas!
'Wallis, together with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright (Obama’s former pastor of 20 years) “rallied support for the communist Nicaraguan regime and protested actions by the United States which supported the anti-communist Contra rebels” '

Clinton Administration's Chickens Come Home to Roost

American Thinker "It was said during the Clinton administration that the center of knowledge for military capabilities was shifting to China. This is because not only did they steal U.S. top-secret military technology, but they were also buying for top dollar Russian weapons that ran from excellent Russian fighters to carrier-killing surface ships, submarines, and missiles. This is because the PRC is flush, thanks to U.S.-China trade imbalance that is still running into the hundreds of billions.
"It was a shameful period in American history, and now, as the DOD report makes very clear, our children and grandchildren have to live with real and deadly consequences."
Remember those Chinese contributions to the Clintons? This is what they bought.

Which Islam Will Prevail in America?

Andrew C. McCarthy "The victims of this lethal charade include American Muslims. They, too, crave religious liberty and Western enlightenment. Our elites abandon them to the sharia-mongers. That freedom destroyers have been allowed to pose as freedom defenders ought to tell mosque opponents something: We have done a poor job of explaining the stakes."

Now Democrats Want Another $34 Billion to Bailout Teamsters Pension

 Gateway Pundit  "When will Obama’s gifts to unions (at the expense of the taxpayers) ever end? On the heels of a $26.1 billion teacher union bailout, now Democrats are attempting to get Congress to give $34 billion of the taxpayer’s money to the Teamsters because that union has mishandled its pension funds."

Obama’s (Latest) Social Security Whopper "President Obama claimed that Republican leaders are pushing to make "privatizing Social Security a key part of their legislative agenda" should they regain control of the House and Senate. He said this is "right up there on their to-do list with repealing" parts of the new health care law.
"We find the president’s claim to be mostly false."
TW found this while checking the accuracy of the previous article.