Saturday, August 21, 2010

NY Times derogates Netanyahu, covers up Abbas's rejectionism

American Thinker "There has been no building of Jewish settlements under Netanyahu and his predecessor, Ehud Olmert. Not a single new settlement has sprung up. Cooper and Landler fail to point out that under both Netanyahu and Olmert, the only building has been WITHIN existing settlements. That's an important distinction that somehow escapes these two Times reporters. Just as they also fail to recognize an Israeli ban under both Olmert and Netanyahu on expanding the boundaries of existing settlements and setting aside any public or other lands for any additonal settlements or for expansion of existing ones."

On a related note: Clarice Feldman : "... the number of Jews who identify as Republican or as independents who lean Republican has increased by more than half since the year he was elected. At 33 percent it now stands at the highest level since the data have been kept. In 2008, the ratio of Democratic Jews to Republican Jews was far more than three to one. Now it's less than two to one."

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