Thursday, March 3, 2022

Argus Hamilton's Rogue Report

 House Democrats played the race card Monday, saying Americans are showing compassion for Ukrainians because they are white. I guess it's just a matter of time before Ukrainians use their white privilege to get out of Kiev alive. They've just been voted the Eastern Slavic Image Award for not looting.

 Argus Hamilton (  "President Biden gave his State of the Union speech to a joint session of Congress and the country in the House Chamber of the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday. The table was set for high drama. Millions of Americans tuned in for the latest update in the ongoing war between President Biden and the Teleprompter.

 Vladimir Putin was advised not to destroy a city until U.S. attention turns to the NCAA basketball tourney's March Madness starting in mid-March. Urologists say some men get vasectomies just so they can sit home on the couch and enjoy the first two rounds. Talk about being unseeded for the tournament.

 President Biden's funniest moment in the State of the Union was when he called the Ukrainian people the Iranian people. Critics tallied ten enjoyable gaffes during the president's speech. Near the beginning, tears welled up in Biden's eyes until the voice in his earpiece shouted not Onion, Union!

 U.S. satellite photos showed a forty-mile-long Russian army convoy stalled while heading for Kiev Tuesday. Meanwhile live on the air, cable news channels showed a guy in Kiev riding his bicycle in the middle of a street through a bunch of Ukraine tanks. Cyclists think they own the road even in a war.

 U.S. Navy and Royal Navy subs sailed into the Black Sea to keep a check on Russian Navy ships that are shelling Ukraine from the South. Just one trigger-happy idiot on either side could ignite a nuclear war. It's moments like this that I'm glad Alec Baldwin doesn't have control of the Red October.". . .   Full article

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

If Only Putin Had Invaded Mexico

Ann Coulter  "
As World War III looms in Europe, we must put narrow partisan differences aside and tap the brain power of the greatest minds among us. It is time for the Biden White House to call upon … Jared!

"Speaking of the best and the brightest, our foreign policy mandarins must have felt like it was Christmas Day when a senile dementia patient became president. Finally! No meddling politicians to get in the way of our beautifully designed plans worked out at the Council on Foreign Relations. Although Joseph R. Biden is technically, in a strictly legal sense, “president,” it’s progressives running his domestic policy, and think-tank geniuses running his foreign policy.

"Things are going great!

"Let’s review the consistent position on Russia from our ruling class, informed by the whiz kids of international affairs.

"OBAMA ERA 2009:

"Throughout President Obama’s “reset” of the relationship with Russia — which had “deteriorated alarmingly” under President Bush, according to The New York Times — foreign policy experts were thrilled to have an American leader finally acknowledging the end of the Cold War.

'A Times article cheerfully reported that “Mr. Obama has resolved not to let the ghosts of the 20th century get in the way of his goals in the 21st.” The paper editorialized, “We are relieved that Washington and Moscow are talking about cooperation.”

"In a May 20, 2009, column titled “Cold War Leftovers,” Stephen Sestanovich expressed delight that “the cold war really is over.” More than two years later, on Oct. 28, 2011, British historian Geoffrey Wheatcroft informed Times readers: “Putin’s Russia, though obnoxious enough, scarcely represents a strategic threat.”

"Evincing our shared humanity, the Russkies loved Obama. “After relations with the United States curdled in the final years of President George W. Bush’s tenure,” the Times cooed, “many people [in Russia] were relieved by Mr. Obama’s election.” Indeed, “Russia’s leaders … could not say enough good things about President Obama.” Sting was right: The Russians DO love their children, too!

"Obama didn’t sanction Russia for placing spies on U.S. soil, and barely did for annexing Crimea. Peace reigned.". . .

. . ."Unlike the experts and journalists whose deep study has led them to a sophisticated take on Russia (that flips back and forth with the politics of the moment), my position on Russia has been as unchanged as the Rock of Gibraltar, at least since the end of the Cold War. Coincidentally, it is exactly the same as my position on Taiwan, Haiti, Uganda and North Korea. It is this: Tens of millions of illegals are pouring across our border and must be stopped."

Ann Hart Coulter is an American conservative media pundit, author, syndicated columnist, and lawyer. She became known as a media pundit in the late 1990s, appearing in print and on cable news as an outspoken critic of the Clinton administration. Her first book concerned the impeachment of Bill Clinton and sprang from her experience writing legal briefs for Paula Jones's attorneys, as well as columns she wrote about the cases.

Kamala Harris Slammed Over ‘Terrifying’ Explanation Of War In Ukraine: ‘She Is The Michael Scott Of Politics’

 Ryan Saavedra  "Vice President Kamala Harris faced mockery online on Tuesday over an explanation that she gave on the radio about Russia’s invasion into Ukraine.

" 'If you’re watching any level of news, even social media, you've seen everything that’s going on right now in the Ukraine,” the host said. “Break it down in layman’s terms for people who don’t understand what’s going on and how can this directly affect the people the United States.”

“ 'So Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So, basically, that’s wrong.”

"One of the most comical responses to Harris’ remarks came from Harry Khachatrian, a writer for the Washington Examiner, who tweeted out a clip of a viral moment from a 2007 Miss Teen USA pageant where the contestant badly fumbled through a response:

 Tammy Bruce, Fox News: “I thought this was a parody. With everything we know about the incompetence & absurdity of Kamala Harris this is remarkable.”

Kellyanne Conway: “Embarrassing. No wonder staffers smarter than her have quit.”

'Keying Your Own Car': What was the Point of Rashida Tlaib's State of the Union Response?

Townhall  . . ."She obviously did not agree with Joe Biden’s rebuttal of defunding the police, which is ironic since he did support that concept in 2020. Tlaib noted that we cannot police

"See my smile?"

away poverty, mental illness, or homelessness. That care should be at the core of the new policing mindset. Access to jobs, education, and “real opportunity” will be the cornerstones in new community safety, she says.". .

..."Tlaib even quipped that her big smile is due to her family’s ties to labor unions, her father was part of the UAW, and dental care.". . . 

One moderate Democrat, Josh Gottheimer of New Jersey, said Tlaib’s decision to speak was “like keying your own car and slashing your own tires”.

Tlaib said: “Despite some sensational coverage, it’s simple: I’m giving a speech about supporting President Biden and his Build Back Better agenda for the people.”

 "Eyeroll. Also, forgiving college debt will only birth more Donald Trumps. The populist backlash would be immense, as white, and well-to-do college liberals will be the ones who benefit. For generations, we’ve had Americans work and go to college. They’ve worked their way through school. Most people don’t want to hear it, especially when it’s a bunch of snowflakes who blow close to $200k on worthless degrees." 

Formal Squad SOTU response: You're darned right we should defund the police -- and ban even more domestic oil production – HotAir

Still, the ambitions of the progressive wing and their desire to push even more radically to the Left after the next election comes through loudly and clearly. Republicans will waste no time packaging that up for ads in competitive districts, which may be expanding already after Biden’s flop last night.

Does the Left Value Truth?: This Is at the Root of the Left-Right Divide

And why has The New York Times just received a Pulitzer Prize for what leading liberal historians have labelled its “mendacious” rewriting of American history, known as “The 1619 Project”? Because to The New York Times and the Pulitzer Prize committee, truth is less important than smearing America.

 Truth, Not Politics, Is at the Root of the Left-Right Divide - The Dennis Prager Show

"Three years ago, I wrote a column explaining left-right differences on 35 different subjects. Any one or two of them would make for a major political/cultural divide. Thirty-five make the divide unbridgeable.". . .

. . ."When it cannot stifle opponents, it smears them. Every prominent conservative or liberal opponent of the left has been smeared — which is just another way of saying “lied about” — as being sexist, intolerant, xenophobic, homophobic, Islamophobic, racist, bigoted, misogynistic, white supremacist, transphobic, etc.

"Allow me to use an example I know well: me.

"In the span of just this past year, I have written about Newsweek’s lie claiming I “mocked” Anne Frank. To Newsweek’s credit, they revised the column and published a corrected headline. Then I wrote about Purdue University’s “vice provost of diversity and inclusion,” who told a Purdue newspaper that I said in a speech I gave at Purdue, “Slavery was not bad.” I sent this person a recording of my speech proving I never said anything remotely like what he charged. After many of my listeners and readers protested to the vice provost and to Purdue’s president, the vice provost wrote me a private letter saying he was sorry if he “misunderstood” me. His charge was public, but his apology was private." . . .  More...

This Ad Lib During Biden's SOTU Speech Went Horribly Wrong. The man and why not a word he says can be believed

 “You don't necessarily need atomic bombs to destroy a nation. Politicians who value their pockets more than the life of citizens always do that every day.” ― Israelmore Ayivor 

Dumpster fire (noun, US informal): "an utterly calamitous or mismanaged
 situation or occurrence: disaster."

PJ Media   "Joe Biden had a number of gaffes during Tuesday night’s State of the Union Dumpster Fire speech. For example, calling Ukrainians “Iranian people,” was a pretty bad one, but a different one really stuck out to me.

It happened shortly after Biden essentially claimed responsibility for ending the pandemic, and promised to continue to push for people to get vaccinated.

“We’ve sent 475 Million vaccine doses to 112 countries, more than any other nation. And we won’t stop,” he said. “Because you can’t build a wall high enough to keep out…a, a, a, uhh, a vaccine—the vaccine can stop the spread of these diseases.”. . .

This is why the White House doesn’t like Joe Biden taking questions from the media. Joe Biden might think he’s being folksy by trying to speak off-the-cuff during a relatively poor speech, but it almost always ends in embarrassment—not just for him, but the entire country. . . .

 This Was the Most Infuriating Part of Biden's State of the Union Speech   . . ."The word is Joe Biden had to rewrite his State of the Union Dumpster Fire speech because of the Russia/Ukraine conflict, and you could tell. It was an awkward, choppy speech that made me cringe at times.

"But, perhaps the worst and most infuriating thing about the speech, aside from the blatant lies about his record, was what was missing.

"Joe Biden was so desperate for a 9/11 anniversary photo op that he set an arbitrary date for withdrawing from Afghanistan, without any conditions for the Taliban, causing a disastrous evacuation that resulted [in] thousands of Americans left behind and 13 U.S. service members dead.

"Yet, not a single word about the withdrawal. Not a single word to honor those who died because of his incompetence.". . .

Biden Raises Eyebrows With 'Strange' 3 Words at the End of His State of the Union

Biden's SOTU was a combination of unicorn dreams and unicorn poop 

Biden’s SOTU reassured nobody

He talked a bit about supporting “made in America.”  Those phony words out of his mouth seemed stolen from Trump; Biden never cared about “made in America.”  He only cared about enriching his family by any means necessary.  Ukraine was his, and Hillary’s, financial playground. . .

. . ."The speech was a tissue of lies from beginning to end, including “let’s not defund the police, let’s fund them.”  What a crock.  His VP and most of his party have been lobbying for BLM and against law enforcement for years now. They celebrated the BLM rioters who did a couple of billion dollars of damage to numerous cities and have treated the unconstitutionally imprisoned patriots present at the Capitol on January 6 worse than terrorists.  He pretended to care about our veterans; he does not.  He has eviscerated our military with wokery and
vaccine mandates.". . . 

. . ."As many seasoned observers and legitimate journalists have long noted, Joe Biden was never a particularly smart or decent man.  He had a much higher opinion of himself than anyone else does.  He was always wrong on any foreign policy issue at hand.  He was and remains a mean man; on that score, there are too many instances to list but his attempted humiliation of Clarence Thomas at his confirmation hearings are sadly legendary.". . .

Biden addressing Judge Clarence Thomas

After last night | Power Line  "President Biden gave his long-awaited [?] State of the Union address last night. The White House has posted the text here. A few observations.

• The spectacle of Biden speaking in front of Vice President Harris and Speaker Pelosi was chilling. We are not a serious country.

• How silly and small did they look by contrast with President Zelensky and every Ukrainian official we have heard from over the past week?

• As Biden rushed through his text and slurred the words, I wondered if he was medicated.

• The text of the address provided by the White House does not reflect the speech as delivered. At one point, I heard Biden express support for the Iranians when he meant Ukrainians (“Putin may circle Kyiv with tanks, but he’ll never gain the hearts and souls of the Iranian people”). He supports the Iranians (the mullahs, anyway). Perhaps it was a Freudian slip.". . .

It’s Time for a Jan. 6 Amnesty, Mr. President. Though much too late for Matthew Perna

Who Is Responsible for the Death of Matthew Perna? › American Greatness; Julie Kelly

I asked Graves’ office for a comment on Perna’s suicide. “We typically do not comment on cases or investigations beyond what has been filed or stated in Court and have no comment,” spokesman Bill Miller said in an email to American Greatness on Monday morning.

 The Suicide of a January 6 Defendant: ‘They Broke Him’   . . ."Whenever his hometown paper, the Sharon Heraldpublished an article on its social media account about Perna, the majority of replies were “horrible and brutal,” his aunt, Geri Perna, told me on the phone Sunday. After more than a year of legal and public torture, Perna saw no way out. On Friday night, Matthew Perna hung himself in his garage."...

Matthew Lawrence Perna, 37, 'dies by suicide' before Capitol riot
 sentencing  as family say charges 'killed his spirit' (

"A Pennsylvania man who pleaded guilty to multiple counts related to the January 6 break-in of the US Capitol is believed to have died by suicide weeks before he was scheduled to be sentenced."

 The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

What happened to Matthew Perna must not be allowed to happen again.

"At last night’s State of the Union speech, President Biden claimed that freedom will always triumph over tyranny. He was talking about Ukraine, of course, in a speech that made one wonder if Biden knows whether he’s their president or ours.

"Matthew Perna, a schoolteacher from Sharon, Pennsylvania, wasn’t around to hear it.

"You’ve likely never heard of Matthew Perna, and were this a sane country you never would have. Matthew Perna was not an exceptional man.

"That isn’t intended as an insult. By all indications Perna was a good guy and a patriot. But he wasn’t famous, and he wasn’t going to be.

"About the only thing about Perna that would have brought him into the public eye was what happened on January 6, 2021.

"Like hundreds of thousands of Americans, Perna was disturbed by the irregularities of the 2020 election — unsettled enough that he participated in a mass protest in Washington, D.C., on that day.

"You don’t have to be a supporter of everything that happened on January 6 to recognize that the Biden regime’s reaction to it has been disgracefully out of proportion and flat-out evil.

"Perna, like hundreds of his fellow protesters, entered the U.S. Capitol. He didn’t break in. He was waved in by the Capitol Police. He had no weapons, and he attacked no one. He took pictures inside the building. He even stayed within the rope lines. And by the time Perna entered the Capitol, Congress had halted its joint session to certify the presidential election and left the hall. He disrupted nothing and hurt no one.". . .

Dems Boo After Rep. Boebert Shouts at Biden DURING SOTU - You Put Our Service Members in Coffins

Rep. Lauren Boebert Erupts At Biden’s SOTU

 Western Journal   "Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert of Colorado briefly interrupted President Joe Biden during Tuesday’s State of the Union address.

"Biden had brought up supporting veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan who have been dying from injuries sustained from their service.

"As Biden referenced deceased service members being in flag-draped coffins, Boebert exclaimed “13 of them,” in a criticism of Biden’s handling of the Hamid Karzai International Airport operation.". . .

 Boebert could face formal condemnation for the outburst.  In 2009, Rep. Joe Wilson yelled out, “You Lie!” during President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address after Obama said that his healthcare reform plan would not insure illegal immigrants. The House then passed a "resolution of disapproval" about his remarks.

 Nancy Pelosi sparks new SOTU meme during Biden ‘burn pits’ moment (  . . . .As the president delivered his remark, Pelosi was seen standing up behind him, grinning and rubbing her knuckles together as if pulling back an ill-timed clap.                                            "Many social media users spotted the odd response to the serious remarks, with some even questioning if the speaker was intoxicated. Others simply labeled it “weird.'” . . .

Here Are the Two Congresswomen Who Heckled Biden Relentlessly (

Psaki: Biden Didn’t “Have The Time” To Mention Our 13 Servicemembers Killed In Afghanistan During SOTU… | Weasel Zippers

Whoopi Goldberg Enters Orbit Over Lauren Boebert Heckling Joe Biden – RedState  . . ." Let’s recall that he’s trashed Republicans as racist supporters of Jim Crow because they dared to support voter ID. When you demonize people in such a disgusting way, you are not then owed respect in return. I don’t care what office you hold.". . .

"Goldberg asks of Boebert, “Who the hell do you think you are?” The answer is that Boebert is an American with the right to free speech. That right extends to heckling the president, regardless of whether one believes it was appropriate or not. It’s one thing to say Boebert shouldn’t have done it. It’s another to suggest she doesn’t have the status to question the president. That’s not how any of this works. Biden serves at the pleasure of the nation’s citizenry, for better or worse. He is not a king, and Goldberg is the last person who should be criticizing others about being disrespectful."

Biden’s Year of Failure Week at Legal Insurrection; UPDATED

There's a theme here somewhere:

 Legal Insurrection  "Biden is getting absolutely savaged in the polls. His presidency is already being described as a failure.

"Walls work now?

"The situation in Ukraine is out of control.

"CNN hardest hit.". . .

Political Cartoons (

UPDATE: Joe Biden State of the Union: Started Well, Faltered | National Review
. . ."It went downhill once he got to the state of our union, on which Biden rambled on for another hour. He hectored Congress to pass a bunch of bills that it has already rejected. He proposed to lower the costs of various things by just calling for them to cost less. He called the infrastructure bill “the single biggest investment in history” and declared, “We’re done talking about infrastructure weeks. We’re going to have an infrastructure decade.” You could tell the pandemic is really and truly over when we saw a return to Democrats demonizing the pharma companies that gave us life-saving vaccines."

MUST-SEE VIDEO: A local TV newscast makes the most perfect mistake ever

 Andrea Widburg   "Yes, this is a puff piece. But when you spend your days reading about Ukraine, the economy, the border, and all the other miserable things in 2022, and then spend another two hours on Biden’s state of the union address (one hour listening to it and a second hour writing about it), you have to take pleasure wherever you can find it. And—oh, my goodness!—did I find it in a video someone grabbed of a local Pittsburgh news station’s report about a local crime. (Hat tip: Twitchy.)

"What you must understand is that the news report ran a few hours before the state of the union address. The TV station was clearly planning to do a quick little news piece about that upcoming state of the union address. However, some poor shlub charged with putting up the graphics got a bit ahead of himself so that Biden’s picture appeared with an actual news story that was too perfect to be true.

"I’m not going to describe any more of this because it will ruin the joke. You must take the 13 seconds to see it for yourself. Once you do, you’ll understand why, over the course of just a few hours, it managed to rack up almost two million views:

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Here's Who's Sitting with Jill Biden at the State of the Union... And Who's Not

Townhall  . . ."If, as the White House says, Jill Biden's guests are to represent President Biden's agenda, there are a few individuals (and inanimate objects) that would be better representatives for the first 13 months of the Biden administration, such as: 

A frontline healthcare worker fired because they chose not to get vaccinated 

Families of the 13 U.S. service members killed by ISIS-K during Biden's surrender 

American citizens and Afghan allies left behind in Afghanistan by Biden

 Shipping containers stuck off the U.S. coast due to a broken supply chain 

Major Biden, the First Family's excommunicated dog

 Hunter Biden or his lady friends

 Taxpayer-bought and HHS-distributed crack pipes

 Illegal immigrants who crossed Biden's open border

 Corn Pop (the bad dude)

 The border agents sidelined by Biden's whip-gate hoax

 Biden's Build Back Better budget that Pelosi and Schumer still can't pass

 The Senate's legislative filibuster that has outlived multiple Biden bills 

Biden's OSHA vaccine mandate that was struck down by the Supreme Court

Sorry Democrats, Your Problem Isn’t Messaging

 The voters know the difference between specious talking points and effective policies.

1.The Democrats have been counting on the electorate being ignorant and/or outright idiotic since 1932. So far so good. 2. One has to be an idiot if one believes democrat policies work. From Carter, to Obama, to Biden (Clinton was smarter than all three, in that he did not try to remake America overnight, and left it intact.), they've tried, but are they expecting a better outcome? I don't believe so. Power, and not the welfare of the country, is their goal. 3. What successes? (Comment to this post)

The American Spectator  . . . "The chances that President Biden will heed this sensible advice are slim indeed if his delusional claims about Afghanistan and the pandemic are any guide. He will use his State of the Union address to exaggerate his meager successes, take credit for positive developments unrelated to his ill-conceived policies, and offer gimmicky proposals like a gas tax moratorium instead of serious initiatives. None of this will dispel fast growing doubts that Biden and his congressional accomplices have any serious ideas concerning how to improve the day-to-day lives of ordinary Americans. It is this conspicuous absence of useful ideas that has all but doomed Democratic chances of retaining their majorities in the House and Senate.
"The Democratic emphasis on better messaging rather than better policies is not merely a bad campaign strategy, it’s an insult to the collective intelligence of the electorate. It assumes voters can’t remember what Biden and the Democratic leadership promised them during the 2020 election, that parents can’t tell when politicians are putting the interests of their big donors before the wellbeing of their children, that consumers can’t calculate how much more they are paying for food and fuel than they were paying a year ago. It assumes that most Americans are idiots. This attitude has become the defining characteristic of the Democratic Party. Thus, the voters are about to send them … well … an unmistakable message."