Wednesday, March 2, 2022

'Keying Your Own Car': What was the Point of Rashida Tlaib's State of the Union Response?

Townhall  . . ."She obviously did not agree with Joe Biden’s rebuttal of defunding the police, which is ironic since he did support that concept in 2020. Tlaib noted that we cannot police

"See my smile?"

away poverty, mental illness, or homelessness. That care should be at the core of the new policing mindset. Access to jobs, education, and “real opportunity” will be the cornerstones in new community safety, she says.". .

..."Tlaib even quipped that her big smile is due to her family’s ties to labor unions, her father was part of the UAW, and dental care.". . . 

One moderate Democrat, Josh Gottheimer of New Jersey, said Tlaib’s decision to speak was “like keying your own car and slashing your own tires”.

Tlaib said: “Despite some sensational coverage, it’s simple: I’m giving a speech about supporting President Biden and his Build Back Better agenda for the people.”

 "Eyeroll. Also, forgiving college debt will only birth more Donald Trumps. The populist backlash would be immense, as white, and well-to-do college liberals will be the ones who benefit. For generations, we’ve had Americans work and go to college. They’ve worked their way through school. Most people don’t want to hear it, especially when it’s a bunch of snowflakes who blow close to $200k on worthless degrees." 

Formal Squad SOTU response: You're darned right we should defund the police -- and ban even more domestic oil production – HotAir

Still, the ambitions of the progressive wing and their desire to push even more radically to the Left after the next election comes through loudly and clearly. Republicans will waste no time packaging that up for ads in competitive districts, which may be expanding already after Biden’s flop last night.

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