Saturday, December 26, 2009

Michigan Forces Business Owners Into Public Sector Unions

WSJ "A year ago in December, Ms. Berry and more than 40,000 other home-based day care providers statewide were suddenly informed they were members of Child Care Providers Together Michigan—a union created in 2006 by the United Auto Workers and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees."

Chris Matthews: Alinsky 'our hero'

WorldNetDaily "Just five days after affirming on air that he is a liberal, MSNBC host Chris Matthews exclaimed that radical community organizer Saul Alinsky is one of his heroes. "

Obama’s Latest Appointment: A Reflection of his Radical Past

Ron Radosh "...Obama’s propensity to keep appointing rather low-level officials who can operate under the radar and who come from a similar radical or left-wing past. The latest appointment, perhaps not as low level, is that of Hannah Rosenthal, who started her new job last week in the State Department as the special envoy to monitor and report on anti-Semitism. With the growth of anti-Semitism in countries like Britain and France, the job sounds important and necessary. But what was Ms. Rosenthal’s first salvo aimed at?"

Friday, December 25, 2009

The Wonder of the Incarnation

CNS News "For Christians, one of the most breathtaking things about our savior Jesus Christ is that he willingly surrendered the privileges of his Lordship and descended from Heaven to walk among us, as one of us."

Krauthammer: The Year of Living Fecklessly

National Review "We lost a year. But it was not just any year. It was a year of spectacularly squandered opportunity. In Iran, it was a year of revolution, beginning with a contested election and culminating this week in huge demonstrations mourning the death of the dissident Grand Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri — and demanding no longer a recount of the stolen election but the overthrow of the clerical dictatorship. Obama responded by distancing himself from this new birth of freedom. First, scandalous silence. Then, a few grudging words. Then relentless engagement with the murderous regime. With offer after offer, gesture after gesture — to not Iran, but the “Islamic Republic of Iran,” as Obama ever so respectfully called these clerical fascists — the U.S. conferred legitimacy on a regime desperate to regain it." More...

'Auschwitz sign stolen to fund Sweden attacks'

Atlas Shrugs "The purported former leader of a Swedish Nazi group told the Swedish Aftonbladet newspaper that, "We had a person who was ready to pay millions for the sign." The unnamed source told Aftonbladet that the money would pay for an attack on the home of Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt and on the Swedish Foreign Ministry. A third attack allegedly involved plans to bombard Swedish MPs from the public seats of the parliament."

'Twas the Night Before Christmas, Legal Version

TaxProf "Check out the original and legal versions of the classic poem, 'Twas the Night Before Christmas [click on chart to enlarge]:"

An undiplomatic message to Israel?

PowerlineBlog "A dispute is rumbling between Israel and the US Consulate in Jerusalem after a US diplomatic car allegedly tried running over a Defense Ministry security guard recently at an IDF checkpoint in the West Bank. The car had been stopped after the occupants refused to present identification papers. Israel is also furious that one of the consulate cars was found to have transported a Palestinian without permits between Jerusalem and the West Bank." And here: Jerusalem Post

Christmas under Communism

Jeffrey Folks , AT "The communist state could not keep us or others among the ex-pat and local population from reciting the biblical story of the birth of Christ. What it could do was prohibit all public manifestations of the profound religious tradition that had once dominated the hearts and minds of most Eastern Europeans. .... There were no greetings of "Merry Christmas," no exchanges of cards or presents, no looks of anticipation or wonder."

Merry Christmas to Our Troops

AWR Hawkins , Pajamas Media "While our homes are full of family celebrating “the most wonderful time of the year,” take the time to pause and remember that ours is a life of ease rarely mixed with danger solely because the lives of these troops are those of danger rarely mixed with ease. These are those of whom it was said: “[We] sleep peacefully in [our] beds at night because rough men stand ready to do violence on [our] behalf.” Merry Christmas to our troops the world over. You are not forgotten."

Have a Merry Government-Regulated Christmas

Frank J. Fleming , Pajamas Media "Every year, Santa engages in some sort of domestic spying program, watching our children like a pedophile in wait, and he determines which children are “naughty” or “nice.” His methods for determining this are unknown; we also can’t know whether there is a racial disparity in these lists. He then makes his presents for the select few using non-union elf labor and comes to our neighborhoods in an unregistered sleigh pulled by disease-bearing caribou. Then Santa breaks into our houses and engages in his personal form of justice, leaving presents for the children he arbitrarily deems “good” and coal for the children he labels “bad.” "

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmans 2009

Gateway Pundit "The Anchoress posted this wonderful video of Aled Jones as a child and an adult singing “O Holy Night.’It is wonderful.I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas."