Tuesday, June 11, 2013

NY Times: It's Not Getting Warmer, We Don't Know Why, But We SWEAR It's Going to Get Warmer Soon

Yid With Lid   "The NY Times has finally woken up and smelled the coffee (but as it turns out it's iced coffee). The Times science writers have finally figured out that global temperatures plateaued about 15 years ago agreeing with the Met office in the UK which is one of the key proponents of the Climate Change hoax who said global warming stopped over 15 years ago, and the  BBC which echoed that claim.

"The last time the temperature rose, Al Gore's Chakra was working for Bill Clinton...that was way before his Oscar-winning movie and his investment company which "coincidentally" is poised to make billions of dollars off of the global warming scare."
"The data reflects that over the past 500 years there has been a pattern of short-lived warming and cooling episodes none of which could have been caused by changes in atmospheric CO2. The record show a regular pattern of alternate warming and cooling with a 25-30 year period for the past 500 years.

Hat tip to Jeffrey Dunetz at Conservative Bloggers on Facebook

Benghazi Matters

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
The American  "In the aftermath of the killing of the U.S. ambassador in Benghazi and three other Americans, the Obama administration did the classic dance of political operatives confronted with an inconvenient truth: deny, deny, deny, and then say, “Oh that doesn’t matter because it was a long time ago.” President Obama has called efforts to get to the bottom of what happened a “sideshow.” But, alas, Benghazi is not a sideshow and it does matter. The administration’s actions in this and other scandals facing the Obama team go to the very foundation of any presidency: can the American people trust their president and his administration?"
"I’ve served four secretaries of State in a variety of positions in the State Department and in various ambassadorships. I’ve seen how the building works. Benghazi was not just a mid-level bureaucratic failure. It was a failure of leadership."   Via Lucianne
Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

Should this administration be trusted with our most private information?

Hope n' Change nails it.   ..."Of course, all of your information will be handled in an absolutely confidential, non-political way, in much the same way that the IRS handles your personal data.

"Still, just to be safe, it might be a good idea not to use inflammatory words like "patriot," "liberty," "constitution," or "freedom" when you're using the phone or Internet. You never know what mischief a couple of low-level "rogue agents" at the NSA might get into."

But Words Will Never Hurt Me   "There are so many potential keywords (and words which can be misconstrued), that a lot of people are deciding that it's best just to avoid speaking aloud or writing about controversial topics like politics, liberty, freedom, religion, or the competency of Barack Barry Hussein Soetoro Obama.

"Instead, Americans are wearing fixed (albeit nervous) grins when they talk about how great our deficit is, how terrific abortion is, and how outdated the Constitution is."....

ObamaCare: Don’t Take the Money and Run

Heritage  "You may have heard that Obamacare’s main plan for getting people health insurance is to put them on Medicaid.

"Medicaid—which is supposed to be the federal-state partnership that serves low-income children, disabled Americans, pregnant women, and some seniors.

"Medicaid, which is not quality health care and is losing doctors every year.

"Medicaid, which is already so overloaded that the number of people on the program exceeds the population of France, Britain, or Italy.
But Obamacare presents states with alluring federal money… and governors are under pressure to take the money and run.
Think of the pressure on governors from the press and activists.

So much for that "of, by and for the people" garbage; IRS agent tells pro-life group, “Keep your faith to yourself.”

Hot Air  "A pro-life legal group, Alliance Defending Freedom, released audio today of a 2012 phone call between an IRS agent and the head of a Texas pregnancy counseling group. During the phone call, IRS agent Sherry Wan is heard lecturing Ania Joseph about how she can’t have a tax exemption and also push her religious beliefs— a bit of advice that would be quite interesting to every church in America."  Here’s part of the exchange.

Jay Leno says this government is like a "psycho ex-girlfriend"  "Jay Leno continued his humorous attacks on the White House Friday.
"In the middle of a lengthy set of opening monologue jokes about the various scandals plaguing Barack Obama, the NBC Tonight Show host said, “We wanted a president that listens to all Americans - now we have one” :  (video follows with transcript and absolutely no need for additional commentary) 

Obama's power grab Notice how much of this stuff has made it into the MSM? 
"But, in fact, there's a common theme in all of these scandals: Abuse of power. And, what's more, that abuse-of-power theme is what makes the NSA snooping story bigger than it otherwise would be. It all comes down to trust.
The justification for giving the government a lot of snooping power hangs on two key arguments: That snooping will make us safer and that the snooping power won't be abused."
Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail

Bill Ayers explains the left's power is in schools and classrooms

When seconds count...

Monday, June 10, 2013

Al-Azhar wants Pope Francis to declare Islam peaceful

Jihad Watch  "This bizarre demand is not coming from some fringe element: Al-Azhar is the foremost, most prestigious and influential Islamic institution among Sunni Muslims. It could go much farther to establish Islam as a peaceful religion by acting against Muslims who commit acts of violence and justify them by referring to Islam's texts and teachings. It could act against the escalating Muslim persecution of Christians in Egypt and elsewhere. But it is easier to demand what would be a meaningless (and false) statement from a foremost Christian leader -- a statement that would unmistakeably be a sign of submission.
" "Mending Vatican ties: Al-Azhar wants pope to declare Islam peaceful," from Arab News, June 8 (thanks to all who sent this in):"....

Alan Caruba; It's a Matter of Distrust

Warning Signs  It's a Matter of Distrust
“ 'If the people cannot trust their government to do the job for which it exists - to protect them and to promote their common welfare - all else is lost.” – Barack Obama, August 28, 2006"
Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell
"While the revelations about government scandals continue, there will be a continuing erosion of trust. At some point it will reach critical mass and one can only hope the forthcoming 2014 midterm elections will set in motion a reversal and permit power in both the Senate and House to be returned to true conservatives.
"We can survive a President who has foisted Obamacare on us, who has weakened our nation’s position in the world, and who has failed to put our economy on a path to renewed prosperity."
Political Cartoons by Ken Catalino
Related post: Mounting controversies are all about trust  ...."Obama has waning opportunities to turn it around. He's halfway through his fifth year, and with midterm elections next fall, there's no time to waste.
If he can't convince the American people that they can trust him, he could end up damaging the legacy he has worked so hard to control and shape - and be remembered, even by those who once supported him, as the very opposite of the different type of leader he promised to be."

White House and the press, blood kin

Hat tip to Nan Thompson

On the IRS

Remember when they used to be called "Bureau of Internal Revenue"? They changed the name to "service" to make it less, well, intimidating.

Five IRS Scandal Myths " “Rogue agents,” apolitical targeting, and a limited time frame? Not so fast."
"The Obama administration and its defenders have done their best to downplay the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups, and to distance the president from the scandal. But in doing so they have made numerous claims that have that turned out to be grossly misleading — at best."

 Were a pro-marriage group and its donors targeted by IRS employees?
"What makes NOM’s case unusual is this: The National Organization for Marriage has been operating as a nonprofit since 2008, so, as Eastman points out, it is not like the dozens or hundreds of conservative groups whose applications for tax-exempt status after Obama became president have led to invasive questioning, home visits, and audits. Rather, when it comes to IRS abuse, NOM is in a league of its own: As-yet-unknown IRS personnel may have dug into the records of NOM specifically and leaked confidential tax documents to its principal political opponent."
...."Phillips was able to isolate the layers and expose beneath the white box a hidden document identification number, 100560209."
 -- A self-described conservative Republican who is a manager in the Internal Revenue Service office that targeted tea party groups told investigators that he, not the White House, set the review in motion  According to a Democrat source, Rep. Elijah Cummings, who stated, "He is a conservative Republican working for the IRS. I think this interview and these statements go a long way to what's showing that the White House was not involved in this,".
And General Rommel committed suicide to save his family from Hitler's revenge.

Cummings Claims IRS Scandal Has Been ‘Solved’   It's all over and finished, folks. Move on now, nothing more to see here. This investigation needs to end.
Arguing that the congressional investigation into the IRS should be concluded, Rep. Elijah E. Cummings said Sunday that closed-door interviews with the agency’s staff show neither the White House nor officials in Washington had a hand in targeting conservative groups for added scrutiny.

...."Besides, even if the White House was not directly involved, how does that mean the case is solved? What this shows is that Cummings is solely concerned with protecting Obama."

10 Incredible, Modern Day Photos Of Where Your Favorite Movies And TV Shows Were Filmed

Buzzfeed  "Christopher Moloney is a photographer who visits the real world locations of memorable films and shows. More of his stunning re-creations of those scenes can be found on his blog; these are republished with his permission. "
6. The Dark Knight Rises