Tuesday, June 11, 2013

So much for that "of, by and for the people" garbage; IRS agent tells pro-life group, “Keep your faith to yourself.”

Hot Air  "A pro-life legal group, Alliance Defending Freedom, released audio today of a 2012 phone call between an IRS agent and the head of a Texas pregnancy counseling group. During the phone call, IRS agent Sherry Wan is heard lecturing Ania Joseph about how she can’t have a tax exemption and also push her religious beliefs— a bit of advice that would be quite interesting to every church in America."  Here’s part of the exchange.

Jay Leno says this government is like a "psycho ex-girlfriend"  "Jay Leno continued his humorous attacks on the White House Friday.
"In the middle of a lengthy set of opening monologue jokes about the various scandals plaguing Barack Obama, the NBC Tonight Show host said, “We wanted a president that listens to all Americans - now we have one” :  (video follows with transcript and absolutely no need for additional commentary) 

Obama's power grab Notice how much of this stuff has made it into the MSM? 
"But, in fact, there's a common theme in all of these scandals: Abuse of power. And, what's more, that abuse-of-power theme is what makes the NSA snooping story bigger than it otherwise would be. It all comes down to trust.
The justification for giving the government a lot of snooping power hangs on two key arguments: That snooping will make us safer and that the snooping power won't be abused."
Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail

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