Monday, June 15, 2015

Obama’s military: Great for homosexuals but not Christians

"For nearly two decades, the U.S. Army has provided an honor guard for the Independence Day celebration at Abilene Baptist Church in Augusta, GA, a church that predates the founding of America. Sadly, that tradition has been brought to an end. Officials at Fort Gordon have decided they will not send an honor guard to the July 5th services at the church because it would be a violation of military policy.

"In a lame attempt to justify the decision, Public Affairs Officer J.C. Mathews stated that officials at Fort Gordon and the Office of the Staff Judge Advocate reviewed the church’s request and determined that the event was “a religious service.” Here’s how he explained it:
“While there are conditions under which the Army can participate in events conducted at a house of worship, we cannot participate in the context of a religious service.”

California, here we go.


Should California rich be able to use as much water as they can afford?   "There's a serious drought in California, largely the result of government action in saving fish species rather than building additional infrastructure.  Now government in that state has ordered severe restrictions on the use of outdoor sprinkling, causing most of the lawns and gardens in California to shrivel and die.

"But many of California's wealthy citizens don't think those restrictions apply to them.  They can afford the $800-a-month water bills and don't see a need to stop the sprinklers." . . .
California’s Water Czar, Part Empathetic Confessor and Part Friendly Scold (Claims the NY Times) "Felicia Marcus peered over her desk the other day as the State Water Resources Control Board came to order in a hearing room here, bracing for another day of bad drought news. There would be warnings about die-offs of birds and fish. An anguished farmer describing how he is being forced to fallow fields of crops. An economic report projecting $2.7 billion in drought-related losses in 2015." . . .
You will consume four gallons of water by reading this next article!
 Guilt trip alert: "The average American consumes more than 300 gallons of California water each week by eating food that was produced there." Here is just a small . um, taste of what you will learn from this article:
Four broccoli florets
2.2 gallons

Sunday, June 14, 2015

So how about that Hillary Clinton campaign "reset"?


Hillary throws a slow ball over the plate and Rubio knocks it out of the park 
Basically she read the speech to us as if we were being put to bed at night.

" Marco Rubio’s campaign wasted no time at all producing this ad." Notice her spontaneous, heartfelt delivery.

Hillary's gaffe-filled Roosevelt Island re-launch  " Hillary Clinton’s re-launch speech yesterday was as wooden as ever. Has she been seeing a speech coach that is an android? The implicit message of needing a re-launch was that the original launch was a dud. So you’d think that the campaign would go all out to get the second go at it completely right. But they bungled some obvious points."

 CNN reporter Dan Merica Tweeted:
 "Clinton's campaign set aside this area for overflow w jumbotron. Here it is 20 min to speech:"
Embedded image permalink

Hillary’s Relaunch Quarantined Reporters, Ignored Foreign Policy, and Wowed the Women Who Already Love Her   "At the Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedoms Park on the island’s southern tip, journalists were corralled into a press area fenced in by metal barriers on all four sides. Without “special clearance,” one staffer informed a reporter, mingling with the crowd was strictly forbidden.

Hillary Skips Sunday Again, Top Surrogattes Fill In
. . . " Clinton’s disdain for Sunday shows is well documented. According to Politico in 2013, Clinton refused to go on the shows in the aftermath of the Benghazi terrorist attack on the U.S. embassy, stemming from her “default” policy of “rejecting all Sunday requests.' ”. . .

Hillary Clinton: America’s Most Boring Public Speaker. . . "The sad part is this.  Hillary well could get elected.  If that happens, America will have chosen someone that majority of its citizen correctly believe to be dishonest.  And that is before she takes office.  That more than anything may destroy the country we know.  We will have gone from George Washington and the cherry tree to Hilary Clinton and the thirty thousand erased emails. What is left of America’s moral standing in the world — and it isn’t much after Obama — will be in tatters.
"A standard issue affair from the get go, this speech did nothing."

Clinton Boasts: I 'Stood Up' to Putin and 'Was in the Situation Room' When Bin Laden Was Killed   "Hillary Clinton's supporters have had a notoriously difficult time identifying a single significant achievement during her tenure as secretary of state, but during her 45-minute speech on Saturday, Clinton tried to name a few. "I’ve stood up to adversaries like Putin and reinforced allies like Israel," Clinton said. "I was in the Situation Room on the day we got bin Laden."

"The problem with that first sentence is that it's the opposite of being true: As secretary of state, Clinton stood up to Israel and reinforced Putin.
 . . . Clinton made a now-infamous phone call to Netanyahu in which she berated and threatened the prime minister for 45 minutes, issued a list of demands he would have to meet to salvage the U.S.-Israel relationship, and then instructed the State Department press secretary to boast to the press of just how harshly she had treated Netanyahu.


Mitt Romney gives a brutal PowerPoint critique of Obama’s foreign policy


"Ever since Mitt Romney’s loss to President Obama in 2012, it has become a mantra in the Republican Party that on foreign policy especially, “Romney was right.”

"In a stuffy mountain lodge here Friday night, Romney joined the chorus. Dusting off a page from his management consulting playbook, the former Republican nominee delivered a speech by PowerPoint to more than 200 corporate CEOs and other attendees of his annual ideas festival about what he deemed (and titled his slides): “The Most Consequential Obama Foreign Policy Mistakes.”

"Slide by slide, Romney ticked through 20 mistakes, from Obama’s “Middle East apology tour” to the president’s lack of support for Iran’s green revolution to the administration’s infamous “reset” with Russia."

“With all that bad news, is it not true that arguably President Obama is the worst foreign policy president in history?” Romney asked. “I think he is.' ”. . .

 Three Years Too Late, Romney Finally Goes After Obama
 "Where was this guy when we needed him?"

Hillary Clinton Does A Big Do-Over, Gives Big Speech, Trashes the Rich

How silly do we have to be to love this woman for president?

Silliness of Hillary Clinton pictured.

Victory Girls Blog  " But because she insisted on having a big party, her campaign stuck one out in the middle of the East River on Roosevelt Island (which, ironically, used to be nicknamed “Welfare Island”) and let her give a big old speech to “launch” her campaign. Again."
. . . 
"And in this speech, she either intentionally or unintentionally trashed everyone around her, except her own mother."

Hillary complaining about hedge fund managers. Meanwhile, Chelsea's husband, a hedge fund manager, looks on.

No other country is better prepared to meet emerging threats from cyber attacks, transnational terror networks like ISIS, and diseases that spread across oceans and continents.
As your President, I’ll do whatever it takes to keep Americans safe.
 "Ambassador Christopher Stevens was unavailable for comment."

"It was a completely predictable speech that hit all of the predictable points. The only reason Hillary gave this speech was to throw a big photo-op party after her video and little coffee chats have not gone as well as she wanted."

 HILLARY’S FIRST MAJOR CAMPAIGN SPEECH: Tired Lefty Ideas from ‘Yesterday’
 . . . "Hillary spoke at length but delivered essentially the same speech her party’s candidates have given since “Yesterday” was a hit single.

"That’s the biggest takeaway. Democrats for generations now have campaigned on promises they never keep. Otherwise Hillary wouldn’t be giving the same rhetoric Mondale and Dukakis dished out decades ago.

"I dare the mainstream media to ask why this is." . . .

She even grovels at the coffins of American Benghazi victims and in front of their families

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Hillary: We Must Eliminate ‘Secret, Unaccountable Money’. Wait! What?

Lincoln Bedroom Guests Gave $5.4 Million  .... . . "It changes it dramatically," McIntosh told CNN. "We now know why the White House has been stalling and keeping a lot of this secret. The president himself was personally involved in authorizing the use of the Lincoln Bedroom... for fund-raising purposes.
" 'Very clearly, it is wrong to use government property, government assets for political purposes," McIntosh said. "You can't use the taxpayers' funds to help you raise money for your political campaigns. Those are two different functions."
"McIntosh, a former aide to Vice President Dan Quayle, said that "nothing of this magnitude ever happened in the Bush Administration. First of all, George Bush wouldn't have asked if it could happen, and then folks around him would have said, 'No, that's not appropriate.'" "

 1997: President Had Big Role in Setting Donor Perks   . . . " Although the president has portrayed himself as removed from the money-collecting tactics that have spurred congressional and criminal investigations, the records show he took a hands-on role in directing the effort down to small details." . . ."Every modern president has used the trappings of incumbency to court financial benefactors, but even Clinton aides have acknowledged that they took it to a new level in 1995-96 as they sought to compete with Republicans, who historically have raised more money than Democrats." . . .

2007: Trashing the Lincoln Bedroom 

. . . "Two of the Lincoln Bedroom's renters -- Linda Thomason and actress Markie Post -- are pictured here trashing the bed by treating it like a trampoline. The bed itself is considered a national treasure. Expect more of the same should Hillary take the presidency." . . .
1996 United States campaign finance controversy

Financial Struggles of Rubio and Hastert

"The NYT is on Marco Rubio’s case. The paper reported he’s had 4 traffic tickets in 17 years! Not only that, he used an $800,000 book advance to pay off $100,000 in student loans and buy an $80,000 fishing boat – or a “luxury speed boat”. All this packed into not one, but two stories. The second story appeared on Wednesday’s front page under the headline Rubio Career Bedeviled by Financial Struggles.

"The editors seem unaware that Rubio’s financial struggles are the same struggles bedeviling a lot of normal people. Jon Stewart is on The Times’ case.

"Meanwhile a picture directly above the Rubio story, in the print edition, features the financial struggles of former House Speaker Dennis Hastert. Hastert’s struggles aren’t so much like those of normal people. He’s accused of agreeing to pay $3.5 million in blackmail. Paying blackmail isn’t illegal, but using your own cash to do it is, if you withdraw over $10,000. Hastert tried to avoid that by taking out less than 10 grand more often. Apparently that’s illegal too." . . .

Marco Rubio vs. The New York Times

...Those little New York Times articles (hit pieces) about Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and his main squeeze, Jeanette Rubio, receiving 17 traffic infractions, as well as living a lavish, Miami Vice-style life in West Miami, Florida, continue to be clowned by other members of the media.
"The Rubios are far from wealthy. This I know because Rubio still owes me $2 for a valet tip I loaned him in 2010.

"The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart piled on Hillary Clinton’s press shop, better known as The New York Times, mocking them for trying to cast a bad light over the Rubios for paying off student loans, owning a offshore fishing boat, and getting those annoying traffic tickets."

 NBC Hypes Rubio ‘Under Fire’ for ‘Money Troubles’
 "On Wednesday, NBC’s Today seized on two New York Times hit pieces against Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio, as national correspondent Peter Alexander proclaimed: “He is one of the Republicans' fastest rising stars, just 44, the youngest presidential candidate in the field. But this morning, new scrutiny is focused on Florida Senator Marco Rubio's financial struggles and spending habits.”

"The headline on screen throughout the two-and-half-minute report declared: “Rubio Fights Back Over Finances; Candidate’s Money Troubles Under Fire in New Report' ”

 Conservatives howl in rage at NYT for reporting Rubio’s traffic tickets — while ‘ignoring’ Hillary Clinton

Eureka trash NRD 600a
On Wednesday, NBC’s Today seized on two New York Times hit pieces against Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio, as national correspondent Peter Alexander proclaimed: “He is one of the Republicans' fastest rising stars, just 44, the youngest presidential candidate in the field. But this morning, new scrutiny is focused on Florida Senator Marco Rubio's financial struggles and spending habits.”
The headline on screen throughout the two-and-half-minute report declared: “Rubio Fights Back Over Finances; Candidate’s Money Troubles Under Fire in New Report
- See more at:

Where Were the Parents of the McKinney Pool Party Troublemakers?

 Here’s what you really need to know about this “party."

PJ Media   "So now the race debate has moved to McKinney, Texas, a bedroom community of Dallas, with an out-of-control party invading a quiet family-oriented community. The story is encapsulated and reduced by the all-seeing media to a ten-second clip of a white police officer manhandling a pretty teen girl wearing only a swimsuit to the ground.

“ 'Oh, waily, waily!” the liberal media screamed. “Clearly this is yet another case of racey-hatey racist white men oppressing the black children!”

"Apparently unlike the media, I took the time to inform myself: I listened to interviews with the black man who made the call (the man was fully supportive of the cop, by the way), watched the entire seven-minute clip made available publicly, and listened to other community members who witnessed the incident. There was way more to the story than that ten seconds of looped and incendiary video.

"Black activists, smelling another opportunity to hoover up cash and sympathy, were not so skeptical. Instead, they organized an 800-person march from a neighborhood school to the swimming pool of the mixed-race, mixed-income neighborhood, chanting and singing the whole way about how black lives matter.
. . .
"Now imagine yourself as a solitary police officer coming onto the scene: utter chaos, little children running away crying, loud music blasting, bad actors laughing, ordinary neighborhood families forced to abandon the pool THEY PAY FOR because of what was becoming a riot.

"These party-goers were teenagers. Think back just a few weeks ago to Baltimore. The first night of rioting, the earliest altercations were started by teenagers not in school or employed or at home with their families. They threw rocks at the police, some of them as big as bricks. They put one cop in the hospital overnight.

"This isn’t a case of race problems. This is, rather, a problem of parenting and of idle kids with no employment prospects." . . .   Read the full article

Bristol Palin takes on Miley Cyrus

"Bristol Palin unleashed against Miley Cyrus Friday, penning a scathing blog targeting the pop star for comments she made in a recent magazine interview.

"Cyrus said in a recent interview — where she also posed nude — that she is the “least judgmental person ever,” but then proceeded to slam conservative lawmakers and Christians for their “f***ing insane” beliefs.

' “We’ve outgrown that fairy tale, like we’ve outgrown f***ing Santa and the tooth fairy,” Cyrus said, referencing individuals who believe Noah’s ark was a real vessel.

"Palin reacted to the comments in her Friday blog.

“ 'While her nude photo shoot has attracted the attention of many, it is her hilarious tirade about tolerance that turned my head,” Palin wrote.

“ 'Is it just me or does it seem more than a little fake that someone claiming to be accepting of everyone and everything would spew such judgment towards her own parents and their deeply held religious beliefs?” Palin asked.

"The daughter of former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin continued, hammering Cyrus for her comments.

“ 'She wants everyone else to let her be ‘free to be Miley,’ but seems unwilling to offer the same respect to her parents and those who wish to live out their Christian faith,” she wrote.

“ 'Oh, Miley,” Palin concluded. “Thanks for giving us the best example of what “tolerance” looks like in Hollywood: it looks a lot like contempt.' ” . . .More at the link.

Jobs for unemployed terrorists

Peace is just one interview away.

TSA Workers
"ISLAMIC STATE: Publishes ‘How To Survive In The West’ Guide For Undercover Jihadists… And It’s Kind Of Hilarious"

. . . "These 70 pages of creative capitalization and questionable punctuation lead off with a philosophical pitch to justify jihad:
“The leaders of disbelief repeatedly lie in the media and say that we Muslims are all terrorists, while we denied it and wanted to be peaceful citizens. [Which has] forced us into becoming radicalised, and that will be the cause of their defeat and be the cause for the conquest of Rome.”
So, the reasoning goes, the only way to prevent the West from accusing Muslims of being evil terrorists and killing everyone is to be evil terrorists and kill everyone.
"This premise is a jihadi gloss on what almost amounts to an entire subgenre of film, the “A Man Pushed Too Far” vigilante justice type. The plot is a familiar one: a strong silent type tries to live a peaceful life until reckless hoodlums (or the Man or whatever) push, insult, or attack him one too many times. One day the heroic figure snaps, and metes out death and destruction to all the evildoers. Vengeance is had, explosions ensue, and another summer blockbuster is born. This narrative pervades the theological and ideological discussion that justifies jihad."
Like a Charles Bronson film for Jihadis.


  • "First President to apply for college aid as a foreign student, then deny he was a foreigner.
  • First President to have a social security number from a state he has never lived in.
  • First President to preside over a cut to the credit-rating of the United States.
  • First President to violate the War Powers Act.
  • First President to be held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.
  • First President to require all Americans to purchase a product from a third party.
  • First President to spend a trillion dollars on “shovel-ready” jobs when there was no such thing as “shovel-ready” jobs.
  • First President to abrogate bankruptcy law to turn over control of companies to his union supporters.
  • First President to by-pass Congress and implement the Dream Act through executive fiat.
  • First President to order a secret amnesty program that stopped the deportation of illegal immigrants across the U.S., including those with criminal convictions.
  • First President to demand a company hand-over $20 billion to one of his political appointees.
  • First President to tell a CEO of a major corporation (Chrysler) to resign." . . . 
  • Many more here..
Here is another possible accomplishment that could actually happen: 

I’m hoping Barack has a sex change and runs for reelection as a white woman with a really even tan. Talk about historic! The first transgendered president formerly known as a white male. That would shake things up, wouldn’t it? He could truly be all things to all people. He could write a sequel to his autobiography and title it Daydreams of My Mother, Myself.
"These are the Crazy Years."