Saturday, June 13, 2015

Jobs for unemployed terrorists

Peace is just one interview away.

TSA Workers
"ISLAMIC STATE: Publishes ‘How To Survive In The West’ Guide For Undercover Jihadists… And It’s Kind Of Hilarious"

. . . "These 70 pages of creative capitalization and questionable punctuation lead off with a philosophical pitch to justify jihad:
“The leaders of disbelief repeatedly lie in the media and say that we Muslims are all terrorists, while we denied it and wanted to be peaceful citizens. [Which has] forced us into becoming radicalised, and that will be the cause of their defeat and be the cause for the conquest of Rome.”
So, the reasoning goes, the only way to prevent the West from accusing Muslims of being evil terrorists and killing everyone is to be evil terrorists and kill everyone.
"This premise is a jihadi gloss on what almost amounts to an entire subgenre of film, the “A Man Pushed Too Far” vigilante justice type. The plot is a familiar one: a strong silent type tries to live a peaceful life until reckless hoodlums (or the Man or whatever) push, insult, or attack him one too many times. One day the heroic figure snaps, and metes out death and destruction to all the evildoers. Vengeance is had, explosions ensue, and another summer blockbuster is born. This narrative pervades the theological and ideological discussion that justifies jihad."
Like a Charles Bronson film for Jihadis.

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