Thursday, May 12, 2016

Clinton’s Public Server, Sanders’ Public Blindness

Debra J. Saunders


Why is Bernie Sanders scared of answering questions about Hillary’s “home-brew” server?

. . . "So I asked Sanders: Do you think the secretary of state’s use of a personal server was safe and legal? Are you worried that foreign intelligence services might have hacked her account? Forget about whether she’s indicted. Clinton’s unforced error of using a “homebrew” server is the real story. It was reckless. In 2013, the Romanian hacker known as “Guccifer” released information about her personal account after he drilled into the AOL emails of former Clinton aide Sidney Blumenthal. If Chinese and Russian operatives were paying attention — how could they not? — Clinton’s use of an unsecured system opened a door for their prying eyes. Former CIA Director Michael Hayden calls the secretary of state’s decision to use a private server for official correspondence Clinton’s “original sin.”
"Sanders’ reply? “I’m gonna answer that question the same way I did famously back then. And that is, look, there is an investigation, as we all know, undergoing. You’re asking me my opinion.  Presumably, the people who are doing the investigation have a lot more information on that than I do or you do. And whatever happens will happen.” Sanders added that he prefers to focus on issues that impact American lives, such as “why the middle class of this country is in decline.”
"It’s odd how Sanders trusts the Department of Justice to investigate Clinton’s emails when he repeatedly faults the feds for not charging Wall Street banks for criminal fraud despite his stated belief in their guilt." . . .
Political Cartoons by Jerry Holbert
A search of "security review" turned up businesses

Comey: No such thing as a 'security inquiry' in Clinton email probe
. . . "The Clinton team is adept at using the English language to obfuscate rather than illuminate. "Security inquiry" sounds so innocent, so routine, when what the FBI is really doing is investigating to see if a crime has been committed. It won't become a criminal investigation until they determine if any laws were broken. They may already done so, but for obvious reasons, are choosing not to go publuc quite yet.

"Some experts have speculated that career prosecutors in the Justice Department may already have gone before a grand jury and have begun to present a case. But that would be extraordinarily difficult to keep secret, given the players involved." . . .

Trees and CO2

Wednesday, May 11, 2016


"Hillary knew what her husband was doing and yet, over and over again, she helped him cover it up and destroy the women, portraying them as stalkers, blackmailers and loons. As one of Bill's mistresses, former Miss Arkansas Sally Perdue, told the Daily Mail (U.K.), Hillary has a "vengeful, spiteful ugliness ... And she's championing women's causes?' " 

Too bad the second questioner was not more educated.

By all-caps Ann Coulter  "In a campaign built on lies, it should not be a surprise that the central theme of Hillary's campaign is the biggest lie of all. 

"Someday, it will be the subject for a graduate thesis whether reporters who were in diapers when Bill Clinton was president simply don't know the truth or, in their zeal to see Hillary elected, are obscuring the truth. 

"The media portray Bill Clinton as a lovable scamp, a good ol' Southern boy who just liked to have sex in the back of his pickup. In fact, according to numerous independent accounts, he was a sexual abuser and, the overwhelming evidence shows, a violent rapist. 

"While we would normally extend our sympathy to his wife, Hillary has forfeited those claims by actively conspiring with him to cover up his sexual assaults and smear the victims, showing absolutely no compunction about destroying women whose stories she knew to be true. 

"Because Donald Trump is reminding people about Hillary's brutal rise to power, liberals denounce him for using the "sex scandals of the 1990s" against her. But recall that it was Hillary who used the "sex scandals of the 1990s" to launch her entire political career. 

"A few weeks ago, Trump stirred up feminists by questioning whether Clinton is the most qualified woman who's ever walked the planet, by saying, "Frankly, if Hillary Clinton were a man, I don't think she'd get 5 percent of the vote.' "  

"Of course this is true. Trump wasn't talking about Sen. Dianne Feinstein. He wasn't talking about Sens. Claire McCaskill or Elizabeth Warren. Those women climbed the political ladder on their own. Can you even name any of their husbands? 

"By contrast, Hillary got her positions by virtue of being married to the president, who cheated on her. She played the victim, and suddenly the rest of the world owed her. ". . . 

Of course, Ms. Coulter means all this in a nice way, I'm sure.


Pat Condell: I Vote Against You

I Vote Against You

Again, Mr. Condell speaks, this time on the university. Dumbing Down University
"Campus censorship an epidemic in UK universities."

Embarrassed by America President to visit Hiroshima

First some background: The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb   "Note: This section is intended as an objective overview of the decision to use the atomic bomb for new students of the issue. For the other side of the issue, go here."


"The government responsible for the war would be dismantled, there would be a military occupation of Japan, and the nation would be reduced in size to pre-war borders. The military, after being disarmed, would be permitted to return home to lead peaceful lives.  Assurance was given that the allies had no desire to enslave or destroy the Japanese people, but there would be war crimes trials.  Peaceful industries would be allowed to produce goods, and basic freedoms of speech, religion, and thought would be introduced.  The document concluded with an ultimatum: "We call upon the Government of Japan to proclaim now the unconditional surrender of all the Japanese armed forces…the alternative for Japan is prompt and utter destruction."  To bomb supporters, the Potsdam Declaration was m5ore than fair in its surrender terms and in its warning of what would happen should those terms be rejected.  The Japanese did not respond to the declaration."
Will Obama “Apologize” in Hiroshima?   "The White House said people should not view President Barack Obama’s visit to Hiroshima, Japan, as an apology after they announced he will become the first sitting president to visit the city since the U.S. dropped an atomic bomb on it in 1945.

"White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters that if anyone does “interpret it that way, they’ll be interpreting it wrongly.”

"Wrongly? So Obama won’t say the word “apologize,” but is it effectively an apology?


"Benjamin Rhodes, President Obama’s national security advisor for strategic communication (who has his own credibility problems), reflected on the decision in a blog:
He will not revisit the decision to use the atomic bomb at the end of World War II. Instead, he will offer a forward-looking vision focused on our shared future.
The President’s time in Hiroshima also will reaffirm America’s longstanding commitment — and the President’s personal commitment — to pursue the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons.
That commitment has guided our efforts to promote non-proliferation and nuclear security — a theme at the heart of four Nuclear Security Summits that the President hosted — and to take concrete steps to reduce the role of nuclear weapons in our security and in the policies of other global powers.
Finally, the visit will also symbolize how far the United States and Japan have come in building a deep and abiding alliance based on mutual interests, shared values, and an enduring spirit of friendship between our peoples.
"Despite these words, some in the administration who believe the Japanese will take President Obama’s words as an apology. Jeffrey Hornun, Security and Foreign Affairs fellow at the Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA, said if he makes a speech “he would be in danger of his words being misinterpreted, politicized, and over-analyzed as pundits debate what he said, what he should have said, and what he did not say.”

"President Obama received the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 after he said he wanted to reduce nuclear weapons during his presidency. Yet, the U.S. signed a landmark nuclear agreement that could allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons. The regime has already fired off missiles since October 2015, which has “raised U.S concern that Iran wasn’t abiding by” that agreement."

Will Obama say the "A" word or perform the "B" word as below?

. . . "After all, he's not going to become Secretary General of the UN without campaigning for it."

The leftist Democrats in one cartoon

Political Cartoons by Henry Payne

Democrat primary in West Virginia

Joe Biden: ‘I Would Have Been the Best President’   "Biden has not endorsed either Clinton or Sen. Bernie Sanders, her opponent in the primary, but he said he thinks Clinton will be the nominee."

Bernie does West Virginia 

In West Virginia, Clinton also suffered from her association with Obama

American Thinker:
Ominous signs for ‘presumptive nominee’ Hillary in West Virginia primary results   . . . "If I were a Democrat superdelegate (boy, that’s a stretch for my imagination!), I’d have to wonder about throwing my lot in with a candidate so unpopular with the party’s base. How many repudiations will it take to move their votes?"

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

Clinton's favorability rating trend points to a Trump landslide in November   "While Hillary Clinton supporters try to hype the unfavorability ratings of her general election opponent, getting ignored in the liberal maelstrom of deceit is the skyrocketing unfavorability rating of their own presumptive nominee."

What Democratic Landslide?  "Warning: Candidates in this election may be closer than they appear."

A Trump Win Would Destroy Clinton’s Legacy — and Obama’s
. . . "Trump has defeated one consistent conservative lawmaker after another in the GOP primary, and Democrats would be foolish to underestimate him. If it wasn’t obvious already, they have just as much to lose as Republicans in November." . . .

NY Post  . . . "Clinton can’t let him succeed, and instead must put him on defense with nonstop attacks on his character and lack of government experience. She’s already doing that, but is paying a price with his fierce counter-punching.
"Her big advantage is the Electoral College, and she will try to shut him down by relentlessly playing the women’s and racial cards. And it’s certain Trump will hand her gaffe gifts and display an embarrassing lack of detailed knowledge." . . .

Clinton accomplishments summed up in these posts

Political Cartoons by Ken Catalino

Defense against Rape Victim's accusation…  "Almost two years ago the Washington Free Beacon broke the story of a recording within the Clinton Library of Hillary Clinton laughing and describing her work as a defense attorney for a predatory child rapist."   Apparently she really did have a southern accent at that time.

Sidney Blumenthal Says FBI Will Announce There Are No Charges Against Clinton…  FBI Confirms It WILL Interview Hillary Clinton…

Justice’s reputation hangs in balance of Clinton probe

Related: ‘Clinton Cash’ doc set to stir up controversy as it debuts at Cannes  . . . "The film portrays the Clintons as a greedy tag team who used the family’s controversial Clinton Foundation and her position as secretary of state to help billionaires make shady deals around the world with corrupt dictators, all while enriching themselves to the tune of millions."  
Yet there are people who truly want her to be president! Here are some of them:

Transgender Activism Has Produced a Legal Absurdity


. . . "In 1972, Congress enacted the federal law known as Title IX. Title IX provides generally that no school that receives federal funding — a category that includes public grade schools and high schools as well as nearly all colleges, public or private — may “discriminat[e]” “on the basis of sex.” Everyone understood from the beginning, and the Obama administration still agrees, that Title IX allows schools to have single-sex restrooms, locker rooms, and showers. A regulation dating from 1975 says exactly that — a school “may provide separate toilet, locker room, and shower facilities on the basis of sex” — and goes on to specify only that “such facilities provided for students of one sex shall be comparable to such facilities provided for students of the other sex” (emphasis added)." . . .

Of course: another group of victims! Fat 'activist' rails against 'thin privilege' and 'fat oppression'

"Fatphobia"?  "Thin privilege"? You have to read this to believe it.

. . . Tovar’s talk, entitled “Dispelling Myths: Fat, Fatphobia, and Challenging Social Stereotypes,” was designed to help students understand that “fat phobia” is rampant in a “white, heteronormative society” that is looking to actively oppress people with larger body types. Society’s bias against fat people is, apparently, a form of bigotry and discrimination, evident in everything from sexual preferences to the size of seats on public transportation.She even, reportedly, compared society’s anti-fat culture to so-called “rape culture,” and chastised society for its obsession with what she termed “thin privilege.”
. . . "As predictable as this "social justice" madness has become, the damage it does to society is real and lasting. We are being Balkanized by those who are slicing our culture into ever smaller pieces, each with an "authentic" voice of oppression. The goal is to eliminate "normal" as a dominant feature in society. We should be able to tolerate anyone. But when they start demanding special treatment to make white males pay for their perceived (or delusional) oppression, it is right and proper to slap them down and point out how ludicrous their importunings are."

The Shapeshifter

costume donald

Shapeshifting  But will I vote for him over any Democrat? Yes indeed.  As previously declared, we are not choosing a president; we are choosing a government, including a Supreme Court.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


The truth (and lies) behind why Hillary is unfit to be president
. . . "Voters distrust Clinton with good reason. She has repeatedly looked them in the eye and told bald-faced lies. But it is the callousness and ease with which she lies that should be more troubling. Despite the murders of four Americans at the hands of terrorists while serving as secretary of state, Clinton claimed we "didn't lose a single person" in Libya under her watch. She has even had the gall to call one of the victim's mothers a liar, even though we know it was Hillary who lied about the cause of the Benghazi terrorist attack." . . .