Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Trump, the master deal-maker with China with the possible exception of North Korea?

For The First Time In A Very Long Time, An American President Stared Down China & China Blinked  "Donald Trump arrived at the APEC summit with a bit of swagger. Though already a naturally tall and broad-shouldered man, he stood bigger than life among his world leader contemporaries as a petulant Establishment Media did all it could to downplay the aura of strength that followed Mr. Trump everywhere he went. Gone was the rapid gun-chewing insecurity that marked Barack Obama’s participation in such gatherings. There was no apologizing for America’s past. No remarking how the United States owed others. No hiding from the fact that in an increasingly volatile and complicated world, America remains the one true superpower."  . . .
. . . 
"The applause among Asian leaders for POTUS Trump’s speech (with the exception of China) was thunderous and far surpassed anything received overseas in eight years by Barack Obama. It points to something Mr. Obama and his supporters never understood. Much of the world does not hate America – it envies it, it emulates it, it wants to stand with it. Some of the greatest cesspools against American values come not from places like Japan, Vietnam, or India, but rather the American media, Congress, and U.S. universities. It is a form of collective self-loathing that leaves the world shaking its head at us." . . .

In China, There’s No Hope on North Korea . . . "But according to Dr. Tong Zhao, a fellow at the Carnegie-Tsinghua Center for Global Policy in Beijing, the meeting between the two leaders was only surface level jargon and hardly diplomacy conducive to reaching a joint solution on solving the North Korean nuclear crisis.

“ 'I don’t see any substantive results,” Zhao said during a roundtable meeting discussion with a handful of journalists in China on a delegation hosted by the China-United States Exchange Foundation.  “I don’t think this meeting achieved much regarding North Korea. Maybe the two leaders got some personal time, private time together to discuss North Korea, but in terms of results, I don’t see any major results.”
"Zhao argues the breakdown and lack of progress comes with fundamental differences and disagreements between the United States and China about how to solve the North Korea problem." . . .

Let Down at the Top

"We lament political correctness and Stalinism on campuses, but the real crime is the ignorance that empowers it."
"Political correctness has become Maoist: All art must serve progressive struggle, defined in Hollywood as good race and gender warriors pitted against bad racists and sexists."
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Victor Davis Hanson  . . . "Hollywood ran out of original thought about three decades ago, and the people noticed and so keep avoiding the theaters. How many times can a good-looking, young, green progressive crusader expose a corporate pollution plot, or battle a deranged band of southern-twangy Neanderthals, South African racists, or Russian tattooed thugs, or a deep-state CIA cabal in sunglasses and shiny suits? How many times can the nth remake of a comic-book hero be justified by updating him into a caped social-justice warrior from L.A.? Ars gratia politicorum is suicide. 

"The ruling generation in Hollywood is out of creative ideas mostly because it invested in political melodrama rather than human tragedy. It cannot make a Western, not just because Santa Monica’s young men long ago lost the ability to sound or act like Texans in 1880, but because its politics have no patience with the real world of noble people who are often doomed, or flawed individuals who are nevertheless defined by their best rather than worst traits, or well-meaning souls who can cause havoc, or courageous men who fight for bad causes. 

"Political correctness has become Maoist: All art must serve progressive struggle, defined in Hollywood as good race and gender warriors pitted against bad racists and sexists. Political correctness has become Maoist: All art must serve progressive struggle, defined in Hollywood as good race and gender warriors pitted against bad racists and sexists. The result is monotony and boredom. All the cleavage, flexed biceps, cheap obscenity, rap-music scores, and car crashes cannot hide that lack of an idea." . . . More here.

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Legal Insurrection

FBI: Anti-White Hate Crimes Are The Fastest Growing Racial Hate Crimes In America

Daily Caller

Weasel Zippers photo "When professors and media are constantly pitching that
white people are evil and oppressive, you get a reaction back."
"A new FBI report indicates that hate crimes committed against white Americans are the fastest growing racial hate crimes in the United States.
"The FBI report on 2016 Hate Crime Statistics shows that in 2016, there were 876 reported anti-white hate crime offenses in the United States. In 2015, this number was 734, indicating a 19.34 percent increase.
"There were more racial hate crime offenses altogether in 2016 compared to 2015.
"There were 4,029 single-bias incidents that targeted “Race/Ethnicity/Ancestry” in 2015, compared to 4,229 in 2016.
"Anti-Hispanic or Latino hate crimes also increased in 2016. In 2015, the number of offenses targeting Hispanic/Latino Americans was 379. In 2016, that increased to 449, an increase of 18.46 percent. Anti-Black hate crimes actually declined by three offenses.
"Within religious hate crimes, there were also increases. Anti-Jewish hate crimes increased by 20 percent and anti-Islamic hate crimes increased by 26.57 percent. Anti-Catholic hate crimes also slightly increased.
"Since Donald Trump’s election win, many mainstream media reports have centered on hate crimes being supposedly inspired by Donald Trump and his supporters. A number of these reports have turned out to be false. (RELATED: Here Are All The Hate Crime Hoaxes That Have Plagued The Country Since Trump’s Election)" . . .

Professors: It’s Not Okay To Be White  “ 'Can my children be friends with white people?”
"This bizarre question is the basis of a New York Times op-ed published Sunday, and the author answers it with a “no,” albeit with some exceptions." . . .
Ask Reginald Denny after the Rodney King riots.

Nearly 30k Diversity Visas Have Been Given To Immigrants From Terror States

Weasel Zippers

"Lovely.   Via Fox News:"
The United States issued nearly 30,000 visas to people from nations officially designated as sponsors of terrorism over the last decade through the Diversity Visa “lottery” program, the White House said Monday.
According to State Department statistics, since 2007, the U.S. has admitted 20,739 individuals from Iran; 7,232 from Sudan, and 812 from Syria through the Visa Lottery program –Iran, Sudan and Syria are currently the only countries designated by the State Department as “state sponsors of terrorism.”
The program offers a lottery for up to 50,000 immigrant visas annually, “drawn from random selection among all entries to individuals who are from countries with low rates of immigration” to the U.S., according to U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services.
That random selection, according to the State Department, is through a computer-generated drawing for foreign nationals to apply for permanent residence, or a green card, in the U.S. each year.

Know the difference between fascists and anti-fascists

The People's Cube   "This November 4, we're going to take to the streets to vandalize private property, and punch, kick, and pepper spray anybody we don't like to make a statement about tolerance!

"But before you join us in conducting unprovoked acts of violence for peace, it's very important that you know the difference between a fascist and an anti-fascist so you don't accidentally club the wrong person while demanding civil discourse.

"As a free service of the People's Cube, America's most equal and most trusted news source, we're providing this very important, and free, identification poster. You can download it, and send it to your college library's printer directly from your safe space! Do your part to help you and others know the important differences between a fascist and an anti-fascist.

"Print this free flyer, study it, and turn out with the countless millions this Saturday as we rage against, um, something we're really mad about." Via American Thinker

Monday, November 13, 2017

Sutherland Springs church invites public to see interior

MSN  "SUTHERLAND SPRINGS, Texas — Red roses and first names grace 26 empty chairs.  
"Voices without faces read aloud verses from the scripture.
Handout photo of Bryan Holcombe and his wife Karla Plain Holcombe: Bryan Holcombe (L), an associate pastor of the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs where the shooting took place, was killed in the gunfire. His wife, Karla (R) was also killed. Bryan and Karla's son, Marc Daniel Holcombe, was also killed with his infant child, Noah Holcombe, who was just a year old. Family members Joe and Claryce Holcombe told the Washington Post they lost eight extended family members.Social media/Handout via"For everyone who believes in him shall have eternal life," says one in a simple recording on a loop over a public address system.
"That's what several dozen residents of Sutherland Springs and nearby communities saw and heard when the church that witnessed a horrific mass killing was opened for short, solemn tours."

Chairs with roses mark where victims where found in. . . " 'We had some amazing people come and pull off a miracle to basically rebuild this sanctuary," Associate Pastor Mark Collins said at the broken church's front door.
"Church officials, who earlier had suggested the nearly 100-year-old building would come down, said no decision has been made on whether to demolish it or to give it new life. Either way, Collins said, services will be held inside the building next Sunday.
"That sanctuary showed to the public was stripped of any outward sign of violence. Blood-stained carpet was gone and the concrete floor painted white. Pews where worshipers were slain were taken out." . . . Photo gallery of the memorial

Feminists saved the 42nd president of the United States in the 1990s. They were on the wrong side of history; is it finally time to make things right?

The Atlantic: "Bill Clinton: A Reckoning"

"The most remarkable thing about the current tide of sexual assault and harassment accusations is not their number. If every woman in America started talking about the things that happen during the course of an ordinary female life, it would never end. Nor is it the power of the men involved; history instructs us that for countless men, the ability to possess women sexually is not a spoil of power; it’s the point of power. What’s remarkable is that these women are being believed.

"Most of them don’t have police reports or witnesses or physical evidence; many of them are recounting events that transpired years—sometimes decades—ago. In some cases, their accusations are validated by a vague, carefully couched quasi-admission of guilt; in others they are met with outright denial. It doesn’t matter. We believe them. Moreover, we have finally come to some kind of national consensus about the workplace; it naturally fosters a level of romance and flirtation, but the line between those impulses and the sexual predation of a boss is clear.
. . . 
"The notorious 1998 New York Times op-ed by Gloria Steinem must surely stand as one of the most regretted public actions of her life. It slut-shamed, victim-blamed, and age-shamed; it urged compassion for and gratitude to the man the women accused. Moreover (never write an op-ed in a hurry; you’ll accidentally say what you really believe), it characterized contemporary feminism as a weaponized auxiliary of the Democratic Party." Steinem wrote:

What if President Clinton lied under oath about some or all of the above? According to polls, many Americans assume he did. There seems to be sympathy for keeping private sexual behavior private. Perhaps we have a responsibility to make it O.K. for politicians to tell the truth -- providing they are respectful of "no means no; yes means yes" -- and still be able to enter high office, including the Presidency.
Until then, we will disqualify energy and talent the country needs -- as we are doing right now.
Well, Bill did have the energy all right. 

elcome To The Sue-nited States Of America

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Zero Hedge  "On the morning of February 27, 1992, 79-year old Stella Liebeck and her grandson Chris pulled up to a McDonald’s drive-through in Albuquerque, New Mexico and ordered a $0.49 cup of coffee.
"Chris pulled the car over and parked momentarily so that his grandmother could add cream and sugar.
"While doing so, she accidentally spilled the entire cup onto her lap, instantly scalding her.
Liebeck was hospitalized for eight days with third degree burns; she received numerous skin grafts and required in-home care for several weeks after her release.
"She blamed McDonald’s for the incident and demanded $20,000 to cover anticipated medical expenses. McDonald’s balked, so the case went to court.
"The trial took place more than two years later, in August 1994, resulting in an unbelievable victory for Liebeck– the jury awarded her more than $2.7 million.
(The total compensation was subsequently reduced, but still ended up being a huge payday for her.)
"This is one of the more famous cases frequently cited as a frivolous lawsuit. But it’s just the tip of the iceberg, especially in the Sue-nited States of America." . . .
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Libs prepare for Thanksgiving

Don Surber  "The holiday season is upon us. Thanksgiving is only 10 days away. You know what that means. Buying turkeys and trimmings. Cleaning up the house. Getting out the folding chairs.

"Liberals are preparing by reading this year's rendition of "How to talk politics at your family holiday meal this year.' "

. . . The next year, Gawker ramped it up with "How to Talk to Your Conservative Relatives." It offered this advice:

First of all, this is not a list of "counter-arguments," or methods by which you can convince a conservative relative that their beliefs are wrong. . . .
 . . . "In 2011, the insufferable liberal was pumped for Thanksgiving.

From Scott Stenholm at HuffPost:

The most stereotypical, called-out liberals in America, for generations, have been the most creative, the most educated and the most well informed members of our society. Who wouldn’t want to be grouped in with them?! Yet the holidays are upon us, and for many of us this does not just mean heading home for some quality time with our kin and stuffing ourselves with turkey and pumpkin pie. It also means that for liberals who grew up with conservative families, or even just that lone uncle who thinks “Obama is ruining this country with his socialism” or that “the gays shouldn’t be getting married” or that “scientists are pulling a fast one with all this climate change mumbo jumbo,” that we are on a collision course with the inevitable: the Thanksgiving dinner political argument. . . . 
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Slate cartoon

"For Thanksgiving, there was this from the Los Angeles Times:
Know how to deal with annoying peacekeepers. If you have an audience of more than two, someone will probably say, “Why don’t we just try to have a nice time on Thanksgiving?” That’s when you say, “For sure, in a minute, but these are serious times and I think it’s good for all of us, as Americans, to talk through what’s going on.” The “as Americans” line is especially difficult to argue with on Thanksgiving.
"Jesus said blessed are the peacemakers. The Times said #$%^ the peacemakers."
. . . 
"In 2014, the Union of Concerned Scientists gave us, "How to Talk About Climate Change at Thanksgiving: Recipes for Good Conversations.' "

"And Joel Silberman at the Los Angeles Times said it was a patriotic duty to talk politics at Thanksgiving:' " . . . 

But wait! There's more! So very much more! . . .

The Democrat media stands tall against sexual harrassment

Political Cartoons by Henry Payne

Thomas Lifson: Confused lefty pundit blames Trump for Harvey Weinstein (or something)    See the MSNBC video at the link.
"Isn’t it a good thing that courageous women are speaking up about the sexual abuse endemic in Hollywood?

"True enough, it has damaged the cause of Democrats, and as the truth-telling (along with potential false accusations) seems to be hitting mainstays of the Democrats. And all those women who spoke up about Bill Clinton’s predation are certainly awkward now that Weinstein’s accusers are celebrated.
"So what’s a lefty feminist journalist to do? . . .
Crazy Uncle Joe: Democrat presidential hopeful
"The answer to that question is easy: attack Trump.
"So, that’s what the national editor of The Nation did on MSNBC (of course).
"No mention of all the Democrats who received money from Harvey and looked the other way despite his well-known sexual abuse. No, it is Donald Trump who somehow is bad." . . .

Speaking of crazy Uncle Joe: . . . "I have to give Biden some credit, though. At least he’s got a woman of legal age on his mind. Usually he’s groping the kiddies, getting in their personal space, making everything creepy." . . .


Trump Shines in Foreign Policy

Trump is supposed to be an idiot, but this idiot has been a success in the international hotel business for years, and people like that have to know about currencies and commodities. They have to have credible information sources or they'll make the wrong moves. They have to read price signals. Rex Tillerson is one likely source for Trump, and so is Mattis.

James Lewis

"Remember ISIS? When Obama left office, it was still a growing network of eager sadistic killers, with secret sponsorship by Turkey, by some Gulf Arab regimes, the Wahhabi radicals, and by the Iranians. Today a lot of those boastful YouTube killers are just smoking splotches in the sand.
"A single MOAB bomb was dropped on a mountain tunnel complex in Afghanistan, apparently a clean target with no "weddings" going on. The day afterwards the media said that 94 ISIS killers died, but that assumes that somebody had already cleaned up that collapsed tunnel structure; not a chance. So a hundred or more of the worst human beings since Hitler died in one big explosion. 
"Most important, the United States sent a strong signal of determination. Trump-Mattis announced a strategy of "surround and kill the enemy in place." For mass-murdering criminals there will be no mercy.
"The U.S. media just rolled its eyes and yawned, but the Muslim world got the message loud and clear. They’ve been wondering how long the United States, which was the winning power in the Cold War and the two world wars was going to come back to its senses. Well, the MOAB bombing wasn't wish-washy, it wasn’t half-hearted and it didn't signal cowardice and weakness. The United States was finally getting serious.
"Obama would never even name the enemy, and most importantly, under Obama the United States lost the moral high ground against child-murdering sadists; we started to support Sunni killer cults in Syria.
"If ISIS is just a minor nuisance, as Obama tried to tell us, that would make the genocides of history meaningless. " . . .

"The new heir to the Saudi throne (known as MBS for Mohammed bin Salman) and the aging king needed our help against Iran. They know Trump won't help Saudi Arabia if they don't purge their own jihad sponsors. That is one big reason for the purge over there, and we will have to see how it comes out."

You can't fool McGruff the Crime Dog

Photosnark by Rich Terrell
Senate Democrats pushed nine different gun controls during the past six weeks, and ABC News has now emerged with a tenth gun law which they suggest may be the ringer.   . . . "That law would legalize firearm confiscation orders like those in Washington state. Such orders allow a judge to issue an ex parte order for the confiscation of an American’s firearms. This means the order can be issued without the firearm owner even being present for the process. His or her first knowledge of the order would come when police knocked on their door to sweep the house for firearms.

"According to ABC News, the orders are supported by Sandy Hook Promise, the gun control group to which Tim McGraw donated concert proceeds in July 2015. The firearm confiscation orders are also supported by Michael Bloomberg-funded Everytown for Gun Safety.
"In fact, ABC News reported that Everytown claims “4,500 Americans died due to gun violence in August” of this year. This claim is misleading in a number of ways.
"For one, it does not differentiate between Americans who die due to suicide versus those who die via gun crime, homicide. Gun crime only makes up one-third of gun deaths each year in America. Two-thirds of the deaths are suicides." . . .