Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Know the difference between fascists and anti-fascists

The People's Cube   "This November 4, we're going to take to the streets to vandalize private property, and punch, kick, and pepper spray anybody we don't like to make a statement about tolerance!

"But before you join us in conducting unprovoked acts of violence for peace, it's very important that you know the difference between a fascist and an anti-fascist so you don't accidentally club the wrong person while demanding civil discourse.

"As a free service of the People's Cube, America's most equal and most trusted news source, we're providing this very important, and free, identification poster. You can download it, and send it to your college library's printer directly from your safe space! Do your part to help you and others know the important differences between a fascist and an anti-fascist.

"Print this free flyer, study it, and turn out with the countless millions this Saturday as we rage against, um, something we're really mad about." Via American Thinker

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