Wednesday, January 3, 2024

CNN anchor assures viewers that Claudine Gay did not plagiarize, she’s only accused of ‘copying other people’s writings without attribution’

 Olivia Murray - American Thinker   "If only there were a word for such “sloppy” work in academia when someone takes another’s writing and passes it off as their own….

"Alas though, the mystery word didn’t come to CNN analyst Matt Egan, but despite the fact that he couldn’t quite articulate it, he does know that what Claudine Gay allegedly did, is not plagiarism. See this clip below, from a segment that aired last night in the wake of Gay’s disgraced resignation:

" (He should have just taken a cue from his colleagues and referred to Gay’s actions as “mostly honest plagiarism.”) [That would be stealing from MSNBC's Ali Veldshi.]

"She’s not a thief, she just took intellectual property that didn’t belong to her.

"She’s not a cheater, she just passed off “other people’s” work as her own—as Egan says, this is a case of “sloppy attribution” and nothing more.

"She’s not a fraud, she just took credit for somebody else’s academic accomplishments.

"(Mind you, at this point, the alleged plagiarism violations now number more than 50.)

"What’s really ridiculous though is that apparently Gay’s resignation does not mean her departure, and as reported by Fox News, she is set to continue as a fixture at the university and return to faculty duties—but isn’t that just carte blanche to students who wish to cheat in her classes?" . . .

Rearranging Chairs On The Sinking Academic Ship – Claudine Gay Is Gone, But The DEI Problems Remain (    . . ."Claudine Gay had no choice but to resign, she had lost all credibility and was damaging Harvard’s brand. She would have presided over a zombie presidency.

"I previously wrote that I thought it would be better for the country if she stayed in the position, to keep the focus on the DEI ideological rot that lifted her into the presidency and which she championed, It’s important to Harvard that its brand survive Claudine Gay. It’s important to America that it doesn’t.

I don’t care about the “Harvard” brand, which signifies the smugness, classism, and elitism that makes me want to puke. It’s not just the Harvard brand under pressure, most of the ‘elite’ colleges and universities, particularly the Ivy League, are damaged by their reactions to Hamas’ October 7 massacre. How bad the damage is and how long it lasts remains to be seen, but it’s not a bad thing if it is deserved – and in most cases it is.

Academia has been corrupted and hollowed out by the rot caused by the DEI agenda, which elevates group identity over the individual, and skin color and physical appearance over merit. It’s also a part of why “The anti-American activists are the anti-Capitalist activists are the anti-Israel activists”." . . .

Lady DEI quits

  Don Surber

"This makes me happy because Gay’s departure may very well sound the death toll for the racist and sexist Diversity, Equity and Inclusion movement — DEI — that uses race and sex to promote division, exclusion and intolerance in the workplace."

"NBC reported, “Harvard University President Claudine Gay resigned Tuesday after facing intense scrutiny for equivocal testimony she gave at a congressional hearing on campus anti-Semitism as well as allegations of plagiarism in her academic work.”

"Unlike the Flintstones, Harvard won’t have a Gay old time.

"What do you know? I was wrong. I figured her sex and color made her invulnerable but it turns out that years of plagiarism and her tolerance for anti-Semitism caught up with her.

"I delight in knowing that Gay is now the poster child of affirmative action in which an unqualified person gets the job over a qualified person because of race or sex — or in her case, both.

"How’d she get the job in the first place?

"Glenn Reynolds wrote, “Not-so-great people tend to choose not-so-great people. In this, Harvard is like so many of our institutions, in and out of academia. If the best people aren’t getting to the top — if, in fact, the people at the top are often the worst people and are consistently mediocre — then your selection process is at fault. And if you don’t want to change the selection process, then you’re happy having your institutions run by bad leaders, with the inevitable results. That’s where we are all across America today.”

"That’s not BS. I had a boss I didn’t like (which narrows it down to every other boss I ever had) who said the secret to his success was hiring smart people. Well, he was a dummy but his executive editor and his managing editor went on to become corporate CEOs and his editorial page editor went on to become a publisher of a paper twice the circulation of the Daily Mail." . . .

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

HUGE WIN: Israeli Drone Strike Takes Out Multiple Hamas Leaders Who Were Meeting in Lebanon

 RedState   "A joint Mossad/IDF military intelligence operation in Lebanon has led to the death of numerous top Hamas leaders.

"Saleh al-Arouri, the leader of Hamas' military operations in the West Bank and the man responsible for facilitating money and weapons transfers for the group since the 1980s, and others were killed when the building in which they were meeting with other "resistance factions" in Beirut was bombed." . . .

"According to journalist Yossi Melman, the targeted strike was part of a Mossad/IDF military intelligence joint operation.

"About six weeks before the October 7 surprise attacks, al-Arouri gave an exclusive interview to Lebanese news outlet   Al Mayadeen in which he said the group was coordinating with "all relevant parties" in preparation for an "all-out war." He alleged that some in Netanyahu's government wanted "a major conflict" and would conduct assassinations and "tak[e] control of the Al-Aqsa Mosque" to start it."

. . ."They’re pursuing him not just for his insider knowledge of the attack but for his ties to others – possibly those “relevant parties” he cited in August.

"The attack went far beyond what was expected from Hamas alone. A mass border invasion. Drones and paragliders. Withering rocket fire. Precise raids on military surveillance, communications and intelligence hubs. Those plans bear the hallmarks of sophisticated backers from the outside.

"Current and former intelligence officials say Arouri sits at a strategic intersection of three entities: Hamas; Hezbollah, the Lebanon-based terrorist group that is considered the world’s most formidable; and Iran, the world’s deadliest state sponsor of terrorism.  

As Antifa would say, "Its the Jews fault!"


Image courtesy of Craig Smith, Sparks, Nevada

.Germany Has Fallen: Mobs of Military-Age Muslim Migrants Riot and Attack Police; “They Shot at Anything That Moves” – Allah's Willing Executioners (

"Riots and anarchy spread across Germany again on New Year’s Eve, making the major cities no-go areas for women, Jews, and gays. Indigenous Germans largely avoid downtown areas on New Year’s Eve now. 54 police officers were injured, and 390 people, mainly military-age migrants, were arrested in Berlin alone.

"In several German cities, water cannons had to be deployed.

"Ever since approximately 2000 Muslim men attacked and raped 1200 women on New Year’s Eve in Cologne 2016, New Year’s Eve has gone from being a fun, happy, romantic, and slightly tipsy night out in German cities to a full-on civil war between migrant mobs with testosterone overflow and hapless, outnumbered and often outgunned German police, firefighters and first responders."

Germany Has Fallen: Mobs of Military-Age Muslim Migrants Riot and Attack Police; “They Shot at Anything That Moves” via @gatewaypundit

 One thought on “France: A man attacks three women in the street and storms towards the police shouting “Allah Akbar” before being subdued by a shot from a stun gun”    "When are the French going to realize these deranged invaders need to be sent back to their country of origin. How much more deprivation are the people have to suffer. These sub-humans are not refugees, they are invaders who come to change the laws of the countries they invade. Until Europeans act saying enough is enough as they act like a spoil child who continues creating havoc because he/she isn’t stopped. An Arab Christian friend said these Muslims only understand a boot on the neck. Wake up Europe and start planning mass deportations. Assez est assez, point finale!"

“He made me choose between death or rape” (   "French woman recounts harrowing sexual attack by African Muslim illegal migrant whom the state failed to deport despite official order to leave.

 “And the problem is that today, many women are raped in France, with three out of four of them being victims of this kind of individual – illegal alien Muslim invaders – every minute.”

Eyewitness testimony to acts of rape by Hamas terrorists

Comments to this post: "It cannot be more horrific!! It's truly unbelievable that any humans can behave in such violence. Horrendous. May every one of these criminals be held accountable.

"The so called feminists in Britain, except for a few, will not condemn Hamas. Owen Jones, journalist, should be asked of himself. Do what Hamas does and swamp the MSM with the truth to dispell the vile denial of Hamas barbarity. I stand by Israel and civilisation against evil barbarity of Hamas.

Campus Anti-Zionism Dates Back to 1967 . . ."When I was at Columbia for grad school in 2013, I witnessed SJP’s “Apartheid Week,” in which images of dead Syrian kids were shown from the Syrian Civil War, pretending they were kids in Gaza.  A tepid Jewish group was reacting with the slogan “Hummus Not Hamas.”  But slogans do nothing.  Actual and accurate Zionism education equips students with facts to push back on both the innocently misguided and the purposeful Jew-haters." . . .

Why isn't there worldwide condemnation of the Hamas terrorist regime?

Harvard University President Claudine Gay has stepped down from her position due to plagiarism -

  Whatfinger News Summary   "Harvard University President Claudine Gay has stepped down from her position amidst allegations of plagiarism and a controversy surrounding her response to a question during a congressional hearing.  The incident has sparked significant attention and concern among the Harvard community and the broader public.  Normally Leftists such as Gay are immune and as Democrats, they can anything they want at all times, but in this case even the donors at Harvard stepped in.

BREAKING: Harvard President Claudine Gay is resigning, making her tenure the shortest in Harvard history. You love to see it. The resignation comes as Gay is facing multiple scandals including plagiarism and her reaction to the Hamas attacks on Israel. Gay only served for six months and two days. The video below is Gay’s reaction to protests on campus after the Hamas attacks.  – Collin Rugg

Comment to this post: "She will probably be working for MSNBC by the end of the week"… But she will need to form a bitter, angry face...kinda like Joy Reid.

. . ."Gay’s tenure as president, lasting only six months, marks the shortest in Harvard’s nearly four-century history. She was notable for being the first Black person and the second woman to lead the institution. Alan M. Garber, the school’s provost and chief academic officer, has been appointed as interim president, while Gay will return to a faculty position. The Harvard community now faces the task of finding a permanent successor to lead the institution forward."

Victor Davis Hanson On The Utter Insanity of Joe Biden’s Open Border

  American Greatness  

Did the millions swarming the Rio Grande not listen to the horror stories of Ilhan Omar or Rashida Tlaib? Do they not read the warnings of systemic this and that from Professor Kendi? Have they been briefed on endemic something by Ta-Nehisi Coates? Are they unaware of the messaging from BLM and Antifa? Were they not warned by President Obrador of the Inferno waiting ahead to the north? 

 "There have been more than 8 million illegal entries into the United States since Joe Biden was elected president.

 He appointed Alejandro Mayorkas as Secretary of Homeland Security, whose apparent prime directive was to destroy the southern border.

"That task is precisely what Mayorkas has now accomplished. The result is that the border is neither “porous” nor “problematic,” but nonexistent, kaput, vanished—and by design.

"In one of the most surreal experiences in the history of the United States, each night Americans see video clips of thousands of foreign nationals crossing the border en masse with complete impunity—as if the entire corpus of federal immigration law has been dynamited.

"But by whom? And why? 

"Do they want to create billions of dollars in new entitlements and subsidies to grow government, hike taxes, and make the upper middle class pay, as Biden puts it, “their fair share?”

"Whatever the cause of this nihilism, there are at least 10 ways their open border is insidiously destroying the United States.

Blockade of World Trade Center By Anti-Israel Activists An Attempted Intimidation of U.S.

Legal Insurrection   As they chanted phrases they learned from others; no original thoughts from them.TD

"Their goal is not to convince people, it’s to send a message of intimidation, that they will disregard even our most sensitive of norms because they hate our society as much if not more than they hate Israel."

"Anti-Israel protesters on December 28, 2023, took their blockade tactics to the World Trade Center. The rebuilt World Trade Center. After the 9/11 attack by Islamic fundamentalist terrorists destroyed the prior World Trade Center, killing 3000 people and changing the course of our history."

 'Free Palestine' Hamas supporters have defaced and disgraced the White House, the 9/11 Memorial at the World Trade Center, The Lincoln Memorial, Christmas Tree Lightings across the United States in major cities..

You are beautiful, but WAKE UP AMERICA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸. #TheWestIsNext

Touring 'Biden Country'

  Mark Z. Barabak (

It's not as though he is just entering politics at age 81. "He has a wealth of knowledge that he brings with him," said Taylor, as heads nodded around the table. Now Biden just has to convince the rest of the country.

"For those who doubt Joe Biden's capacity to be president, Herb Klar has a suggestion: Swing by his neighborhood sometime.

" 'They don't come to Rossmoor and see all the octagenarians ... and see how lively and bright and competent we all are," said Klar, 76, a retired clinical social worker, who was sporting a Golden State Warriors hoodie on a crisp afternoon on the east side of San Francisco Bay.

"Old age, he said, "is seen as a kind of freakishness."

"Biden is the oldest president in American history, making every day in office a milestone of sorts. He is attempting something never before tried: Winning reelection to a second term that would end when he is 86 years old.

"The prospect horrifies Republicans. It also creates no small amount of stomach churn for Biden's fellow Democrats.

"So many people as they get into their 80s start to lose some of their cognitive ability," said Lee Herschman, who happens to be 86 and spent her career in the entertainment and recording industries. "That's just what happens."

"But Herschman and others among Biden's generational peers — people who understand better than most the challenges of aging — say they see no signs whatsoever the president is hobbled or unfit for office.

" 'He knows the facts. He knows the players. He has all the data," said Katha Hartley, 83, who still works as a business consultant. "And if you compare that to the person who may be running against him, who might also be in prison later, there's not even a comparison."

Silence On Hamas’ Twisted Use Of Hospital Will Ensure More Die

 The Federalist  Few of the facts seem to matter as international organizations and the press ignore documented evidence of al-Shifa Hospital’s military use.

"Countless journalists from outlets hostile to Israel have reported Hamas activity within, around, and below the hospital. The hospital also served as a weapons arsenal, a launching point for rockets targeting Israel, and the headquarters of Hamas leadership."

"For weeks, Hamas has denied it was using al-Shifa Hospital, Gaza’s largest medical complex, as a base of operations. Captured Hamas terrorists tell a different story. They admit to using hospitals for military purposes as well as hiding places for their superiors.

"Ahmed Kahlot, the arrested director of the Kamal Edwan hospital in Gaza, recently confessed to Israel’s domestic security agency, “Hamas has offices inside the hospitals. There are places for senior officials, they also brought a kidnapped soldier there. There is a designated place for investigations, internal security, and special security. They all have private phone lines inside the hospital.” Still, many in the media, and especially the United Nations and International Red Cross, supposedly designed to protect civilian lives, have yet to offer an unequivocal condemnation of the usage.

"When it comes to Hamas’ usage of al-Shifa and other commandeered hospitals, the international community has abdicated its responsibility. Indeed, the effective silence of the rest of the world only ensures that Hamas will continue to rely on civilian structures.

"Despite corporate news outlets, such as The New York Times, attempting to portray Hamas’ usage of hospitals as a contested matter, it is not. Hamas has a long and storied history of utilizing civilian facilities — such as hospitals, schools, and mosques — for its military and terrorism operations. As the military engagement continues, rife with accusatory misreporting, it is worth recalling the illustrative instance of al-Shifa Hospital in particular, a civilian medical complex that has served as the headquarters for Hamas’ operations.

"There is nothing novel about Hamas using al-Shifa as a base of operations. During the 2014 Gaza War, The Washington Post’s London bureau chief William Booth asserted that al-Shifa Hospital had become a “de facto headquarters for Hamas leaders, who can be seen in the hallways and offices.” Even Amnesty International, amid its virulent anti-Israel sentiment, managed to cobble together an accusation in 2014 that Hamas was torturing Palestinians in certain sections of the hospital." . . .

"In this current war, neither attacks on terror facilities masquerading as humanitarian facilities nor the number of casualties should detract from Israel’s lawful and just effort to liberate the region from this stain on humanity."

Leftists Scratch Their Heads As More Abandon Their Ranks

  Issues & Insights

"In any case, the reason the left is puzzled is because it’s so completely blind to the poisonous fruit of its own ideology, something that is finally dawning on common-sense Americans."

"The only thing more uplifting than watching several prominent liberals drift rightward is the cluelessness of those on the left as to why it’s happening.

"This drift is obvious enough, since it includes journalists once heralded by the left such as Matt Taibbi (who won a Young America’s Foundation award) and Glenn Greenwald, and Democratic politicians, including Tulsi Gabbard, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (whose speech at a Daily Caller award ceremony drew many loud cheers from the conservative audience), and Sen. John Fetterman (who recently declared that “I am not a progressive”).

"Celebrities such as Russell Brand, David Chappelle, and Bill Maher (who “has been riding an asphalt roller over the far left,” according to Townhall) are part of the shift, as are a handful of prominent business leaders, Elon Musk for instance.

"That’s to say nothing of the fact that surveys show once tried-and-true liberal constituencies – Hispanics, Asians, blacks, working class, and the young – are abandoning the Democratic party.

"It’s not as though these people are suddenly small-government conservatives. They just are waking up to the fact that the left is a cesspool of hatred and intolerance and are looking for the exits.

"All of which has caused a lot of confusion on the left. Case in point is a commentary by the New York Times’ Michelle Goldberg, who manages to come up with some theories to explain the realignment.

"One is that “celebrity defectors … lurched right after a cancellation or public humiliation.” (In other words, for petty reasons.)

"Another is that “the culture of the left is simply less welcoming,” and “people go where people accept them, or are nice to them, and away from people who are mean to them.” (An incredibly odd admission given that the left is supposedly all about “diversity” and “inclusion.”)" . . .

Hamas Retreats in Hostage Negotiations As IDF Seizes Key Intel Center


The very fact that Hamas fought to defend this position for weeks even while abandoning other parts of northern Gaza speaks to the value of this victory. The battle exposed an elaborate tunnel system connected to at least one mosque and one school, as well as the Rantisi Hospital.

"Well, well, well. Hamas had insisted in recent days that it would release no hostages until the IDF withdrew from Gaza, a position that left the Israeli government in firm position to reject. After more losses on the battlefield, however, Hamas has had second thoughts.

"Now they want a day of cease-fire for every hostage released, but without an IDF withdrawal. And the Israelis say …

Hamas negotiators have waived the condition of a final ceasefire and the withdrawal of IDF soldiers from Gaza in their ongoing talks with Israel for a second hostage release, according to a report by the Arab World News Agency (AWP), citing sources in Hamas.

“The five-way talks between Egypt, Qatar, the United States, Israel, and Hamas are ongoing, but so far no agreement has been reached,” the source told AWP, adding that talks have “accelerated significantly in recent hours,” with “Cairo and Doha making persistent efforts.”

The terrorist group is now open to the release of 40 hostages in exchange for 120 prisoners held by Israel, the report said, adding that Hamas had demanded a one-day ceasefire in exchange for each hostage released, but Israel refused.

"That suggestion is absurd on its face, but the direction of concessions is certainly notable. Hamas still wants to wring strategic value from the hostages that remain in their hands, but Israel clearly wants to disincentivize future hostage taking by reducing that strategic leverage. They are still negotiating on a disproportional 1:3 basis, according to reports at the Jerusalem Post and other Israeli media, but even that’s limited to inmates arrested over less-serious charges. And even the 1:3 ratio is another retreat by Hamas, which had demanded thousands of prisoners exchanged for an estimated 133 hostages captured on October 7.

"The change in direction comes as no surprise. First off, Hamas has a history of attempting to game negotiations by making outrageous demands, followed by a fallback to somewhat less-outrageous terms. But in this case, Hamas has suffered real and significant losses in the last few days that threaten to undermine their already-tottering regime in Gaza. The IDF killed one of their top commanders of the October 7 massacre, they announced yesterday, among other notable advances: . . ."
“The results will be clear results,” Gallant vows. “We will end this campaign when Hamas does not function as a governing body and certainly not as a military framework… It will take time,” he says.

Time that the cowardly Democrats in the US will allow?


Sure he'll debate: Joe Biden tells us his accomplishments

  Mike McDaniel - American Thinker   . . ."Americans can’t afford groceries or gas, new cars, new homes, or pretty much anything else, but Joe “cracked down on junk fees?”

Did you know we have an American Climate Corps? Do they create one or what? Do they have uniforms? Do you care?

Wow. Look at those improvements in airports, high-speed Internet, clean water and reliable transit and rail! Does anyone have a clue what they are? Joe also spent $7.5 billion to build one electric vehicle charging station. In Ohio. There was an economic recovery? In what country?

Reproductive Health Care: what?

Did you know we have a White Office Office Of Gun Violence Prevention? The first in history? What did it prevent? In which alternate reality? Oh, and we have executive actions to keep guns “out of dangerous hands.” Unfortunately, Joe thinks that means honest, law-abiding Americans. . . .

. . ."Wait a minute. Didn’t the Supreme Court rule Joe didn’t have the power to cancel student loans? Not even through “various actions?” Can anyone produce a single American who thinks their college bills were more affordable last year?

He strengthened democracy at home and abroad? Oh, that’s why our allies won’t help us secure the Red Sea, or pretty much anything else.  And there’s nothing like speaking out “against discrimination, racism, anti-LGBTQI+ hate" for democracy strengthening.  

"Highly qualified judges? Like whashername on the Supreme Court? The one who doesn’t know what a woman is? And what is AANHPI and how does it apply to judges? Sounds like a deadly lung disease.  "I'm sorry Mr. Smith; it's...AANHPI." Oh. It’s “Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander.” Were any of those AANHPILGBTQI+? Wouldn’t they be the very most qualified? Why don’t we have any of those?

"I’m really looking forward to the presidential debates this year. Just kidding. There aren’t going to be any.  Can you imagine how impaired Biden is going to be by October? It would be the first Weekend at Bernie's debate.

"The only good thing to come of this is we’re going to have a definitive answer to this vital question: what happens to America and the world when the POTUS is a demented, perverted, compromised agent of foreign powers?

"They’ll make up fake positives about that too." . . .

Joe Biden kicks off 'one more great year in the books' - American Thinker

. . ."Most Americans have concluded otherwise, months ago, with Biden's previous policy failures. Cumulatively, they have been moving away from Biden in a dynamic that builds upon itself. One key inflection point in many public approval polls was reached around the time of Biden's chaotic pullout in Afghanistan -- when his public approval ratings started to move downward. And sure enough, at that time he was denying anything was wrong then." . . .