Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Lady DEI quits

  Don Surber

"This makes me happy because Gay’s departure may very well sound the death toll for the racist and sexist Diversity, Equity and Inclusion movement — DEI — that uses race and sex to promote division, exclusion and intolerance in the workplace."

"NBC reported, “Harvard University President Claudine Gay resigned Tuesday after facing intense scrutiny for equivocal testimony she gave at a congressional hearing on campus anti-Semitism as well as allegations of plagiarism in her academic work.”

"Unlike the Flintstones, Harvard won’t have a Gay old time.

"What do you know? I was wrong. I figured her sex and color made her invulnerable but it turns out that years of plagiarism and her tolerance for anti-Semitism caught up with her.

"I delight in knowing that Gay is now the poster child of affirmative action in which an unqualified person gets the job over a qualified person because of race or sex — or in her case, both.

"How’d she get the job in the first place?

"Glenn Reynolds wrote, “Not-so-great people tend to choose not-so-great people. In this, Harvard is like so many of our institutions, in and out of academia. If the best people aren’t getting to the top — if, in fact, the people at the top are often the worst people and are consistently mediocre — then your selection process is at fault. And if you don’t want to change the selection process, then you’re happy having your institutions run by bad leaders, with the inevitable results. That’s where we are all across America today.”

"That’s not BS. I had a boss I didn’t like (which narrows it down to every other boss I ever had) who said the secret to his success was hiring smart people. Well, he was a dummy but his executive editor and his managing editor went on to become corporate CEOs and his editorial page editor went on to become a publisher of a paper twice the circulation of the Daily Mail." . . .

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