Saturday, September 3, 2022


 #DarkBrandonRises - American Thinker

“Imagine thinking this was a good idea.” @joerogan

. . ."I assume the culprits are all too ashamed to admit they had a hand in this laughable, yet destructive regime. (Heck, I don’t blame them, I’d feel the same way).

"But then, Friday morning, I skimmed Twitter, and came across the hashtag #DarkBrandonRises, which was being used to share content in support of Biden’s freaky address. Below is some of what I found:

Republicans were not ready for 'Dark Brandon'-

 What we are seeing is their collective shock of having a Democrat call them out, sometimes by name, for their bulls***, fascist or otherwise. This is strong leadership and I am here for it.


Anyone who is Pro-Democracy isn’t triggered when the President calls out Fascists. Anyone who is Pro-Democracy wants a President to call out Fascists.


If you’re offended and angry at President Biden’s speech tonight, you should know you’re a facist [sic] and he was speaking directly to you.


Joe wasn’t my first choice, but damn if he isn’t giving me goosebumps now. *Whose side are you on?*

"Some of the users even shared the sinister image from above like it was a good thing.". . .

Biden's 'Democracy' Speech Reminded How Dems Have Eroded It

 The Federalist

Biden and Democrats are guilty of all of the sins against democracy he blamed on Trump and ‘MAGA Republicans.’

. . ." ‘There Is No Place for Political Violence in America. Period. None. Ever.’

"Where was this belief just two months ago when radical abortion activists violently attacked more than 80 churches and life-saving pregnancy centers and threatened to harm Republican-nominated justices following the Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson decision?

"Where was this energy when climate rioters led an insurrection at the Department of the Interior in October 2021?

"Where was this plea for peace in 2020 when rioters, looters, and vandals inflicted billions of dollars of damage on the nation’s cities? It took Biden months to condemn those attacks. In the meantime, his VP pick Kamala Harris raised money for a fund that paid to bail out those rioters and eventually murderous felons to walk the streets again.

"Where was this exhortation when Democrats such as Hillary Clinton, Cory Booker, and Maxine Waters repeatedly called for violence against Trump and his supporters?". . .

CNN Host Roasts Biden For Using Marines As Props… | Weasel Zippers Even CNN!

The Tesla-driving Stephen Colbert

 I have had contempt for this man beginning the night he bullied President George W. Bush during the 2006 correspondents Dinner, knowing Mr. Bush could not respond. TD

Todd Schowalter Productions.

 ·in Quora: "Colbert has always been political, but the Colbert Report used sophisticated and clever humor that was layered and always pretty fresh. He appealed to a more sophisticated crowd back then. Many conservatives knew he was mocking them but he did it in ways that were original and clever. Very few conservatives were dumb enough to treat his character as sincere. Conservatives are used to dealing with entertainment that constantly mocks them and can laugh at themselves if the jokes are good and delivered cleverly.

"But Colbert simply appeals to the least common denominator on network tv. He didn't have the foresight to see that constant jokes about a President who leaves no subtext to be gleaned (and is therefore almost impossible to satirize) make for boring tv that is only entertaining to a small subset of people obsessed with Trump. He became the “Angry About Trump Show" and boxed himself in to now catering to an audience who want political hack slop fed to them every night."

Tucker Carlson Rips Stephen Colbert as an Unfunny 'Karen' ( . ."Carlson aired footage of a number of Jan. 6 rioters engaged in bizarre behavior. He concluded Colbert’s inability to find a joke in it is proof he has “zero sense of humor.” Carlson commented, The guy’s not a comedian. You watch a comedian and think, “That guy’s hilarious I would love to meet him.” Imagine eating a meal with Stephen Colbert. Chances are you’d somehow offend him over the course of a typical dinner by something he finds offensive. What are the chances of that? 100%. Stephen Colbert is a Karen, he’s a brittle middle-aged woman who’s always lecturing you about something. In fact, he’s Elizabeth Warren.

Dear Mr. Colbert: Me so stupid. You so funny! (By Asian Michelle Malkin)

Asians are also convenient, "uncool" punching bags. Unlike offended Muslim fanatics (see "The Mohammed Cartoons"), they're not going to issue fatwas, threaten beheadings or blow themselves up. Coward Colbert and his cable news persona would never dare offend the jihad-friendly brigade at CAIR; the only jabs he takes are at "Islamophobe" conservatives who worry about the poisonous spread of sharia law.

Elitist Tesla Owner Stephen Colbert is Fine Trading $15 Gas for a “Clean Conscience” ( 

Friday, September 2, 2022

‘Full Monty Mussolini’: Biden’s Primetime Speech Mocked, Slammed On Social Media

 ‘Full Monty Mussolini’: Biden’s Primetime Speech Mocked, Slammed On Social Media | The Daily Caller  "President Joe Biden’s Thursday evening speech targeting supporters of former President Donald Trump was mocked on social media, with many users poking fun at the stage.

"The speech, held in Philadelphia, marked continued attacks on supporters of Trump, reiterating earlier attacks in which he claimed Republicans embraced “semi-fascism” at an Aug. 25 fundraiser for the Democratic National Committee in Maryland, and also attacked “MAGA Republicans” during a Tuesday speech in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. Biden called “MAGA Republicans” a threat to democracy and doubled down on his rhetoric calling supporters of former President Donald trump “extremists.”

The Pious Theatrics of the Treasonous Left -

  The American Spectator | USA News and Politics  

"Hillary Clinton, unlike Donald Trump, didn’t possess the power to declassify top secret documents as Barack Obama’s secretary of state. But the ruling class shrugged at her careless handling of them. Former FBI Director James Comey pompously and unilaterally declared that “no reasonable” prosecutor would bring a case against her. Now, this same elite is hysterically shrieking over an alleged foot fault of even less significance — that Trump, while enjoying the power to declassify documents, didn’t follow the exact protocols for doing so. This, we’re told, is a sufficient reason for a nation-roiling criminal trial against a former president.The pious theatrics over this trivial technical dispute — from the solemn chin-wagging on MSNBC to the empty hype on the Drudge Report — are impossible to take seriously unless you accept the partisan premise underlying them, namely, that Trump is a uniquely illegitimate president. Out of this demented partisanship has come such breathless headlines as: “Was Trump Selling Access to Top Secret Documents?”

"Once again, the least patriotic Americans — the liberals who cheer boycotting of the flag and want America to surrender its sovereignty to the United Nations and global leftists — are accusing the most patriotic president since Ronald Reagan of treason. They still haven’t apologized for the wildly tendentious Mueller probe, which upended American politics for almost two years, and now demand a national ordeal over this feeble matter.". . .

American Thinker: Biden's teetering house of cards

 Biden's malodorous speech on Thursday, bathed in communist red light, was bloodcurdling in its ramifications. AT

Biden's teetering house of cards - American Thinker   . . ."On day one of his administration, Biden put an end to the energy independence achieved under Trump.  He canceled the Keystone Pipeline and cut off most new drilling and fracking on federal land.  That single action kicked off the highest inflation in forty years; our economy depends first and foremost on fuel.  Biden pretends there is a climate crisis (there is not), but he will spend billions on green projects, billions that will end up in the pockets of grifters like all those companies who got millions from the Obama administration, companies like Solyndra.  The companies fail; the money disappears.". . .

Biden delivered his "soul" speech at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, the birthplace of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

The manner of delivery was unhinged; he frequently waved his fists aggressively.  His voice was hoarse, perhaps owing to recent bouts with COVID-19, giving the speech a scornful tone. 

Biden spoke flanked by uniformed Marines, while his backdrop was bathed in blood-red hues making it look ominously like a hellscape.

 Joe Biden has no claim to the soul of America - American Thinker  "I didn't know I was a MAGA Republican until I heard Joe Biden bash MAGA Republicans.  Never before have I felt such disgust and shame for my country.

"The divider-in-chief, the man known for his history of plagiarism, corruption, and lies upon lies, tells the nation it's his duty as president to tell the truth, and then he lies again.  "MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution, they do not believe in the rule of law, they do not recognize the will of the people.  They refuse to accept the results of a free election."

"That's when it hit me.  He knows.  Then he mentioned the votes of 81 million people, and I felt sick.  It's not just a speech to influence an upcoming election.". . .

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Biden doubles down on MAGA hate and FINALLY name-drops Donald in 'soul of the nation' speech ...

Biden calls Trump a threat to democracy | Daily Mail Online 

  • President Joe Biden declared Donald Trump is a 'threat to the country' in a speech that contained his harshest rhetoric to date about his predecessor
  • 'Equality and democracy are under assault. We do ourselves no favor to pretend otherwise,' Biden declared 
  • 'Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represented extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic,' Biden said  
  • Biden spoke in front of Independence Hall in Philadelphia
  • He battled over the shouts of protesters as he spoke
  • Protesters chanted: 'Let's go, Brandon' and 'F*** Joe Biden' 
  • It's unclear how many saw his remarks; none of the three major broadcast networks carried his speech

Woke Bed Bath & Beyond to shutter 150 stores and cut workforce

 Woke Bed Bath & Beyond to shutter 150 stores and cut workforce – PJ Media

According to CNBC, the retailer announced this week that it will close down 150 namesake stores, as well as plans to hand out pink slips to a whopping 20% of its workforce, mostly in the supply chain and corporate sectors of the business.
" The moves were announced ahead of an expected investor update on Wednesday in the company’s seemingly desperate bid to stay afloat. 
"As you’ll recall, BBB made headlines in early 2021 after it was confirmed by MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell that the retailer had canceled his legendary MyPillow line at the same time he was involved with conservative activism on behalf of former President Donald Trump, specifically working on issues related to election fraud claims. At the time, Business Insider reported: Bed Bath & Beyond has cut ties with My Pillow, the pillow manufacturing company founded by Trump supporter Mike Lindell, the retailer confirmed to Insider.
" Lindell first reported the retailer axing his products, telling a Fox News affiliate and right-wing media outlet RSBN about stores dropping the brand. In the interviews, Lindell attributed the retailer’s decision to social media pressure led by “leftist groups.” “They’re trying to cancel companies now,” he told RSBN.". . .

Lindell Gets Last Laugh: Bed Bath and Beyond Closes Up More Shops After Break Up With Popular ‘My Pillow’ | FRONTLINE AMERICA    . . ."Recall, in 2021, when CNN  Business reported that Bed Bath and Beyond had stopped selling My Pillow products after the pressure received from leftist Cancel Culture mobs- to discontinue their association with Mike Lindell because of Lindell’s support of President Donald J. Trump.

"In their reporting, CNN took the opportunity of highlighting Bed Bath and Beyond’s business decisions to stop selling a handful of products, at the time, to insert their anti-Trump propaganda about Lindell.;"And it seems that Bed Bath and Beyond never recovered or tried to recover from the political messaging that CNN put on their product. Bed Bath and Beyond was branded as Anti-Trump, anti-America First, and anti–Republican   "CNN saw that as a winning strategy for Bed Bath and Beyond and harmful to My Pillow.   "Nevertheless, while My Pillow business has surged ahead- Bed Bath and Beyond has collapsed."

Judging Biden's diatribe

 First and foremost I was disgusted by Biden's use of the Marines and the Presidential Seal in this speech. The implication was that the US Marine Corps supported his words and stood with him in this accusation made by the government of the United States and with the vitriol in the words and facial expressions of this dangerous man.  TD

'It's Wrong': CNN Blasts Biden for Using Military As Backdrop for 'Battle' Speech ( CNN!

Biden’s Hail Mary Fascist Speech - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics "By every metric, Joe Biden is a failed president, and that’s less than two years into his terrible tenure. Tonight, he will spend his time speaking to the nation doing what he does best: insulting everyone. He’ll accuse his enemies of being fascists, insulting them. He’ll reveal his supporters to be fatuous fools, insulting them.   Here’s a list of things that Biden can’t talk about honestly:

  • Inflation
  • Job creation
  • Recession
  • Closed schools
  • Foreign policy
  • Vaccines
  • Border crisis. . .

. . .“And, again, we see a majority of Americans who disagree. And so when you are not with where the majority of Americans are, then, you know, that is extreme,” she claimed. “That is an extreme way of thinking.”

Biden ignored the numerous crises that erupted under his watch—historic gas prices, skyrocketing inflation, a historic flood of illegal aliens into the U.S., disastrous foreign policy decisions, and more—as he sought to portray his presidency as a success.. . .

Joe Biden delivers “one of the most menacing, bitter, angry and divisive speeches in modern US political history” (    "Joe Biden’s speech tonight, claiming to be a presidential address demanding free network coverage, was so far over the top its almost indescribable. It wasn’t just an attack on another candidate, it was a Declaration of War in demonic terms on the roughly half of the electorate who voted for that candidate.

"Nile Gardener had it right:

“Joe Biden’s address in Philadelphia tonight is one of the most menacing, bitter, angry and divisive speeches in modern US political history. Hard to believe that a US president can stoop to this level, condemning tens of millions of Americans as enemies and a threat to democracy.”. . .

Teen Girl Enthusiasms: Twitching, Cutting, and Trans

 Ann Coulter

"Remember the twitching girls in upstate New York?
" About a decade ago, more than a dozen teen girls, crazed with puberty and hormones, developed a weird medical condition. Despite the utter scientific implausibility of their alleged illness, the mania soon spread to other girls at their school. And then it all just disappeared, giving us a road map for dealing with teenaged girls today, who demand the right to mutilate their sexual organs and inject themselves with infertility-inducing drugs. 
"We'll get back to the twitching girls. First a political point. 
"At brunch this weekend, a couple remarked, with some irritation, that in any gathering of Republicans, everybody always starts talking about transgenders. Evidently, it's not just Republicans. The same topic was vexing Democrats at brunch the next day. The couple's point was: STOP TALKING ABOUT TEENAGE TRANSGENDERS! On the other hand, any politician with three functioning brain cells will hear the same story and think, The electorate is inflamed! I better start talking about transgenders! It's nothing big, just the greatest medical malpractice in history currently being perpetrated on America's youth.". . .

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

This Is How Government Breeds Mistrust


Why Obama Is Out to Get Trump

 Why Obama Is Out to Get Trump |   "Professor Jonathan Turley was on Fox saying he had supported the confirmation of Merrick Garland as Attorney General but now says he is disappointed in Garland’s political pursuit of Trump. Turley still doesn’t get it.   Garland is an agent of Barack Hussein Obama, who approved Hillary’s plan to launch the FBI’s “Crossfire Hurricane” investigation of Trump.

"Turley is the Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at The George Washington University Law School who once gave testimony denouncing “Eugene McCarthyism” before Congress. He was supposed to be an expert on “disinformation and extremism in the media.”

"McCarthy’s first name was Joe, not Eugene. Eugene was a peacenik Democrat.

"The Fox channel calls him a “constitutional scholar.”

"Every day the media talk about Trump, in terms of a secret affidavit authorizing the FBI raid, the Marxists win. What we should be talking about is the Marxist president who got us into this mess and was briefed on Hillary’s Russia-gate plan by his CIA chief, John Brennan.

"Two-term president Barack Hussein Obama is a not-so-secret Marxist whose communist proclivities were carefully concealed from the American people. Brennan’s Marxist proclivities were out in the open since he had talked about voting for the Communist Party as a college student.

"It was Obama, as president, who had to approve Russia-gate. He also happened to be the president who tried to get Garland on the Supreme Court.

"Garland is a political fixer.". . .