Saturday, September 3, 2022


 #DarkBrandonRises - American Thinker

“Imagine thinking this was a good idea.” @joerogan

. . ."I assume the culprits are all too ashamed to admit they had a hand in this laughable, yet destructive regime. (Heck, I don’t blame them, I’d feel the same way).

"But then, Friday morning, I skimmed Twitter, and came across the hashtag #DarkBrandonRises, which was being used to share content in support of Biden’s freaky address. Below is some of what I found:

Republicans were not ready for 'Dark Brandon'-

 What we are seeing is their collective shock of having a Democrat call them out, sometimes by name, for their bulls***, fascist or otherwise. This is strong leadership and I am here for it.


Anyone who is Pro-Democracy isn’t triggered when the President calls out Fascists. Anyone who is Pro-Democracy wants a President to call out Fascists.


If you’re offended and angry at President Biden’s speech tonight, you should know you’re a facist [sic] and he was speaking directly to you.


Joe wasn’t my first choice, but damn if he isn’t giving me goosebumps now. *Whose side are you on?*

"Some of the users even shared the sinister image from above like it was a good thing.". . .

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