Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter, MSNBC-Style: Network's Facebook Page Features Crucifix Juxtaposed With Man Hooded in White

Newsbusters "Of all the images to accompany its Facebook feature on "Easter observances and celebrations from around the world," MSNBC chose the one displayed here."

Progressives can't get past the Knowledge Problem

Washington Examiner "...While we rightly fear a too-powerful government, this regulatory knowledge problem will ensure plenty of public stumbles and embarrassments, helping to remind people that those who seek to rule us really don't know what they're doing. If that doesn't encourage skepticism toward big government, it's hard to imagine what will." Glenn Harlan Reynolds

The Democrats' Fake Hate Crime

Mark Steyn "Isn't that what societies with functioning media used to call "a story"? Apparently not. As they did at Duke, the brain-dead press went along with it - and so, predictably enough, did much of the Republican leadership."

On This Day Of Miracles, Please Take Time To Pray For Our Heroes...

Weasel Zippers "May your burdens be lifted, your Faith restored, and your Soul strengthened by His Love. From my family to yours, Happy Easter." Video of our troops celebrating Easter in a Muslim Country.

Why seek ye the living among the dead?

Infidel Blogger

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Remembering the Holocaust

CNS News "At the end of the [Holocaust] museum tour is a section called “From Memory to Action: Meeting the Challenge of Genocide.” Its purpose is to direct the righteous anger and indignation (elicited from viewing the horrors of the Holocaust throughout the museum) from emotions to action. Thus, the display encourages visitors to fight modern genocides in the world. As you might’ve guessed, abortion is never mentioned." Kortney Blythe

An Easter People: The Centrality of the Resurrection

CNS News "Without the resurrection, the Christian religion would be cruelly deceitful. And far from being a great moral teacher, Jesus would be a malicious charlatan.During this Easter season, we do well to confront the claims of Jesus Christ. We should run with Peter and John to the tomb to see if it is really empty. If it is not, then we should grab all the gusto we can in order to anesthetize us from hopelessness and despair. If it is, we can sing “Alleluia!” for the curse has been broken, death has been defeated, and life eternal is available to those who believe." Ken Connor

Obama’s Stage Magic

Pajamas Media "Watching the Obama administration's energy policy is a lot like trying to learn stage magic. You have to learn to look where he doesn't want you to look."...."Consistently, the Obama administration’s “new” oil policy comes down to be taking existing reserves off the table and announcing permission to begin to start to explore for oil and natural gas, which if found won’t be leasable."

Amnesty International Comes Out of the Closet — Endorses "Defensive" Jihad

Andrew McCarthy "That Islamists reserve unto themselves the right to determine when Islam is, as they put it, "under siege," and when, therefore, forcible jihad is justified, is plainly of no concern — only actions America's self-defense are worthy of condemnation. This has long been obvious when it comes to such Leftist bastions as AI and Human Rights Watch. AI has now made the obvious explicit."

This Is Why He Came and Died

Breakpoint Audio by Charles Colson

Why We Fight

TNG " “Why We Fight” contains never before Released footage of the Afghanistan Special Forces, Strike Force Lion, who describe their own personal reasons why they continue to fight the war against terrorist threats within their country." H/T to Blackfive

The protection of Easter in Jewish Jerusalem

Washington Times "Better to take your celebration to Israel, where the government will assist your visit. It's the difference between Middle East and the cultural West, between the 8th and 21st centuries, between civilized and not-so-civilized. The Israeli guarantee of religious freedom, taken for granted in the nations of the West, is part of what invites hostility and belligerence from Israel's neighbors."