Monday, September 30, 2024

Cackling Kamala Harris LIES That World Leaders Are ‘Laughing’ at Donald Trump, but European Foreign Ministers Show She Couldn’t Be More Wrong

The Gateway Pundit | by Paul Serran 

. . ."But of course, no European nation has praised the success of Trump’s first term – and expressed hopes for a strong second term – as has Hungary. According to Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjártó, his government has ‘huge expectations’ for a new Trump administration." . . .

"Donald Trump is a great world leader with a wonderful sense of humor, but he knows that geopolitics are a consequential thing that he tackles with due seriousness – and unlike the worst VP in American history Kamala Harris, he is not in the habit of making a fool of himself.

"So when Cackling Harris ridiculously claims that world leaders are ‘laughing’ at Trump, it reveals a lot about herself.

"Sure enough, Foreign ministers from European nations with close U.S. ties immediately reacted to her comment, dismissing it.

"During the presidential debate, Harris said  that World leaders ‘are laughing at Donald Trump’. ‘I have talked with military leaders, some of whom worked with you, and they say you’re a disgrace’.

"But when asked about this absurd quote, foreign ministers that are in attendance dismissed any preference, and made it clear that they will work with whomever wins.

"Fox News reported:

" '‘We are friends of America’, Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said, noting Italy and the U.S. are ‘two sides of the same coin’. ‘If Trump will be the new president of America, we will work with him as we worked with him when he was president of America. We worked well with Biden, with Bush, with Reagan, with Clinton, with Obama’, Tajani added. ‘For us, the transatlantic relations are the key strategy of our foreign policy, Europe and America’.”

"Foreign minister for the Czech Republic, Jan Lipavsky stressed that he would not interfere in the election, saying ‘leave it to the American citizens to decide’.

"But he could not help but stress Trump’s ‘strong’ message of defense spending, one he hopes Europe would continue to embrace." . . .

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