Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A Thousand Lies

Warning Signs "In the meantime, though, Obama appoints hard-core socialists to positions of power throughout his administration. This is a time in which courage is required until America can be saved by November’s midterm elections. Are Republicans perfect? No, but they are not socialists." Alan Caruba.

US unveiling new, more restrictive nuclear policy

YahooNews "The U.S. officials said the administration's new policy would stop short of declaring that the United States would never be the first to launch a nuclear attack, as many arms control advocates had recommended. But it would describe the weapons' purpose as "primarily" or "fundamentally" to deter or respond to a nuclear attack."

Monday, April 5, 2010

Mike Ramirez cartoon


Looking for Democracy

Warning Signs "Presciently, Tocqueville wrote, “The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public’s money.” That day has arrived." Alan Caruba

Book Review: A God Who Hates, Wafa Sultan

Atlas Shrugs "The American saying ‘speak softly and carry a big stick,’ is, unfortunately, of no use when dealing with Muslims. It would be more appropriate to say (until we can change this way of thinking), ‘speak forcefully and carry a big stick’; otherwise you will be the weaker party and the loser. Democracy cannot spread in societies like these until the people who live in them have been reeducated, for they cannot function unless they are playing the role of the master or the slave.”

Santelli: $4 Gas, $150 Oil Coming This Summer

Newsbusters "However, according to Santelli, it's not inflation but a move by investors out of a potentially over-valued equities market that will cause a rise in commodities."

Massive Problems with Anti-Obama Allegations That Have Been Making the Rounds Recently

Volokh Conspiracy "A couple of people e-mailed me this story, which is apparently making the rounds in some conservative circles. I wanted to warn people away from this; it’s a mixture of error, unsupported rumor and speculation, linguistic gamesmanship, and innuendo suggesting some malfeasance in what is actually perfectly normal behavior. It’s wrong to fall for it and to recommend it to others. And it’s also counterproductive: it undermines your credibility for the actual substantive arguments that should be made against the Administration’s policies." The Tunnel Wall also ran the article in question. Please consider this our retraction; we have dropped our link to Blogprof as well and for the same reasons. We want readers to trust our sources.

Obama Appeals Court Nominee — Goodwin Liu – on Reparations for Slavery

Verum Serum "Frankly, given his long track record advocating for “restorative justice” of one sort of another, I do not see how his decision making could remain unbiased with any relevant cases that would come before him. As they inevitably would." 9th Circuit Court: Liu's soulmates. Surprise – Media Matters Distorts the Facts on Goodwin Liu Video "As you can see, Media Matters would have you believe that Liu’s statement that everybody must “give up something” as recompense for the injustice of slavery, was not an expression in support of reparations."

Political Cartoons by Chuck Asay


Undermining Our Faith

American Thinker " "What is it then that drives some intellectuals in free countries to hate their native land and wish for its annihilation?" - Eric Hoffer"

A Postmodern Presidency

Victor Davis Hanson "The modern age saw life and death civil rights marches and the commemoration of resistance to venomous racial oppression; the postmodern civil rights marches are staged events at the DC tea party rally, as elites troll in search of a slur, or Prof. Gates’s offer to donate his “cuffs” to the Smithsonian as proof of his racial “ordeal.” "

Pete Seeger Stops NY Nuclear Power Plant

Sweetness&Light "The decision is a blow to the plant’s owner, the Entergy Corporation, which now faces the prospect of having to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to build stadium-size cooling towers, or risk that Indian Point’s two operating reactors — which supply 30 percent of the electricity used by New York City and Westchester County — could be forced to shut down."