Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Blame Stream Media and the Sherrod Charade

Doug Giles, Townhall "You progressives have no viable answers for our vicious problems; your policies suck; your congressional approval ratings are lower than the teats on a pregnant dachshund; the president’s approval ratings are a close second; you’re losing voters in droves. So … what do you do? Scream racism! Blame, blame, blame. I can’t wait to hear Charlie Rangel blame Bush or some white dude for his career of corruption. You wait … it’s coming."

The Obama Tax Tsunami is Here

Heritage "The American people are already well aware of President Barack Obama's historic expansion of government spending: his $862 billion economic stimulus that has completely failed to keep unemployment below 8% as promised; his still-expanding health care law which the Congressional Budget Office now admits will cost more than $1 trillion; and an Obama budget that increases government spending by $12,000 per household. But all that spending is just the first half of President Obama's game plan."

Not Obama Is Not Enough

Victor Davis Hanson "We need some notion of a contracted agenda, so that conservative voters can hold conservative politicians to account in this age of anti-incumbency. Voters wanted closed borders, balanced budgets, ethical members of Congress, and less government between 2001 and 2006. They believed that all of that had been promised — and then were sorely disappointed.
"In short, conservative voters want to see something specific — as much to keep their own honest as to defeat the other."

Inspector General investigating Department of Interior report falsely claiming experts endorsed offshore drilling ban

Mark Hemingway  " "It is clear now more than ever that the government’s deepwater drilling decisions need to be guided by strong science, not partisan politics. If the Obama Administration purposefully manipulated the views of known experts on deepwater drilling and deceived the public, there should be serious consequences," Rep. Doc Hastings, R-Wash., the ranking Republican on the Natural Resources Committee, said in a statement. "The current moratorium on deepwater energy exploration is costing Americans their jobs and causing significant economic harm to a region that cannot afford more hardships." "

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Obama's Poll Numbers Down, Imaginary Racism Up

Ann Coulter "When the Rev. Jeremiah Wright scandal broke during the 2008 campaign, the first response of Spencer Ackerman of the Washington Independent was to demand that they start randomly picking conservatives -- "Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares -- and call them racists." Ackerman, frequent guest on MSNBC's "Rachel Maddow Show," continued on Journolist: "What is necessary is to raise the cost on the right of going after the left."

Gazastan fires Iranian made missile at Israel

Shawarma Mayor "Bombardment of Israeli civilians resumed today with continuing deafening silence from every world body and media outlet who are consumed with admonition of Israel at every chance they get."

Journolist: Limbaugh responds to JournoList death wish report

Byron York "As reported in the Daily Caller, Sarah Spitz, producer* of the KCRW public radio program “Left, Right and Center,” which is heard on a number of NPR stations across the country, wrote on JournoList that if she witnessed Limbaugh dying of a heart attack, she would “laugh loudly like a maniac and watch his eyes bug out." “I never knew I had this much hate in me,” Spitz wrote, according to the Daily Caller account. “But he deserves it.” "

New additions make for 107 Journolist names "Poster Buckeye Texan of Free Republic has posted an updated list of 107 names confirmed on Journalist, with organization identities provided:"...

Documents show media plotting to kill stories about Rev. Jeremiah Wright

Friday, July 23, 2010

The Smoking Gun For Media Bias : Journolist "Journolist has become a forum for lefty journalists to talk about how to push their progressive agenda on America, protect President Obama and hurt his foes. It is a safe-space for the often-vile expression of hatred toward conservatives and their ideas.
"It all came to light a few weeks ago when news broke that then-Washington Post writer David Weigel, hired to cover the conservative movement for the Post, had made disparaging comments about those he covered on Journolist."


Boortz" So ... now you might have a better idea why Obama can't quite figure out how to grow jobs in the private sector. He's a big-government president with a bit-government cabinet. When your cabinet is made up almost wholly of people with nothing but government experience with a sprinkling of academia behind them you have to know that the private sector is going to not only get short shrift .. but it's going to be pretty much abused or ignored. To Obama and his advisors the private sector exists to support and fund the federal government ... and little more.
"Welcome to the wonderful world of centrally planned economies."


Neal Boortz "If you want to know what is really going on .. just check out the people Obama has appointed to top environmental posts. These are people who's anti-capitalist credentials are every bit as strong as their love for Polar Bears and Gulf shrimp. Obama is taking advice from people who simply don't like the private sector and will do everything they can at every opportunity that presents itself to denigrate and harm the private economy."