Monday, July 26, 2010

Racism Or Stupidity?

 Walter E. Williams   "What about black youngsters who hit the books and study after school instead of hitting the streets? Sometimes they are ridiculed as being incog-negro or acting white and the ridicule is often accompanied with life-threatening physical violence. Many blacks, particularly black males, have arrived at the devastating conclusion that academic excellence is a betrayal of their black identity.
"The pathology seen among a large segment of the black population is not likely to change because it's not seen for what it is. It has little to do with slavery, poverty and racial discrimination. Let's look at it."...

Obama Will Skip Boy Scout 100 Year Anniversary Jamboree – Will Appear on “The View” That Day Instead

Gateway Pundit "The last three presidents spoke in person at the jamboree."
CNS News reported:

Liberal ‘Journalists’ to Avoid Like the Plague

Human Events "Some so-called journalists are so leftist or progressive, they completely reinvent and reinterpret facts of various events—what’s worse, they often do it in a snarky, holier-than-thou way making it near impossible to watch without feeling nauseous.Whether you want to call them journalists or propagandists, one thing is for sure: these five should be avoided like the plague:"...

 Journolist’s success in setting the message "Now, I seriously doubt that Brian Williams ever participated in Journolist, and it’s not exactly a shock to see a network news anchor use a Time Magazine article as the basis of analysis on a major story. However, it does show that Klein successfully turned a Journolist strategy into media coverage on Palin, which makes his lack of honesty in sourcing those talking points even more of an issue."

Chris Wallace Shows How to Deal with a Bully Named Howard Dean "Modern American leftism is, at heart, a culture of thugs and bullies who simply assert what they wish to be true and never let facts get in the way whatever ridiculous argument they are trying to make. Which is why it’s such a pleasure to see an honest newsman like Chris Wallace stand up to them:"

Hearing on Arizona immigration law begins

WaPo "A federal judge pushed back Thursday against a contention by the Obama Justice Department that a tough new Arizona immigration law set to take effect next week would cause "irreparable harm" and intrude into federal immigration enforcement."

Heavy liability could sink small oil drillers

Washington Times "One of the biggest of the big oil companies may be responsible for the worst environmental disaster in U.S. history, but Washington's response to the BP PLC spill would give an advantage to such major oil companies while threatening to put their small competitors out of business."

White House decries WikiLeaks' release of Afghan war documents (Updated)

LA Times "National Security Advisor James Jones says the disclosure could endanger lives and U.S. security. The N.Y. Times, which received early access, says the documents point to Pakistan-Taliban collusion."

WikiLeaks Unloads Classified Docs Showing Pakistan's Duplicity "The Times report – along with the public examination of the trove of WikiLeaks documents – will almost certainly reignite the public debate over the war in Afghanistan, and the Obama administration’s strategy there. The president’s already soft support in his own party will probably soften further. The key question is whether nervous Republicans will join them." Stephen F. Hayes, Weekly Standard.

US documents leaked online give inside look at war

Ellsberg:"Obama deceives the public"

An Admission of Failure

Heritage "It is established practice in Washington that if you have to release bad news, it is best to do it on a Friday ... the later in the day the better. So not only did the White House schedule the publication of the "Mid-Session Budget Review" for last Friday, but they then released it three hours late to ensure that as few reporters as possible were left in the nation's capital to cover it. But Heritage's dedicated budget team patiently waited the Obama administration out, and their analysis shows that this year's mid-session review is nothing short of a complete admission of failure of the White House's economic policies."

Meet the Ground Zero Mosque imam’s Muslim Brotherhood friends.

Andrew McCarthy  "Feisal Abdul Rauf is the imam behind the “Cordoba Initiative” that is spearheading plans to build a $100 million Islamic center at Ground Zero, the site where nearly 3,000 Americans were killed by jihadists on 9/11. He is also the author of a book called What’s Right with Islam Is What’s Right with America. But the book hasn’t always been called that. It was called quite something else for non-English-speaking audiences. In Malaysia, it was published as A Call to Prayer from the World Trade Center Rubble: Islamic Dawa in the Heart of America Post-9/11."
Emphasis added.

Obama's Soft-Core Socialism

Forbes "A comedian or satirist could not have come up with the recent scenario of Treasury Chief Timothy Geithner and other Administration officials suddenly trying to reassure corporate chieftains that the Obama Administration is pro business and loves free enterprise. A close and powerful Obama aide, Valerie Jarrett, sent ... a letter declaring: "While we may disagree on some issues, we have an open door and are always willing to consider input and ideas from everyone, including the business community." That's like Dracula saying he prefers bottled water to blood." Steve Forbes.


Boortz "They take comfort in the fact that if they fail, there will be no real consequences .. the government will be there to support them until they can earn just enough to be average again. But just in case, they will make sure to vote for whomever promises them that safety net - the looters. These are the politicians who build their careers around the demonization of wealth, success and hard-work. These politicians legitimize the moocher existence."

Oliver Stone: 'Jewish-Dominated Media' Prevents Hitler from Being Portrayed 'in Context'

Newsbusters  "The director also defended Hitler and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and railed against the "powerful lobby" of Jews in America.
"Stone said that his upcoming Showtime documentary series "Secret History of America," seeks to put Hitler and Communist dictator Joseph Stalin "in context." "

Journ-O-Lists Run Interference

Powerline Blog "Journalists have done all they can for the Obama administration, but their efforts are getting a little threadbare. Michael Ramirez depicts the relationship between the press and the administration..."