Monday, August 2, 2010

How will leaving Afghanistan help?

James Carafano "Russia also took the U.S. withdrawal as a signal to solidify a security belt around its borders. Its annexation of part of the state of Georgia sent tremors through all Europe.
"Russian expansionism and China's triumphalism inevitably led to renewed confrontations between these two powers. Meanwhile, India, living in an increasingly troubled neighborhood, abandoned its relationship with the U.S. and decided to follow China's lead."Examiner Columnist James Jay Carafano is a senior research fellow for national security at The Heritage Foundation

Barbara Boxer in Context

George Will (Responding to Boxer's words spoken in this clip )  "C-Span recorded her words in the Oct. 20, 1999, Senate colloquy that can be seen today on YouTube. The colloquy concerned the procedure commonly called “partial-birth” abortion. Boxer and other maximalists regarding the “right to choose” prefer the more anodyne but less descriptive phrase “late-term” abortion. Readers can decide which is the more candid denotation of this: The baby is about 80 percent delivered, feet first, until a portion of the skull is exposed. Then the skull is punctured and collapsed as its contents are sucked out."

Obama’s Real Problem

Victor Davis Hanson "According to a popular myth, President Obama’s declining poll numbers are a consequence of his failure to be liberal enough. On race, in the wake of the Shirley Sherrod mess, we are told he needs to appoint more African Americans and bring in more advisers from the black community. On the economy, liberal economists decry his unwillingness to borrow and stimulate more. This is lunatic in political terms.
"Obama’s poll numbers are falling for three reasons clear to any amateur student of politics."

Pic of the Day: Leftists Trashing American Flag in Arizona…

Weasel Zippers "Van Helsing from Moonbattery attended yesterday’s Rally for Secure Borders and Immigration Enforcement in Phoenix, Arizona. He posted this picture of leftist counter-protesters showing what they think of America by trampling on the flag spray painted with a Swastika."
More pictures at Moonbattery.  Plus these cartoons from Gary Varvel and Mike Ramirez at Townhall

"Day by Day" from Chris Muir

Ignore the fund-raising talk and scroll down to the comments.


Blackfive "Whoever leaked these documents has largely sentenced those men to death, which betrays the duty of a soldier to take risks unto himself in order to protect the civilian population. That leaker has betrayed more than his duty, though: for he has destroyed the intelligence network that protects his fellow servicemembers, and he has made it vastly more difficult to recruit a new such network."

WikiLeaks Aiding Collateral Murder "Hundreds of Afghan civilians who worked as informants for the U.S. military have been put at risk by WikiLeaks' publication of more than 90,000 classified intelligence reports which name and in many cases locate the individuals, The Times newspaper reported Wednesday....."

What I Saw at Moba Khan "The military reports highlighted by WikiLeaks don't provide a full picture of the war. "

Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Vast Left-Wing Media Conspiracy

FRED BARNES "Everyone knew most of the press corps was hoping for Obama in 2008. Newly released emails show that hundreds of them were actively working to promote him."....
"Not to say there's a media conspiracy, but at least to note that hundreds of journalists have gotten together, on an online listserv called JournoList, to promote liberalism and liberal politicians at the expense of traditional journalism." (Emphasis added.)

Most Ingenious Bumper Sticker of the Summer

May we assume the car isn't a Prius?

Israel warns Hamas after rocket fire

Townhall "Israel's prime minister issued a stern warning Sunday to Gaza's Hamas rulers after a weekend of rocket attacks from the Palestinian territory on Israeli communities. Benjamin Netanyahu told his Cabinet that Israel holds the Islamic militant group responsible for the rare flare-up in violence and would retaliate for any attack against its people."

State Dept. Assistant Secretary Declines to Address Concerns Over Perceived Decline in Bilateral Relations  From JINSA

State Workers Who Identified Illegal Aliens Face Criminal Charges

Canada Free Press "“We live in a topsy-turvey nation and this story should anger all Americans. Suddenly our nation is prosecuting patriots while protecting lawbreakers,” said a former NYPD police officer and private security firm owner."

Judge Bolton vs. Arizona

A New Perspective on Private Manning

Powerline "He is now in custody awaiting court martial. Manning worked in intelligence and was stationed for a time outside Baghdad. I have no insight into whether Private Manning is guilty or not; presumably the facts will come out in his court martial. I am struck, however, by the lack of curiosity the American press has shown about Private Manning."