Thursday, August 5, 2010


Neal Boortz "Well ... it would seem that the voters of Missouri have now seen what is in the bill ... and they don't like it; not even a little bit. There was a little vote in Missouri yesterday. Well, not quite so little if you're an ObamaZombie. About 70% of the Missouri voters supported a measure on the ballot that would prohibit the government from requiring people to buy health insurance or to penalize them for not buying it."

Obamacare Only Looks Worse Upon Further Review "...To fill this vacuum, Representative Kevin Brady of Texas, the top House Republican on the Joint Economic Committee, asked his staff to prepare a study of the law, including a flow chart  that illustrates how the major provisions will work.
"The result, made public July 28, provides citizens with a preview of the impact the health-care overhaul will have on their lives. It’s a terrifying road map that shows Democrats have launched America on the most reckless policy experiment in its history, the economic equivalent of the Bay of Pigs invasion."  Bloomberg Opinion
ObamaCare: A Tangled Knot Around America's Throat "Patients can be found near the bottom right corner. Remember them? They were supposed to be what the health care overhaul was all about. But they've been nudged, as almost an afterthought, to the fringe of this expanding universe."

The Show-Me State Sends a Message "While some commentators have suggested this was fueled by high Republican turnout, the results suggest otherwise. The measure passed in every county save one, heavily Democratic St. Louis City. It was approved by over 70 percent in virtually every county, and by 60-62 percent even in strongly Democratic counties such as Jackson, which includes Kansas City, Boone, which includes the University of Missouri, and St. Louis and St. Genevieve counties."

Legal Challenge to ObamaCare Passes First Hurdle "The administration position should also clarify, for some who previously didn’t understand, that only if the courts apply the Constitution and the mountain of precedent based upon it when dealing with governmental bullying can the republic persist."

JournoList and the Leftist Mentality

American Thinker "This new maturity of outlook has achieved the level of a standard of behavior in this country. It is well on its way to becoming part of the definition of what it is to be an American.
"...With one great exception, as we have seen here -- the American Left. Amid that group, mental tribalism exists in almost refined purity. It is commonplace among journalists, intellectuals, and academics: Their side wears the white robes and wields stainless blades. The other side -- no matter who they are -- are no more than Orcs and Morlocks. "
J.R. Dunn is consulting editor of American Thinker and will edit the forthcoming Military Thinker.

The Obama Horror Picture Show "Being a decent human being requires character. Too many on the Left think that if they simply support Obama, they're exempt from the rules of civility." A frequent American Thinker contributor, Robin [of Berkeley]is a recovering liberal and a licensed psychotherapist in Berkeley.

Illogical Immigration

Victor Davis Hanson  "The federal government is suing Arizona for the state’s efforts to enforce federal immigration law. The lawsuit alleges that Arizona is too zealous both in enforcing immigration law and in encroaching on federal jurisdiction.
"But wait — for years, several American cities have declared themselves sanctuary cities. City officials have even bragged that they would not allow their municipalities to enforce federal immigration statutes. So why does Washington sue a state that seeks to enhance federal immigration laws and yet ignore cities that blatantly try to erode them?"   Keep reading; it just gets better.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Annals of Government Medicine

Powerline "So far, our Annals have come from the United Kingdom, but this one is from Sweden. It suggests that the human spirit has not been entirely extinguished by decades of socialism. One Swede, at least, had the courage and presence of mind to sew up his own wound when no doctors or nurses were available:"...

On Demagoguing, Obama Should Look in the Mirror

David Limbaugh "Falsely accusing people of racism is essentially the same thing as racism. It's time for Obama and many other liberals to rise above their own categorical prejudice against conservatives and quit slandering them as racists and nativists. Then we can proceed to have a rational discussion on the issue of immigration."

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Gateway Pundit "All eyes will be on Missouri’s Proposition C results because it’s the first time voters in the country vote for or against the new federal health care law. Basically Proposition C would create a state law against federal mandates requiring people to buy health insurance."

Results coming in: Missouri voters tackle ObamaCare mandate in referendum; Update: 76% voting yes early "If you want to know which news item will be making Gibbs look constipated at tomorrow’s briefing, look no further. It’s the first time voters from any state have addressed the mandate at the polls. And things are looking good."

Why Are We Beginning to Hate Congress?

Victor Davis Hanson "Our self-absorbed Congress should start to reform, fast. Right now, the American people seem to think that the main purpose of holding congressional office is to boost egos and get rich later on — and in the process make the rest of us poorer."

Drill when? Drill where?

Point of View  "For the last few years, we have heard a chorus of citizens chanting: Drill here, drill now, pay less. That would make sense if you wanted to increase production of American-made energy and reduce our dependence on foreign oil. But even if we do so, we should acknowledge two fundamental facts."  Kerby Anderson

'The cornerstone of democracy rests on the foundation of an educated electorate': - Jefferson

American Thinker "Unfortunately, Americans are not well-informed about economics. If they were, they would have learned from the economic failures of socialism-in China, Cuba, Eastern Europe, and all of the other places where socialism took root-and elected a pragmatic leader who supports capitalist policies.
"Instead, they elected Obama, an ideologue who supports socialist policies that promote big government, class warfare, and redistribution of wealth."  Who was it that said we get the government we deserve?

Khamenei: Music not in tune with 'Islamic values'

Rick Moran "If you thought it impossible Iranian society could take any more steps backwards into the stone age of civilized development, I am sorry to bust your balloon:"...

The lame duck looms

Politico  "With dark warnings, GOP members of Congress and right-wing media figures are suggesting that the Democratic majority could use a post-election session of Congress to jam through tax increases, cap and trade, immigration reform and legislation making it easier for unions to organize workers. " JONATHAN MARTIN

The Lame Duck Session Could Get Lamer "There has been much concern about the Obama administration attempting to ram through various bills, such as Cap and Trade, after the November elections when Democrats will have no fear of influencing voters against them -- especially if they have just lost their election bid."