Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Iranians digging mass graves for our troops

Blackfive "The nice thing for them is that those will work just fine for their fellas the Israelis take out, in 3...2...1"  They know this video will make the American left quake in their boots. Er, sandals, that is

Teheran defies US Adm. Mike Mullen's contingency strike plan.  The US and Israel have said military force could be used if diplomacy fails to stop what they suspect is an Iranian nuclear weapons program.Jerusalem Post

Obama refuses letter on border security from Rick Perry

Hot Air "Assuming it was a snub, though, then the snubs are going both ways: Perry turned down an invitation for a high-level briefing from the National Security Council about the border because he “doesn’t need to meet with some more down-level staff people.” "

National debt is key 2010 campaign issue

Washington Examiner "...its sheer magnitude. In less than two years in the Oval Office, President Obama and the Democratic Congress led by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi have so increased federal spending that the national debt has skyrocketed from $9.3 trillion to $13.3 trillion. If the Obama-Reid-Pelosi policies remain in force, the debt will double to $26 trillion in a decade."

Friedman defends capitalism from another limousine liberal (video)

Neal Boortz "...But here's two and one-half minutes with Milton Friedman that didn't help Donahue all that much. Donahue slamming capitalism. Friedman defending. Have a look."

WHERE DO PEOPLE LIKE THIS COME FROM? "...the word "democrat" was an epithet which meant "one who panders to the whims of the masses." The answer to all of these questions will be a resounding "no." Much of the shredding of our constitution has been predicated on the will of the majority. We are quickly becoming a country of mob rule. Our schools could have been a positive source in instilling an appreciation for the concept of the rule of law in our children. Instead our teachers have been stooges of politicians intent on promoting the rule of the mob."

Economics illustrated

Monday, August 9, 2010

Democrats Bite Democrats , Parts one and two by Thomas Sowell

Democrats Bite Democrats "Their op-ed piece in the Wall Street Journal dealt with race, and it pulled no punches: "Rather than being a unifier, Mr. Obama has divided America on the basis of race, class and partisanship. Moreover, his cynical approach to governance has encouraged his allies to pursue a similar strategy of racially divisive politics on his behalf.""

Democrats Bite Democrats: Part II "When you take money from the taxpayers and spend it to rescue the jobs of one set of workers-- your union political supporters, in this case-- what does that do to the demand for the jobs of other workers, whose products taxpayers would have bought with the money you took away from them? There is no net economic gain to the country from this, though there may well be political gains for the administration from having rescued their UAW supporters."

Taliban Flog, Execute Pregnant Woman in Afghanistan

Weekly Standard "Make no mistake: This is exactly what the Taliban has in store for all women in Afghanistan. That isn't a statement on internal U.S. politics, it is the reality of the situation on the ground in Afghanistan. Just recall the images of Taliban atrocities against women during their rein from 1996 - 2001. Remember images of women executed at the soccer field in Kabul? Or women buried in the ground up to their heads? The Taliban has made a sport of murdering women in such manner. As today's execution in Badghis shows, little has changed since the Taliban was ousted from power in 2001."

Wikileaks doc leaker had a rough early life: NY Times

Rick Moran "This is something that the New York Times has perfected over the years; turning a perp into a victim.
Nothing really subtle about it. Instead of journalism, we get soap opera. Instead of analysis, we get an emotion-laden jag designed to elicit feelings of sympathy for someone who doesn't deserve it."

Muslims Speak Out Against the Ground Zero Mosque

Eileen F. Toplansky  "While Raza and Fatah "understand [Bloomberg's] and other liberals goodwill, they maintain that the "stand is based on ignorance and guilt, and [liberals] will never in their lives have to face the tyranny of Islamism that targets, kills and maims Muslims worldwide, and is using liberalism itself to destroy liberal secular democratic societies from within.""

It only took them 9 years to shut down Hamburg mosque where 9/11 plotter Atta worshiped  "The authorities in Hamburg said Monday that they had shut down the mosque there where several of the hijackers involved in the Sept. 11 attacks had met because it remained a source of radicalization nearly a decade later."

Ground Zero Mosque Imam: ‘They Feel the Need to Conflagrate’ "When asked whether the U.S. bears “ultimate responsibility” for “any reactions,” Rauf responds, “I wouldn’t say ultimate. It’s the one who leads in the dance.”"

Krauthammer on Michelle O: A vacation to Spain Is a “Bad Idea for a First Lady Who Literally Tells Us to Eat Our Spinach” (Video) And updated.

Gateway Pundit "As Mr. Obama asks, “How much money do you need, anyway?- After a certain point how much is too much?” To answer him: “A hell of a lot, if you want to gorge yourself on regular meals of fresh lobster and caviar!” " From the comments section.

Democrats: Voters are dumb

Washington Times "No matter what the spin, claiming government bureaucrats will make health care more efficient is as absurd as saying FedEx would be better if it were run by the Post Office."