Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Friedman defends capitalism from another limousine liberal (video)

Neal Boortz "...But here's two and one-half minutes with Milton Friedman that didn't help Donahue all that much. Donahue slamming capitalism. Friedman defending. Have a look."

WHERE DO PEOPLE LIKE THIS COME FROM? "...the word "democrat" was an epithet which meant "one who panders to the whims of the masses." The answer to all of these questions will be a resounding "no." Much of the shredding of our constitution has been predicated on the will of the majority. We are quickly becoming a country of mob rule. Our schools could have been a positive source in instilling an appreciation for the concept of the rule of law in our children. Instead our teachers have been stooges of politicians intent on promoting the rule of the mob."

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