Monday, August 16, 2010

The Enigma of Our Age

Victor Davis Hanson "In short, the great enigma of our postmodern age is how American society grew so wealthy and free to create so many residents that became so angry at the conditions that have made them so privileged — and how so many millions abroad fled the intolerance and poverty of their home country, and yet on arrival almost magically romanticize the very conditions in the abstract that they would never live under again in the concrete."

God Bless The Airborne!!!

Blackfive "US Army soldiers take rest during patrol in Baghdad suburb, Monday Nov. 17, 2003....."Ah, a paratrooper rendering the proper salute to the press. It brings tears to my eyes...
"Airborne! All the Way!"

Dictionary of liberal words and phrases

Neal Boortz Keep this handy when listening to any liberal who is speaking to the press. Using this dictionary, see if you can find a referenced word in the screenshot below. We will not grade you; this is simply pass/fail.

The Obama Mosque

Neal Boortz "Wow. Is this guy sharp or what? Am I the only one getting a bit weary of Obama bringing his community organizer mentality to the podium of the White House? The issue has never been whether or not Muslims have the right to build a Mosque - community center - or whatever they chose to call it. The issue has been WHERE they want to build it. Obama made this statement in the presence of some of this country's most influential Muslims. This was an opportunity for him to address the sensitivity Americans have to the building of this Mosque on the site of a building damaged by the 9/11 attacks ... a site just two blocks from Ground Zero. Obama could have simply said something like this:"...

Hamas Founder Backs Ground Zero Mosque "Well, this is yet another thing that Mr. Obama and Hamas agree on.
"Indeed, just like Hamas, Mr. Obama believes Muslims should be allowed to build a mosque at Ground Zero, but that Israelis cannot be permitted to build houses on their own land."

Celebrating American Immigrants

Townhall "If people want to help illegal immigrants become American citizens, support their return to their country of origin. Help them secure employment and support their legal efforts to become an American immigrant. Let them earn that right the old fashioned way, by getting in line, making their case and respecting the laws of the country they wish to join. A blanket amnesty is an insult to those immigrants who have waited and faithfully played by the rules."

Death, Taxes and the Failure of Obamanomics

Heritage "Laura Tyson, a member of the President’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board, called for even more of the same tried-and-failed Obamanomics stimulus policies, when asked how to get the economy moving faster:
We have to continue to do everything we can to stimulate demand in the economy… Invest in people. Invest in infrastructure. Invest in knowledge,” she said. “Invest, invest, invest is really what we must do.
“Invest, invest, invest” is Obamaspeak for “spend, spend, spend,” which the White House and the Pelosi-Reid Congress have done plenty of already, to no great effect.

When people from the government say they must "invest" more, hang on to your wallet.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Liz Cheney’s 3 Minute Destruction of Obama’s Foreign Policy

Liberty Pundits "Cheney is far and away the most effective, persuasive Republican on the issue of national security. And, as noted by Ben Smith, she is sounding more and more like a candidate. Just let me know where to send the check."

American Socialists Release Names of 70 Congressional Democrats in Their Ranks

Gateway Pundit The Socialist Party of America announced in their October 2009 newsletter that 70 Congressional democrats currently belong to their caucus. This admission was recently posted on Socialist Voter–
Q: How many members of the U.S. Congress are also members of the DSA?
A: Seventy
Q: How many of the DSA members sit on the Judiciary Committee?
A: Eleven: John Conyers [Chairman of the Judiciary Committee], Tammy Baldwin, Jerrold Nadler, Luis Gutierrez, Melvin Watt, Maxine Waters, Hank Johnson, Steve Cohen, Barbara Lee, Robert Wexler, Linda Sanchez [there are 23 Democrats on the Judiciary Committee of which eleven, almost half, are now members of the DSA]. The country's in the very best of hands.

Obama visits the Gulf coast

J.A. Jackson , AT   "Maybe I should feel honored that the President of the United States spent the night less than 20 miles from my home, but I do not. Maybe I should feel some connection to him now that his feet touched the beautiful white beaches that I have walked since my childhood, but I cannot. Last night he ate of the bounty of my land and I should be grateful to share, but I simply did not.
"I cried when I saw Marine One take off from Tyndall Air Force Base yesterday morning, not because I was proud, but because I was not proud. As an American, that is a difficult thing to believe...that I could ever not be proud of my president. And it hurts."

The Ultimate Culture War: the Left vs. the War on Terror

Jennifer Rubin "If nearly every reasoned step to defend ourselves against Islamic extremists flies in the face of liberal dogma, we are presented with a choice: take reasoned and legally defensible steps to defend ourselves (by cutting off the means by which radicals spread jihadism) or capitulate to the left’s dogma and let the consequences — and the American people — be damned. Obama has made his choice, and Americans should make theirs."  This must be how the Israelis feel when they have to go after enemy rocket launch sites.

The Toxicity of Tolerance

Commentary Magazine " “It goes without saying that tolerance is a value to which we should all be deeply committed.” Does it? Tolerance is not, in fact, a value at all. If Sue tolerates a kindly bore during a brief conversation is she employing the same moral standard as Tom who tolerates a stoppable violent crime in his presence? Moreover, does this standard qualify as one to which we should all be deeply committed?" Abe Greenwald