Monday, August 16, 2010

The Obama Mosque

Neal Boortz "Wow. Is this guy sharp or what? Am I the only one getting a bit weary of Obama bringing his community organizer mentality to the podium of the White House? The issue has never been whether or not Muslims have the right to build a Mosque - community center - or whatever they chose to call it. The issue has been WHERE they want to build it. Obama made this statement in the presence of some of this country's most influential Muslims. This was an opportunity for him to address the sensitivity Americans have to the building of this Mosque on the site of a building damaged by the 9/11 attacks ... a site just two blocks from Ground Zero. Obama could have simply said something like this:"...

Hamas Founder Backs Ground Zero Mosque "Well, this is yet another thing that Mr. Obama and Hamas agree on.
"Indeed, just like Hamas, Mr. Obama believes Muslims should be allowed to build a mosque at Ground Zero, but that Israelis cannot be permitted to build houses on their own land."

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