Monday, November 1, 2010

Democrats want to take over IRAs and 401k's

Democratic leaders in the U.S. House discuss confiscating 401(k)s, IRAs "This is the confiscation.
"First take away the advantage of 401(k)'s and IRA's.
"Create a new and mandatory retirement system.
"Swoop in and take over the failing 401k and IRA fund managers to save the individual accounts and put them under government administration."

Huge See, I Told You So from 2008: Democrats Try To Take Your 401(k)  "The unions are behind this. You might say, "Why? Why are the unions pushing this?" Very simple. The average union pension plan right now is only 62% funded -- and that's way below the point at which the government considers a pension plan endangered. So there are estimates that suggest unions' multiemployer pension plans are underfunded by $165 billion and could be on the verge of collapse, because all the money the union guys think is stashed away for them has been spent. The Reverend Jackson years ago talked raiding pension accounts for "social justice." The union leaders see these retirement security ideas like GRAs as vehicles as a back-door pension bailout:"  Rush Limbaugh Background links included.

Should Government Take Over Your 401(k)? Prophecy from 2008   "Reports have surfaced in recent days over House Democrat attempts to make significant changes to 401(k) plans in our country. They first want to remove the tax break we currently receive by contributing funds to a 401(k) plan. Then, they wish to enroll everyone into a government run retirement plan where you would be required to put away 5% of your income to earn a 3% return. Let’s look at why this is likely to happen.
"First, there are two reasons why I think that this is going to happen (assuming Obama is elected President)."

Reid loss could reopen nuke debate

Politico  "And without a senior Nevada lawmaker in position to fend off Yucca’s supporters, the project could have new life.
"A Yucca kick-start would be welcome news to the nuclear industry and pro-nuclear lawmakers who see the lack of a long-term repository as a roadblock for what they foresee as a U.S. nuclear renaissance."

 Nuclear Power Now "Unfortunately, the voting public has been victimized by forty years of misinformation regarding the safety of nuclear power. The graphs on nuclear energy showing it to be safe, economical, and in our national interest are countered by anti-nuclear activists using fear tactics to frighten the electorate into inaction."

Solutions for Sanity

Heritage   "“It is no coincidence that our present troubles parallel and are proportionate to the intervention and intrusion in our lives that result from unnecessary and excessive growth of government,” Reagan said in January 1981. “It is my intention to curb the size and influence of the Federal establishment and to demand recognition of the distinction between the powers granted to the Federal Government and those reserved to the States or to the people."

Sunday, October 31, 2010

On the road again; blogging routine changes

Early Monday morning, the Tunnel Dwellers hit Interstate 40 for the left coast. Next blogs will be posted in the evenings until later in the week and this may be nice in some ways; events of the day may have fresh commentary. But we still prefer to post in the morning and will do so when we can.

The Policies That Keep Us Safe

Max Boot  "Give Obama credit for breaking his campaign pledges and essentially adopting the Bush approach. And of course, give Bush credit for weathering years of abuse from Senator Obama and other critics to hang tough and institute policies that have helped keep us safe."

Anchorage CBS Affiliate Caught on Voicemail Conspiring Against Alaska’s GOP Senate Candidate

Big Journalism  "Clearly the reporters were conspiring to set up some type of smear of Joe Miller. With glee, they even cite a recent controversy over an incident involving the Rand Paul campaign, while discussing how they would spread the story via social media after whatever incident they had in mind came off. It also brings to mind another recent episode that ended with Jerry Brown’s California gubernatorial campaign being caught up in controversy when someone from Brown’s camp called Brown’s opponent, Republican Meg Whitman, a “whore.”"

Plot still thickening in Alaska, but not as much as ABC news claims   "It's possible that there are influential Republicans in Washington who are rooting for Murkowski, either because they like her or because they think Miller may be difficult to work with. But there's no reason to believe that the focus on attacking McAdams stems either from any belief that Miller can't win or any preference that he not do so."

Heilemann and O'Donnell: Obama Will Demonize Victorious Republicans Just Like Clinton Did

Newsbusters "And the liberal media blame Republicans for the toxic political tone in the nation. "

In The Senate, The Die Is Not Cast

Cook Political Report  "One week out and there is a distinctly bifurcated look to this 2010 midterm election. On the House side, the Republican wave still looks large and powerful while in the Senate, the situation appears much cloudier and more uncertain.
"My cautious side argues for Republicans to gain seats comparable to the 1994 tidal wave, when Republicans picked up eight Senate seats and 52 House seats on election night — more added with subsequent party switches.
"But there is a potential, particularly in the House, for that to go much larger. "

Liberty Institute Resources for Voters

Help for voters  "How do I find my district/races?
"To find your district and election races, please visit the Action Center and fill out the appropriate information."

Issues  "All across the country, your freedoms are under attack. Sometimes the attacks are obvious, such as the attack on free speech in a possible revival of the Fairness Doctrine, but some are more subtle, like hate crimes legislation which limits free speech while creating an entire new class of crime penalizing thoughts instead of actions.
"Liberty Institute looks at these attacks, and works to make sure that your values are upheld and your freedoms preserved. We work in the courts, legislature, media, and culture to combat these attacks head-on. Join us in the fight to protect freedoms and strengthen families.
"Click any of the terms on the left to find out more about how your freedoms are under attack and what you can do to stop it."

Obamination: Terror & Treason

Crusaders Armory "I learned through Red White Blue News, that President Barack Hussein Obama spoke yesterday about the bombs shipped from Yemen.  I selected three paragraphs from that speech because they contain al-Taqiyya requiring exposure & refutation.  Use the link above if you want to read the whole speech in context; the video is embedded below."....
  "Terrorism is not a function of poverty, insecurity, idleness or geography; it is doctrine driven.  The doctrines which drive Islamic terror are contained in the Qur'an & hadith." 

Obama’s Islamic Appeasing Tour Continues

LogansWarning  "The president, who lived in Indonesia for four years as a child, plans to deliver a speech in Jakarta following his visit to the mosque. White House Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest said Mr. Obama plans to “talk about some of the themes of democracy and development and our outreach to Muslim communities around the world, while also speaking of Indonesia’s pluralism and tolerance as well.” "  Tolerance?   

What Kind Of Person Posts A Tweet Like This?

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion  "The same kind of person responsible for running (and still defending) the Christine O'Donnell "one night stand" story. "

"There is a sickness in our media, and Gawker is one of its primary homes."