Thursday, April 4, 2019

Tucker’s Show CRUSHES CNN’s Complete Prime Time Cabal – CNN Reacts

Instead of looking for ways to win back more market share, or win back the public’s trust, CNN looked for ways to sabotage their competitors, using the help of totalitarian partisan hacks at Mediaite with a history of bullying advertisers connected to anybody that isn’t Left of Lenin.

Clash Daily  "Tucker isn’t just ‘beating’ the competition, he’s beating them like a rented mule.
"And we love it.
"It couldn’t happen to a more pathetic pack of petulant punks.
"In normal business practices, you would evaluate your product and your market and see if changes need to be made. But CNN isn’t subject to ‘normal’ business practices are they?"Naw. They serve a higher call, they’re Agents of Change, don’t you know! Part of the #Resistance!
"Helter Stelter came up with excuses for why Fox was winning the ratings battle in such a terribly lopsided fashion:
I am now open to the idea that Brian Stelter is trolling ALL of us. He literally said there hasn't been much news this week and that's why ratings are down.
"He thinks that last week was a “Slow news week.” Sorry to break it to ya, but the only thing ‘slow’ during last week’s news cycle where the paid employees of CNN and MSNBC.
"No, it’s not that Anderson Cooper is about as inspiring as plain white rice, or that Lemon can hardly finish a sentence without saying the word ‘racist’.
"It’s not that you’ve had stories proven wrong again and again and again. Or that you guys had probably-headed-for-prison Michael Avenatti as a regular guest and the Mueller Probe came up empty. No, it’s a ‘slow news week’." . . .

 Another case of CNN's hard-hitting journalism and speaking nonsense to power:
CNN Reporter Asks Obama: Are GOP Candidates "Uninformed, Out Of Touch, Or Irresponsible?".   Wait for the "It's not who we are"'s coming.

It’s SAD TO SEE 2020 Dems KISSING Sharpton’s… A--


"If he beckons, they all come — the Democratic presidential field, that is, to bow down and pay homage to Al Sharpton.
"No fewer than 12 members of the 2020 pack will show up this week for the four-day National Action Network convention, where The Rev is holding court.
"That Sharpton — with his decades-long dubious record of racial incitement, demagoguery, corporate shakedowns, tax liens and other fiscal shenanigans — can summon Democrats like lemmings with the snap of his fingers is a deeply depressing sign of how low that party has sunk.
"An added irony: Even as Joe Biden, Kirsten Gillibrand et al. are embarked on “apology tours,” to beg forgiveness for various centrist “blots” on their records, they’re all flocking to pose with someone who has never apologized for a single misdeed.
"Sure, the national media tell us that Sharpton is now “mainstream.” Thank President Barack Obama (who wanted to shunt the Rev. Jesse Jackson to the side) and MSNBC for giving him a national platform.
"But nothing else about Sharpton has changed over the decades (save his weight). As The Post has long reported, corporations have shelled out millions over the years to buy his influence — or, more often, his silence.
"One especially memorable moment: The daughter of Eric Garner, whose death during a confrontation with police sparked Sharpton-led protests, was caught on video acknowledging The Rev is all “about this” — while rubbing her fingers to indicate money.
"Last December, as The Post reported, Sharpton “sold” the rights to his life story to his own charity for $531,000, a deal one tax expert says “makes me want to roll my eyes” because it has “so much potential for funny business.”
"Ever since the Tawana Brawley hoax, Sharpton has been all about just one thing: the glorification and enrichment of Al Sharpton. And that’s what all those candidates are promoting when they show up to kiss his . . . ring.
"The Democrats are Al Sharpton’s party now, and they only have themselves to blame.

Alyssa Milano seeking the cameras again

Recall her publicity shots at the expense of Judge Kavanaugh and, of course, his wife and two daughters?
Admired Hollywood heroine
Deplored by Hollywood

It may be time for CNN to change formats

Silvio Canto, Jr.  "Who remembers Headline News?  It used to be very popular years ago.  As I recall, it was a 30-minute news segment 24 hours a day.
"My suggestion is that CNN should revive that format and drop the opinion shows.  Why?  Because no one is watching its current lineup.
"This is a remarkable story about viewership at CNN:
Tucker Carlson's Fox News show earned more viewers last week than all of CNN's primetime line up combined, reports the Daily Wire's Ryan Saavedra.
This has to be a bitter pill for CNN.  For years now the far-left network has done everything in its power to bring Carlson down. 
By any measure, CNN has conducted what can only be described as a straight up, deliberate demonization campaign.
Cartoon added by TD
CNN has also participated in the effort to have Carlson blacklisted by advertisers due to his right-of-center political beliefs.  Since the fake news outlet cannot beat Carlson in the ratings, it is hoping to drive him off the air through McCarthyism.
"I guess it's Tucker: 1 and CNN: a big zero!
"Let me disclose that I don't get to watch Tucker that often because of other commitments.  I do catch some of his interviews on the website, and he's always struck me as a pretty serious guy.
"These numbers are more about CNN than Tucker.  Sadly, CNN has gone off the rail trying to compete with MSNBC for the leadership of the Trump Derangement Syndrome Club.
"Change format or die.  It's about that simple for CNN."
Ratings for CNN and MSNBC continuing to crash, as viewers migrate to Fox News prime time

Lara Logan calls out CNN anchors Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo: 'Are these opinion shows or news programs?'  "Former CBS News journalist Lara Logan has taken aim at two CNN primetime hosts. Logan, a former “60 Minutes” reporter, criticized Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo for not clearly stating whether they are journalists or “opinion hosts.” “My concern as a journalist is trying to figure out what the facts are and trying to figure out what people are actually representing and what they’re trying to do in the election,” Logan said during “Hannity” on Wednesday night. “As journalists, it seems to me, our job is to do that." . . .

Democrats Court Al Sharpton; Ignore Past of Racism, Antisemitism, Incitement


"Democratic presidential candidates are descending on New York City to court Al Sharpton at his National Action Network (NAN) convention this week, ignoring Sharpton’s long history of racism, antisemitism, and incitement. 
"All of the major declared candidates for the 2020 Democratic nomination — and some potential candidates — are attending Sharpton’s conference, a remarkable fact at a time when many are also voicing concerns about extremism.

. . .  "The candidates are using the event to pander to black voters, as O’Rourke did in endorsingreparations.
"But Sharpton is so radical that then-Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) did not want his endorsement when he ran in 2008. But when black activists began criticizing President Obama from the left, Obama urned to Sharpton for help.
"Rehabilitated by Obama and the left-wing media, Sharpton reinvented himself as a political kingmaker in the Democratic Party.
"But the candidates vying for Sharpton’s support must overlook a controversial record, as Breitbart News has noted:" . . .

Robert Francis O’Rourke jumps on the ‘slavery reparations’ bandwagon  "Add the fake Hispanic running for president to the list of Democrat lemmings rushing toward the cliff of so-called reparations for slavery. Robert Francis O’Rourke, whose charisma has been sufficient to convince the Associated Press (the most pervasive purveyor of news to Americans) that Spanish is his “native language”, must by now believe that he can sell anything to anyone. He uses the con man approach when he promises to establish a commission to ”study” the reparations (Sheila Jackson Lee’s idea), allowing a pander to blacks who want free money, while allowing plausible deniability and a complete fudge on the critical details (for instance, do Vietnamese boat people immigrants have to pay money to recent immigrants from Jamaica?)" . . . Think about that last phrase a bit and you'll catch on. TD
Image by Timothy Bishop
Beto O'Rourke Is the Candidate For Vapid Morons

The Chimichanga candidate: "I see him as a chimichanga, a U.S.-born invention of something that then gets passed off as authentically Mexican"

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

The Media: Yellow Journalism Once More

"Yellow journalism and the yellow press are American terms for journalism and associated newspapers that present little or no legitimate well-researched news while instead using eye-catching headlines for increased sales. Techniques may include exaggerations of news events, scandal-mongering, or sensationalism. By extension, the term yellow journalism is used today as a pejorative to decry any journalism that treats news in an unprofessional or unethical fashion." . . .
 Publishers Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst are both attired
 as the 
Yellow Kidcomics character of the time, and are competitively
claiming ownership of the war in 1898
 Barrage of lawsuits shows media at rock bottom The state of American journalism today has hit rock bottom — and if takes a barrage of hefty lawsuits against “Hate Trump” outlets like CNN and The Washington Post to fix the #FakeNews epidemic that’s tearing our country apart, then so be it.
ake WaPo and CNN: both are being sued for $250 million by Covington High School student Nicholas Sandmann who along with classmates on a school trip to D.C. in Janurary were smeared by these outlets and others pushing a political narrative.
In an interview on Fox News, Sandmann’s attorney L. Lin Wood told host Mark Levin, “CNN was probably more vicious in its direct attacks on Nicholas than The Washington Post. And CNN goes into millions of individuals’ homes. It’s broadcast into their homes.”
. . . 
"CNN’s coverage on the incident was part of a social media firestorm, destroying the teens reputations by painting them as racists who don’t respect people of color or veterans who risked their lives for the country. The backlash was so intense the boys were subjected to death threats and Covington High School had to be closed for “safety concerns” following the incident.
"Then the truth emerged the Native American man, Nathan Phillips, wasn’t a “war hero,” that he never served in Vietnam despite the media’s portrayal of him. Then evidence surfaced that the boys didn’t accost Phillips — that he was the one who confronted them, instigating the provocation." . . .

A new special counsel should be appointed; "Now it’s time to investigate the investigators."

Boston Herald  "It’s become abundantly clear there was a conspiracy waged against a sitting U.S. president now that the Robert Mueller investigation has confirmed the Russia collusion hoax was just that — a hoax — manufactured by a witches’ brew of Democrats including Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign, the Democratic National Committee, Obama deep state officials and a complicit media seeking to derail the Trump administration.
"The interference began as an attempt first to “stop Trump” from getting elected, as former FBI agent Peter Strzok said in a text message, since uncovered, to his lover during the 2016 election. When that failed, Trump’s enemies attempted to delegitimize and ultimately remove a duly-elected president.
"Now we learn that after an exhaustive 22-month special counsel probe, there was no collusion between Donald Trump or his campaign with Russia. You can bet if there was any criminal wrong-doing, Mueller and his henchmen would’ve found it and brought indictments.
"The question now becomes, when is House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff’s raid coming? How about predawn arrests for former FBI Director James Comey, former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, Strzok, former FBI lawyer Lisa Page, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, former CIA spook John Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and other Obama administration deep state officials who partook in the conspiracy to nullify a U.S. presidential election?
"Will these corrupt actors who sowed enormous discord and distrust our democracy be treated the same as Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, lawyer Michael Cohen and adviser Roger Stone, who were subjected to heavy-handed raids by the feds at their homes and offices?" . . .

The Doctor’s Bill Comes Due; Having weathered the Russian frame-up, the Republicans must now produce a health-care plan.

Conrad Black

"The Democrats and most of their media hallelujah chorus are still sanctimoniously congratulating themselves for showing such vigilance over Russia’s impact on the election. The more impetuous are denouncing the attorney general, William Barr, as a flimflammer, and the more imaginative are trying to make the flying broad jump to health care. Here the president’s supporters are often also disconcerted that he has raised the issue. This may be unfair to some of them, but it is easy to get the impression that they think that since all the administration has been able to do is repeal the coercive part of Obamacare, they should leave it at that.

"The fact that Texas was successful in getting a judicial declaration of the unconstitutionality of what remains of the Affordable Care Act requires the federal government to defend the (federal) law in question before the Supreme Court — or not. There seems to have been some disagreement in the Trump cabinet about this. But the administration, which was partly elected to “repeal and replace” Obamacare and was badly failed by the Republican leaders in the Congress, cannot now profess to uphold the remnants of that legislation against the Republican governor and legislature of Texas, the most populous Republican state.

"A moron can see that nothing will pass Congress before the election unless a few compromises could be made in areas of shared interest, such as infrastructure, but the Republicans can’t go back to the country with no health-care proposal at all. The Democrats are stuck with Obamacare. Most people don’t like it even without the coercive feature. The promise to keep your plan and doctor, and the promise of steady fees, were all lies, and tens of millions of Americans remember that. They also remember the hypocrisy of the Republicans in Congress, who voted many times for repeal of Obamacare when they knew President Obama would veto their measures but chickened out when President Trump proposed repeal." . . .

‘Medicare for All’ vs. ‘Medicare for Less’?  . . . " 'Free” medical care vs. pushing granny off the cliff. For progressives, it doesn’t get any better.

"Or more misleading. On closer examination, most of the Medicare savings contained in the president’s budget would not adversely affect beneficiaries, and some would likely save them money. But Republicans are nevertheless vulnerable to the Medicare for All vs. Medicare for Less meme, because of their own reluctance to offer a credible alternative to the health-care status quo after losing the House in the 2018 elections.
"As even the New York Times has observed, it’s misleading to claim that the Trump budget would harm Medicare beneficiaries. Consider hospital uncompensated care. Medicare currently makes payments to hospitals for uncompensated care they provide to non-Medicare patients. The administration proposes to remove this spending from Medicare and fund it instead through a separate program. That shift would save Medicare $183 billion over ten years." . . .

To sense danger, learn to read facial signs of those approaching you.

Constitutional amendment introduced to abolish the Electoral College


Hat tip: Dallice Hand
"A campaign to get rid of the Electoral College is picking up steam. Sen. Brian Schatz of Hawaii, along with fellow Democratic Senators Dick Durbin, Dianne Feinstein and Kirsten Gillibrand, introduced a constitutional amendment Tuesday to abolish the Electoral College.
" 'In an election, the person who gets the most votes should win. It's that simple," Schatz said in a statement. "No one's vote should count for more based on where they live. The Electoral College is outdated and it's undemocratic. It's time to end it."
"Other top Democrats, including presidential candidates Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Sen. Cory Booker and Pete Buttigieg, have also said the Electoral College should be scrapped. The concept has gained in popularity after both Al Gore and Hillary Clinton lost their respective presidential elections despite winning the popular vote.
"Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia Center for Politics, said it could happen again in the future.
" 'It's likely that if anything, the incidents of the popular vote being disregarded by the Electoral College will be increasing during the 21st century. Why? Because of the concentration of Democratic votes in a smaller number of states," Sabato told CBSN. "They may be big states like New York and California. But when you put all the electoral votes together, Democrats will have more trouble reaching 270 [electoral votes] than they will winning the popular vote.' " . . .

‘You mad bro?’ AOC responds to Tucker Carlson calling her a nasty, self-righteous moron by behaving like one

BPR  "During an MSNBC-hosted town hall last Friday, seemingly un-self-aware socialist congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez lectured the audience about why they should abstain from attacking their political opponents with name-calling. Five seconds later, she attacked her political opponents with name-calling by smearing the multiracial Tea Party as xenophobic and racist.

Cartoon added
"Three days later on Fox News, “Tucker Carlson Tonight” host Tucker Carlson gave the hypocritical congresswoman a taste of her own medicine by labeling her a “nasty,” “self-righteous” and “awful” “moron.” In response, AOC doubled down on her sanctimony and hypocrisy.
" 'When someone called a fmr Republican Congressman a ‘moron’ at our televised town hall, I shut it down immediately — bc I believe our policies can win on merit, & can be improved w/ productive discourse. You know we’re winning when the GOP resort to vapid, personal insults,” the stunningly un-self-aware congresswoman tweeted early Tuesday morning." . . .

. . . "Schilling wasn’t wrong about AOC being a hidden blessing. The more she speaks, the further her favorably ratings drop. According to a Quinnipiac poll released last Thursday, she currently boasts a net NEGATIVE 13 overall approval rating. Not good. Not good at all.

"From touting radical ideas to continually acting hypocritical, sanctimonious and egotistical — it was only about a month ago that she told everyone who disagrees with her to shut up because she’s “the boss” and the words of people “shouting from the cheap seats” is irrelevant — AOC is doing a wonderful job destroying her own brand. Apparently, self-destruction comes easy to “awful” people. Who knew!?"

The purging of Biden is instructive

Don Surber  . . . 'This particular story is go-to-jail stuff but Biden is a protected grifter, just like Hillary.
"The Hill reported, "In his own words, with video cameras rolling, Biden described how he threatened Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in March 2016 that the Obama administration would pull $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees, sending the former Soviet republic toward insolvency, if it didn’t immediately fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin."
. . . 
"The Hill reported, "But Ukrainian officials tell me there was one crucial piece of information that Biden must have known but didn’t mention to his audience: The prosecutor he got fired was leading a wide-ranging corruption probe into the natural gas firm Burisma Holdings that employed Biden’s younger son, Hunter, as a board member.
" 'U.S. banking records show Hunter Biden’s American-based firm, Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC, received regular transfers into one of its accounts — usually more than $166,000 a month — from Burisma from spring 2014 through fall 2015, during a period when Vice President Biden was the main U.S. official dealing with Ukraine and its tense relations with Russia."
"There's your obstruction of justice, comrade." . . .

"I get the feeling there is something more secret than this on Biden."

Surber suspects Obama.

Cartoons from The Week