Friday, April 12, 2019

When will this nightmare end? . . .

. . . "What will it take? Another two years? Another 19 hardened Democrat lawyers and 40 professional staffers? Another 500 witnesses? Another 50 million dollars spent, 2,800 subpoenas, 500 search warrants?" . . .  ". . . The real collusion was Democrat collusion, starting with Steele's phony and salacious dossier, filled with falsehoods and a moving curtain of lies invented by the Russian FSB (AKA KGB), purchased with Clinton's $165,000 passed through a DNC Washington law firm to fool  FISA judges four times to bring innocent citizens to their knees and financial ruin.  A DOJ and FBI infiltrated by rogue high-ranking officials who were committed to doing anything in their power to change an election, and if that plan failed, they planned an "insurance policy" to have Trump impeached at worst or impeded and powerless at best." . . .

During the Obama administration was when it first dawned on me that America had become
a banana republic, putting third-world politicians into high office.TD

Rich Terrell
AG Barr: “Spying Did Occur” on the Trump Campaign  . . . "Given the players here (see also: Former FBI Director Comey, Former FBI Deputy Director McCabe, and Former FBI Agent Strzok), an investigation into the investigation will likely not bode well for those afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome.
"Trump fired back, calling the “illegal investigation” a “phony and treasonous hoax.' ”

The Day of Reckoning Is at Hand  
. . . "Coming from Barr, a most measured and serious man, this explosive testimony portends a bleak future for all those FBI, Department of Justice, and intelligence community operatives who used their official positions and enormous — bordering on limitless — governmental powers to undermine the presidential campaign of Donald Trump, and, failing that, to undo the results of the 2016 election. So it is that Barr’s description of the possibility of such political surveillance as a “big deal” is understatement of the first order. As “big deals” go, the stakes couldn’t be any higher.

"On cue, the Democrats and their wholly owned mainstream media subsidiary have tried to dull the impact of Barr’s testimony. One bedraggled party flak claimed on network television that, since Barr merely thought spying had occurred, he had not confirmed that it had really, truly and actually happened. And, resorting to the left’s default position on all things Trump, Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin has called for Barr’s impeachment. " . . .

Focus on the Leaking, Not Just the Spying  . . . "Schiff should recalibrate his umbrage. Trump will be president until at least 2021. If Democrats see no problem with the anonymous disclosure of elements of ongoing counterintelligence investigations, or the fruits of surveillance, what is to stop Trump from doing it too? To borrow a popular slogan of the moment: This is not normal." 
Tony Branco

Barr Should Focus on 2 Questions When Investigating Spying on Trump Campaign
. . . "First, did the FBI and the Justice Department have evidence to justify opening an investigation and counterintelligence operation looking at the Trump presidential campaign? "And second, did those who authorized the spying meet the requirements of the FISA law to justify electronic surveillance?" . . .  Hans von Spakovsky

It Begins: Democrats, Media Promote Hiring Boycott Against DHS Secretary Nielsen, Other Trump Officials

Legal Insurrection
"We’ve gone beyond “you will be made to care.” Now you will suffer as a result of any political affiliations or stances that don’t properly align with The Resistance’s goals."

. . . CNN [of course!] legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin cryptically said on Monday that Nielsen will “get what she deserves”:
Kirstjen Nielsen, I think, is a great example of what happens when you go to work for Donald Trump. He is the great reputation killer. Here is this woman who was a reasonably-admired bureaucrat. And for the rest of her life, for the rest of her life, people will look at her and think, oh, that’s the woman who put children in cages. That’s the woman who broke up families across the border. And you know what? They’ll be right. Because she implemented that policy. Jeff Sessions, the Attorney General, sort of created it, but she implemented it. And, you know, she’s going to get what she deserves.
"As to what exactly Nielsen “deserves,” Toobin didn’t elaborate, but you can rest assured if a Republican had said that they would have been considered as threatening a public official. Because double standards and all that.
"Toobin’s comments and the actions of Restore Public Trust are part and parcel of the larger Democratic effort to “pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it” a la Saul Alinksy." . . .

Ken Starr says Hillary Clinton DID trigger Vince Foster's suicide when she humiliated him in front of White House staff and admits he omitted the finding in FBI report because he didn't want to 'inflict further pain' on her

UK Daily Mail
  • Hillary attacked and humiliated Foster in front of other White House aides a week before he took his own life on July 20, 1993 
  • 'Hillary put him down really, really bad in a pretty good-size meeting. She told him he would always be a little hick town lawyer who was obviously not ready for the big time,' former FBI agent Coy Copeland told Kessler
  • 'Foster was profoundly depressed, but Hillary lambasting him was the final straw because she embarrassed him,' former FBI supervisory agent Jim Clemente said

. . . "Ken Starr deliberately left out of his final report the FBI’s finding that Hillary Clinton 'triggered' the suicide of President Clinton's Deputy White House Counsel to spare her feelings, can reveal. 
"FBI agents investigating the death of Vince Foster learned he was set off after Hillary attacked and humiliated him in front of other White House aides a week before he took his own life on July 20, 1993. 
"But for what were then unexplained reasons, Starr elected to conceal the FBI's finding that Hillary's tirade triggered Foster's suicide when he wrote his final report on the matter.
"At a reception for authors participating in the 2019 Annapolis Book Festival last weekend, I asked Starr why he omitted the damaging FBI finding.
"At first, he beat around the bush, citing well-established facts indicating that Foster was already depressed before Hillary lashed into him at the White House meeting.
"But when pressed, Starr admitted he 'did not want to inflict further pain' on Hillary by revealing that her humiliation of Foster a week before he took his own life pushed him over the edge." . . .
We appreciate your courage, Mr. Starr, because we can picture what will be coming at you from Democrats now.

Hillary Clinton Bullied Vince Foster Before Suicide, Said Ex-Clinton Friend in Final Interview  "Hillary Clinton relentlessly browbeat her clinically depressed former law partner Vince Foster shortly before he committed suicide in 1993, according to notes from a final jailhouse interview with a former close business partner of the Clintons.
"Jim McDougal, a long-time member of the Clintons’ Arkansas inner circle and a central figure in the Whitewater scandal, passed away from a heart attack in prison in 1998. But he said in a final interview before his death that Hillary Clinton had a "hard, difficult personality" and was "riding [Vince Foster] every minute" about Whitewater before Foster took his own life.
"McDougal also described his ex-friend Bill as a "master con artist" who married Hillary after a "cold-blooded search" to find himself a politically beneficial wife. Bill, according to McDougal, also privately wanted to prevent Hillary from succeeding in her own political career." 
  • "In the interviews with Wilkie, McDougal claimed Bill embarked on a "cold-blooded search" in the 1970s to find a wife who could help him politically—and decided on Hillary.
  • "The future 42nd president was a "master con artist" who "prepped for this with girls and school teachers," he added.
  • "McDougal also described Hillary as "generally a pain in the ass" and "very difficult for everyone, including Bill." He said Bill seemed to privately enjoy the Whitewater scandal because it was damaging to Hillary’s future political career."
Still want to change the Constitution, eliminate the Electoral College, and let 16-year-olds vote because of this woman?

Late update: 

Sporting cell phones, brand-name clothes — and babies, another 1,000-strong migrant caravan heads for the US

Monica Showalter

"Get ready for another migrant caravan coming up from Honduras to the U.S. border, organized by activist groups there calling for volunteers to beef up the numbers.
"OANN reports that the latest one taking off is 1,000 strong and loaded with people carrying babies.
Yet another migrant caravan bound for the U.S. is forming in Honduras.  According to reports Wednesday, at least 1,000 migrants have joined the new caravan as it prepares to depart for the United States-Mexico border.
The caravan is the fourth large group of migrants to leave Honduras since last October, and it includes families and young children. It reportedly formed as a result of a "mobilization campaign" on social media.
"It's a very good report, but perhaps the most salient point is listed in the comments section, with OANN readers commenting on the obvious prosperity of the migrants who are claiming poverty.  Some are obese, some have brand new clothes on, virtually all have expensive cell phones, and many go for brand-name traveling gear.  One other thing they would obviously have a lot of is money, to make a trip of this scale.  The very poor of countries such as Honduras (and certainly the overseas country nationals who may be joining them) do not have the means to migrate." . . .
White House wanted to release asylum seekers into Sanctuary Cities
Rick Moran:  "Now this is what I call "social justice.' "

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Watch Blue Checkmarks Shower Twitter Love On Anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan

The Federalist  "For his remarks at rapper Nipsey Hussle’s funeral on Thursday, Louis Farrakhan, the virulent anti-Semite atop the Nation of Islam, earned a warm reception from a number of verified Twitter users.

"Renewed controversy swirled around Farrakhan earlier this year, as leaders of the Women’s March were finally pressed to explain their prior associations with him. Although she tried to distance herself from Farrakhan’s anti-Semitism, co-founder Tamika Mallory refused to condemn the Nation of Islam leader in January, even when confronted with a specific list of his repugnant statements by Meghan McCain on “The View.”  
"All the love blue checkmarks showed for Farrakhan on Thursday is a reminder that he’s not a random and powerless fringe actor, but someone who continues to enjoy support from plenty of prominent defenders, despite a long and indisputable record of naked bigotry. (For just a taste of his open racism and anti-Semitism, browse this list.)" . . .

Newsweek Profile Unapologetically Defends Ilhan Omar’s Anti-Semitism

Newsbusters  "On Tuesday afternoon, the flailing, moribund Newsweek released a 4,600-plus-word cover story for its latest issue celebrating the anti-Semitism of Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) with the title “How Ilhan Omar Is Changing the Conversation About Israel—and Upending the 2020 Campaign.” 

"Based on the reaction on Twitter (highlighted by our friends at the Daily Caller, Daily Wire, and, the syrupy Omar profile was ratio’d into oblivion. Somewhere, Chris Cillizza and Brian Stelter must have been jealous. 
Upon further examination of the magazine cover and the Newsweek tweet unveiling it, the article by Jonathan Broder was every bit as idiotic as you would have expected.
"Broder began with AIPAC 2019 and immediately began his lengthy smear by bashing the videos in between speeches as “short propaganda films about daily life in Israel” as if the reality of Israelis having to deal with terrorism caused by Hamas as debatable, fretting that the videos’ “effect was total immersion—sight, sound and speeches—in a pro-Israel experience.”
"Running defense for Omar and those on the American left that show, at minimum, a discomfort with the Jewish people, Broder complained that Republican speakers “dispensed with the usual comity” to instead assert that“anti-Semitism had infected the entire Democratic Party—one of the most toxic charges in American politics.”
"Broder then invoked Omar and here’s how he initially defended her (click “expand”):" . . .
If Arabs drive Israel into the sea, will Omar then defend them against Muslim occupation?

Ocasio-Cortez Defends Omar's 9/11 Comments By Mocking War Hero Dan Crenshaw

. . . "The 29-year-old former bartender attacked Crenshaw, a decorated war hero, by suggesting that he was not fighting for the families of 9/11 victims and saying that he should "go do something" about terrorism.
"As a Navy SEAL, Crenshaw lost his eye fighting terrorists in Afghanistan and earned 2 Bronze Stars (one with Valor), the Purple Heart, the Navy Commendation Medal with Valor, and other awards.
" 'You refuse to cosponsor the 9/11 Victim’s Compensation Fund, yet have the audacity to drum resentment towards Ilhan w/completely out-of-context quotes," Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. "In 2018, right-wing extremists were behind almost ALL US domestic terrorist killings. Why don’t you go do something about that?' " . . .

This article also points out the following:
Everything Ocasio-Cortez tweeted was either an outright lie or was misleading as she defended Omar.Nothing that the New York Post or Crenshaw said used "completely out-of-context quotes" from Omar, they quoted her directly.Ocasio-Cortez did not state that Omar was only one out of 213 cosponsors of the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund Act, along with 42 Republican lawmakers.Ocasio-Cortez's claim that Crenshaw refuses to support the bill is also a lie. The bill has not even been voted on in the House and just because Crenshaw is not a cosponsor does not prevent him from voting in favor of the bill when a vote is held on it.Ocasio-Cortez's claim that Omar has "done more for 9/11 families than the GOP" is a blatant lie.
 Dem Rep. Tlaib Defends Ilhan Omar’s 9/11 Comments: “She Does Speak Truth”…

Don’t demonize the electoral college — or the framers — as racist

The electoral college is a device that balances nationalism with states’ rights and leavens democracy’s passions with deliberation and reason.
LA Times

. . . "If the American people wanted a direct election for president, they could force their states to divide their electors in proportion to the Republican and Democrat tallies, or even assign their electors to align their votes with the nationwide result. The more states that shifted from winner-takes-all, the more the electoral count would match the national popular vote. But instead, the indirect system, as the republic’s framers conceived it, has endured.
"The framers originally deliberated between selecting the president in Congress or by nationwide vote. As it turned out, the delegates to the 1787 Philadelphia Convention overwhelmingly opposed popular national elections because of the size of the new nation and its relatively poor communications. They feared two types of candidates would come too easily to the fore: “local sons” from the voters’ own state, or “pretended patriots” and “active & designing men” — demagogues who would rule through a tyranny of the majority (a la Nicolas Maduro, in Venezuela). The framers also rejected having Congress select the chief executive, as European parliamentary systems do today, because it would make the latter too dependent upon the former.
"The electoral college was proposed to be representative but also mitigate popular passions, and to prevent giving Congress too strong a hand in presidential selection. In most cases, the winning candidate has had to assemble a geographically broad, and usually ideologically moderate coalition throughout the country.
"Today’s “woke” critique, however, focuses on racism. According to some scholars and commentators, the electoral college purposefully protected slavery by allocating electors based on the number of senators (thereby giving states more voice) and representatives (the Constitution infamously allowed slaves, who could not vote, to count as three-fifths of a person, thus inflating the voting power of slave states). During the Philadelphia Convention, James Madison acknowledged that the electoral college provided a necessary compromise between free states and slave-holding states, where the popular vote was diminished because slaves couldn’t vote. But that was the only time a framer actually connected slavery and the electoral college.
"The racism critique ignores the nuances of history. When one looks closer, as Princeton historian Sean Wilentz has pointed out in disavowing his own earlier thinking, the racism charge related to the electoral college “begins to unravel.' ” . . .

Being the LA Times, one can hope ignorant leftist celebrities might possibly be enlightened. TD

Ilhan Omar: one of America's national leaders in the "world's greatest deliberative body"

Ilhan Omar’s outrageous writeoff of 9/11’s horrors  . . . "By the way: CAIR wasn’t founded post-9/11, but in 1994. And the feds later named it an unindicted co-conspirator in a plot to steer US funds to the terror group Hamas." . . .

My FDNY son’s death on 9/11 was more than just ‘something’  . . . "When I got there, I saw the death and destruction — people lying there dead and mangled.  
"We picked up the bodies and saw how gruesome it was. Those people died a horrible death.
"We were there for 9 months picking up body parts, pieces.
"We found my son’s body six months later, March 5, 2002. He was at the North Tower. We got to bury him."
. . . "Well, she has been allegedly holding secret fundraisers for such groups. But let’s just say that Omar doesn’t know what she’s talking about. After all, again, Pelosi used this line to defend Omar after her series of anti-Semitic rants that were widely reported. The latest episode involved her accusing supporters of Israel for having dual loyalty, which is one of the oldest anti-Jewish tropes out there. She’s too dumb to know what she’s saying, so she’s not an anti-Semite. Yeah, that’s not going to fly. Also, just how Omar can’t claim ignorance for her alleged anti-Semitism—she’s lived here for nearly a quarter century and was educated here—she can’t play dumb about 9/11. In both cases, the ‘she’s too dumb to know what words mean’ only adds more the position that she should be booted from office." 

What sort of people want Democrats to rule this nation?

Democrats would turn this nation into California where every day we would awaken, wondering what our government is going to do to us that day. TD

Rich Terrell

Pelosi should have known better   . . . "What we are seeing is the consequences of cultivating Trump Derangement Syndrome.   
"From Sandy O's ignorance about economics to the lady in Minnesota calling people "white nationalists" to the "we are going to impeach the Mother....." lady from Minnesota, this is what happens when you allow crazy people into your party.
"Not long ago, serious Democrats would have told these ladies to leave the party and run as socialists or whatever.   Instead, these ladies were warmly embraced and  now we have Speaker Pelosi trying to discipline the undisciplined.
"I can feel the speaker's pain.   She created this mess and now she has to deal with it.   In the meantime, the guy at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue can't get enough of this fiasco."
Sharpton, Reparations, and the Democrats  . . . "Sharpton, who has become wealthy through his shakedown of corporate America, will now attempt to scam the ultimate mark -- the taxpayers of the United States of America. And Democratic presidential candidates are all in. At his conference, Sharpton asked the candidates if they supported the reparations bill. They all said yes, including the very white, Robert Francis O’Rourke, who goes by “Beto”, the Mexican nickname for Robert, the very white U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.,) who self-identifies as a Cherokee Indian, and the very white Bernie Sanders (D-Vt.) who, after doing so poorly with black voters in 2016, has now flipped and favors reparations.
. . . Another Democratic presidential candidate, Julian Castro, said the U.S., “will never truly heal until we address the original sin of slavery.” The truth is America has done that many times over. It’s long since time to move on. " . . .
Watch how slippery Democrat politician Gillibrand diverts this subject to easier topics.

234 House Democrats, 2 Republicans Co-Sponsor Bill Forcing Schools To Let Male Athletes Compete On Girls’ Sports Teams . . . "Reps. John Katko of New York and Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania are the only House Republicans to co-sponsor the bill."
. . . "two male runners have dominated girls’ high school track. A female competitor called the male runners’ advantage “demoralizing.' ”
Truly Awful People  "There isn’t a week that goes by where liberals don’t find new ways to demonstrate just how awful they are and why they should not be anywhere near the levers of power. This week has been full of so many examples that it’s worth looking at a few.' . . .

House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff May Be No More. . . "Gaetz appeared on Fox News' "Tucker Carlson Tonight" to explain why he filed the resolution.

“ 'I have filed legislation today, sent to the House, that Adam Schiff needs to be removed from the Intelligence Committee, because how are the rest of us supposed to be able to rely on a man, who you just showed, lied to the American people when he said that there was not spying? Or when he lied and said that there was actual evidence of collusion or clear evidence of collusion?” Gaetz began." . . .

President Trump pulling up the drawbridge on goodies for illegals

Why are people like this being allowed in at all, while legal immigrants to the states must wait ten years and pay thousands of dollars in costs? Zelaya treated her entry to the states for exactly the price she paid for it - which was nothing.
 Monica Showalter  "With the wall still in the works, President Trump isn't sitting idle as 1.5 million illegal migrants prepare to storm the U.S. border this year.  He's moving swiftly to get some kind of handle on the migrant surge by strengthening the U.S.'s loophole-filled system of laws that have made immigrating here illegally more attractive to would-be migrants than following U.S. law.  He's pulling up the drawbridge.

"OANN reports that Trump's new package of measures, which should be complete by this summer, may just be the invisible architecture to deter illegal immigration as effectively as a wall.  With the migrant surge forming, it can't come soon enough.  OANN reports:
President Trump is preparing to make some dramatic changes to immigration policies.  He has reportedly directed top White House officials to take a more aggressive stance on immigration.  This comes as record-high numbers of immigrants are reaching the southern border, pushing Customs and Border Protection to its breaking point.
Some of the changes include a new way of analyzing asylum claims by comparing the person's fears to the actual conditions of their home country.
Regulatory changes will also make it harder for "difficult or low-skilled" immigrants to enter the country, while making it easier for high-skilled immigrants who will likely be self sufficient.
Additionally, the government will also be allowed to hold migrant children longer than the current 20-day limit. . . .  Full article

Bernie Sanders Is Wrong: Felons Shouldn’t Vote from Prison

National Review

"Giving criminals more of a say in elections is morally wrong — and a political disaster for Republicans to boot."

. . . "For both parties, this is not only a moral issue but also a political one. The push to enfranchise felons started after George W. Bush narrowly edged out Al Gore by 537 votes in the 2000 Florida presidential election. While felons weren’t legally able to vote in that election, thousands still cast their ballots. It was clear that felon votes could make a decisive difference, and Democrats took notice.
"Florida’s 1.5 million felons constitute a substantial voting bloc. Even if felons would vote at rates of only 15 to 20 percent, they still represent 225,000 to 300,000 potential votes. In the 2018 Senate race, Republican Rick Scott received only 10,033 more votes than Democrat Bill Nelson. Republican Ron DeSantis beat Democrat Andrew Gillum in the governor’s race by 32,463 votes. Felons could easily erase Republicans’ razor-thin advantage in Florida.
"In the last election, a ballot referendum did in fact enfranchise Florida felons who have left prison. Since that time, according to presidential adviser Jared Kushner, “We’ve had more ex-felons register as Republicans than Democrats.” But his comments are likely based more on wishful thinking than on actual data. Florida doesn’t provide a breakdown of registrations by criminal status.
"University of Florida professor David Smith conducted a small survey of 61 Floridians who had identified themselves in the media as felons. Thirty-nine were registered: 25 as Democrats, ten without a party affiliation, and four as Republicans." . . .