Friday, April 12, 2019

Sporting cell phones, brand-name clothes — and babies, another 1,000-strong migrant caravan heads for the US

Monica Showalter

"Get ready for another migrant caravan coming up from Honduras to the U.S. border, organized by activist groups there calling for volunteers to beef up the numbers.
"OANN reports that the latest one taking off is 1,000 strong and loaded with people carrying babies.
Yet another migrant caravan bound for the U.S. is forming in Honduras.  According to reports Wednesday, at least 1,000 migrants have joined the new caravan as it prepares to depart for the United States-Mexico border.
The caravan is the fourth large group of migrants to leave Honduras since last October, and it includes families and young children. It reportedly formed as a result of a "mobilization campaign" on social media.
"It's a very good report, but perhaps the most salient point is listed in the comments section, with OANN readers commenting on the obvious prosperity of the migrants who are claiming poverty.  Some are obese, some have brand new clothes on, virtually all have expensive cell phones, and many go for brand-name traveling gear.  One other thing they would obviously have a lot of is money, to make a trip of this scale.  The very poor of countries such as Honduras (and certainly the overseas country nationals who may be joining them) do not have the means to migrate." . . .
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