Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Sources weighing in on Baltimore

The city of Baltimorereceived $1.8 billion of our money under the guise of Obama's American Recovery and Reinvestment Act with little to show for it.  We have stuffed the pockets of race pimps and their hateful political benefactors as they organize mobs like Antifa and Black Lives Matter to physically attack us.   M. Catharine Evans
Is Obama Canceled? Former President Also Trashed Baltimore, The 
Gem Of The Chesapeake  "So, apparently, Baltimore has been this gem on the Chesapeake that is immune to criticism because…Democrats run it. No, it’s because President Donald Trump decided to take a swing at Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD), whose district swings into parts of the city. Baltimore has a crime problem, it’s corrupt, and it’s rat-infested. These were things that Trump pointed out that sent the Democratic Party into meltdown mode. You bet the accusation of racism were hurled." . . .

President Trump targets money-grubbing Democrats shackling their voters to hellhole cities  "It's about time we had a president shine a light on these race-baiting so-called civil rights icons like Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), whose "own" people live in rat-infested, feces-encrusted, gun-controlled kill zones while he and his fellow third-world thugs amass millions.  Cummings is just one in a cabal of looters whose accident of birth endowed them with a skin color that yields a high rate of return.
. . . Speaker Nancy Pelosi also weighed in from Italy, where, according to reports, she is not exactly visiting the poor and downtrodden.  No, Nancy, another congressperson worth hundreds of millions while her constituents defecate, shoot up, and sleep on the streets of San Francisco, was dining at a classy Venetian restaurant as she defended Cummings, calling him "a beloved leader in Baltimore."
From comedian Argus Hamilton:
  "President Trump met with an inner city group Monday to the catcalls of Democrats who say he just pays lip service to civil rights. It’s a steady drumbeat that wears on Trump’s credibility. Over the weekend, President Trump called Baltimore disgusting and rat-infested, and yet still people say he lies              "President Trump fired back at his border policy critic Congressman Elijah Cummings Friday and ripped his Baltimore home district for being rat infested. In reply CNN and MS-NBC called Trump a racist over eleven hundred times during the weekend.  Just what race do they think rats are?              "President Trump’s attack on Elijah Cummings’s squalid West Baltimore district is a recitation of rat infestation and high crime rate detailed by the Baltimore Sun and PBS.  Trump said nobody wants to live in Baltimore now, and thanks to the murder rate, many of their dreams are coming true              "Elijah Cummings’s House district includes the black area of West Baltimore and the extremely wealthy Horse Country region in Maryland that extends to the Eastern Shore.  Both precincts recognize the first rule of capitalism. Build a better mousetrap and the world will still call you a racist" . . .
This is what kabuki Theater looks like

"As surely and inflexibly ritualistic as its Japanese antecedent, yet another Kabuki performance is on display in our media. As koto music is plucked in the background, we see Donald Trump astride the stage, boldly making an "insensitive" tweet. His antagonist, in this case Elijah "Bowling Ball Head" Cummings, then dramatically declares that Trump is a racist for calling his largely black congressional district a "disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess" and a "very dangerous & filthy place." Offstage, kodo drums beat loudly to indicate that a storm is gathering or, perhaps, just to wake up an audience that has seen this drama way too often.

"Unavoidably, anything we could say about this idiocy would pretty much be Kabuki commentary at this point, so we'll just say that it's pretty odd for a President of the United States to be called a white racist because he says that poor black Americans should be able to live in communities which aren't filled with rats, poverty, and crime.

"Elijah Cummings is, of course, against that notion..."

Monday, July 29, 2019

Kamala Harris Defends Al Sharpton, Ignores Freddie’s Fashion Mart Massacre And Tawana Brawley Hoax

RedState  "As Brandon Morse wrote earlier today, President Trump rippedMSNBC‘s Al Sharpton for deciding to make a visit to Baltimore in the aftermath of the tweets Trump wrote over the weekend criticizing the city and longtime Rep. Elijah Cummings (D), whose Congressional district runs through Baltimore.
"As they did for Cummings, Democrats lined up on the Twitter machine to defend Sharpton. One of the more notable ones was 2020 presidential candidate and Sen. Kamala Harris (CA), who has enjoyed an uptick in polling since her racial broadside against frontrunner Joe Biden at the last debate.
"Here’s what Harris tweeted about Sharpton:
.@TheRevAl has spent his life fighting for what's right and working to improve our nation, even in the face of hate. It's shameful, yet unsurprising that Trump would continue to attack those who have done so much for our country.
Let's flashback to when @JoeNBC introduced a resolution in Congress condemning "the racist and anti-semitic views of the Reverend Al Sharpton":https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/106/hconres270 

The Freddie’s Fashion Mart Massacre:
In 1995 a black Pentecostal Church, the United House of Prayer, which owned a retail property on 125th Street, asked Fred Harari, a Jewish tenant who operated Freddie’s Fashion Mart, to evict his longtime subtenant, a black-owned record store called The Record Shack. Sharpton led a protest in Harlem against the planned eviction of The Record Shack. Sharpton told the protesters, “We will not stand by and allow them to move this brother so that some white interloper can expand his business.”

On December 8, 1995, Roland J. Smith Jr., one of the protesters, entered Harari’s store with a gun and flammable liquid, shot several customers and set the store on fire. The gunman fatally shot himself, and seven store employees died of smoke inhalation Fire Department officials discovered that the store’s sprinkler had been shut down, in violation of the local fire code. Sharpton claimed that the perpetrator was an open critic of himself and his nonviolent tactics. In 2002, Sharpton expressed regret for making the racial remark “white interloper” but denied responsibility for inflaming or provoking the violence.

The Tawana Brawley Rape Hoax: . . .
. . . 
"Democrats and the mainstream media have been trying to sweep Sharpton’s true racist, anti-Semitic nature under the rug for decades, which has given him an air of respectability in media circles. But you can’t keep the truth hidden for long, and Sharpton pretending to play the role of racial healer in response to Trump’s (non-racist) criticisms about Cummings and his district is irony on steroids."

Antifa Adopts AOC’s Language To Defend Itself

Hot Air

. . . "And there you have it. We’re not bad people. We’re your neighbors! Neighbors with bats, wearing masks so we can get violent with impunity. Really the best they can say is that they aren’t all violent and therefore it’s not fair to label them all violent. Yes, except anyone who chooses to dress in black and travel with violent people in their midst is doing so to create camouflage for the violent as a matter of considered strategy. Here’s the final list of things the group condemns:
We, the undersigned, wholly condemn any attempt to criminalize community efforts to stop white supremacist assaults and close concentration camps.
"Just a week after one of their own showed up at an ICE facility with bombs and a rifle, they’re demanding their efforts to stop “concentration camps” not be criminalized. So you can see they’ve adopted AOC language wholesale and that they have no regret for the attack on the ICE facility." . . .

The Gilroy shooter: Santino William Legan: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Heavy  "Santino William Legan has been identified as the 19-year-old suspect accused of killing three people and wounding several others in a mass shooting at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in California, according to CBS News. The shooting Sunday night on the final day of the annual charity event at Christmas Hill Park in Gilroy left three dead, 12 injured and the suspected shooter, Legan, killed by police. Several others were injured in the chaos after shots were fired, but were not shot, authorities said.
. . . 
"One witness who told reporters they’d come face to face with the gunman and asked why he was doing this was told, “Because I’m really angry.”
"According to a CNN report, a neighbor of the Legan’s recognized the young man saying that while she did not know the family personally, she remarked that Legan and his siblings are “…very nice kids. When I found out this morning, I was shocked. This is a quiet place.' ”

1. Legan, Who Identifies as Being of Italian & Iranian Descent, Posted on Instagram Before the Shooting. The Account Was Removed, but Heavy Obtained Screenshots

2. Legan’s Family Members Are Well Known in His Native Gilroy — His Grandfather Was a Santa Clara County Supervisor, His Father Was a Champion Runner & Legan’s Brother Is a Noted Boxer

3. Legan, Armed With a Rifle he Purchased Legally in Nevada, Cut Through a Fence to Avoid Security Measures at the Garlic Festival, Police Say

4. Legan Was Shot by Police Just Minutes After the First Shots Rang Out, Sending Panicked Festivalgoers Racing Toward Exits & Into Hiding

5. Gilroy Police Chief Smithee Said as Soon as Legan Saw His Officers, he Fired at Them & They Fired Back, With Handguns Versus an Assault Rifle Killing Him & Saving Countless Lives

Surviving an Active Shooter Situation

OffGridSurvival "While active shooter situations are still pretty rare, it’s a phenomenon that does seem to be increasing in regularity. From the theater shooting in Colorado to terrorist attacks around the globe, these mass shooting events do happen, and they are something that we need to be prepared to respond to." . . .


"It may sound counter-intuitive, especially if you listen to the mainstream media, but most of these mass shootings occur in gun-free zones. The cowards who commit these massacres know that they will find little resistance in these so-called “safe zones” so more often than not they select these targets to carry out their crimes. Criminals, terrorists, and the mentally insane don’t care about Gun Control Laws.
"Personally, I avoid these areas like the plague, but if you are forced to go into one of these areas at the very least you should consider carrying some sort of improvised weapon."

Good bye, Baltimore

Indeed, if you want to see what liberal Democratic policies tend to produce, go to any one of those cities, or other Democratic strongholds. Democrats promise to help the poor and downtrodden, grow the middle class, make life more fair. But their policies consistently produce the opposite.  John Merline, I&I
I&I: Trump’s Attack on Baltimore Doesn’t Go Far Enough  . . . "On Friday, Trump attacked Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings, who had been complaining about conditions at the border, by saying “his Baltimore district is FAR WORSE and more dangerous.” Trump called it “a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess.”
. . . 
"Naturally, Trump’s tweets are being labeled as racist. Never mind that Democratic Sen. Bernie Sanders was saying far worse things about the city a few years ago, when he said that when you go to west Baltimore you “would think you were in a Third World country.” 
"Trump, meanwhile, extended his attack to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s home town of San Francisco. 
"He should widen his lens even further. " . . .

Tlaib on Trump’s Cummings Attacks: ‘Our President Has a Hate Agenda’
Guess which channel: "Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) reacted to President Donald Trump’s attacks on Rep Elijah Cummings (D-MD) and Baltimore."

Don Surber: Trump makes Baltimore the symbol of Democrats  . . . "Democrats took the death of one man and turned it into the deaths of hundreds. Police officer retirements went up. Recruitment went down. The poorest neighborhoods became war zones and dumps.
"Now President Trump has shined the spotlight on Baltimore. Instead of ignoring his tweets, the liberal crowd pounced, which only underscored his message.
"Baltimore Sun quickly exuded an editorial, "Better to have a few rats than to be one." A couple of its white columnists came in on a sunny Saturday to denounce as racist the president telling the truth." . . .

Baltimore Rat Infestation Is So Bad They Made A Documentary About It 2 Years Ago

PBS Aired ‘Rat Film’ Documentary About Baltimore’s Rodent Problem in 2018

Baltimore Ambush: Trump forces Democrats to defend the indefensible, again  . . . Just as he forced Democrats to defend the far-left 'Squad' in his unexpected ambush on Rep. Ilhan Omar and her pals, he's now forcing Democrats to own the urban shambles and filth that characterize one-party blue-city rule, putting all Democrats on their backfoot. That's what's behind his surprise Twitter assault that began with Rep. Elijah Cummings and his rat-infested Baltimore district, which pretty much came out of the blue.
"Here's his unusually long string of street-fighting tweets, all of them calculated to hit Democrats where it hurts: " . . .

Donald J. Trump
Rep, Elijah Cummings has been a brutal bully, shouting and screaming at the great men & women of Border Patrol about conditions at the Southern Border, when actually his Baltimore district is FAR WORSE and more dangerous. His district is considered the Worst in the USA......

Proud of yourselves, lefties? Leftists turn 'deplorable' beauty queen into Trump magnet

She's young. She's beautiful. She's smart and academically accomplished. And she's been treated like dirt, solely for the 'crime' of liking President Trump. She's also quite famous now, in a way that all the other beauty queens can only envy.
Could the US Women's soccer team forfeit their trophy because of their obscene, foul behavior on the field and afterward?

Monica Showalter  "Simply for liking President Trump, the left was going to make an example of that deplorable 20-year-old. They were going to make her pay.

"And for awhile there, they got away with it. Young Kathy Zhu, the newly crowned Miss Michigan, lost her title on account of her "offensive" tweets. The press went through every last one of the crown winner's tweets over the years and found a couple they decided were 'offensive,' 'racist,' and 'insensitive,' broadcasting those. After that, the Miss World pageant organization de-throned her.
"Justice. The left triumphs. That'll teach those Trump-supporting deplorables their lesson.
"Except that now in place of a mere beauty queen, the left has got a Frankenstein's monster on their hands.
"Zhu has been offered a prominent place on the Trump 2020 campaign. She's going to be out there, winning votes for Trump, padding his total further.     Here's CBS's sneering report:
. . . 
Some media creep, who follows beauty contests very, very, very closely (and most of us don't - cripes, these contests have the depth of whirled peas!) searched her tweets one by one, going through years of them, and then doxxed her to come up with the perfect years-old bad tweets to virtue signal with. The tweets were weak tea, but they decided that they were enough to pin her for a Bull Connor racist and they did. 
. . . The first was an incident that dates  to 2018, in which Zhu went up to a Muslim Student Association booth celebrating World Hijab Day and declined to wear a hijab when prompted. She then tweeted:
 "There is a 'try a hijab on' booth at my college campus.
So you're telling me that it's now just a fashion accessory and not a religious thing? Or are you just trying to get women used to being oppressed under Islam?"

Feminism Is Working Overtime to Destroy Film

"Besides, Logan James cutting men out of movies in the name of feminism is hilarious. If he really wanted to commit to this role, he’d have to shut up and erase himself from the conversation entirely. New wave feminism, by definition, requires all men to sit tight and keep their mouths shut. Jena Greene

American Thinker  "In a recent op-ed disguised as a movie review at the New York Post, film critic Sara Stewart proclaims that "Quentin Tarantino's exploitation has no place in Hollywood anymore."
"Why did she pen this obituary about Tarantino's relevance in Hollywood today?  Well, the eccentric (but arguably brilliant) director is just not woke enough for 2019, she posits.
. . .  "Her problem?  Tarantino once palled around with Harvey Weinstein (as did a veritable who's who of prominent Democrats and other Hollywood elites, it should be known), and he committed the unforgivable sin of not giving enough lines to Margot Robbie in her role as Sharon Tate in the new film.  Stewart concludes:" . . .
. . . "The Star Wars franchise is the most glaring example, particularly 2017's installment, The Last Jedi.  Some feminists celebrated it as the "first properly feminist Star Wars" film, while others lamented the same observation.  Regarding the film's "aggressive feminist ideology," Bishop Robert Barron correctly observes:
Every male character in The Last Jedi is either bumbling, incompetent, arrogant, or morally compromised; and every female character is wise, good, prudent, and courageous.  Even Luke has become embittered and afraid, bearing the stigma of a profound moral failure.  The female figures in The Last Jedi typically correct, demote, control, and roll their eyes at the males, who stumble about when not provided with feminine instruction.
"Feminists loved all of that, but audiences didn't respond well.  . . ."
Male Feminist Tries To Edit Men From 'Saving Private Ryan' And Fails Embarrassingly

All sexist male predators must go!
. . . "For some random reason, Logan James went on to make a cut of "The Shawshank Redemption" with no men. That clocked in at just about 90 seconds.
If you liked Saving Private Ryan with all the men edited out, then you'll LOVE the man-free edition of the Shawshank Redemption! Only a minute and a half long! pic.twitter.com/XzwZMb60dx  — Juche Box Hero (@LoganJames) January 18, 2018
 Dunkirk: Triggered Feminist Wants More Women Fighting in WW2 Films  “ 'My main issue with Dunkirk is that it’s so clearly designed for men to man-out over,” Mehantara Boner, who writes in some woman’s magazine whines, adding, “The packaging of the film, the general vibe, and the tenor of the people applauding it just screams “men-only”.
"In her staunch feminist article, Boner has called for all World War II films to import women fighting in the front lines to show equality.
"Although this would not be historically accurate, the writer says that having “female platoons in Iwo Jima, Guadalcanal and Dunkirk, would make the films more accessible to women, instead of just showing men fighting and being male-like”.
"Even though millions of men sacrificed their lives in both world wars, this is not enough for modern feminists who become triggered by images of men fighting on boats and beaches."  
“Like look at Saving Private Ryan. Spielberg should have put Scarlett Johannsen somersaulting out of the landing craft on D-Day, dodging bullets whilst shooting thousands of Germans in their parapets, then helping male soldiers with their wounds simultaneously laying down suppressing fire all the while applying another pristine lacquer polish to her nails as she brings out the bangalores.”
The Daily Squib is a curious satirical parody newspaper offering breaking news, political satire, comedy, opinion and celebrity news.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

How Mueller’s Lawyers Spun the OLC Guidance on Indicting a Sitting President

Andrew C. McCarthy

After Mueller, it is worth another look at its role in the report and its fallout.

Democrats Push Mueller to Contradict Report. That, however, is not how the OLC guidance was construed by Mueller — or, I should say in light of Mueller’s patent unfamiliarity with the Mueller probe, by whoever on the special counsel staff was actually running the investigation.

Part Two:  "This is Part Two of a two-part series. In Part One, we took a look at the OLC guidance that bars the indictment of a sitting president. (The OLC is the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel.) In particular, we looked at (a) how, in investigating President Trump for purported obstruction, special counsel Robert Mueller’s staff distorted the guidance into a prohibition against even considering whether an offense occurred; and (b) the futile hope of congressional Democrats, during Wednesday’s hearings, that Mueller would contradict his final report on this point. 

"In Part Two, we explore why Mueller’s staff of very able lawyers, many of them activist Democrats, twisted the OLC guidance. (Spoiler: Their priority was to get their evidence to Congress, intact and as quickly as possible, in hopes of fueling an impeachment drive, or at least damaging Trump politically.) We also analyze how attorney general Bill Barr deftly dealt with the Mueller staff’s gamesmanship." . . .
Toon added by TD
"As we observed at the end of Part One, Mueller’s report makes the whopper of the claim that prosecutors construed to OLC guidance to forbid them to make a charging decision on obstruction because they were trying to protect President Trump.

"How’s that?
"Well, Justice Department protocols prohibit prosecutors from prejudicing suspects by publicizing the evidence against them unless and until they are formally charged. The idea is that the government must refrain from speaking until it files an indictment. For at that point, the person becomes an “accused” under the Constitution, vested with all the due process guarantees our law provides: assistance of counsel, confrontation of witnesses, subpoena power — the full array of rights to challenge the government’s indictment." . . .

Rand Paul offers to help pay for a ticket so Ilhan Omar can see Somalia and understand how lucky she is to be in the USA

Thomas Lifson
No, it’s not, “Send her back!” It’s “Let her go back on my dime.”
"After talking about the refugees in his home town that he knows, who love America and are grateful to be here, Senator Rand Paul made an offer Rep. Omar should not refuse: A free trip to Somalia – the nation she still calls her homeland– to see...
“… the disaster that is Somalia, that has no capitalism, that has no God-given rights guaranteed in a constitution, and that has about 7 different tribes that have been fighting each other for the last 40 years, and then maybe after she’s visited Somalia for a while, she might come back and appreciate America.”

Trump campaign produces brutal video highlighting The Squad’s crazy statements

Thomas Lifson "For decades, the Democrats have expertly demonized Republicans and conservatives, making the case that we are too mean, too stupid, too racist, too homophobic, and now too transphobic (among many other failings) to be trusted with power.  Meanwhile, the Republican establishment, including presidential candidates John McCain and Mitt Romney, preferred being gentlemen losers to winning by using the same tactics as the Democrats.
"I will remember to my dying day the time when John McCain rebuked the use of Barack Obama’s actual name. From the Feb 28, 2008 New York Times:
 A conservative radio talk show host who helped introduce Senator John McCain before a rally here Tuesday used Senator Barack Obama’s middle name, Hussein, three times, while disparaging him, prompting Mr. McCain to apologize and repudiate the comments afterward.
Bill Cunningham, who hosts “The Big Show” with Bill Cunningham, a local program here that is also syndicated nationally, was part of a line of people lauding Mr. McCain and revving up the crowd before his appearance here before several hundred people at a theater here.)
"In contrast, President Trump likes winning, and is not bothered by the fear that someone might consider him vulgar or mean. And as the most successful reality television producer in the history of the medium, he understands how compelling the appearance of craziness can be. It’s not coincidental that he had celebrities like Gary Busey and Meat Loaf as cast members of Celebrity Apprentice." . . .