Friday, September 27, 2024

Biden-Harris Admin Turning Migrants into Voting US Citizens at 'Fastest Speed in Years' as Election Draws Closer

  The Gateway Pundit | by C. Douglas Golden, The Western Journal

They are importing voters. It is obvious.  — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) September 26, 2024 

"It’s like they couldn’t even make it any more obvious for us.

In an election where razor-thin margins could decide who controls the White House, the Senate and the House, the Los Angeles Times reported that “a wave of new U.S. citizens” is “being sworn in across the country as immigration authorities approve citizenship applications at the fastest speed in a decade.”

"That might seem like a curious coincidence, as indeed the L.A. Times insisted it was: “The Biden administration says the uptick in new citizens is due to efforts to reduce a backlog of applications that began during the Trump administration and exploded amid the COVID-19 pandemic,” the paper reported Thursday from a naturalization ceremony in Riverside, California.

"It added: “Immigration officials said the timing is not driven by the election or any political agenda.”

"However, even the Times had to note that “American flags lined the stage as messages conveying the immigrants’ new power played on a large screen.”

" 'Today, I am an American. Today, I am a citizen of the country I serve. Today, I can register to vote,” the message read.

 "Just coincidental. Move along, folks. Seriously, move along or else this becomes disinformation, as the Times made clear:

“ 'Former President Donald Trump and his Republican allies have long repeated baseless claims that Democrats are admitting immigrants into the U.S. for political gain and allowing them to vote unlawfully,” the Times said in the piece.

" 'The issue even made its way into the government spending bill this month when House Speaker Mike Johnson tried unsuccessfully to insert a GOP proposal to require states to obtain proof of U.S. citizenship when people register to vote.” . . .

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