Friday, September 27, 2024

The Real Kamala Harris

 Beware of elected officials who have never run a business, never made a payroll, never felt the pressure of earnings, deadlines, regulations, or downsizing. TD

"Harris has unfailingly, aggressively, in every possible way, opposed law enforcement, while supporting criminals and illegal aliens." AC 
Ann Coulter (  "It's crazy for Donald Trump not to agree to another debate. While he may not be everybody's cup of tea, his opponent is an absolute lunatic who could do permanent damage to our country, in addition to the damage that she's already done.

"The media sure aren't going to alert the public to this looming danger. It's up to Trump.

"Among her other plans for us, Kamala Harris is for:

-- Slavery reparations;

-- Defunding the police;

-- Taxpayer-supported transgender operations for prisoners and detained illegal immigrants;

-- Paying bail funds for violent BLM rioters;

-- Decriminalizing illegal immigration;

-- Abolishing ICE, (or, as The Washington Post put it, "she signaled an openness to a sweeping overhaul of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency");

-- Banning fracking, offshore drilling and gasoline-powered cars;

-- Mandatory confiscation of "assault weapons"; and

-- Abolishing private health insurance.

"The media act as if she's changed her mind on only one or two little things, like fracking -- as opposed to on every single position she's ever held -- and proceed to coach her on how to explain these trivial reversals.

"Here are a few ideas from The New York Times:

"Todd Purdum: "One person's flip-flop is another's proof of a stateswoman's maturation. Why not own it?"

"James Carville: "The retort can be simple: I learned from my time governing in the White House. These are my positions. Take it or leave it."

"Frank Bruni: "We're always learning and always growing, or at least we should be: That's a sign of humility, curiosity, openness."

"Except the problem is, there's no evidence that Harris has, in fact, changed her mind, and a lot of evidence that she hasn't. For one thing, she has come out in favor of these policies repeatedly, recently and on tape. Worse, every chance she got, she actually implemented them. "  Emphasis mine, TD.     Full article here...

Read this after the above: Another Presidential Election, Another Deep State Letter Opposing Trump › American Greatness

"Undeterred by the considerable blowback generated by the 2020 Hunter Biden laptop letter, the Harris campaign has organized a similar letter against President Trump in the run-up to the 2024 presidential election that claims he is unfit to be commander-in-chief and endorses Kamala Harris"

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