Friday, September 27, 2024

The Democrats’ Joy Of Hating America

  Issues & Insights

"No one believes this nation is perfect, but only those who truly loathe its culture and place in the world would want to wreck it and replace it. And they’re easy to find because they all belong to the same party."

. . ."In the 21st century, nothing has changed. The Telegraph’s 2009 story recounts “the huge increases in migrants over the last decade,” attributing it “to a politically motivated attempt by ministers to radically change the country” – this according to Andrew Neather, who advised the Tony Blair Labour government. Neather wrote in another British publication that mass immigration “enriched” the country and made London more attractive, more cosmopolitan.

"Another purpose was to “rub the right’s nose in diversity,” which lines up perfectly with what the American left has been up to for several decades, because the right unabashedly, and sincerely, loves this country, and that triggers the other side.

"The Democratic Party, Kamala Harris now its titular chief, unleashed illegal immigration after Donald Trump nearly closed the spigot. The lawlessness returned on Jan. 20, 2021, when the new president, Joe Biden, used executive orders to begin rolling back Trump’s border security policies. They were too successful for the left’s refined tastes, so Biden had to kill them.

"Two months later, Biden named Harris “border czar,” which only encouraged illegal border crossings. During Biden’s first three years, an estimated 7.4 million illegal immigrants invaded the country, more than three times the number that crossed during Trump’s four years. There were also nearly 2 million “gotaways” who jumped the border in Biden’s first three years but weren’t caught.

"The border crisis was not the product of incompetence. It was a matter of deliberate choice. Thomas Klingenstein, principal in the investment firm of Cohen, Klingenstein and the chairman of the Claremont Institute’s board of directors, laid this out four years ago when he said “the multicultural movement, which has taken over the Democratic party, is a revolutionary movement.” He was not talking about a “metaphorical revolution,”  but a real “revolution, an attempt to overthrow the American founding.' ” . . .

In Britain as well:  GERMANY: Muslim invaders savagely attack German teenager on his way to work, kicking him unconscious   

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