Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Democrats’ Promise

One Word Was Mysteriously Absent From The Democrats’ Convention

I&I Editorial  "Eight months ago, all but two House Democrats voted to impeach President Donald Trump, and in February every Democratic senator found him guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors.
"As the articles of impeachment were heading over to the Senate to face certain defeat, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi intoned that “This president is impeached for life regardless of any gamesmanship on the part of Mitch McConnell. There is nothing the Senate can do to ever erase that.”
"Her comment prompted “#ImpeachedForLife” to trend on Twitter shortly afterward. 
Yet when Pelosi spoke at the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday, she never mentioned Trump’s impeachment. She didn’t mention Ukraine, or Russia or any of the other reasons Democrats spent three years arguing were grounds for his removal from office.
"Her main complaint about Trump was that “As speaker of the House I’ve seen firsthand Donald Trump’s disrespect for facts , for working families and for women in particular.”
"No other House member who voted to impeach Trump, and no senator who found him guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors, mentioned his impeachment. Nor did Barack Obama, or Michael Bloomberg (who paid for ads in 27 states in January calling for Trump’s removal). Nor did the hosts. Nor did Joe Biden.
"In fact, we reviewed transcripts of the entire four days, and the word impeach was never uttered once.
"Democrats spent almost the entire past four years arguing that Trump was an illegitimate president because Russia interfered with the election. They spent every waking minute trying to drive him out of office for supposedly enlisting Ukraine to help with his reelection.
"And now their big complaint is that he’s been dissing the U.S. Postal Service?
"So if impeachment was never that serious — which Democrats have admitted by omission  — why should anyone take seriously the arguments they are making for Trump’s defeat in November?" . . .

Man Who Has Been In Government For Nearly 50 Years Promises To Fix Government

Babylon Bee

"U.S.—According to sources at the DNC, Joe Biden, a man who has been part of government since before Jaws, Star Wars, the Walkman, the NES, and the publishing of The Silmarillion, is just the man for the difficult task of fixing the government.
" 'This man who has been part of the broken system since 1972 is our last hope to fix the broken system," said a DNC spokesperson. "See, since he's been part of the problem for so long, only he knows how bad the problem is. So only he can fix it. If you got some outsider with, like, morals and stuff, they would be too horrified to even go to Washington in the first place."
" 'No, we need someone who's been part of the swamp and has participated in much injustice, oppression, and bloodshed to fix the whole thing from the ground up."
"He also has a cop helping him out, sources confirmed at publishing time."

"We’ll Knock You The F*ck Out!: Biden Fans Bully Young Trump Supporter ". . .

These are people who want to rule over us through the like of Maxine Waters, Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, and torch-bearing street mobs dressed in black. Want protection from authorities? They'll be the ones screaming outside your house at any hour of the day, threatening to burn it down because you voted against them. TD

Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist  "Supporters of Joe Biden were caught on video bullying a seven-year-old supporter of President Donald Trump just outside the Democrat National Convention on Thursday night. “We’ll knock you the f*ck out!” the Biden supporters screamed at the little boy as they took away his MAGA hat. Well, those two leftists were quickly made to regret it. You’ll love this." . . .

"While Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden was telling Americans that the president is the cause of all the darkness in this country, just outside two of his supporters were attacking a little 7-year-old named Riley.
"That was the basis of Biden’s speech on Thursday, we are good and supporters of President Donald Trump are evil.
The two women not yet identified got a glimpse of Riley and his parents at a restaurant near the DNC convention. Riley’s mom Abbey released a statement of the attack:
“I was with my 7-year-old son across the street from Joe Biden’s DNC Convention speech in Wilmington, Delaware,” she said. “We were waiting for a table at a restaurant to eat dinner. We had just left a peaceful protest against Joe Biden. I was holding a pro-Trump sign. My son was wearing his MAGA hat. We were standing outside peacefully minding our own business waiting for our table.”
“Suddenly, two Joe Biden supporters began to yell political epithets at my child,” she added. “They ripped the sign from my arms and assaulted my 7-year-old son. The Joe Biden supporters laid hands on my child and ripped his ‘Make America Great Again’ hat from his head while cursing at him and pushing him over.” . . .

Andrea Widberg; Moments ago Riley got a call from the White House...   . . . "The obvious takeaway is that too many Democrats are hate-filled, violent, racist, and have no boundaries – and Trump is a kind man.
     "But there’s also that metamessage, about which I’ve written before: In the war that the Democrats are waging against normal people in America, women are in the front lines.
     "In a healthy society, women are nurturers who help channel male aggression into socially accepted practices. In an unhealthy society – which is what leftists have created for women, especially in the education system – women are angry, neurotic, hypersensitive people. Despite living in the freest society in the world, with more rights than women at any other time or place in history, they see themselves as victims.
     "That phony sense of victimization turns women in feral animals. Leftism has conditioned them by dividing people into dozens of hostile subclasses. Each group believes that the American pie is not just finite but shrinking. Group members conclude, therefore, that it’s only through mortal combat that they will get their “fair” share."  Video

Peaceful protester Marquise Lee Love (Updated)

Portland Assault Suspect Takes To Social Media To Beg For Financial Help
“Might go to jail for murder tonight for a racist when all I did was fight him," Love purportedly wrote, according to an image obtained by The Sun.  "Look it up on Twitter put money on my books and come see me.”
 Portland police arrest truck attack suspect Marquise Love, jail records show  Portland police have arrested the 25-year-old man accused of viciously attacking a truck driver who was seen on video being violently beaten, jail records show.
"Marquise Lee Love was booked in the Multnomah County Detention Center on Friday shortly after 5:30 a.m. local time, according to jail records. He was charged with assault, coercion and riot, all three of which are felonies, records show."

A CNN search for "Marquise Lee Love" found nothing today 
"Your search for Marquise Lee Love did not match any documents."

Portland truck attack suspect Marquise Love surrenders: police  . . . "I am pleased the suspect in this case turned himself in and appreciate all of the efforts to facilitate this safe resolution," said PPB Chief Chuck Lovell. "Thank you to all of the members of the public who have provided information and tips to our investigators. Your assistance is very much appreciated." . . .

UPDATE: Love’s arraignment is scheduled for Monday. He likely won’t be going home for the weekend as his bail amount was set at $260,000.
. . . Assault II is a class B felony with a maximum sentence of 10 years. The other two charges are class C felonies with a maximum charge of 5 years each. Given that the incident was caught on camera it seems very likely that Love will be convicted and spend some time in prison. And given that this is not his first violent offense, I’d guess he won’t be given a slap on the wrist. Love had been arrested seven previous times including once for domestic assault though he wasn’t charged in that case:" . . .
. . . "Haner’s girlfirend, who was also attacked that night, said she is angry because she’s seen the videos of what Love did to Haner. As of yesterday, Haner still hadn’t watched the videos and didn’t plan to do so.
 "Haner said he never said anything to Love or anyone that night that would have provoked the violent reaction. He said he saw a trans woman being robbed and harassed and tried to intercede." . . .

Question: which of the people in the above photo were these yellow-shirted "moms" wanting to protect?

Friday, August 21, 2020

Biden accuser Tara Reade claims Harris 'turned a blind eye to sex assault victims' after saying she 'believed' women who came forward against former VP

Stay tuned to CNN for coverage of this incident. "She said when Biden realized she wasn't reciprocating he begged: 'C'mon man, I heard you like me.' "
In Harris' Democratic VP nominee acceptance speech on Wednesday night, she declared: 'I've fought for children and survivors of sexual assault….I know a predator when I see one.' Reade said Harris' remarks 'sickened' her, adding: 'She obviously doesn't know how to spot a predator, she is enabling one by the name of Joe Biden'
UK Daily Mail  "Joe Biden accuser Tara Reade has told in an exclusive interview that Kamala Harris abandoned her principles and her vow to protect sexual assault survivors in order to become the Democratic Vice Presidential nominee.
"Reade said: 'I'm disappointed with Kamala with her being the Vice Presidential nominee. It's the height of hypocrisy for her to accept the VP nominee position. 
" 'She's a hypocrite. She saw an opportunity to seize a position of power and she took it, turning a blind eye to sexual assault victims.'
"In Harris' Democratic VP nominee acceptance speech on Wednesday night, she declared: 'I've fought for children and survivors of sexual assault….I know a predator when I see one.'
"Reade said Harris' remarks 'sickened' her, adding: 'She obviously doesn't know how to spot a predator, she is enabling one by the name of Joe Biden.'
" 'The 56-year-old came forward this March to claim that when she was a Senate aide for Biden in 1993, he pinned her against a wall, reached under her skirt and sexually assaulted her. Biden has vehemently denied her claims.
"Reade said because Harris was a prosecutor and California's Attorney General who worked with sexual assault victims, she should know how difficult it is for victims to come forward and speak.
"But Reade said Harris' silence on Biden makes her complicit and to add extra pain, 'she's a woman.' " . . .

How You Can Join the Movement to End Cancel Culture

Alliance Defending Freedom  "The United States has a rich heritage in the city of Philadelphia.
"It was there that our nation’s Founders came together to sign the documents that established our country and ensured that generations after them had a fighting chance at taking up the mantle of liberty.
"While we continue to live under the freedoms protected by the Constitution, we are currently a nation divided. Not a week goes by without people being fired from their workplace or “canceled” in the court of public opinion for expressing their viewpoints.
"Free speech is under attack.
"This is why a diverse group of leaders have come together to create and sign the Philadelphia Statement: to commit to a better future, for current generations and, hopefully, many more to come.
"The Significance of Philadelphia
"Known as the “birthplace of America,” Philadelphia served as the convening hub of our nation’s founding. Every year, millions of Americans visit the city to tour Independence National Historic Park, home to the Liberty Bell, the First Bank of the United States, and the site of the First Continental Congress. The highlight of the park, however, is Independence Hall, where our nation’s Founders declared independence from the English Crown and later drafted the highest law in the land, the United States Constitution.
" 'Our founding documents are the products of much discourse and disagreement. After all, out of 70 delegates invited to the Constitutional Convention, only 39 agreed to sign.
" 'Yet one bedrock principle united the signers: Each person possesses inherent worth and is therefore endowed with inalienable rights which deserve protection.
" 'The Philadelphia Statement, named in honor of that, affirms the need for free speech, civil discourse, and true tolerance in America—principles which we are seeing practiced less and less." . . .
"The truth is, in the current cultural climate, many are hesitant to express their opinions for risk of being attacked, online and off. Anyone who expresses an opinion is at risk of demonization and blacklisting. It is these tactics that are eroding our ability to truly tolerate—and respect—our neighbors." . . .

Audio from Goodyear training session reveals more about ‘zero tolerance’ policy

WJW and FOX 8 Web Central  "TOPEKA, Kansas, (WJW) — “Democrat. Republican. Trump. Biden. Sanders. Whatever. That will no longer be allowed in the plant.”
New audio from a training session at a Goodyear plant in Topeka sheds more light on a conversation with employees about the company’s zero-tolerance policy.
"A photo leaked from the meeting had a list of what was acceptable and unacceptable at the workplace, but the new audio gives more context to that conversation.
"WIBW obtained that recording.
"The meeting references racial graffiti in the locker room.
“Some people may wish to express their views on social justice or inequity or equity issues such as black lives matter or LGBTQ pride on their face coverings, shirts or wristbands. That will be deemed approved because it applies with a zero-tolerance stance,” the speaker on the recording said during the meeting. “However if any associate wears all, blue, white lives matter shirts or face coverings, that will be not appropriate.”
“ 'Let’s try and comply with these so you know everybody feels good in this factory. I want to make sure guys, think about what we do in this factory, in this factory right. We all work together to make tires. That’s what we do,” the speaker said. “That’s what we get paid to do. So, let’s continue to do that and do the right thing and keep this place what it has always been, a good place to work.”
"The speaker does not specifically mention President Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan, but only says political messages are not allowed.
"Trump tweeted Wednesday about the single image that was leaked, urging people not to buy Goodyear tires, citing their ban on “MAGA hats.' ” . . .
Goodyear president affirms company's support for police, says employees can wear pro-police clothing  "President Trump on Wednesday had urged people to boycott the company. " 
"Goodyear Chairman, CEO and President Rich Kramer on Thursday released a statement following public uproar over a slide shown at a Topeka, Kansas plant that suggested pro-police apparel should be banned.
"The slide categorized "Blue Lives Matter," "All Lives Matter," "MAGA Attire" and "Political Affiliated Slogans or Material" as "unacceptable" but described "Black Lives Matter" and "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Transgender Pride" as "acceptable."
"The slide in question was created by a plant employee to try to explain what is acceptable to wear in the workplace. The slide was not approved or distributed by Goodyear Corporate or anyone outside of that facility," Kramer explained.
"President Trump on Wednesday had urged people to boycott the company." . . .

The Stench of Mendacity* at the Democratic Convention; There were no positive suggestions, nothing but hatred of President Trump.

Conrad Black

The virtual gathering was an unintended profession of the total moral bankruptcy of the Democratic campaign. There were no positive suggestions, nothing but hatred of President Trump.

"The opening two nights of the Democratic national convention this week produced the greatest deluge of monstrous political falsehoods in any two evenings of American television history.
"The champion mythmaker was the venerable Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). After the usual fictions about “systemic racism,” the most convenient way of ignoring this summer’s widespread urban terrorism, came the familiar pieties about climate change, an issue that, happily, has run largely out of steam during the coronavirus crisis. 
"Sanders then decried “the greatest economic collapse since the Great Depression.” After four years of the Great Depression, unemployment was over 30 percent and there was no direct aid for those out of work. This recent artificial dip was a response to a shutdown supported by a broad political and scientific consensus and has already shrunk through a reduction of unemployment in the last three months larger than the entire number of net new jobs created in the eight Obama-Biden years.
"Sanders declared that Donald Trump is “leading us down the path of authoritarianism . . . greed, oligarchy, and bigotry.” He urgently assured the convention that the election was about “preserving our democracy,” because Trump had “tried to prevent people from voting, undermined the U.S. Postal Service, deployed the military and federal agents against peaceful protesters, threatened to delay the election, and suggested he will not leave office if he loses.”
“ 'Under this administration,” Sanders said, “authoritarianism has taken root in our country . . . I will work to preserve this nation from the threat that so many of our heroes fought and died to defeat.' ” . . . 

*Mendacity  "An attempt to deceive or persuade, usually by means of insincere, exaggerated, or false claims; a line, particularly one used to impress a member of the opposite sex or a business associate; excessive flattery; a cover-up. Snow, especially in large amounts, tends to obscure one’s vision and mask the true nature or appearance of objects on which it falls; thus, the expression’s figurative implications.
 Russia, the Popular Vote, and Hatred of Trump: Hillary Clinton Plays the Hits for the DNC  .  .  . "Clinton urged viewers not to forget to vote, reminding them that she lost by a close margin. Actually, she besmirched the constitutional Electoral College and rode the wave of the popular but ignorant talking point that, in fact, she had won the election by popular vote. Only the constitution got in her way." . . .

In DNC Speech, Obama Spends Most of His Minutes Tearing Down Trump

The death of Cannon Hinnant and the existence of evil

Bookworm Room

Whether or not race was at the bottom of Cannon Hinnant’s horrible death, I still think the real issue is the profound evil that leftism injects into America.

"A reader called me out for saying that I didn’t think that Cannon Hinnant died because of racism. I said, instead, that he died because of sheer evil. I think I ought to explain what I meant. You can still disagree with me, but at least he and others will be disagreeing with what I meant rather than a guess about what I meant.
"To begin, last I read, we have no details about what motivated Darius Sessoms. According to the little girls who watched him execute their brother (and I can’t even imagine their trauma), Sessoms just walked over and shot the boy. In other words, you can’t impute anything to his actions because, other than the murder itself, there’s no evidence of racial animus or its absence.
"There’s also the fact that Sessoms socialized with Hinnant’s family. Maybe he was sitting there all the time hating them for being white, but there’s no evidence of that either. The Hinnants were stunned that Sessoms would act that way.
"There’s the fact that Sessoms didn’t seem to have any association with black rights groups.
"In that informational vacuum, my thinking was that Sessoms was either drugged up, insane, or outright evil. And if he was drugged up, he was evil for taking the drugs. If he was completely insane — e.g., if he thought God told him to kill that poor child — that’s a different kettle of fish. That type of insanity, incidentally, is very rare.
On the information available, racism, if it exists, lies, not in the killing itself, but in the media’s deliberate decision to ignore it. Black on white killings are not the fashion for the media.
"On further thought, though, even racism doesn’t describe the media. After all, this is the same media that studiously ignores all those children who die in black neighborhoods because of black-on-black crime. The media doesn’t really care about blacks, just as it doesn’t care about anybody’s skin color. All the noise that the media makes about racism is because racism is another tool in the leftist shed. Leftists are cynical and — here’s that word again — evil." . . .

Democrats Have Proven They are Unworthy of Power

Dex Bahr  "If a person or entity has proven to  be abusive or irresponsible with power, then it is the duty of the people, while freedom still prevails, to resist and to ensure that such a person or entity is never entrusted with such power ever again or, at least until they have regained the confidence of the people.  Such is the case with today’s Democrat party.
"Americans have given their lives and blood to liberate people from fascism and Marxism/communism. But now it is unassailable that those oppressive political philosophies now have their home in the Democrat Party.  In six months, with the pandemic and nationwide riots, Democrat leaders have revealed that their natural penchant is not for freedom, but tyranny.
"The past six months have shown that we are long past the days of mere policy differences between the two political parties.  Now our battle is against Democrats, a party that has been usurped by the radical left, is literally for the preservation of America as founded.  This election is about whether America will remain a light of liberty or descend into the darkness of Soviet-style communism with elements of Nazism. This is not hyperbole.
"The nation’s crucible has been steadily escalating. Neighbors are snitching against neighbors.  Those who complain about the masks, lockdowns, etc. have been denigrated as the “Other”, worthy only of scornassault and ridicule. And recently we have had the spectacle of shoppers falsely imprisoned and later arrested by police for the crime of not wearing a mask in conservative Orange County, California. The police were just following orders when detaining the shoppers.  Where have we heard that before?  On a national and global level, the censorship of all information countering the Wuhan virus narrative (as with the demonization of hydroxychloroquine) is aided by journalists who long ago removed their guises as objective fact finders. Journalists have instead become willing know-nothings in their efforts to help the Democrats." . . .

The reason Kamala Harris was a bad presidential candidate is the reason she could be a good vice presidential candidate

"The knock on Kamala Harris, presidential candidate, is that she was all California flash and no substance: She was impressive on paper and had an inspiring background, but she lacked an ideological compass." . . .
Rich Terrell
MSN   . . . "Critics point to many examples of political expediency that would make Mitt Romney blush, but the most high-profile one was on Medicare-for-All, the signature policy issue of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary season.
Preparing for a run for president, Harris became the first senator to co-sponsor Bernie Sanders’ Medicare for All bill. Once she ran for president, she dropped her support and came up with her own bill that was such a mind-meld of moderate and progressive takes that even she struggled to explain it during debates.
"But that’s history. Now, what Biden requires in his running mate is someone who is politically flexible. And someone with whom he has few areas of fundamental disagreement that President Trump can exploit, the way there would have been if, say, Elizabeth Warren were the choice
"He also needs someone who is charismatic.
"And he needs a political street fighter.
"Remember her powerful debate performance where she went after Biden? Picking someone who doesn’t pull punches is probably the right person to be a running mate, while Biden can float about it with lofty rhetoric.
"Biden may well have picked Harris for other reasons. He already promised he would pick a woman. There was political pressure in the era of Black Lives Matter to pick a Black woman." . . .