Friday, August 21, 2020

Democrats Have Proven They are Unworthy of Power

Dex Bahr  "If a person or entity has proven to  be abusive or irresponsible with power, then it is the duty of the people, while freedom still prevails, to resist and to ensure that such a person or entity is never entrusted with such power ever again or, at least until they have regained the confidence of the people.  Such is the case with today’s Democrat party.
"Americans have given their lives and blood to liberate people from fascism and Marxism/communism. But now it is unassailable that those oppressive political philosophies now have their home in the Democrat Party.  In six months, with the pandemic and nationwide riots, Democrat leaders have revealed that their natural penchant is not for freedom, but tyranny.
"The past six months have shown that we are long past the days of mere policy differences between the two political parties.  Now our battle is against Democrats, a party that has been usurped by the radical left, is literally for the preservation of America as founded.  This election is about whether America will remain a light of liberty or descend into the darkness of Soviet-style communism with elements of Nazism. This is not hyperbole.
"The nation’s crucible has been steadily escalating. Neighbors are snitching against neighbors.  Those who complain about the masks, lockdowns, etc. have been denigrated as the “Other”, worthy only of scornassault and ridicule. And recently we have had the spectacle of shoppers falsely imprisoned and later arrested by police for the crime of not wearing a mask in conservative Orange County, California. The police were just following orders when detaining the shoppers.  Where have we heard that before?  On a national and global level, the censorship of all information countering the Wuhan virus narrative (as with the demonization of hydroxychloroquine) is aided by journalists who long ago removed their guises as objective fact finders. Journalists have instead become willing know-nothings in their efforts to help the Democrats." . . .

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